

Getting Crazy About Certificates on Campus

1. 有些人认为证书可以证明其能力

2. 有些人认为证书不代表实际能力

3. 你的看法

Nowadays, there is no consensus of opinions among people around us with respect to the viewpoint on certificates craze. Some people claim that it is meaningful and should be supported, while others maintain that it is meaningless and useless.

From my point of view, many individuals argue that getting more certificates is useful not only because a majority of university graduates, who have to face fierce competition in such a tight job market, believe that holding various certificates will help prove they abilities to some extent but also because many employers and human resources managers, in today’s China, measure a person’s ability merely by diplomas and certificates , which is absolutely unreasonable but true.

On the contrary, that the others hold the view that this phenomenon should not be encouraged mainly arises from the fact that they believe a certificate is not a symbol of one’s practical capability and the circumstances that many students running after more certificates can not concentrate on their major subjects.

Taking into account all these features above, we can draw a conclusion that participating in certificate examinations has its both advantages and disadvantages. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter opinion in that I feel practical ability is most important and even decisive in our actual work. As a consequence, we should focus on improving our comprehensive quality instead of getting a certificate of no practical value.

Studying Abroad

1. 一些人认为出国留学有很多好处

2. 一些人认为出国留学弊大于利

3. 你的看法

Nowadays, there is no consensus of opinions among people around us with respect to the viewpoint on studying abroad. Some persons believe that studying abroad is meaningful and exciting while others feel that it is meaningless and it is a waste of time, energy and money.

From my point of view, many individuals take the attitude that studying in a foreign

university is beneficial not only because these overseas students can improve their foreign language very quickly and are likely to get a good job after they finish their study, either abroad or at home, but also because these students, in the foreign cultural background , will enjoy a completely new life style, which opens an amazing world to them and helps enrich their life experiences.

On the contrary, quite a few people argue that studying abroad also has its negative effects . For one thing, the overseas students, in order to help support themselves, have to find part-time jobs, because the cost of living in a foreign country is comparatively high, that is, these students may not have enough time to focus on their studies. For another, a totally new environment with so many different social customs and behavioral habits may also be a barrier, which is very difficult to overcome, especially for some new comers.

As far as I am concerned, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages. But, for me, it is a big decision to go abroad and I should take everything into consideration beforehand, such as my financial conditions and ability to adapt to new surroundings. Personally, I choose to go abroad if I find it practical in the future.

The Celebration of Western Festivals

1. 现在很多中国人过“洋节”

2. 分析这种现象产生的原因

3. 谈谈你的个人看法

Nowadays, there is no denying (the fact) that an increasing number of Chinese people are keen on celebrating some western festivals with the development of society and economy. 或者.

There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon, but the following may be critical. First and foremost, a majority of individuals , especially today’s young persons, tend to know more about western culture due to the reform and opening policy and owing to improvement of our standard of living, and they are influenced by it more or less as a consequence. In addition, some merchants want to make more money, taking advantage of these foreign festivals, which are of no importance and value in Chinese history and tradition. Last but not least, some people, under growing work and study pressure, need to find joy and relax themselves in not just Chinese traditional festivals but foreign ones as well.

1. This phenomenon mainly results /arises from that fact that ___________

2. Another contributory factor is that ___________

3. That ___________ is also responsible for this matter.

As far as I am concerned, some western festivals , such as Christmas and Thanksgiving, are somehow meaningful and interesting to young persons . But while enjoying the atmosphere brought by those western customs , we must pay attention to keeping our own tradition and identity.

How to Limit the Use of Disposable Products

1. 如今,大量一次性产品在中国被广泛使用

2. 请提出至少两点解决方法

Nowadays, many disposable products are widely used in China, which arouses great concern among people around us , especially some environmentalists. It brings about many serious environmental problems, such as global warming and white pollution. Consequently, the special attention must be devoted to this problem immediately.

To begin with, we need to spare no effort to invoke/arouse the public awareness of environmental protection because the limited resources, such as fresh water and gasoline, will be exhausted very soon if this situation continues. Furthermore , new technology must be developed to find better materials with no harm to our environment. For instance, some disposable plastic bags produced with new and advanced technology are recyclable. Last but not least , law articles and rules should be executed strictly to limit the use of disposable products. A good example to illustrate is that disposable products are banned in many western developed countries.

Only by these measures mentioned above can we solve this difficult problem properly . However, the situations vary from time to time and it is necessary for us to take effective and flexible measures to ban the use of disposable products.


