Underground building definition - 1.When all sides are embedded into land. 2.Roof level is higher but less than 1M from land level.
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Coverage codes 建筑密度=建筑投影总面积÷建设用地面积×100% 建筑投影总面积为以下两部分的水平投影面积之和(叠加部分不重复计算): (一)四周均未被室外地坪掩埋的地上建筑; (二)局部被室外地坪掩埋的地上建筑,其非掩埋外墙对应的16米进深部分;进深不足16米的, 据实计入。 Coverage = shadow projected area of building / site area X100% Shadow projection area including two parts (overlapping area not repeatedly count) 1.Above ground building which four sides are not embedded into land. 2.Above ground building which some sides are embedded. The area of 16m offset in from the exposed sides need to be counted.
例子1, 建筑物为局部被掩埋的地上建筑 Ex1, above ground building which half embedded into land
例子2, 建筑物部份为地上塔楼及群房,部份为掩埋的商业空间 EX2. Tower with podium and half embedded building
塔楼 tower 地上群房 podium
地下半掩埋建筑 half embedded building Full shadow projection of tower and podium 16 m offset rule apply to embedded building Exposed sides
Underground building definition - 1.When all sides are embedded into land. 2.Roof level is higher but less than 1M from land level.
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Coverage codes 建筑密度=建筑投影总面积÷建设用地面积×100% 建筑投影总面积为以下两部分的水平投影面积之和(叠加部分不重复计算): (一)四周均未被室外地坪掩埋的地上建筑; (二)局部被室外地坪掩埋的地上建筑,其非掩埋外墙对应的16米进深部分;进深不足16米的, 据实计入。 Coverage = shadow projected area of building / site area X100% Shadow projection area including two parts (overlapping area not repeatedly count) 1.Above ground building which four sides are not embedded into land. 2.Above ground building which some sides are embedded. The area of 16m offset in from the exposed sides need to be counted.
例子1, 建筑物为局部被掩埋的地上建筑 Ex1, above ground building which half embedded into land
例子2, 建筑物部份为地上塔楼及群房,部份为掩埋的商业空间 EX2. Tower with podium and half embedded building
塔楼 tower 地上群房 podium
地下半掩埋建筑 half embedded building Full shadow projection of tower and podium 16 m offset rule apply to embedded building Exposed sides