
(2013-01-21 00:30:54)


标签: 职场





分类: 职场点津


1. Close out any outstanding projects. Your time off during the holidays is there for you to recharge and refresh. Don’t leave loose ends or missed deadlines lingering over you, and spend the extra time now to make sure you can enjoy worry-free time off.Plus, when you return to the office in 2013, you’ll have one less thing on your to-do list.

1. 把所有未完成的工作完成。假期的作用是放松精神和调整状态。别让未完成的工作或是已错过的截止期限毁了你的假期,现在多花点时间赶工,你就能收获个轻松愉快的假期。


2. Set an out-of-office response on your voice mail and e-mail. This may seem obvious, but it’s often overlooked. You may be on vacation, but others may not be. Don’t risk inadvertently damaging any relationships.

2. 将语音邮箱和电子邮箱设置“不在办公室”的自动回复。这件事儿看起来理所当然,但很多人都会忽视。你在度假时,别人或许还在工作。所以不要因为这样的无心之过破坏了人际关系。


3. Coordinate travel plans and contact information. In addition to your out-of-office reply, you’ll want to make sure your team, and especially your manager, are aware of your travel plans and know how to reach you in case of an emergency.You should also get a sense of where they will be and how to get in touch with them. This will eliminate any potential stress or surprises heading into your time off — and also demonstrate responsibility.

3. 协调出行计划并提供联系方式。除了“不在办公室”这样的自动回复外,你还要确保你的团队,特别是你的上司,了解你的出行计划,并要告知他们你的紧急联系方式。你还要知道他们会去哪儿以及怎样联系到他们。这样做不但会消除你度假时的不确定感和压力,还会显示出你的责任心。


4. Update your professional profiles. Ensure your LinkedIn profile, résumé and other professional resources are up-to-date, especially if your New Year’s resolution includes searching for a new job.

4. 更新你的职业简介。要记得把你在LinkedIn上的简介、个人简历或是其他职业简介都更新一遍,特别是如果你的新年计划中有跳槽这一条时。


5. List your accomplishments. Quantify anything that you can, and be as detailed as possible. Include what you did, why you did it, who was affected by it, and how it benefited the company. This information can be used in the future, either during your performance review, when requesting a raise or promotion, or in your résumé when applying for new jobs.And you should do it now because once the New Year begins, you might not be able to recall all the details.

5. 列出你的成就。尽量把你所有的成就都量化出来,并做到尽可能地详细,包括你做了什么、为什么要这样做、影响了谁、对公司有哪些好处等。这些信息今后你还能用得着,无论是做工作总结,还是申请升职亦或是跳槽更新简历时都能派上用场。而且你应该立马就着手做,因为一旦过了新年,你很有可能就会记不起其中的许多细节。


6. Lay out your goals. On the flip side, make a list of what you hope to do in the New Year.These can be both for your current job and for your own professional edification.Planning goals for yourself and your team gives you a head start when you return after the holiday.

6. 列出你的目标。另一方面,你还要列出在新的一年希望能够做到的事情。这些事既可以是关于你现在的工作的,也可以是关于你的职场感悟。提前为自己和团队做好规划,这样假期回来之后至少不会毫无头绪。


7. Get organized. Clear your desk and e-mail and voicemail  inboxes. This way, if you do take a few days off during the holidays, you’ll return in 2013 to a nicely organized workspace—which can significantly reduce any stress.

7. 把一切整理得井井有条。清理你的办公桌、电子邮箱和语音邮箱。待你从新年假期归来时,你会发现工作中的一切都是那么井井有条,这样也可以大大减少工作压力。

(2013-01-21 00:30:54)


标签: 职场





分类: 职场点津


1. Close out any outstanding projects. Your time off during the holidays is there for you to recharge and refresh. Don’t leave loose ends or missed deadlines lingering over you, and spend the extra time now to make sure you can enjoy worry-free time off.Plus, when you return to the office in 2013, you’ll have one less thing on your to-do list.

1. 把所有未完成的工作完成。假期的作用是放松精神和调整状态。别让未完成的工作或是已错过的截止期限毁了你的假期,现在多花点时间赶工,你就能收获个轻松愉快的假期。


2. Set an out-of-office response on your voice mail and e-mail. This may seem obvious, but it’s often overlooked. You may be on vacation, but others may not be. Don’t risk inadvertently damaging any relationships.

2. 将语音邮箱和电子邮箱设置“不在办公室”的自动回复。这件事儿看起来理所当然,但很多人都会忽视。你在度假时,别人或许还在工作。所以不要因为这样的无心之过破坏了人际关系。


3. Coordinate travel plans and contact information. In addition to your out-of-office reply, you’ll want to make sure your team, and especially your manager, are aware of your travel plans and know how to reach you in case of an emergency.You should also get a sense of where they will be and how to get in touch with them. This will eliminate any potential stress or surprises heading into your time off — and also demonstrate responsibility.

3. 协调出行计划并提供联系方式。除了“不在办公室”这样的自动回复外,你还要确保你的团队,特别是你的上司,了解你的出行计划,并要告知他们你的紧急联系方式。你还要知道他们会去哪儿以及怎样联系到他们。这样做不但会消除你度假时的不确定感和压力,还会显示出你的责任心。


4. Update your professional profiles. Ensure your LinkedIn profile, résumé and other professional resources are up-to-date, especially if your New Year’s resolution includes searching for a new job.

4. 更新你的职业简介。要记得把你在LinkedIn上的简介、个人简历或是其他职业简介都更新一遍,特别是如果你的新年计划中有跳槽这一条时。


5. List your accomplishments. Quantify anything that you can, and be as detailed as possible. Include what you did, why you did it, who was affected by it, and how it benefited the company. This information can be used in the future, either during your performance review, when requesting a raise or promotion, or in your résumé when applying for new jobs.And you should do it now because once the New Year begins, you might not be able to recall all the details.

5. 列出你的成就。尽量把你所有的成就都量化出来,并做到尽可能地详细,包括你做了什么、为什么要这样做、影响了谁、对公司有哪些好处等。这些信息今后你还能用得着,无论是做工作总结,还是申请升职亦或是跳槽更新简历时都能派上用场。而且你应该立马就着手做,因为一旦过了新年,你很有可能就会记不起其中的许多细节。


6. Lay out your goals. On the flip side, make a list of what you hope to do in the New Year.These can be both for your current job and for your own professional edification.Planning goals for yourself and your team gives you a head start when you return after the holiday.

6. 列出你的目标。另一方面,你还要列出在新的一年希望能够做到的事情。这些事既可以是关于你现在的工作的,也可以是关于你的职场感悟。提前为自己和团队做好规划,这样假期回来之后至少不会毫无头绪。


7. Get organized. Clear your desk and e-mail and voicemail  inboxes. This way, if you do take a few days off during the holidays, you’ll return in 2013 to a nicely organized workspace—which can significantly reduce any stress.

7. 把一切整理得井井有条。清理你的办公桌、电子邮箱和语音邮箱。待你从新年假期归来时,你会发现工作中的一切都是那么井井有条,这样也可以大大减少工作压力。


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