

—— ways to deal with global warming


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ways to deal with global warming


People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer

and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have

frequently experienced snowless winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas.

People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on

hotter summer days. To stop global warming we should take measures immediately.

First, join organizations that promise to educate you about the effects of global

warming and what you can do to put a stop to this problem. The next step is to

conserve energy. Then, follow the recycling principle---- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. At

the same time, use environment-friendly fuels and vehicles. What is more, If you can,

harness the power of the sun, wind and water to generate electricity. If, again, you

can't afford to tap on the power of these sources, then, at least, choose an electric

provider that does not pollute the environment by the use of fossil fuels .Last, insulate

your home to prevent excessive use of heaters.

Key words: global warming, measures

Introduction Global warming, which is also known as the greenhouse effect, has been here long

before you or anybody else out there existed. It's been here for thousands of years.

And through those thousands of years, the earth's temperature has increased, and so

has the effects of global warming. Time magazine has actually coined this problem as

a planetary emergency. The current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms

of climate that all living things have come to rely upon. What will we do to slow this

warming? How will we cope with the changes we've already set into motion?

The background of global warming

In the past 100 years, the average of global temperature has experienced cold -

warm - Cold - warm two degree Celsius, the overall look of an upturn trend.

After-entering-eighty-age, the global temperature rise significantly. From 1981 to

1990, the average of global temperature has increased by more than 100 years ago to

0.48 deg C. A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that since 1950, the

world's climate has been warming, primarily as a result of emissions from unfettered

burning of fossil fuels and the razing of tropical forests. Such activity adds to the

atmosphere's invisible blanket of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping


Present situation and Prediction

The causes of global warming

What caused global warming? It is caused by several factors. First, population explosion is one of the main factors of global warming; it also threatens the balance between man and nature. Second, atmospheric pollution is being on the rise, and it has already become a critical problem. It is also the basic problem of global warming. Third, marine ecology and environment took a turn for the worse. That may lead to the damage of fresh water resources. Forth, erosion and desertification of land

make the ecological environment deteriorated, and flood and sand storm may happen more frequently. Fifth, the forest resources are sharply reduced by natural changes and human actions. Sixth, acid rain can destroy the forests, acid lakes, and endanger animals. Seventh, Water pollution, destruction of the balance between the demand and supply of fresh water. Finally, toxic chemical waste poses a threat to the ecological environment of the earth's surface.

The effects of global warming

Global warming has been a subject of intense debate social spheres. On the one hand, there are scientists and environmentalists who are trying their level best to raise awareness about the issue, and on the other there is a strong lobby of government and corporations, who are reluctant to take concrete steps to curb the menace of climate change. While some may think of global warming as a myth, the reality is that we are already seeing its effects. Be it the melting of polar ice caps, or an increase in the occurrence of flash floods, there has been a remarkable change in the climate across the world. To get a better understanding of the dangers that are lurking around us, let us take a look at the effects and consequences of global warming.

A recent study by a group of British climatologists has come to find that global warming will lead to massive droughts in the next 100 years. It may cover half of the

total land area that we have at the present, which will lead to large-scale migration. The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) has found that the global percentage of dry areas has increased by 1.74% between 1950 and 2008. If the temperature on the surface of the earth keeps getting warmer at the current rate, it is very likely to pose problems of feeding and accommodating the burgeoning population.

Global warming has led to the melting of the polar ice caps in the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. The temperatures in these areas have risen about two to three times as compared to the average temperatures on earth. The polar ice caps have their own important role in maintaining the environmental balance. If the these ice caps were to melt, islands which are below sea level may be in danger. Cities like Shanghai and the island nation of Maldives are some places which would be at the highest risk in such a scenario.

With the increase in the temperatures due to global warming, the concentration of smog in the atmosphere will increase. This increase in the level of smog will ultimately lead to illness and death. Smog will also intensify the severity of heat waves, which can take a further toll on us. This report was drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency, and it highlighted the consequences that global warming can have on us if concrete steps are not taken to curb it.

Over the past decade or so, a lot of research has been conducted to ascertain whether global warming leads to an increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Wildfires, which soak up roughly $1.5 billion dollars from America's coffers, could become prolonged and intensive because of the effects of climate change. Wildfires cause destruction of life and property every year and release greenhouse gases, which further increases the temperature of the earth.

The solutions of global warming

There are major solutions that have been done worldwide to cope, alleviate or altogether stop the effects of this major problem. But among these choices, the obvious choice that the human race is supposed to concentrate on is how to stop global warming. Since we have all contributed to the occurrence of global warming (in our own little ways), then we should also join forces in combating this dilemma.

