

一) 比较级 两者之间的比较

1. A„.比较级 than B

2. 比较级„., A or B?

3. A.much/less比较级 than B far / a little/ a bit/ even/ 修饰比较级

注意: 去除这些词, 只一个比较级, 或—er/ 或more, 只其一

4. 比较级and 比较级

5.the比较级, the 比较级

6。 to be 比较级next time

二) 最高级 三着之间 的比较

1. 最高级 , A, B or C?

2. one of the最高级 名词复数

3. the first最高级

4. 最高级 in 地点范围 our class, China, the world of 同类事物 allthe students, the three

注意:1. 最高级 与比较级的转换

the 最高级 A 比较级than any other 名词单数 A比较级 than the rest ( the others)

Nobody else 比较级than A

2.副词最高级前the 通常不用

三) 同级比较

A as 原形as B

A not so 原形as B = A less .. than B B 比较级than A

四) 比较级和最高级的构成

1) 单音节/部分双音节 --er --est 读音 /

/ /ist/

--双写 er est red/ hot/wet/ thin/ fat/big (few/ new)

y 变 i er est

2) 多音节/ 部分双音节 more most

后缀ly/ ful + more most 特 early

3) 特殊变化

good bad /badly/ ill. little far

write down the comparative forms and superlative forms of thefollowing words


1.Who is __________(tall) student inour class?

2.Is he _________(clever) than any other student in our class?

3.Is your desk mate as________(busy) as you?

4.He doesn’t look so ________at you. ( happy)

5.Who did _________(bad) ,you or your desk mate?

6. Mary is short and thin ,but Kitty is a little _______(short) andmuch _______(fat).

8. I hope I’ll be ________and __________(healthy) in the future.

9.The _______(much) you do , the _________(good) you will be.

10.He is the second_________(early)boy to school of the three boys. III .Moreexercises

Choice (选择)

( )1. The bread tastes ____ these cakes

A. notso delicious as B. much delicious than C. more delicious D. asdelicious as

( )2. Mr. Ling is _____than MissChen.

A. thiner B.more healthy C.

lesscareful D. famouser

( )3. Li Ming learns maths well,but he is ____at


A. good B. much more better C. far better D. far good

( )4. Which is_____ ,the tiger,the horse or the monkey?

A.thestrongest B.Stronger C .strong D.much stronger

( )5. ___children there are in a family,_____ theirlife will be.

A .The less;the better B . Fewer; richer

C . The fewer;the better D. More; poorer

( )6. Is physics the mostinteresting ___ all the subjects? A. in B. between C. of D. as

改写句子The new computer is 4,500 yuan ,but the old was 6,000 yuan. The newcomputer isn’t ____ _______ as the oldone. The newcomputer is _____ ______the old one.

The oldcomputer is ________ ______ than the new one.

11.China is the largest country in Asia. China is _______ than ____ __________ in Asia.

12. Nobody else is healthier than Kitty in herclass. (保持句意相同) Kitty is ____ ________ in her class.

Choose the bestanswer.

( )1. Do you think maths is ___ importantthan English? A. very B. as C. more D. quite

( ) 2. They got a Christmas tree and it was_________ ours.

A.so tall as B. so taller as C. as tall as D. astaller as

( ) 3. 30,000 dollars is a large amount ofmoney, but it's _____ than we need.

A. far more B.very much C. far less D.very little

( ) 4. We are sure Shanghai will be even __tomorrow.

A. good B.better C. best D. the best

( ) 5. Nowadays science fiction isn't as_____ as cartoons among teenagers.

A. popular B.more popular C. less

popular D. the most popular

( ) 6. Cathy is thin, but Suan is _____.A.

thin B.thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest

( ) 7. This is _______book in our library.

A. the most interesting B. most interesting

C. the more interesting D. more interesting

( ) 8. Yangpu Bridge is one of ______ in theworld.

A. bigger bridge B. the biggestbridge C. the biggest

bridges D.bigger bridges

( ) 9. Mr Smith thought the Century Park wasthe second _______ in Shanghai.

