










六、教学内容和基本要求 Unit 1 The Dinner Party

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Learn the quality of being self-controlled and bravery

Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 2 Lessons from Jefferson

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know sth abour the Declaration of Independence

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 3 My First Job

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know sth about job interview

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 4 The Professor and the Yo-Yo

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know sth about Einstein’s fine qualities

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 5 The Villain in the Atmosphere

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Think about the measures to protect the environment

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation

Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know the significance of confidence

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation

Unit 7 Not on My Block

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know that the prodigal son can return Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation

Unit 8 Honesty: Is It Going out of Style?I 教学内容: Information related to the text Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Know that honesty is the best policy

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 9 What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Know sth about the intelligence tests Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 10 Profits of Praise

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Understand the value of praise Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation


1. 重视打好语言基础,注意提高文化素养


2. 正确处理阅读与听、说、写、译的关系



3. 结合实际确定教学方法



4. 妥善处理测试和教学的关系

测试是贯彻执行教学大纲的重要保证。科学的测试结果可以为教学提供良好的反馈,帮助教师了解教学效果,改进教学方法,提高教学质量; 还可以帮助学生了解自己的学习情况,改进学习方法,因此,测试应以大纲要求和教学内容为基本依据。教学中,应注重学生实际语言能力的培养; 测试中,着重考核语言基础和语言应用能力(口语课于期末单独考试,但成绩按比例计入平时成绩中) ;采用一定比例的主观试题(在平时单元测试和期中考试题中加大主观题比例),防止应试教学倾向。

5. 创造良好的语言环境,充分利用现代化的教学手段


八、成绩评定及考试方法 1

2平时成绩:根据学习态度、课堂表现、出勤、作业等情况核计,满分30分; 期末成绩:根据闭卷笔试情况核计,满分100分。 总成绩=平时成绩×30%+期末成绩×70%。











六、教学内容和基本要求 Unit 1 The Dinner Party

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Learn the quality of being self-controlled and bravery

Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 2 Lessons from Jefferson

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know sth abour the Declaration of Independence

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 3 My First Job

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know sth about job interview

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 4 The Professor and the Yo-Yo

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know sth about Einstein’s fine qualities

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 5 The Villain in the Atmosphere

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Think about the measures to protect the environment

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation

Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know the significance of confidence

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation

Unit 7 Not on My Block

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points Know that the prodigal son can return Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation

Unit 8 Honesty: Is It Going out of Style?I 教学内容: Information related to the text Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Know that honesty is the best policy

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 9 What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Know sth about the intelligence tests Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation Unit 10 Profits of Praise

I 教学内容: Information related to the text

Study the new words and expressions Analyze the text Do exercises

II 基本要求: Recite the new words and master the language points

Understand the value of praise Grasp the main idea

III 教学难点:Word Building / Vocabulary & Structure / Translation


1. 重视打好语言基础,注意提高文化素养


2. 正确处理阅读与听、说、写、译的关系



3. 结合实际确定教学方法



4. 妥善处理测试和教学的关系

测试是贯彻执行教学大纲的重要保证。科学的测试结果可以为教学提供良好的反馈,帮助教师了解教学效果,改进教学方法,提高教学质量; 还可以帮助学生了解自己的学习情况,改进学习方法,因此,测试应以大纲要求和教学内容为基本依据。教学中,应注重学生实际语言能力的培养; 测试中,着重考核语言基础和语言应用能力(口语课于期末单独考试,但成绩按比例计入平时成绩中) ;采用一定比例的主观试题(在平时单元测试和期中考试题中加大主观题比例),防止应试教学倾向。

5. 创造良好的语言环境,充分利用现代化的教学手段


八、成绩评定及考试方法 1

2平时成绩:根据学习态度、课堂表现、出勤、作业等情况核计,满分30分; 期末成绩:根据闭卷笔试情况核计,满分100分。 总成绩=平时成绩×30%+期末成绩×70%。


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