

? 穿的虽然是长衫,可是又脏又破,似乎十多年没有补,也没有洗。他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂的。

? 因为他姓孔,别人便从描红纸上的“上大人孔乙己”这半懂不懂的话里,替他取下一个绰号,叫作孔乙己。

? 孔乙己一到店,所有喝酒的人便都看着他笑,有的叫道,“孔乙己,你脸上又添上新伤疤了!”他不回答,对柜里说,“温两碗酒,要一碟茴香豆。”便排出九文大钱。


Bore b f is stood drinking and wear long gown the only person. He was very tall, Stimulation complexion, furrow between often clip some wounds, A thatch of grey beard.

& # 61558; Wear although gown, but dirty, torn, seem to be ten years not up, nor washed. He to speak, and always readily depends on the person also, teach the half doesn't understand.

& # 61558; Because his surname hole, others will from kong yi ji paper understand. Because he is surnamed the hole, others then in the words which “on Mr. Kong Yiji” this does not fully understand from tracing paper with red characters, takes down a nickname for him, is called Kong Yiji. As soon as Kong Yiji arrives at the shop, all drinks the human then looks at him to smile, some called out, “Kong Yiji, on your face added the new scabs!”He did not reply that said to the cabinet, “the warm two bowls of liquor, take small dish aniseed-flavored beans.”Then discharges nine article good moneys.


? 穿的虽然是长衫,可是又脏又破,似乎十多年没有补,也没有洗。他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂的。

? 因为他姓孔,别人便从描红纸上的“上大人孔乙己”这半懂不懂的话里,替他取下一个绰号,叫作孔乙己。

? 孔乙己一到店,所有喝酒的人便都看着他笑,有的叫道,“孔乙己,你脸上又添上新伤疤了!”他不回答,对柜里说,“温两碗酒,要一碟茴香豆。”便排出九文大钱。


Bore b f is stood drinking and wear long gown the only person. He was very tall, Stimulation complexion, furrow between often clip some wounds, A thatch of grey beard.

& # 61558; Wear although gown, but dirty, torn, seem to be ten years not up, nor washed. He to speak, and always readily depends on the person also, teach the half doesn't understand.

& # 61558; Because his surname hole, others will from kong yi ji paper understand. Because he is surnamed the hole, others then in the words which “on Mr. Kong Yiji” this does not fully understand from tracing paper with red characters, takes down a nickname for him, is called Kong Yiji. As soon as Kong Yiji arrives at the shop, all drinks the human then looks at him to smile, some called out, “Kong Yiji, on your face added the new scabs!”He did not reply that said to the cabinet, “the warm two bowls of liquor, take small dish aniseed-flavored beans.”Then discharges nine article good moneys.


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