

1.I ______ an English teacher now.

2.She _______ happy yesterday.

3.They _______ glad to see each other last month.

4.Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.

5.The little dog _______ two years old this year.

6.Look, there ________ lots of grapes here.

7.There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday..

8.Today _______ the second of June. Yesterday ______ the first of June. It _____ Children's Day. All the students ______ very excited.


1. There was a car in front of the house just now.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:_________________________________________


1. He _________ (live) in Wuxi two years ago.

2. The cat ________ (eat) a bird last night.

3. We _______ (have) a party last Halloween.

4. Nancy ________ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.

5. I ________ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.

6. They ________ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.

7. My mother _______ (cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.

8. The girls ________ (sing) and _______ (dance) at the party.


1. Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________

2. Nancy went to school early.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________

3. We sang some English songs.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________

1. It ______ (be) Ben's birthday last Friday.

2. We all ______ (have) a good time last night.

3. He ________ (jump) high on last Sports Day.

4. Helen ________ (milk) a cow on Friday.

5. She likes ______ newspapers, but she ______ a book yesterday. (read)

6. He _______ football now, but they _______ basketball just now. (play)

7. Jim's mother _________ (plant) trees just now.

8. _______ they ________ (sweep) the floor on Sunday? No, they _____.

9. I _______ (watch) a cartoon on Monday.

10. We ___________ (go) to school on Sunday.


1.I ______ an English teacher now.

2.She _______ happy yesterday.

3.They _______ glad to see each other last month.

4.Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.

5.The little dog _______ two years old this year.

6.Look, there ________ lots of grapes here.

7.There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday..

8.Today _______ the second of June. Yesterday ______ the first of June. It _____ Children's Day. All the students ______ very excited.


1. There was a car in front of the house just now.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:_________________________________________


1. He _________ (live) in Wuxi two years ago.

2. The cat ________ (eat) a bird last night.

3. We _______ (have) a party last Halloween.

4. Nancy ________ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.

5. I ________ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.

6. They ________ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.

7. My mother _______ (cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.

8. The girls ________ (sing) and _______ (dance) at the party.


1. Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________

2. Nancy went to school early.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________

3. We sang some English songs.

否定句:________________________________________________ 一般疑问句:____________________________________________ 肯、否定回答:__________________________________________

1. It ______ (be) Ben's birthday last Friday.

2. We all ______ (have) a good time last night.

3. He ________ (jump) high on last Sports Day.

4. Helen ________ (milk) a cow on Friday.

5. She likes ______ newspapers, but she ______ a book yesterday. (read)

6. He _______ football now, but they _______ basketball just now. (play)

7. Jim's mother _________ (plant) trees just now.

8. _______ they ________ (sweep) the floor on Sunday? No, they _____.

9. I _______ (watch) a cartoon on Monday.

10. We ___________ (go) to school on Sunday.


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