A. large B. larger C. largest D. very large

( ) 10. I think Yao Ming, the famousbasketball player, will be _____ new star in NBA.

A. hot B. hotter C.hottest D. the hottest

( ) Tom failed in the exam. He looked ____ A. happy B. sadly C. upset D. lovely

( ) Thelittle baby looks ___. A.

lovely B.carefully C. heavily D. sadly

Fill in the blank with the given word in itsproper form.

1. Mary prefers________(China) food to Japanese food.

2. Mickey Mouse andDonald Duck are __________(love).

3. Robots can do alot of things. They are __________(help).

4. The question is__________(easily) to answer.

5. English is_______(use) , isn't it?

6. It's__________(possible) for men to live on the moon because there is no air orwater there.

7. You look _________(health) than before.

8. Mary is very_________(care). She never makes mistakes of this kind.

9. The__________(finally) exams usually take place at the end of June.

10.On a__________(clearly) night, you can see thousands of stars in the sky.

11.Lucy looks_________(fun) in Mum's shoes.

12.In___________(freeze) weather, the old had better stay at home.

13.Such cold weatheris quite ________ (usually) in June and people have to wear warm clothes again.

14.That girl is themost __________(act) member in the school singing group.

15.Quite a few__________(wood) houses have been built around the lake.

16.Many people caughtcold last month because of the ___________(change) weather.

17.Anyone who finds__________(home) animals. please sent them to the SPCA kennels.

18.The fishermen aretold to be more careful on ________(wind) days.

19._________(freeze) food is convenient to cook soit's a craze in superm

回答人的补充 2011-01-26 15:40


容词 、副词


1) 同级比较往往由"as + 形容词/ 副词的原形 + as" 的句式表达;当然也要注意它的否定形式、以及在第一个as 前加倍数或程度副词的情况。

2)" 比较级 + than"引导不同级的比较。" 比较级" 前同样可以加倍数或程度副词。另外"no more „than"意思是"A 和B 一样不„„" 。

3) 形容词的最高级前一般必须有定冠词the ;但是也有不加定冠词the 的几种


4) 要注意几种比较级的特殊句型,如:"the + 比较级„,the + 比较级„„",意思是" 越„„越„„";以及" 比较级 + and + 比较级" 意思是" 越来越„",等。 英文中的形容词和副词一般都有三种级的形式即:原级(The Positive Degree ),比较级(The ComparativeDegree)和最高级(The Superlative Degree)。

5) 同级比较中有两种情况:

# 表示双方情况" 一模一样" ,用as + 原级 + as的结构;

# 表示双方情况" 不(那么)一样" ,用not so / as + 原级 + as的结构。在这两种结构中,第一个as 是副词,而第二个as 是连词;在第二个as 的后面接名词、句子或代词的主格(一般不要接代词的宾格)。例如:

My parcel is as heavy as yours . 我的包裹与他的一样沉。

Arther calculates as accurately as a calculator.阿瑟象计算器一样计算精确。

His bedroom is not as neat as his sister's. 他的寝室没有他姐姐的整洁。 It is not so hot as yesterday. 今天不象昨天那么热。

I can't speak English as fast as a native speaker. 我说英文没有以英语为母语的人说得快。

6)另外,在as „ as 的结构中,第一个as 的前面可以加上表示倍数的词、或是某些副词修饰语:twice , ( three ) times , nearly , almost , just , exactly , notnearly (根本不), by no means(绝不),quite 等等。例如:

Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲有欧洲的四倍大(亚洲比欧洲大三倍)。

James is not nearly as tall as Robert. 詹姆斯根本没有罗伯特高。

7) 在as „ as 的结构中,我们还常见这样两种句型:as much + 不可数名词 + as 和as many + 复数可数名词 + as 。例如: She spread as much butter on her bread as Jane usually does. 她在面包上涂的黄油与琼通常涂的一样多。

He has learned as many English words as his brother (has ) 他已学了和他哥哥一样多的英文单字。

4)不同级的比较主要用表示于人与人、事物与事物之间不同之处的比较,其意义为"A 比B 更(怎么样)一些" 。常用的结构是比较级 + than 。例如:

