
英之才暑期培训新起点英语2班期末测试题 姓名: 分数:


一 . 听单词或短语, 选择正确的选项. (10 分)

( ) 1. A skirt B shirt C shorts

( ) 2 .A 5 : 30 B 4 : 13 C 4 : 30

( ) 3. A tomato B potato C carrot


) 4. A

B. C.

( )5. A. pet B.dog C.cat

( )6.A.spring B.summer C.winter

( )7.A.green B.grey C.brown

( )8.A.carrot B.parrot C.rabbit

( )9.A.jeans B.jacket C.vest

( )10.A.catch a mouse B. wag its tail C.in fall


( )1. A.I have a cat, it’s brown.

B.I have a dog, it’s yellow and white.

C.I have a rabbit,it’s black.

( )2.A.I wear my sunglass on sunny days.

B.I wear my shorts on cold days.

C.I wear my gloves and scarf on snowy days.

( )3.A.My birthday is in July.

B.My birthday is in June.

C.My birthday is in winter.

( )4.A.When is your birthday?

B.What ’s your family name?

C.Happy birthday to you!

( )5.A.It ’s a sweater.

B.It ’s made of wool.

C.It ’s made in China.


( )1.A.It ’s green.

B.It ’s a T-shirt.

( )2.A.I wear my shorts and T-shirts.

B.I wear my scarf and coat.

( )3.A.Y es,I have a yellow sweater.

B.I like my yellow skirt.

( )4.A.I have a rabbit.

B.I don’t like wearing jeans.



(A).读一读, 找规律, 填一填. (4分)

(B).选出不同类的单词 (5分)

( )1.A.turtle B.big C.goldfish D.parrot ( )2.A.eleven B.thirteen C.fifteen D.dress

( )3.A.cloudy B.socks C. sunny D.windy

( )4.A.music room B.TV room C.washroom D.sweater ( )5.A.shoes B.pants C.jeans D.shorts

(C).Group the following words.(给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。(10分)

①jacket ②nine ③banana ④math ⑤shirt

⑥orange ⑦three ⑧P.E. ⑨sunny ⑩cloudy

Fruit(水果):_________ Numbers(数字):_________

Clothes (衣服):________ Weather(天气) :_________ Class(课程) :_________


( )1.Happy Birthday! ______

A.The same to you. B.Thank you! C.OK.

( )2.I wwear my sunglass_____ sunny days.

A.on B.in C.at

( )3.What do you wear ______ winter?

A.on B.in C.to

( )4.The sweater is made______ wool.

A.of B.in C.on

( )5.I like my carrot,it can_____.

A.walk B.talk C.run

( )6.It_____ long ears.It’s a rabbit.

A.have B.has C.is

( )7.My birthday is in_____.

A.June B.june C.March and may

( )8.What _____ do you have? ---Rabbit.

A.pet B.color C.food

( )9.He has two long____ .

A.ear B.ears C.nose

( )10.How old are you? --_____.

A.I ’m ten years old. B.I’m a girl.

三.匹配题,从B 栏中选出A 栏问题的答案,将答案的序号填入题前括号内。(每个1分,共7分)

( )1. What do you wear on sunny days? A.I ’m in Class 4.

( )2.What ’s it made of? B.I ’m nine years old.

( )3.Where is the scarf made? C.I wear my T-shirt,shorts and sunglass.

( )4.Good morning! D.It ’s made of cotton.

( )5.How old are you? E.Good morning!

( )6.What ’s the matter? F.It ’s made in China.

( )7.What class are you in? G .My finger hurts.

四.任务型阅读. 根据Maggie 一天所上课程的先后顺序,为图片标序号. (10分)

My name is Maggie. I have six classes today. My Chinese class begins at eight thirty . My math class begins at nine twenty. Our English class begins at ten ten. After that we have a music class. It begins at eleven o’clock. In the afternoon, the art class begins at two thirty. And the last class is P.E. class. It begins at three twenty.



