
Shift records of the In vitro analysis room

November seventh twenty thirteen

There are 400 Blood samples in our lab today. One third of the patients from the clinic ,The rest of the parts from the inpatient. In these specimens , including 120 cases of tumor eight, 20 cases of lung cancer series, thirty cases of gastrointestinal series , one hundred and thirty cases of thyroid function,50 case of female sex hormone ,and 50 casea of Single detection.

The total number of positive results is 55 . The results have been review . There are two specimens of hemolysis,and two chyle blood specimens. For these samples ,we Have contact with clinical departments. , And ask the inspection again. The remaining test results is normal,There is No other special cases.

That is all ,thank you

Shift records of the In vitro analysis room

November seventh twenty thirteen

There are 400 Blood samples in our lab today. One third of the patients from the clinic ,The rest of the parts from the inpatient. In these specimens , including 120 cases of tumor eight, 20 cases of lung cancer series, thirty cases of gastrointestinal series , one hundred and thirty cases of thyroid function,50 case of female sex hormone ,and 50 casea of Single detection.

The total number of positive results is 55 . The results have been review . There are two specimens of hemolysis,and two chyle blood specimens. For these samples ,we Have contact with clinical departments. , And ask the inspection again. The remaining test results is normal,There is No other special cases.

That is all ,thank you


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