Unit 6 Reading A
The Kidney and Its Working Unit
For many diners, eating tender, pale green shoots of asparagus is a pleasurable springtime event, but the gastronomic experience has a peculiar sequel:The next time they urinate ,even if just 20 minutes after eating, they notice the characteristic scent of asparagus. A chemical in the food crosses the gut ,enters the bloodstream, is filtered out by the kidneys, and appears in the urine with amazing speed. Actually, the chemical is acted on no faster than any other compound. The kidneys are simply marvels at processing body fluids and filtering out the urea; the sodium ,potassium ,or chloride ions ;and the glucose, water ,and other materials that need to be excreted. The key to a kidney's rapid functioning lies in its complicated internal structure and in the effcient plumbing system of which it is a part.
The Kidneys and Other Organs of the Excretory Systerm 肾脏和排泄系统的其他器官
It is sometimes stated that urination is our most compelling bodily function. You will probably agree if you have ever been hungry, tired ,cold ,and had a full bladder simultaneously and can recall the order in which you addressed those needs. This urgency has to do with the necessary waste removal role of the excretory system and with the system's particular anatomy.
人们有时说排尿是我们身体最急迫的功能。如果你曾经有过饥饿、疲倦、寒冷及膀胱满胀等感觉并能回忆起你处理这些身体需要的顺序,你就会同意以上那种说法。这种急迫感与排泄系统必要的排废作用和该系统特别的解剖结构有关。 The main organs of the excretory system are the two plump, dark red, crescent- shaped kidneys, each about the size of an adult's fist and located high in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach and the liver. For each kidney to carry out its vital blood-filtering activities ,it must receive a large, steady flow of blood.
人拳头大小, 位于腹腔上部胃、肝的后面。因为肾脏担负过滤血液的重要任务,所以必须接收到强大持续的血流。
This it does through the renal arteries, twin branches directly off the body's main
blood vessel, or aorta. Cleansed blood then leaves each kidney in large renal blood vein that drains into the body's largest vein. As the kidneys filter and remove excess water and waste substances from the blood, these materials collect as a concentrated urine in a central cavity in each kidney, then flow down a long tube called a ureter. The two ureters dump urine into a single storage sac, the urinary bladder, which in an adult can hold about 500 ml (a pint) of fluid. The bladder can distend to hold a bit more, but when it is full, it causes considerable pressure on nearby nerves and a feeling of urgency that can temporarily eclipse all other concerns. During urination ,the urine exits the body through the urethra ,the single tube that drains the bladder.
它穿过肾动脉,肾动脉即是直接离开人体主要血管或是主动脉的两条并行的血管。紧接着,干净的血液离开每一个肾后进入一管腔大的、可以排入静脉血至人体最大静脉的肾静脉。同时,两个肾过滤与清除血液中多余的水以及代谢废物,这些物质的收集后就成为在每一个肾的中央管内的浓缩后的尿液,接着这些尿液就沿着一条长长的管腔—输尿管向下流动。这两条输尿管把尿液倾倒入一个单个的用于储藏的囊腔内,这个囊腔便是成年人可以装得下500ml(一品脱)的液体的泌尿的膀胱。膀胱可以膨胀以至于多装一些尿液,但是当它饱满的时候,它可以对附近的神经造成相当大的压力以及急尿的感觉,这样可以暂时地使所有其他的问题消失。在排尿期间,尿通过尿道,从膀胱外导尿的一根导管排出体外。 The kidney has three distinct visible zones; an outer renal cortex zone: where initial blood filtering takes place; a central zone(renal medulla),divided into a number of fan-shaped pyramid regions that help conserve water and valuable solutes; and a hollow inner compartment(renal pelvis) ,where urine collects before it passes out of the kidney and down the ureter. The functional units of the kidney,twisted tubules called nephrons, reach from the outer cortex down into the central zone and drain into the hollow center.
