

"Thanks" 和"Thank you" 是表达谢意最常用的句子,"Thank you" 比"Thanks" 更正式一些,英文中还有很多方式可以表示感谢,今天小编就为大家汇总13种有关道谢的英语短句!

1. Thanks a lot

2. Thanks very much

3. Thank you very much

4. Thank you so much

If you want to emphasize your gratitude, or be very polite, you can say the above expressions.

如果你想要强调你的感激程度或是想表现得礼貌一点,你可以用以上表达。 Thank you so much for helping me out today.


Thank you very much for dinner – it was great.


Thanks a lot for looking after the children.


Thanks very much for making dinner tonight.


5. Thanks a bunch

This is an informal way of thanking someone, but can sometimes be used sarcastically, when telling someone that something they did was not helpful or kind. (Both Thanks a lot and Thanks very much can also be used in this way)

这是非正式的道谢方式,但有时具有讽刺意味,告诉别人他们做的事一点帮助都没有或者不友善。"Thanks a lot"和"Thanks very much"也可以这么用。 You told Tony what I told you in confidence? Thanks a bunch! 你告诉托尼我私下告诉你的事了?真谢谢你啊!

Thanks a lot for spoiling my evening.


6. Much obliged

This expression is a very formal way of thanking someone for something they have done for you.


I am much obliged to you for your patience during the recent difficulties. 非常感谢您在困难期给予的耐心。

"You can use the facilities whilst you are in the club". "Much obliged". " 在俱乐部你可以使用所有设施。"" 非常感谢。"

7. You've saved my life

8. I owe you one/I owe you big time

The above expressions are informal ways of thanking someone who has helped you in a difficult situation.

当别人在你处于困难时伸出援手,你可以用上述表达表达谢意,但也是非正式的。 Thanks for giving me a lift to the station. You saved my life. 谢谢你让我搭便车到车站,你救了我的命啊。

Thanks for the advice. I owe you one.


Thanks for helping me out with the essay. I owe you big time. 谢谢你帮我完成论文。我欠你的。

9. Cheers

This is another informal way of thanking someone which is frequently used in British English. Many learners have adopted this word and sometimes use it inappropriately in written English. Please remember that "cheers" is used informally and therefore shouldn't be used when writing to people you don't know or in business emails.

这是另一种表达谢意的非正式用语,经常出现在英式英语中。一些同学常常会在写作的时候用到这个词,这是不恰当的。请记住"cheers" 是非正式用语,所以当给你不认识的人写信或写商业邮件时,不要使用这个词。

'Here's that book you wanted to borrow.' 'Oh, cheers.'

" 这是你要借的那本书。"" 哦,谢了。"

"Would you like a drink?" "That'd be great. Cheers."

" 要喝点什么吗?" "当然好了,谢了。"

10. You shouldn't (have)

We can use this expression when someone gives you a present and you're very surprised


Oh, Martin, what lovely flowers. You shouldn't have!


11. You're too kind

This is a polite way of thanking someone that can sometimes sound insincere (depending on who is saying it!)

这是非常礼貌的道谢方式,哪怕对方可能听起来有些不真诚(取决于谁在说!) Thank you for for the glowing praise. You're too kind.


12. I'd like to thank…

This is used when thanking people in a formal speech (for example, the Oscars)


I'd like to thank everyone for coming along and supporting us today. 我想要感谢一直以来陪伴和支持我们到今天的人。

13. Many thanks

This is a formal way of saying thank you used in letters and emails 这是正式的道谢方式,用在写信和写邮件的时候。

Many thanks for the lovely present.



"Thanks" 和"Thank you" 是表达谢意最常用的句子,"Thank you" 比"Thanks" 更正式一些,英文中还有很多方式可以表示感谢,今天小编就为大家汇总13种有关道谢的英语短句!

1. Thanks a lot

2. Thanks very much

3. Thank you very much

4. Thank you so much

If you want to emphasize your gratitude, or be very polite, you can say the above expressions.

如果你想要强调你的感激程度或是想表现得礼貌一点,你可以用以上表达。 Thank you so much for helping me out today.


Thank you very much for dinner – it was great.


Thanks a lot for looking after the children.


Thanks very much for making dinner tonight.


5. Thanks a bunch

This is an informal way of thanking someone, but can sometimes be used sarcastically, when telling someone that something they did was not helpful or kind. (Both Thanks a lot and Thanks very much can also be used in this way)

这是非正式的道谢方式,但有时具有讽刺意味,告诉别人他们做的事一点帮助都没有或者不友善。"Thanks a lot"和"Thanks very much"也可以这么用。 You told Tony what I told you in confidence? Thanks a bunch! 你告诉托尼我私下告诉你的事了?真谢谢你啊!

Thanks a lot for spoiling my evening.


6. Much obliged

This expression is a very formal way of thanking someone for something they have done for you.


I am much obliged to you for your patience during the recent difficulties. 非常感谢您在困难期给予的耐心。

"You can use the facilities whilst you are in the club". "Much obliged". " 在俱乐部你可以使用所有设施。"" 非常感谢。"

7. You've saved my life

8. I owe you one/I owe you big time

The above expressions are informal ways of thanking someone who has helped you in a difficult situation.

当别人在你处于困难时伸出援手,你可以用上述表达表达谢意,但也是非正式的。 Thanks for giving me a lift to the station. You saved my life. 谢谢你让我搭便车到车站,你救了我的命啊。

Thanks for the advice. I owe you one.


Thanks for helping me out with the essay. I owe you big time. 谢谢你帮我完成论文。我欠你的。

9. Cheers

This is another informal way of thanking someone which is frequently used in British English. Many learners have adopted this word and sometimes use it inappropriately in written English. Please remember that "cheers" is used informally and therefore shouldn't be used when writing to people you don't know or in business emails.

这是另一种表达谢意的非正式用语,经常出现在英式英语中。一些同学常常会在写作的时候用到这个词,这是不恰当的。请记住"cheers" 是非正式用语,所以当给你不认识的人写信或写商业邮件时,不要使用这个词。

'Here's that book you wanted to borrow.' 'Oh, cheers.'

" 这是你要借的那本书。"" 哦,谢了。"

"Would you like a drink?" "That'd be great. Cheers."

" 要喝点什么吗?" "当然好了,谢了。"

10. You shouldn't (have)

We can use this expression when someone gives you a present and you're very surprised


Oh, Martin, what lovely flowers. You shouldn't have!


11. You're too kind

This is a polite way of thanking someone that can sometimes sound insincere (depending on who is saying it!)

这是非常礼貌的道谢方式,哪怕对方可能听起来有些不真诚(取决于谁在说!) Thank you for for the glowing praise. You're too kind.


12. I'd like to thank…

This is used when thanking people in a formal speech (for example, the Oscars)


I'd like to thank everyone for coming along and supporting us today. 我想要感谢一直以来陪伴和支持我们到今天的人。

13. Many thanks

This is a formal way of saying thank you used in letters and emails 这是正式的道谢方式,用在写信和写邮件的时候。

Many thanks for the lovely present.



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