They worked even harder than they promised. 他们工作得比他们答应的还要卖力。

This street is narrower than that one. 这条街比那条街窄一些。

5) 在比较级 + than 的结构前可以加上某些副词类和表示倍数的词,以对其进行修饰,如:far (远),even (甚至),much (许多),still (更,还),a lot (许多),a little / bit(一点),rather (相当地),slightly (略微),not any(不再),three times „(三倍、„„),等等。例如:

This book is far more interesting than that one. 这本书比那一本有趣多了。

You've been working much harder than I have. 你一直比我工作得努力多了。

She came even earlier than I asked (him to). 她来得甚至比我叫她来的时间还要早。

6) 比较级中的两个特殊作用的结构是:The + 比较级 + 句子,the +比较级 + 句子 。和 比较级+ and + 比较级。前一个句型结构表示的意义是" 越(怎么样就)越(怎么样)" ,在这个结构中的两个" 比较级" 不要求一定词性相同,它们各自的词性要依句子的需要而定;后一个句型结构表示的意义是" 越来越(怎么样)" ,在这个结构中的两个 "比较级" 则要求词性相同。例如:

The harder you work at your study, the better academic records you will have. 你学习越努力,你的成绩就越好。

The more we have, the more we want. 人欲无穷。

When winter is coming , it gets colder and colder .冬天来临之际,天越来越冷了。

He became less and less satisfied with the football team's performance. 他对足球队的表现越来越不满意了。

用比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。在这种情况下,往往是将一个人或是一件事与其他所有的人或事相比较。做这种句子时有一点要特别注意--别忘了常在比较状语中用any ,other , else 类的字眼,以将比较主体排除在比较对象以外,因为自己不可以与自己相比较。例如:

He is taller than anyone else in our class. 他在我们班比其他任何都高。 Iron is more useful than any other metals. 铁比其他任何金属更有作用。

9) no + 比较级+ than的结构表示"A 和B 一样不„„"。例如:

She runs no faster than her sister. 她与她妹妹一样跑不快。

Tom is no wiser than John. 汤姆和约翰一样没有聪明才智。

He is no richer than his brother. 他与他弟弟一样不富有。

10) 比较和倍数的表达方法:

在表达一方是另一方的若干倍时,常用如下表达方式:(1)“„„倍数+as +adj ./adv .(原级)+ as„„”,在两个as 之间可用many (修饰可数名词),much (修饰不可数名词)和其它相应的词。(2)“„„倍数+adj ./adv .(比较级)+than„„”(3)“„„倍数+the size /height /length /weight / width /depth„„+of +the +名词”。

1. There are more than twice ______ five years ago.

a. as many books as b. many books as

在下句中twice as many...as前后要一致,morethan 修饰twice.

提问人的追问 2011-01-26 15:44

举个例子 the more I eat vegetable the healthier I will be

回答人的补充 2011-01-26 15:46

the more you want , the more you will lose


the more you practise , the better you will be

你相练习的越多, 你将会越好

提问人的追问 2011-01-26 15:55

不是这个意思 我是说是这一类的 不是叫你给我举例子 还有别的呀! 回答人的补充 2011-01-26 15:57

这是我自己整理的所有的内容 比较级初中的要求学会就这些


1. 在英语中,在表示“比较„”和“最„”时,形容词要用特别的形式,称为“比较


原级 比较级 最高级

strong 强 stronger较强 strongest最强

2. 形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方法如下:

a. 单音节词和少数双音节词以加-er 和-est 的方式构成:

原级 比较级 最高级

young 年轻 younger较年轻 youngest最年轻

old 老 older较老 oldest最老

clean 干净 cleaner较干净 cleanest最干净


b. 其他词都在前面加more, most构成比较级及最高级:

原级 比较级 最高级

important more important most important

difficult more difficult most difficult

interesting more interesting most interesting

useful more useful most useful

3. 用比较级时常用than 引起一个从句,表示和什么比较:

His room is bigger than mine. 他的房间比我的房间大。

She is younger than my sister. 她比我妹妹年轻。


一) 比较级 两者之间的比较

1. A„.比较级 than B

2. 比较级„., A or B?