Have you ever cleaned out a desk drawer - sorting,saving certain items for future use,discarding others,and then rechecking the drawer one last time ?If so, you have approximated the kidney's general sorting and cleansing action and its three basic processes - filtration,reabsorption,and secretion - all of which involve the nephron. 你有没有清理过抽屉——将物品分类、排序保存供以后使用,丢弃不需要的,最后复查抽屉里的物品? 如果是这样,你有近似肾的一般分类和清理行动的基本过程 , 过滤、重吸收和分泌——所有这些涉及肾元。
A human kidney contains roughly 1 million nephrons,each one a long, twisted,looping tubule. The tubule has one end that is enlarged and cup-shaped like a punched bas
ketball and that lies in close contact with blood capillaries;the other end drains away urine. If all the nephrons in an adult's kidney were straightened out and placed end to end, they would from a microscopically slender tube about 80km(50miles) long.
Nephrons are amazingly efficient at selectively removing wastes from the blood circulation while simultaneously conserving water,mineral ions, glucose,and other needed materials.In an adult human, 180 liters or more of blood - enough to fill a bathtub - pass through the 2 million nephrons in the two kidneys each day, we do not, of course,urinate 180liters a day or even the 6 or 7liters of fluid our bodieds contain,but instead the much more reasonable amount of about 1.5 liters per day. Clearly,the nephrons must accomplish a great deal of water recycling and conservation before they produce that smaller quantity of urine. Let us now take a close look at how a nephron works.
The nephron's specialized shape enables it to carry out three basic processes - filtration of small molecules from the blood, reabsorption of useful molecules from the urine back into the blood, and secretion of ions and some drugs from the blood into the urine.
The portion of the nephron that filters water and solutes from the blood is the enlarged, cuplike Bowman’S capsule in the kidney’s outer cortex. Each Bowman’S capsule surrounds a tight bundle of capillaries called a glomerulus, much the way the fingers of your right hand can wrap around your left fist. This enclosing capsule of kidney tissue surrounding a tuft of blood capillaries forms the closest contact between the excretory and circulatory systems. A finely meshed filter lies between the blood and the cavity of the Bowman’s capsule like a submicroscopic colander. As blood moves along through the capillaries, blood pressure forces the yellowish
fluid portion of blood out of the capillaries, through the pores of this delicate filter, and into the Bowman’S capsule, just as water pressure forces coffee through a coffee filter. The fineness of the pores is ultimately responsible for the nephron’s blood filtration activities:The Bowman’S capsule filter allows wastes, water and other small molecules to seep through its minute openings, while the crucial components of blood—red cell, antibodies, and other large proteins—remain behind in the capillaries. The passage of water, of sodium, potassium, and chloride ions, and of sugars, amino acids, nd urea out of the capillaries and into the lumen of the Bowman’S capsule passive and does not require any special output of energy other than blood pressure. The fluid, or filtrate, in the capsule in still very much like blood plasma, except that it conrtains no large proteins or cell.
As if leaves the Bowman’s capsule, the filtrate enters the part of the nephron’s twisted tubule nearest the capsule,known as proximal (near) tubule.There,reabsorption begins and returns to the circulation most of the water ,the sodium and chloride ions ,the sugars,and the amino acids that were just filtered out of the blood in the Bowman’s capsule.
当滤出物离开肾小囊,进入肾单位中最接近肾小囊部分的弯曲小管,被称为近曲小管。在这里,重吸收启动,并将从鲍曼氏囊滤出的血液里的大部分水,钠,氯 离子,糖和氨基酸送回循环系统。
These materials move out through the walls of the proximal tubule and pass back into the blood via the surrounding capillaries.Instead of being driven passively by blood pressure,reabsorption of solutes in the proximal tubule depends on energy-costly active transport across cell membranes.As the ions are being reabsorbed in this way, 80 to 85 percent of the water in the original filtrate follows them passively back into the capillaries via the process of osmosis.
这些物质通过毛细血管壁搬运出去,并且经由周围的毛细血管回到血液中去。近曲小管的溶质重吸收不是 通过血压来被动运输,而是依靠消耗能量的主
Next,the filtrate passes down the descending arm of the nephron’s U-shaped loop of Henle’s,which is bathed by an increasingly salty fluid. Water leaves the loop of Henle’s by osmosis and reenters the blood of the capillaries surrounding the tubule.The filtrate then rounds the bend in the loop of Henle’s and moves up the ascending arm and through the distal tubule ( far from the Bowman’s capsule) toward the collecting duct.
