
Unit7 What does he look like? 对“外表”提问

1. –他看起来长得怎么样?

(有look ,用


--他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。① 同义句:

(只有like ,用is) (用is

,like 翻译问“像”)

区别: 他喜欢什么?(用does ,

like 翻译为“喜欢”)

② 区别比较:(1) /身材:是

of, 前用



(2) /身材:medium height/build.(是a, 前用


描述人物基本外貌特征:Hair , curly, straight, tall, medium, height , thin , heavy, build,like

2. (heavy是形容词,前用be 动词)

①一点点+形容词:a little bit+

形容词 = a little+形容词 = a bit+形容词;


a little+名词



(句中已经有了动词talking about


②比较: (无They are talking about, 表达“有着”用动


练:(1) Jim lives in a small house _________ (有着) an interesting garden.

(2) Do you remember John, a pop singer __________ (戴着) funny glasses?

(3) Do you know the tall man _________ (有着) a big nose?

4. ① ② 练:(1) Class is over. Let’s stop ___________ (have) a rest.

(2) The teacher is coming. Let’s stop __________ (talk).

(3) – I feel tired and sleepy. – Why not stop __________ (relax)?

(4) If you’re tired, you can stop _________ (work).

(5) Stop _________ (talk). Listen to me, please.

(2) Do you think everyone __________ (enjoy) their weekends?

(3) Everyone in our class _______ the weekend.

A. enjoys B. enjoy C. enjoyed D. enjoying

8. 篮球队的队长:

(有of ,需要倒翻


①有“生命”的东西,表示“的 如:②无“生命”的东西,表示“的 如:.


13. 去买东西:go shopping

在购物商场购物:14. (1) look v. 看起来; (2) look prep. 外表; 如:15. (1) like v. 喜欢; 如:(2) like prep. 像; 如:

Unit 7 What does he look like?


1. hair un. 头发,(动物的)毛发


Who is the girl with long black hair?=Who is the girl wearing long black hair?

2)她喜欢留卷发吗?Does she like to wear curly hair?

cn. (一根)头发

4)那位老人有几根白发。 The old man has a few grey hairs.

2. 描述 (衣服) 尺寸的词有:

small 小码 = S码 medium 中码 = M码 large 大码 = L码

extra large 加长/大码 = XL码 extra extra large = XXL码

他的爸爸五十多岁中等个。 His father is of medium height in his fifties.

3. 形容词—名词

high —height 高/ 高度

1)我的妈妈中等高度。 My mother is of medium height.

long —length 长/长度 strong —strength 强壮/力气

4. thin adj 薄的;瘦的

1)这本字典比那一本薄。 This dictionary is thinner than that one.

2)我的堂兄又高又瘦。 My cousin is tall and thin. (液体、毛发或植物、空气)稀的 3)这碗粥太稀了。 This bowl of porridge is too thin. 4)那位老人的胡子很稀疏。 The old man has a thin moustache.

5)山顶上的空气稀薄。 The air is thin at the top of the mountain.

thick adj. 厚的;茂密的;稠的;充满…的

6)外面很冷,你最好穿上厚衣服。 It’s cold outside. You’d better put on thick clothes.

8)汤应该浓稠美味。 The soup should be thick and delicious.

9)天空覆盖着浓浓的烟雾。 The sky is covered with thick smog.

5. 描述某人胖的词有:

fat “脂肪堆积的”(这个词不礼貌)。 1)我变得越来越胖了。 I'm getting really fat. overweight 超重 (这个词稍微礼貌些) 2)他有点胖 。 He's a little overweight.

big, heavy, large (礼貌方式)

3)我觉得你的妈妈有点胖。 I think your mother is kind of heavy.

4)Mike 是个相当壮的年轻人。 Mike is a pretty big guy.

6. build n. (用单数)体型,体格

1)她中等体型,身高和我差不多。 She is of medium build and about my height.

vt. 建筑,建造,建设---built ---built

2)他们没有足够的钱建一座桥。 Th ey don’t have enough money to build a bridge.

7. like n. 诸如此类,等等

某人的好恶 one’s likes and dislikes

2)你能告诉我你的好恶是什么吗? Can you tell me what your likes and dislikes are?

vt. (表示心理活动的词)没有进行时。

like sth. / like sb.

like 介词, “像”

7)天竺鼠是一种像老鼠一样的小动物。 A guinea pig is a small animal like a mouse.