1. Join organizations that promise to educate you about the effects of global warming and what you can do to put a stop to this problem. In the matter of problem, everything begins with you.

2. The next step is to conserve energy. And yes, there are so many ways that an individual can save energy. Let's list some here: car pooling, turning off appliances that are not in use; unplugging any electronic devices that are not in use; buying energy-efficient lamps; keeping the filters of your air-conditioning unit clean; taking a walk (instead of driving); turn off the faucet when enough water has been consumed; do not use appliances or products that release chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere (examples are hairsprays and refrigerators that have CFCs); use EEF appliances; start planting trees, etc. These are basic things that we have learned even from grade school and yet, tend to forget the most.

3. If you are a slave of your profession, then, cut on those works hours to help save

energy. For every individual that would cut down an hour from his work, there would be millions worth of energy saved. Learn to maximize your time and to properly manage it. I guess you never imagined before that this could also stop global warming, huh?

4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Do your part to reduce waste by choosing the repeated use of the products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. If there isn't a recycling program at your workplace, school, or in your community, ask about starting one. By recycling your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.

5. Use environment-friendly fuels and vehicles. They may be a little bit more expensive but they do not contribute to pollution. Honda was the first to come up with a vehicle that is cell-powered, thus, there are no harmful emissions. If you cannot afford cell-powered vehicles just yet, you can opt for those that can run thirty miles in just a gallon of fuel. This way, carbon monoxide is greatly reduced.

6. If you can, harness the power of the sun, wind and water to generate electricity. There are equipments in the market that can be used to harness solar, wind or geothermal energy. These sources of energy are clean and reusable. If, again, you can't afford to tap on the power of these sources, then, at least, choose an electric provider that does not pollute the environment by the use of fossil fuels.

7. Insulate your home to prevent excessive use of heaters. During summer, dress lightly to minimize the use of air-conditioning units.

Most people would argue that these, altogether, would not stop global warming. Well, maybe for now that is true. But with the collective efforts of each and everyone in the planet, and if everyone would be disciplined enough to care for environmental issues such as this, then even two degrees off the present global temperature would be such a major feat. The most important thing is for all of us to do something, as you have noticed, we only have one planet to save. Beyond this, there are no second chances.


To mitigate the effects of global warming is not a simple task. It is related to the whole human society, each country taking action to protect the earth ecosystem. We should do our best to protect the earth, and we can believe that the world will be more beautiful.


—— ways to deal with global warming


学 号:



ways to deal with global warming


People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer

and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have

frequently experienced snowless winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas.

People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on

hotter summer days. To stop global warming we should take measures immediately.

First, join organizations that promise to educate you about the effects of global

warming and what you can do to put a stop to this problem. The next step is to

conserve energy. Then, follow the recycling principle---- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. At

the same time, use environment-friendly fuels and vehicles. What is more, If you can,

harness the power of the sun, wind and water to generate electricity. If, again, you

can't afford to tap on the power of these sources, then, at least, choose an electric

provider that does not pollute the environment by the use of fossil fuels .Last, insulate

your home to prevent excessive use of heaters.

Key words: global warming, measures

Introduction Global warming, which is also known as the greenhouse effect, has been here long

before you or anybody else out there existed. It's been here for thousands of years.

And through those thousands of years, the earth's temperature has increased, and so

has the effects of global warming. Time magazine has actually coined this problem as

a planetary emergency. The current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms

of climate that all living things have come to rely upon. What will we do to slow this

warming? How will we cope with the changes we've already set into motion?

The background of global warming

In the past 100 years, the average of global temperature has experienced cold -

warm - Cold - warm two degree Celsius, the overall look of an upturn trend.

After-entering-eighty-age, the global temperature rise significantly. From 1981 to

1990, the average of global temperature has increased by more than 100 years ago to

0.48 deg C. A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that since 1950, the

world's climate has been warming, primarily as a result of emissions from unfettered

burning of fossil fuels and the razing of tropical forests. Such activity adds to the

atmosphere's invisible blanket of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping


Present situation and Prediction

The causes of global warming

What caused global warming? It is caused by several factors. First, population explosion is one of the main factors of global warming; it also threatens the balance between man and nature. Second, atmospheric pollution is being on the rise, and it has already become a critical problem. It is also the basic problem of global warming. Third, marine ecology and environment took a turn for the worse. That may lead to the damage of fresh water resources. Forth, erosion and desertification of land

make the ecological environment deteriorated, and flood and sand storm may happen more frequently. Fifth, the forest resources are sharply reduced by natural changes and human actions. Sixth, acid rain can destroy the forests, acid lakes, and endanger animals. Seventh, Water pollution, destruction of the balance between the demand and supply of fresh water. Finally, toxic chemical waste poses a threat to the ecological environment of the earth's surface.