然后,滤出物通过肾单位里的U型 亨利袢降支,这个部位不断受到 盐分越来越多的液体的冲洗。水通过渗透作用离开亨利袢支,再输入小管周围的毛细血管中的血液。滤液绕行亨利袢支的弯曲部分,沿着升支向上移动,并通过远端小管(远离肾小囊 ),接近集合管。
The walls of the distal tubule are not permeable to water ,but those of the collecting duct are;and even though the filtrate passing through the duct is already quite concentrated, the surrounding tissues are even saltier.Thus, more water diffuses out of the collecting duct by osmosis and enters the blood of the surrounding capillaries.
水不能通过远曲小管的 管壁,但收集管的管壁允许水通过;虽然通过收集管的滤过液浓度已经很高,但周围组织含盐量更大。因此,更多的水通过渗透作用在集合管中扩散开,并且进入周围毛细血管中的血液。
By the time the filtrate now called urine has reached the part of the collecting tubule in the innermost (and saltiest) region of the kidney’s medulla,99 percent of the water originally filtered from the blood in the Bowman’s capsule has been reabsorbed and returned to the body’s circulation.
Tubular Secretion
While the filtration and reabsorption activities of the kidneys’2million nephrons are removing salt and urea from the biood and forming urine, another process-tubular secretion-goes on simultaneously in both the proximal and distal tubules. Secretion removes a number of unwanted materials-including hydrogen ions, potassium ions, environmental pollutants like pesticides, and drug such as penicillin and Phenobarbital-from the blood in the capillaries surrounding the nephron and secretes them into the froming urine.
Tubular secretion is the physiological process that make drug testing possible-checking a person’s urine to see if he or she has taken drugs. Drug testing employs various laboratory techniques to detect even minute traces of the metabolic breakdown products of marijuana, cocaine, and many kinds of prescription drugs.
Next,the filtrate passes down the descending arm of the nephron’s U-shaped loop of Henle’s,which is bathed by an increasingly salty fluid. Water leaves the loop of Henle’s by osmosis and reenters the blood of the capillaries surrounding the tubule.The filtrate then rounds the bend in the loop of Henle’s and moves up the ascending arm and through the distal tubule ( far from the Bowman’s capsule) toward the collecting duct.
然后,滤出物通过肾单位里的U型 亨利袢降支,这个部位不断受到 盐分越来越多的液体的冲洗。水通过渗透作用离开亨利袢支,再输入小管周围的毛细血管中的血液。滤液绕行亨利袢支的弯曲部分,沿着升支向上移动,并通过远端小管(远离肾小囊 ),接近集合管。
The walls of the distal tubule are not permeable to water ,but those of the collecting duct are;and even though the filtrate passing through the duct is already quite concentrated, the surrounding tissues are even saltier.Thus, more water diffuses out of the collecting duct by osmosis and enters the blood of the surrounding capillaries.
水不能通过远曲小管的 管壁,但收集管的管壁允许水通过;虽然通过收集管的滤过液浓度已经很高,但周围组织含盐量更大。因此,更多的水通过渗透作用在集合管中扩散开,并且进入周围毛细血管中的血液。
By the time the filtrate now called urine has reached the part of the collecting tubule in the innermost (and saltiest) region of the kidney’s medulla,99 percent of the water originally filtered from the blood in the Bowman’s capsule has been reabsorbed and returned to the body’s circulation.
Tubular Secretion
While the filtration and reabsorption activities of the kidneys’2million nephrons are removing salt and urea from the biood and forming urine, another process-tubular secretion-goes on simultaneously in both the proximal and distal tubules. Secretion removes a number of unwanted materials-including hydrogen ions, potassium ions, environmental pollutants like pesticides, and drug such as penicillin and Phenobarbital-from the blood in the capillaries surrounding the nephron and secretes them into the froming urine.
Tubular secretion is the physiological process that make drug testing possible-checking a person’s urine to see if he or she has taken drugs. Drug testing employs various laboratory techniques to detect even minute traces of the metabolic breakdown products of marijuana, cocaine, and many kinds of prescription drugs.
If a person takes a drug overdose and loses consciousness and no one is sure which drug was consumed, physicians quickly test the urine to identify the drug and determine the best treatment for saving the patient’s life. Two additional uses-testing athletes and employees for drug use in the playing field or on the job-are currently quite controversial.