Getting Crazy About Certificates on Campus

1. 有些人认为证书可以证明其能力

2. 有些人认为证书不代表实际能力

3. 你的看法

Nowadays, there is no consensus of opinions among people around us with respect to the viewpoint on certificates craze. Some people claim that it is meaningful and should be supported, while others maintain that it is meaningless and useless.

From my point of view, many individuals argue that getting more certificates is useful not only because a majority of university graduates, who have to face fierce competition in such a tight job market, believe that holding various certificates will help prove they abilities to some extent but also because many employers and human resources managers, in today’s China, measure a person’s ability merely by diplomas and certificates , which is absolutely unreasonable but true.

On the contrary, that the others hold the view that this phenomenon should not be encouraged mainly arises from the fact that they believe a certificate is not a symbol of one’s practical capability and the circumstances that many students running after more certificates can not concentrate on their major subjects.

Taking into account all these features above, we can draw a conclusion that participating in certificate examinations has its both advantages and disadvantages. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter opinion in that I feel practical ability is most important and even decisive in our actual work. As a consequence, we should focus on improving our comprehensive quality instead of getting a certificate of no practical value.

Studying Abroad

1. 一些人认为出国留学有很多好处

2. 一些人认为出国留学弊大于利

3. 你的看法

Nowadays, there is no consensus of opinions among people around us with respect to the viewpoint on studying abroad. Some persons believe that studying abroad is meaningful and exciting while others feel that it is meaningless and it is a waste of time, energy and money.

From my point of view, many individuals take the attitude that studying in a foreign

university is beneficial not only because these overseas students can improve their foreign language very quickly and are likely to get a good job after they finish their study, either abroad or at home, but also because these students, in the foreign cultural background , will enjoy a completely new life style, which opens an amazing world to them and helps enrich their life experiences.

On the contrary, quite a few people argue that studying abroad also has its negative effects . For one thing, the overseas students, in order to help support themselves, have to find part-time jobs, because the cost of living in a foreign country is comparatively high, that is, these students may not have enough time to focus on their studies. For another, a totally new environment with so many different social customs and behavioral habits may also be a barrier, which is very difficult to overcome, especially for some new comers.

As far as I am concerned, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh its disadvantages. But, for me, it is a big decision to go abroad and I should take everything into consideration beforehand, such as my financial conditions and ability to adapt to new surroundings. Personally, I choose to go abroad if I find it practical in the future.

The Celebration of Western Festivals

1. 现在很多中国人过“洋节”

2. 分析这种现象产生的原因

3. 谈谈你的个人看法

Nowadays, there is no denying (the fact) that an increasing number of Chinese people are keen on celebrating some western festivals with the development of society and economy. 或者.

There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon, but the following may be critical. First and foremost, a majority of individuals , especially today’s young persons, tend to know more about western culture due to the reform and opening policy and owing to improvement of our standard of living, and they are influenced by it more or less as a consequence. In addition, some merchants want to make more money, taking advantage of these foreign festivals, which are of no importance and value in Chinese history and tradition. Last but not least, some people, under growing work and study pressure, need to find joy and relax themselves in not just Chinese traditional festivals but foreign ones as well.

1. This phenomenon mainly results /arises from that fact that ___________

2. Another contributory factor is that ___________

3. That ___________ is also responsible for this matter.

As far as I am concerned, some western festivals , such as Christmas and Thanksgiving, are somehow meaningful and interesting to young persons . But while enjoying the atmosphere brought by those western customs , we must pay attention to keeping our own tradition and identity.

How to Limit the Use of Disposable Products

1. 如今,大量一次性产品在中国被广泛使用

2. 请提出至少两点解决方法

Nowadays, many disposable products are widely used in China, which arouses great concern among people around us , especially some environmentalists. It brings about many serious environmental problems, such as global warming and white pollution. Consequently, the special attention must be devoted to this problem immediately.

To begin with, we need to spare no effort to invoke/arouse the public awareness of environmental protection because the limited resources, such as fresh water and gasoline, will be exhausted very soon if this situation continues. Furthermore , new technology must be developed to find better materials with no harm to our environment. For instance, some disposable plastic bags produced with new and advanced technology are recyclable. Last but not least , law articles and rules should be executed strictly to limit the use of disposable products. A good example to illustrate is that disposable products are banned in many western developed countries.

Only by these measures mentioned above can we solve this difficult problem properly . However, the situations vary from time to time and it is necessary for us to take effective and flexible measures to ban the use of disposable products.


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