The effects of global warming

Global warming has been a subject of intense debate social spheres. On the one hand, there are scientists and environmentalists who are trying their level best to raise awareness about the issue, and on the other there is a strong lobby of government and corporations, who are reluctant to take concrete steps to curb the menace of climate change. While some may think of global warming as a myth, the reality is that we are already seeing its effects. Be it the melting of polar ice caps, or an increase in the occurrence of flash floods, there has been a remarkable change in the climate across the world. To get a better understanding of the dangers that are lurking around us, let us take a look at the effects and consequences of global warming.

A recent study by a group of British climatologists has come to find that global warming will lead to massive droughts in the next 100 years. It may cover half of the

total land area that we have at the present, which will lead to large-scale migration. The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) has found that the global percentage of dry areas has increased by 1.74% between 1950 and 2008. If the temperature on the surface of the earth keeps getting warmer at the current rate, it is very likely to pose problems of feeding and accommodating the burgeoning population.

Global warming has led to the melting of the polar ice caps in the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. The temperatures in these areas have risen about two to three times as compared to the average temperatures on earth. The polar ice caps have their own important role in maintaining the environmental balance. If the these ice caps were to melt, islands which are below sea level may be in danger. Cities like Shanghai and the island nation of Maldives are some places which would be at the highest risk in such a scenario.

With the increase in the temperatures due to global warming, the concentration of smog in the atmosphere will increase. This increase in the level of smog will ultimately lead to illness and death. Smog will also intensify the severity of heat waves, which can take a further toll on us. This report was drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency, and it highlighted the consequences that global warming can have on us if concrete steps are not taken to curb it.

Over the past decade or so, a lot of research has been conducted to ascertain whether global warming leads to an increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Wildfires, which soak up roughly $1.5 billion dollars from America's coffers, could become prolonged and intensive because of the effects of climate change. Wildfires cause destruction of life and property every year and release greenhouse gases, which further increases the temperature of the earth.

The solutions of global warming

There are major solutions that have been done worldwide to cope, alleviate or altogether stop the effects of this major problem. But among these choices, the obvious choice that the human race is supposed to concentrate on is how to stop global warming. Since we have all contributed to the occurrence of global warming (in our own little ways), then we should also join forces in combating this dilemma.

1. Join organizations that promise to educate you about the effects of global warming and what you can do to put a stop to this problem. In the matter of problem, everything begins with you.

2. The next step is to conserve energy. And yes, there are so many ways that an individual can save energy. Let's list some here: car pooling, turning off appliances that are not in use; unplugging any electronic devices that are not in use; buying energy-efficient lamps; keeping the filters of your air-conditioning unit clean; taking a walk (instead of driving); turn off the faucet when enough water has been consumed; do not use appliances or products that release chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere (examples are hairsprays and refrigerators that have CFCs); use EEF appliances; start planting trees, etc. These are basic things that we have learned even from grade school and yet, tend to forget the most.

3. If you are a slave of your profession, then, cut on those works hours to help save

energy. For every individual that would cut down an hour from his work, there would be millions worth of energy saved. Learn to maximize your time and to properly manage it. I guess you never imagined before that this could also stop global warming, huh?

4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Do your part to reduce waste by choosing the repeated use of the products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. If there isn't a recycling program at your workplace, school, or in your community, ask about starting one. By recycling your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.

5. Use environment-friendly fuels and vehicles. They may be a little bit more expensive but they do not contribute to pollution. Honda was the first to come up with a vehicle that is cell-powered, thus, there are no harmful emissions. If you cannot afford cell-powered vehicles just yet, you can opt for those that can run thirty miles in just a gallon of fuel. This way, carbon monoxide is greatly reduced.

6. If you can, harness the power of the sun, wind and water to generate electricity. There are equipments in the market that can be used to harness solar, wind or geothermal energy. These sources of energy are clean and reusable. If, again, you can't afford to tap on the power of these sources, then, at least, choose an electric provider that does not pollute the environment by the use of fossil fuels.

7. Insulate your home to prevent excessive use of heaters. During summer, dress lightly to minimize the use of air-conditioning units.

Most people would argue that these, altogether, would not stop global warming. Well, maybe for now that is true. But with the collective efforts of each and everyone in the planet, and if everyone would be disciplined enough to care for environmental issues such as this, then even two degrees off the present global temperature would be such a major feat. The most important thing is for all of us to do something, as you have noticed, we only have one planet to save. Beyond this, there are no second chances.


To mitigate the effects of global warming is not a simple task. It is related to the whole human society, each country taking action to protect the earth ecosystem. We should do our best to protect the earth, and we can believe that the world will be more beautiful.


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