


特殊疑问词:when (什么时候) where (在哪里) what (什么) which (哪一个) who (谁) how(怎么样)

1)___________are you going? I’m going to go to the park.

2). __________park are you going to go?

I’m going to go to Dongsheng Park.

3). __________are you going? I’m going to go by bike.

4). _________are you going? I’m going to go on Saturday.

5). _________are you going with? I’m going to go with Sarah.

6). _________are you going to do there? We’re going to play games.

2. How (怎样) how many (多少-后跟可数名词) how long(多长时间) how much (多少-后跟不可数名词 /多少钱) how old (多大年纪)

1). _________is your father? He is fine.

2). _________is your father? He is fifty.

3). _________is your father going to stay in Beijing? About two weeks.

4). _________days are there in two weeks? There are fourteen.

5). _________is a ticket to Beijing? About 200 yuan.

6). _________is your father going to Beijing? By plane.

3. Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案

( ?

A. rose B. flower C. flowers

( ) 2). the store? It’s next to the bank.

A. Where B. where’s C. Where’s

( A. were play B. are playing C. were playing

( A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly

( ) 5). Jenny’s brother A. likes swimming B. like swiming C. likes swim

( a picture last year.

A. drawing B. drew C. drawed

( ) 7). did you buy at the shop? I bought a box of chocolates.

A. Where B. What C. Why

( ) 8). Which is , the dog, the pig or the horse?

A. bigger B. biggest C. the biggest

( A. hear, do B. hear,does C. hears, do

( ) 10). We’re going to . A. watch B. watched



特殊疑问词:when (什么时候) where (在哪里) what (什么) which (哪一个) who (谁) how(怎么样)

1)___________are you going? I’m going to go to the park.

2). __________park are you going to go?

I’m going to go to Dongsheng Park.

3). __________are you going? I’m going to go by bike.

4). _________are you going? I’m going to go on Saturday.

5). _________are you going with? I’m going to go with Sarah.

6). _________are you going to do there? We’re going to play games.

2. How (怎样) how many (多少-后跟可数名词) how long(多长时间) how much (多少-后跟不可数名词 /多少钱) how old (多大年纪)

1). _________is your father? He is fine.

2). _________is your father? He is fifty.

3). _________is your father going to stay in Beijing? About two weeks.

4). _________days are there in two weeks? There are fourteen.

5). _________is a ticket to Beijing? About 200 yuan.

6). _________is your father going to Beijing? By plane.

3. Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案

( ?

A. rose B. flower C. flowers

( ) 2). the store? It’s next to the bank.

A. Where B. where’s C. Where’s

( A. were play B. are playing C. were playing

( A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly

( ) 5). Jenny’s brother A. likes swimming B. like swiming C. likes swim

( a picture last year.

A. drawing B. drew C. drawed

( ) 7). did you buy at the shop? I bought a box of chocolates.

A. Where B. What C. Why

( ) 8). Which is , the dog, the pig or the horse?

A. bigger B. biggest C. the biggest

( A. hear, do B. hear,does C. hears, do

( ) 10). We’re going to . A. watch B. watched


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