D:张涵,如今看电视看到最精彩的时候总是会弹出一些无聊的广告,你怎么看?D: zhang, nowadays, there are always some boring ads when we are enjoying TV programes, what do you think of this phenomenon?Z:我也非常讨厌那些广告,但我认为广告还是有些好处的。Z:though I hate those ads, I still think ads also have some benefits.D:比如呢?D: for example?Z:广告可以帮助企业宣传自己的产品,提高企业的知名度。Z: advertising can help enterprise to promote their products, and improve enterprise's popularity. D:但有些广告是虚假广告,还利用名人代言,误导消费者,例如三聚氰胺事件,让中国消费者受到了很大的伤害。所以我认为广告是不必要的,只要产品做得好,老百姓自然就会知道,自然就会购买。D: but some ads are false advertising and making use of celebrity endorsements to mislead consumers, such as melamine event, which hurt consumers of china deeply. So I think that advertising is unnecessary, as long as the products are good, people will naturally know and purchase these goods.Z:你说的只是局部方面,不能以偏概全。大部分广告还是真实的,而且令人赏心悦目,在看电视剧的时候可以放松自己的眼睛,并非毫无用处,所以我觉得广告还是非常有必要的,可以让老百姓了解自己的需求。Z: what you said is only partial and biased. Most advertising is real, and pleasing, at the time of watching TV shows,people can relax their eyes, not useless, so I think advertising is necessary, advertising can make people know their own needs.D:但你不觉得有些广告是浪费电视观众的时间吗?D: but don't you think some advertising is a waste of time for television viewers?Z:恩,有些广告是有些浪费时间,但大部分广告还是介绍知识,引导消费的。Z: well, some advertising is a waste of time, but most of the ads are to introduce knowledge and guide consumption.D:你听过天价广告吗?企业在广告方面投入了大量资金,必然会使商品更加昂贵,用来收回成本,增加利润。D: have you ever heard whopping price advertising ? Enterprises invest a lot of money in advertising which make goods more expensive to recover costs and increase profits.Z:恩,这点我不否认,但如果销量提升了,售价必然就会下降。Z: well, I do not deny that, but when the sales went up, ,the price will fall.D:因此,广告还是有必要的,但是它的时间,内容必须受到限制,对吗?D: therefore, advertising is necessary, but its authenticity must be examined carefully, right? Z:恩,而且广告的真实性必须审查,如果存在误导消费者的行为,必须受到严惩。Z: yeah, and the truth of advertising must be reviewed,but if there exsist misleading consumers behavior,the relevant personnel must be punished.D:非常同意.D: yeah, I can't agree with you any more.
D:张涵,如今看电视看到最精彩的时候总是会弹出一些无聊的广告,你怎么看?D: zhang, nowadays, there are always some boring ads when we are enjoying TV programes, what do you think of this phenomenon?Z:我也非常讨厌那些广告,但我认为广告还是有些好处的。Z:though I hate those ads, I still think ads also have some benefits.D:比如呢?D: for example?Z:广告可以帮助企业宣传自己的产品,提高企业的知名度。Z: advertising can help enterprise to promote their products, and improve enterprise's popularity. D:但有些广告是虚假广告,还利用名人代言,误导消费者,例如三聚氰胺事件,让中国消费者受到了很大的伤害。所以我认为广告是不必要的,只要产品做得好,老百姓自然就会知道,自然就会购买。D: but some ads are false advertising and making use of celebrity endorsements to mislead consumers, such as melamine event, which hurt consumers of china deeply. So I think that advertising is unnecessary, as long as the products are good, people will naturally know and purchase these goods.Z:你说的只是局部方面,不能以偏概全。大部分广告还是真实的,而且令人赏心悦目,在看电视剧的时候可以放松自己的眼睛,并非毫无用处,所以我觉得广告还是非常有必要的,可以让老百姓了解自己的需求。Z: what you said is only partial and biased. Most advertising is real, and pleasing, at the time of watching TV shows,people can relax their eyes, not useless, so I think advertising is necessary, advertising can make people know their own needs.D:但你不觉得有些广告是浪费电视观众的时间吗?D: but don't you think some advertising is a waste of time for television viewers?Z:恩,有些广告是有些浪费时间,但大部分广告还是介绍知识,引导消费的。Z: well, some advertising is a waste of time, but most of the ads are to introduce knowledge and guide consumption.D:你听过天价广告吗?企业在广告方面投入了大量资金,必然会使商品更加昂贵,用来收回成本,增加利润。D: have you ever heard whopping price advertising ? Enterprises invest a lot of money in advertising which make goods more expensive to recover costs and increase profits.Z:恩,这点我不否认,但如果销量提升了,售价必然就会下降。Z: well, I do not deny that, but when the sales went up, ,the price will fall.D:因此,广告还是有必要的,但是它的时间,内容必须受到限制,对吗?D: therefore, advertising is necessary, but its authenticity must be examined carefully, right? Z:恩,而且广告的真实性必须审查,如果存在误导消费者的行为,必须受到严惩。Z: yeah, and the truth of advertising must be reviewed,but if there exsist misleading consumers behavior,the relevant personnel must be punished.D:非常同意.D: yeah, I can't agree with you any more.