8. 频度副词:

always 总是

1)她总是乐于助人。 She is always ready to help others.

2)他上课总是说话。(表示讨厌) He is always talking in class.

3)你在考试中总是做得很好。(表示欣赏) Y ou are always doing well in exams.

usually 通常

4)你通常几点起床? What time do you usually get up?

often 经常 5)他爸爸经常坐公交车上班。 His father often goes to work by bus. sometimes 有时候 6)你有时候上学会迟到吗?

Are you sometimes late for school? =Do you sometimes go / come to school late?

seldom 很少,不常

7)我奶奶很少在6点起床。 My grandmother seldom gets up at 6.

hardly (ever ) 几乎不

8)我们几乎没有做什么有趣的事情。 We hardly ever did anything interesting. never 从不 never ever 绝不,永不

10)我永远也不会抽烟。 I will never ever smoke.

9. team , group , family , class



1)我们的球队赢了/ 是最好的。 Our team has won. / is the best one.

2)比赛后我们的队员正在休息。 Our team are now having a rest after the match.

3)那一家已经搬到上海去了。 The family has moved to Shanghai.

4)现在6点。这家人正在吃饭。 It’s 6 o’clock now. The family are having dinner.

5)我们班在一层。 Our class is on the first floor.

6)我们班同学都去,我为什么不去呢? My class are all going. Why can’t I?

10. glass un. 玻璃

1)小心不要打碎玻璃。 Be careful not to break the glass.

cn. 玻璃杯子 a glass of… 一杯…

2)请把酒杯放在桌子上。 Put the wine glasses on the table, please.

3)我每天早晨喝一杯牛奶。 I drink a glass of milk every morning.

glasses [复数] 眼镜

4)为了看清楚,我需要一副眼镜。 In order to see clearly, I need a pair of glasses.

11. look n. 看;

1)让我看一下那顶新帽子。 Let me take/have a look at that cap.

n. 外貌 2)我的朋友Paul 有一个新面貌。 My friend Paul has a new look. 3)不要总是以貌取人。 Don’t judge a person always by his looks. (感官)系动词

4)你穿上这件新裙子很漂亮。 Y ou look beautiful in this new dress.

vi. 不及物动词


The boy looked sad and he looked sadly at his mother.

12. remember sb. to sb. 代…向…问好/候


Remember me to your family. =Please give my best wishes / regards to your family. remember to do sth. 记住要去做某事

2)回家时记住把教室的灯关上。 Remember to turn off the lights when you go home. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事

3)我记得以前在那里见过他。I remember seeing him somewhere before.

13. no more +cn. / un. = not…any more



I want no more eggs. = I want eggs no more.= I don’t want eggs any more. no longer = not…any longer



It’s too late. I will wait no longer. = It’s too late..I won’t wait any longer.


1. 1)---What does he look like?

他长得什么样? (询问外貌) ---He is tall and thin with short hair.

2)---What is he like?

他这个人怎么样? (询问性格、品质) ---He is kind and friendly. / He is shy.

3)---What does he like?

他喜欢/爱好什么? (询问爱好) ---He likes sports.

2. She is of medium build. 她中等身材(不胖不瘦)。

be of medium build / height 中等身材 / 个头

1)我们的数学老师中等身材。 Our math teacher is of medium build.

tall 与 high 的用法:

high 和 tall 都有“高”的意思。

A: tall 指身材的高度,一般用于人和动物,它的反义词是short 。

1)Mike 比Scott 个子高。 Mike is taller than Scott.

B: high 一般表示物体的高度,它的反义词是low 。

2)你能看见远处的那座高山吗? Can you see the high mountain in the distance? C: tall与high 都可用来指tree,

building ,tower (塔)等的高度,但指mountain 时,只能用high.

3. He is tall and he is of medium build. He has curly hair.



His grandfather is in hospital. (介词短语)

5)他的爸爸是一名医生。 His father is a doctor. (名词)

4. She always wears a red dress.

A: wear是“穿着”,“戴着”的意思,强调状态。常用一般时表示经常的状态,用进行时表示现在的状态。wear 还可用来表示佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花儿的“佩”或“带”以及留头发、胡须的“留”,面带微笑等。

1)Lucy 总是穿着白色的鞋子。 Lucy always wears white shoes.