Unit 6 Reading A
The Kidney and Its Working Unit
For many diners, eating tender, pale green shoots of asparagus is a pleasurable springtime event, but the gastronomic experience has a peculiar sequel:The next time they urinate ,even if just 20 minutes after eating, they notice the characteristic scent of asparagus. A chemical in the food crosses the gut ,enters the bloodstream, is filtered out by the kidneys, and appears in the urine with amazing speed. Actually, the chemical is acted on no faster than any other compound. The kidneys are simply marvels at processing body fluids and filtering out the urea; the sodium ,potassium ,or chloride ions ;and the glucose, water ,and other materials that need to be excreted. The key to a kidney's rapid functioning lies in its complicated internal structure and in the effcient plumbing system of which it is a part.
The Kidneys and Other Organs of the Excretory Systerm 肾脏和排泄系统的其他器官
It is sometimes stated that urination is our most compelling bodily function. You will probably agree if you have ever been hungry, tired ,cold ,and had a full bladder simultaneously and can recall the order in which you addressed those needs. This urgency has to do with the necessary waste removal role of the excretory system and with the system's particular anatomy.
人们有时说排尿是我们身体最急迫的功能。如果你曾经有过饥饿、疲倦、寒冷及膀胱满胀等感觉并能回忆起你处理这些身体需要的顺序,你就会同意以上那种说法。这种急迫感与排泄系统必要的排废作用和该系统特别的解剖结构有关。 The main organs of the excretory system are the two plump, dark red, crescent- shaped kidneys, each about the size of an adult's fist and located high in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach and the liver. For each kidney to carry out its vital blood-filtering activities ,it must receive a large, steady flow of blood.
人拳头大小, 位于腹腔上部胃、肝的后面。因为肾脏担负过滤血液的重要任务,所以必须接收到强大持续的血流。
This it does through the renal arteries, twin branches directly off the body's main
blood vessel, or aorta. Cleansed blood then leaves each kidney in large renal blood vein that drains into the body's largest vein. As the kidneys filter and remove excess water and waste substances from the blood, these materials collect as a concentrated urine in a central cavity in each kidney, then flow down a long tube called a ureter. The two ureters dump urine into a single storage sac, the urinary bladder, which in an adult can hold about 500 ml (a pint) of fluid. The bladder can distend to hold a bit more, but when it is full, it causes considerable pressure on nearby nerves and a feeling of urgency that can temporarily eclipse all other concerns. During urination ,the urine exits the body through the urethra ,the single tube that drains the bladder.
它穿过肾动脉,肾动脉即是直接离开人体主要血管或是主动脉的两条并行的血管。紧接着,干净的血液离开每一个肾后进入一管腔大的、可以排入静脉血至人体最大静脉的肾静脉。同时,两个肾过滤与清除血液中多余的水以及代谢废物,这些物质的收集后就成为在每一个肾的中央管内的浓缩后的尿液,接着这些尿液就沿着一条长长的管腔—输尿管向下流动。这两条输尿管把尿液倾倒入一个单个的用于储藏的囊腔内,这个囊腔便是成年人可以装得下500ml(一品脱)的液体的泌尿的膀胱。膀胱可以膨胀以至于多装一些尿液,但是当它饱满的时候,它可以对附近的神经造成相当大的压力以及急尿的感觉,这样可以暂时地使所有其他的问题消失。在排尿期间,尿通过尿道,从膀胱外导尿的一根导管排出体外。 The kidney has three distinct visible zones; an outer renal cortex zone: where initial blood filtering takes place; a central zone(renal medulla),divided into a number of fan-shaped pyramid regions that help conserve water and valuable solutes; and a hollow inner compartment(renal pelvis) ,where urine collects before it passes out of the kidney and down the ureter. The functional units of the kidney,twisted tubules called nephrons, reach from the outer cortex down into the central zone and drain into the hollow center.