一.请用手写体在四线格上抄写单词. (5分)

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英之才暑期培训新起点英语2班期末测试题 姓名: 分数:


一 . 听单词或短语, 选择正确的选项. (10 分)

( ) 1. A skirt B shirt C shorts

( ) 2 .A 5 : 30 B 4 : 13 C 4 : 30

( ) 3. A tomato B potato C carrot


) 4. A

B. C.

( )5. A. pet B.dog C.cat

( )6.A.spring B.summer C.winter

( )7.A.green B.grey C.brown

( )8.A.carrot B.parrot C.rabbit

( )9.A.jeans B.jacket C.vest

( )10.A.catch a mouse B. wag its tail C.in fall


( )1. A.I have a cat, it’s brown.

B.I have a dog, it’s yellow and white.

C.I have a rabbit,it’s black.

( )2.A.I wear my sunglass on sunny days.

B.I wear my shorts on cold days.

C.I wear my gloves and scarf on snowy days.

( )3.A.My birthday is in July.

B.My birthday is in June.

C.My birthday is in winter.

( )4.A.When is your birthday?

B.What ’s your family name?

C.Happy birthday to you!

( )5.A.It ’s a sweater.

B.It ’s made of wool.

C.It ’s made in China.


( )1.A.It ’s green.

B.It ’s a T-shirt.

( )2.A.I wear my shorts and T-shirts.

B.I wear my scarf and coat.

( )3.A.Y es,I have a yellow sweater.

B.I like my yellow skirt.

( )4.A.I have a rabbit.

B.I don’t like wearing jeans.



(A).读一读, 找规律, 填一填. (4分)

(B).选出不同类的单词 (5分)

( )1.A.turtle B.big C.goldfish D.parrot ( )2.A.eleven B.thirteen C.fifteen D.dress

( )3.A.cloudy B.socks C. sunny D.windy

( )4.A.music room B.TV room C.washroom D.sweater ( )5.A.shoes B.pants C.jeans D.shorts

(C).Group the following words.(给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。(10分)

①jacket ②nine ③banana ④math ⑤shirt

⑥orange ⑦three ⑧P.E. ⑨sunny ⑩cloudy

Fruit(水果):_________ Numbers(数字):_________

Clothes (衣服):________ Weather(天气) :_________ Class(课程) :_________


( )1.Happy Birthday! ______

A.The same to you. B.Thank you! C.OK.

( )2.I wwear my sunglass_____ sunny days.

A.on B.in C.at

( )3.What do you wear ______ winter?

A.on B.in C.to

( )4.The sweater is made______ wool.

A.of B.in C.on

( )5.I like my carrot,it can_____.

A.walk B.talk C.run

( )6.It_____ long ears.It’s a rabbit.

A.have B.has C.is

( )7.My birthday is in_____.

A.June B.june C.March and may

( )8.What _____ do you have? ---Rabbit.

A.pet B.color C.food

( )9.He has two long____ .

A.ear B.ears C.nose

( )10.How old are you? --_____.

A.I ’m ten years old. B.I’m a girl.

三.匹配题,从B 栏中选出A 栏问题的答案,将答案的序号填入题前括号内。(每个1分,共7分)

( )1. What do you wear on sunny days? A.I ’m in Class 4.

( )2.What ’s it made of? B.I ’m nine years old.

( )3.Where is the scarf made? C.I wear my T-shirt,shorts and sunglass.

( )4.Good morning! D.It ’s made of cotton.

( )5.How old are you? E.Good morning!

( )6.What ’s the matter? F.It ’s made in China.

( )7.What class are you in? G .My finger hurts.

四.任务型阅读. 根据Maggie 一天所上课程的先后顺序,为图片标序号. (10分)

My name is Maggie. I have six classes today. My Chinese class begins at eight thirty . My math class begins at nine twenty. Our English class begins at ten ten. After that we have a music class. It begins at eleven o’clock. In the afternoon, the art class begins at two thirty. And the last class is P.E. class. It begins at three twenty.



一.请用手写体在四线格上抄写单词. (5分)

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