3. A.much/less比较级 than B far / a little/ a bit/ even/ 修饰比较级

注意: 去除这些词, 只一个比较级, 或—er/ 或more, 只其一

4. 比较级and 比较级

5.the比较级, the 比较级

6。 to be 比较级next time

二) 最高级 三着之间 的比较

1. 最高级 , A, B or C?

2. one of the最高级 名词复数

3. the first最高级

4. 最高级 in 地点范围 our class, China, the world of 同类事物 allthe students, the three

注意:1. 最高级 与比较级的转换

the 最高级 A 比较级than any other 名词单数 A比较级 than the rest ( the others)

Nobody else 比较级than A

2.副词最高级前the 通常不用

三) 同级比较

A as 原形as B

A not so 原形as B = A less .. than B B 比较级than A

四) 比较级和最高级的构成

1) 单音节/部分双音节 --er --est 读音 /

/ /ist/

--双写 er est red/ hot/wet/ thin/ fat/big (few/ new)

y 变 i er est

2) 多音节/ 部分双音节 more most

后缀ly/ ful + more most 特 early

3) 特殊变化

good bad /badly/ ill. little far

write down the comparative forms and superlative forms of thefollowing words


1.Who is __________(tall) student inour class?

2.Is he _________(clever) than any other student in our class?

3.Is your desk mate as________(busy) as you?

4.He doesn’t look so ________at you. ( happy)

5.Who did _________(bad) ,you or your desk mate?

6. Mary is short and thin ,but Kitty is a little _______(short) andmuch _______(fat).

8. I hope I’ll be ________and __________(healthy) in the future.

9.The _______(much) you do , the _________(good) you will be.

10.He is the second_________(early)boy to school of the three boys. III .Moreexercises

Choice (选择)

( )1. The bread tastes ____ these cakes

A. notso delicious as B. much delicious than C. more delicious D. asdelicious as

( )2. Mr. Ling is _____than MissChen.

A. thiner B.more healthy C.

lesscareful D. famouser

( )3. Li Ming learns maths well,but he is ____at


A. good B. much more better C. far better D. far good

( )4. Which is_____ ,the tiger,the horse or the monkey?

A.thestrongest B.Stronger C .strong D.much stronger

( )5. ___children there are in a family,_____ theirlife will be.

A .The less;the better B . Fewer; richer

C . The fewer;the better D. More; poorer

( )6. Is physics the mostinteresting ___ all the subjects? A. in B. between C. of D. as

改写句子The new computer is 4,500 yuan ,but the old was 6,000 yuan. The newcomputer isn’t ____ _______ as the oldone. The newcomputer is _____ ______the old one.

The oldcomputer is ________ ______ than the new one.

11.China is the largest country in Asia. China is _______ than ____ __________ in Asia.

12. Nobody else is healthier than Kitty in herclass. (保持句意相同) Kitty is ____ ________ in her class.

Choose the bestanswer.

( )1. Do you think maths is ___ importantthan English? A. very B. as C. more D. quite

( ) 2. They got a Christmas tree and it was_________ ours.

A.so tall as B. so taller as C. as tall as D. astaller as

( ) 3. 30,000 dollars is a large amount ofmoney, but it's _____ than we need.

A. far more B.very much C. far less D.very little

( ) 4. We are sure Shanghai will be even __tomorrow.

A. good B.better C. best D. the best

( ) 5. Nowadays science fiction isn't as_____ as cartoons among teenagers.

A. popular B.more popular C. less

popular D. the most popular

( ) 6. Cathy is thin, but Suan is _____.A.

thin B.thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest

( ) 7. This is _______book in our library.

A. the most interesting B. most interesting

C. the more interesting D. more interesting

( ) 8. Yangpu Bridge is one of ______ in theworld.

A. bigger bridge B. the biggestbridge C. the biggest

bridges D.bigger bridges

( ) 9. Mr Smith thought the Century Park wasthe second _______ in Shanghai.