Have you ever cleaned out a desk drawer - sorting,saving certain items for future use,discarding others,and then rechecking the drawer one last time ?If so, you have approximated the kidney's general sorting and cleansing action and its three basic processes - filtration,reabsorption,and secretion - all of which involve the nephron. 你有没有清理过抽屉——将物品分类、排序保存供以后使用,丢弃不需要的,最后复查抽屉里的物品? 如果是这样,你有近似肾的一般分类和清理行动的基本过程 , 过滤、重吸收和分泌——所有这些涉及肾元。
A human kidney contains roughly 1 million nephrons,each one a long, twisted,looping tubule. The tubule has one end that is enlarged and cup-shaped like a punched bas
ketball and that lies in close contact with blood capillaries;the other end drains away urine. If all the nephrons in an adult's kidney were straightened out and placed end to end, they would from a microscopically slender tube about 80km(50miles) long.
Nephrons are amazingly efficient at selectively removing wastes from the blood circulation while simultaneously conserving water,mineral ions, glucose,and other needed materials.In an adult human, 180 liters or more of blood - enough to fill a bathtub - pass through the 2 million nephrons in the two kidneys each day, we do not, of course,urinate 180liters a day or even the 6 or 7liters of fluid our bodieds contain,but instead the much more reasonable amount of about 1.5 liters per day. Clearly,the nephrons must accomplish a great deal of water recycling and conservation before they produce that smaller quantity of urine. Let us now take a close look at how a nephron works.
The nephron's specialized shape enables it to carry out three basic processes - filtration of small molecules from the blood, reabsorption of useful molecules from the urine back into the blood, and secretion of ions and some drugs from the blood into the urine.
The portion of the nephron that filters water and solutes from the blood is the enlarged, cuplike Bowman’S capsule in the kidney’s outer cortex. Each Bowman’S capsule surrounds a tight bundle of capillaries called a glomerulus, much the way the fingers of your right hand can wrap around your left fist. This enclosing capsule of kidney tissue surrounding a tuft of blood capillaries forms the closest contact between the excretory and circulatory systems. A finely meshed filter lies between the blood and the cavity of the Bowman’s capsule like a submicroscopic colander. As blood moves along through the capillaries, blood pressure forces the yellowish
fluid portion of blood out of the capillaries, through the pores of this delicate filter, and into the Bowman’S capsule, just as water pressure forces coffee through a coffee filter. The fineness of the pores is ultimately responsible for the nephron’s blood filtration activities:The Bowman’S capsule filter allows wastes, water and other small molecules to seep through its minute openings, while the crucial components of blood—red cell, antibodies, and other large proteins—remain behind in the capillaries. The passage of water, of sodium, potassium, and chloride ions, and of sugars, amino acids, nd urea out of the capillaries and into the lumen of the Bowman’S capsule passive and does not require any special output of energy other than blood pressure. The fluid, or filtrate, in the capsule in still very much like blood plasma, except that it conrtains no large proteins or cell.
As if leaves the Bowman’s capsule, the filtrate enters the part of the nephron’s twisted tubule nearest the capsule,known as proximal (near) tubule.There,reabsorption begins and returns to the circulation most of the water ,the sodium and chloride ions ,the sugars,and the amino acids that were just filtered out of the blood in the Bowman’s capsule.
当滤出物离开肾小囊,进入肾单位中最接近肾小囊部分的弯曲小管,被称为近曲小管。在这里,重吸收启动,并将从鲍曼氏囊滤出的血液里的大部分水,钠,氯 离子,糖和氨基酸送回循环系统。
These materials move out through the walls of the proximal tubule and pass back into the blood via the surrounding capillaries.Instead of being driven passively by blood pressure,reabsorption of solutes in the proximal tubule depends on energy-costly active transport across cell membranes.As the ions are being reabsorbed in this way, 80 to 85 percent of the water in the original filtrate follows them passively back into the capillaries via the process of osmosis.
这些物质通过毛细血管壁搬运出去,并且经由周围的毛细血管回到血液中去。近曲小管的溶质重吸收不是 通过血压来被动运输,而是依靠消耗能量的主
Next,the filtrate passes down the descending arm of the nephron’s U-shaped loop of Henle’s,which is bathed by an increasingly salty fluid. Water leaves the loop of Henle’s by osmosis and reenters the blood of the capillaries surrounding the tubule.The filtrate then rounds the bend in the loop of Henle’s and moves up the ascending arm and through the distal tubule ( far from the Bowman’s capsule) toward the collecting duct.
然后,滤出物通过肾单位里的U型 亨利袢降支,这个部位不断受到 盐分越来越多的液体的冲洗。水通过渗透作用离开亨利袢支,再输入小管周围的毛细血管中的血液。滤液绕行亨利袢支的弯曲部分,沿着升支向上移动,并通过远端小管(远离肾小囊 ),接近集合管。
The walls of the distal tubule are not permeable to water ,but those of the collecting duct are;and even though the filtrate passing through the duct is already quite concentrated, the surrounding tissues are even saltier.Thus, more water diffuses out of the collecting duct by osmosis and enters the blood of the surrounding capillaries.
水不能通过远曲小管的 管壁,但收集管的管壁允许水通过;虽然通过收集管的滤过液浓度已经很高,但周围组织含盐量更大。因此,更多的水通过渗透作用在集合管中扩散开,并且进入周围毛细血管中的血液。
By the time the filtrate now called urine has reached the part of the collecting tubule in the innermost (and saltiest) region of the kidney’s medulla,99 percent of the water originally filtered from the blood in the Bowman’s capsule has been reabsorbed and returned to the body’s circulation.
Tubular Secretion
While the filtration and reabsorption activities of the kidneys’2million nephrons are removing salt and urea from the biood and forming urine, another process-tubular secretion-goes on simultaneously in both the proximal and distal tubules. Secretion removes a number of unwanted materials-including hydrogen ions, potassium ions, environmental pollutants like pesticides, and drug such as penicillin and Phenobarbital-from the blood in the capillaries surrounding the nephron and secretes them into the froming urine.
Tubular secretion is the physiological process that make drug testing possible-checking a person’s urine to see if he or she has taken drugs. Drug testing employs various laboratory techniques to detect even minute traces of the metabolic breakdown products of marijuana, cocaine, and many kinds of prescription drugs.
Next,the filtrate passes down the descending arm of the nephron’s U-shaped loop of Henle’s,which is bathed by an increasingly salty fluid. Water leaves the loop of Henle’s by osmosis and reenters the blood of the capillaries surrounding the tubule.The filtrate then rounds the bend in the loop of Henle’s and moves up the ascending arm and through the distal tubule ( far from the Bowman’s capsule) toward the collecting duct.
然后,滤出物通过肾单位里的U型 亨利袢降支,这个部位不断受到 盐分越来越多的液体的冲洗。水通过渗透作用离开亨利袢支,再输入小管周围的毛细血管中的血液。滤液绕行亨利袢支的弯曲部分,沿着升支向上移动,并通过远端小管(远离肾小囊 ),接近集合管。
The walls of the distal tubule are not permeable to water ,but those of the collecting duct are;and even though the filtrate passing through the duct is already quite concentrated, the surrounding tissues are even saltier.Thus, more water diffuses out of the collecting duct by osmosis and enters the blood of the surrounding capillaries.
水不能通过远曲小管的 管壁,但收集管的管壁允许水通过;虽然通过收集管的滤过液浓度已经很高,但周围组织含盐量更大。因此,更多的水通过渗透作用在集合管中扩散开,并且进入周围毛细血管中的血液。
By the time the filtrate now called urine has reached the part of the collecting tubule in the innermost (and saltiest) region of the kidney’s medulla,99 percent of the water originally filtered from the blood in the Bowman’s capsule has been reabsorbed and returned to the body’s circulation.
Tubular Secretion
While the filtration and reabsorption activities of the kidneys’2million nephrons are removing salt and urea from the biood and forming urine, another process-tubular secretion-goes on simultaneously in both the proximal and distal tubules. Secretion removes a number of unwanted materials-including hydrogen ions, potassium ions, environmental pollutants like pesticides, and drug such as penicillin and Phenobarbital-from the blood in the capillaries surrounding the nephron and secretes them into the froming urine.
Tubular secretion is the physiological process that make drug testing possible-checking a person’s urine to see if he or she has taken drugs. Drug testing employs various laboratory techniques to detect even minute traces of the metabolic breakdown products of marijuana, cocaine, and many kinds of prescription drugs.
If a person takes a drug overdose and loses consciousness and no one is sure which drug was consumed, physicians quickly test the urine to identify the drug and determine the best treatment for saving the patient’s life. Two additional uses-testing athletes and employees for drug use in the playing field or on the job-are currently quite controversial.