A. large B. larger C. largest D. very large

( ) 10. I think Yao Ming, the famousbasketball player, will be _____ new star in NBA.

A. hot B. hotter C.hottest D. the hottest

( ) Tom failed in the exam. He looked ____ A. happy B. sadly C. upset D. lovely

( ) Thelittle baby looks ___. A.

lovely B.carefully C. heavily D. sadly

Fill in the blank with the given word in itsproper form.

1. Mary prefers________(China) food to Japanese food.

2. Mickey Mouse andDonald Duck are __________(love).

3. Robots can do alot of things. They are __________(help).

4. The question is__________(easily) to answer.

5. English is_______(use) , isn't it?

6. It's__________(possible) for men to live on the moon because there is no air orwater there.

7. You look _________(health) than before.

8. Mary is very_________(care). She never makes mistakes of this kind.

9. The__________(finally) exams usually take place at the end of June.

10.On a__________(clearly) night, you can see thousands of stars in the sky.

11.Lucy looks_________(fun) in Mum's shoes.

12.In___________(freeze) weather, the old had better stay at home.

13.Such cold weatheris quite ________ (usually) in June and people have to wear warm clothes again.

14.That girl is themost __________(act) member in the school singing group.

15.Quite a few__________(wood) houses have been built around the lake.

16.Many people caughtcold last month because of the ___________(change) weather.

17.Anyone who finds__________(home) animals. please sent them to the SPCA kennels.

18.The fishermen aretold to be more careful on ________(wind) days.

19._________(freeze) food is convenient to cook soit's a craze in superm

回答人的补充 2011-01-26 15:40


容词 、副词


1) 同级比较往往由"as + 形容词/ 副词的原形 + as" 的句式表达;当然也要注意它的否定形式、以及在第一个as 前加倍数或程度副词的情况。

2)" 比较级 + than"引导不同级的比较。" 比较级" 前同样可以加倍数或程度副词。另外"no more „than"意思是"A 和B 一样不„„" 。

3) 形容词的最高级前一般必须有定冠词the ;但是也有不加定冠词the 的几种


4) 要注意几种比较级的特殊句型,如:"the + 比较级„,the + 比较级„„",意思是" 越„„越„„";以及" 比较级 + and + 比较级" 意思是" 越来越„",等。 英文中的形容词和副词一般都有三种级的形式即:原级(The Positive Degree ),比较级(The ComparativeDegree)和最高级(The Superlative Degree)。

5) 同级比较中有两种情况:

# 表示双方情况" 一模一样" ,用as + 原级 + as的结构;

# 表示双方情况" 不(那么)一样" ,用not so / as + 原级 + as的结构。在这两种结构中,第一个as 是副词,而第二个as 是连词;在第二个as 的后面接名词、句子或代词的主格(一般不要接代词的宾格)。例如:

My parcel is as heavy as yours . 我的包裹与他的一样沉。

Arther calculates as accurately as a calculator.阿瑟象计算器一样计算精确。

His bedroom is not as neat as his sister's. 他的寝室没有他姐姐的整洁。 It is not so hot as yesterday. 今天不象昨天那么热。

I can't speak English as fast as a native speaker. 我说英文没有以英语为母语的人说得快。

6)另外,在as „ as 的结构中,第一个as 的前面可以加上表示倍数的词、或是某些副词修饰语:twice , ( three ) times , nearly , almost , just , exactly , notnearly (根本不), by no means(绝不),quite 等等。例如:

Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲有欧洲的四倍大(亚洲比欧洲大三倍)。

James is not nearly as tall as Robert. 詹姆斯根本没有罗伯特高。

7) 在as „ as 的结构中,我们还常见这样两种句型:as much + 不可数名词 + as 和as many + 复数可数名词 + as 。例如: She spread as much butter on her bread as Jane usually does. 她在面包上涂的黄油与琼通常涂的一样多。

He has learned as many English words as his brother (has ) 他已学了和他哥哥一样多的英文单字。

4)不同级的比较主要用表示于人与人、事物与事物之间不同之处的比较,其意义为"A 比B 更(怎么样)一些" 。常用的结构是比较级 + than 。例如:

They worked even harder than they promised. 他们工作得比他们答应的还要卖力。

This street is narrower than that one. 这条街比那条街窄一些。

5) 在比较级 + than 的结构前可以加上某些副词类和表示倍数的词,以对其进行修饰,如:far (远),even (甚至),much (许多),still (更,还),a lot (许多),a little / bit(一点),rather (相当地),slightly (略微),not any(不再),three times „(三倍、„„),等等。例如:

This book is far more interesting than that one. 这本书比那一本有趣多了。

You've been working much harder than I have. 你一直比我工作得努力多了。

She came even earlier than I asked (him to). 她来得甚至比我叫她来的时间还要早。

6) 比较级中的两个特殊作用的结构是:The + 比较级 + 句子,the +比较级 + 句子 。和 比较级+ and + 比较级。前一个句型结构表示的意义是" 越(怎么样就)越(怎么样)" ,在这个结构中的两个" 比较级" 不要求一定词性相同,它们各自的词性要依句子的需要而定;后一个句型结构表示的意义是" 越来越(怎么样)" ,在这个结构中的两个 "比较级" 则要求词性相同。例如:

The harder you work at your study, the better academic records you will have. 你学习越努力,你的成绩就越好。

The more we have, the more we want. 人欲无穷。

When winter is coming , it gets colder and colder .冬天来临之际,天越来越冷了。

He became less and less satisfied with the football team's performance. 他对足球队的表现越来越不满意了。

用比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。在这种情况下,往往是将一个人或是一件事与其他所有的人或事相比较。做这种句子时有一点要特别注意--别忘了常在比较状语中用any ,other , else 类的字眼,以将比较主体排除在比较对象以外,因为自己不可以与自己相比较。例如:

He is taller than anyone else in our class. 他在我们班比其他任何都高。 Iron is more useful than any other metals. 铁比其他任何金属更有作用。

9) no + 比较级+ than的结构表示"A 和B 一样不„„"。例如:

She runs no faster than her sister. 她与她妹妹一样跑不快。

Tom is no wiser than John. 汤姆和约翰一样没有聪明才智。

He is no richer than his brother. 他与他弟弟一样不富有。

10) 比较和倍数的表达方法:

在表达一方是另一方的若干倍时,常用如下表达方式:(1)“„„倍数+as +adj ./adv .(原级)+ as„„”,在两个as 之间可用many (修饰可数名词),much (修饰不可数名词)和其它相应的词。(2)“„„倍数+adj ./adv .(比较级)+than„„”(3)“„„倍数+the size /height /length /weight / width /depth„„+of +the +名词”。

1. There are more than twice ______ five years ago.

a. as many books as b. many books as

在下句中twice as many...as前后要一致,morethan 修饰twice.

提问人的追问 2011-01-26 15:44

举个例子 the more I eat vegetable the healthier I will be

回答人的补充 2011-01-26 15:46

the more you want , the more you will lose


the more you practise , the better you will be

你相练习的越多, 你将会越好

提问人的追问 2011-01-26 15:55

不是这个意思 我是说是这一类的 不是叫你给我举例子 还有别的呀! 回答人的补充 2011-01-26 15:57

这是我自己整理的所有的内容 比较级初中的要求学会就这些


1. 在英语中,在表示“比较„”和“最„”时,形容词要用特别的形式,称为“比较


原级 比较级 最高级

strong 强 stronger较强 strongest最强

2. 形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方法如下:

a. 单音节词和少数双音节词以加-er 和-est 的方式构成:

原级 比较级 最高级

young 年轻 younger较年轻 youngest最年轻

old 老 older较老 oldest最老

clean 干净 cleaner较干净 cleanest最干净


b. 其他词都在前面加more, most构成比较级及最高级:

原级 比较级 最高级

important more important most important

difficult more difficult most difficult

interesting more interesting most interesting

useful more useful most useful

3. 用比较级时常用than 引起一个从句,表示和什么比较:

His room is bigger than mine. 他的房间比我的房间大。

She is younger than my sister. 她比我妹妹年轻。


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