2)Gina 今天穿着一件红裙子。 Gina is wearing a red skirt today.

B: put on, wear与have on:

put on 是“穿上”,“戴上”,强调动作,是终止性短语动词,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。

7)他穿上外衣, 戴上帽子, 去上班了。 He put on his coat and hat and went to work.


My grandfather put on his glasses to read the newspaper.

have on “穿着”,表示状态,没有进行时。


She has a white dress on today.= She has on a white dress today.= She is wearing a white dress today.= She is dressed in a white dress today.=

She is in red today.

5. She has short curly blonde hair.



He lives in a small white wooden house.

6. She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet.


good-looking (漂亮的,指男女均可),hard-working (努力的)复合形容词,它们在句子中既可以作定语,又可以作表语。

1)我的堂兄是个相貌好看的年轻人。 My cousin is a good-looking young man.(定语) a little / a bit / kind of / a little bit +adj.或 adv. 有些 / 有几分+形容词或副词。

4)今天有些热。 It’s a little / a bit / a little bit / kind of hot today.


a few +可数名词“有几个”

a little +不可数名词“有一些”

a bit of +不可数名词


few+可数名词“几乎没有几个” little+不可数名词“几乎没有” 6)房间里只有几个人。 There are only a few people in the room. 8)她几乎没有朋友,所以她经常感到寂寞。 She has few friends so she often feels lonely.

7. He likes reading and playing chess.


like doing A and doing B 也可以说:

l ike to do A and do B。


I like playing basketball and watching TV in my spare time.=I like to play basketball and watch TV in my spare time.

8. 他留着胡须。 He has a beard / a mustache. (通常要加不定冠词 a ) beard 下巴上的胡须; mustache = moustache 上嘴唇上的胡须 2)他现在有一个新形象。 He has a new look now. 9. Here 和 There 开头的句子用倒装。 1)给你。 Here it is. = Here you are. 2)他在那边。 There he is. 3)看!车来了。 Look! Here comes the bus. 4)演员们过来了。Here come the actors.

5)铃响了。 There goes the bell.

如果副词Here 和There 开头的句子里,主语是名词时,句子用全倒装;主要是代词时,句子用半倒装。

5. 受欢迎的“popular”

Popular adj. 意为“受欢迎的、得人心的”

后可接介词with 或among 意为“受…(某人) 的欢迎、喜欢。

例: 1. Yao Ming is very popular.

2. Chinese food is becoming popular among Americans.

附: popular 还可表示“流行的、通俗的”

a popular song 流行歌曲 popular music 通俗音乐

1. She wears glasses= She is with glasses

4. 某人的身高是… his height is +数字= He is +

5. Middle直线; 时间,in the middle/ 在中间– at the middle of在…的中间Center 平面 Medium 程度

6. A look like B, so they are alike

I .用画线单词的反义词填空:

1)Ma Yan isn’t fat . She’s _______

2)My hair isn’t long . It’s ________

3)This is my old friend and that is my ________ friend.

4)She is not tall .She’s ______.

5)Peter doesn’t have straight hair . He has ________ hair.


1) My teacher is of m______height.

2) She has long s______ hair.

3) The man is not thin. He is h______.

4) The girl has short c______ hair.

5) He is of medium b______.


1. Is that your uncle?(做否定回答)

______,______ ______.

2. Her brother is thin.(对画线部分提问)

______ ______ her brother______ _____?

3.My sister has long black hair.(改为否定句)

My sister _____ _____ long black hair.

4.Mary looks like her father.(改为一般疑问句)

______ Mary _____ ______her father ?

5. His hair is short.(改为同义句)

He _____ ______ hair.

1.He wears funny sunglasses.(改为否定句)

He_______ _______ funny sunglasses.

2.I think I can play the piano. (改为否定句)

I ______ think I ______ play the piano.

3. Paul is tall with brown hair.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ Paul ______ ______?

4.My brother is that boy. He is wearing glasses(合并为一句,句意不变)

My brother is the boy ______ ________. 5.She wears a blue uniform. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ she ________ ? 三.单选

( )1. Mrs Green has ______ hair.

A.black long beautiful B. beautiful black longC.beautiful long black D. black beautiful long

( )2. He is short, but he looks _______thin, A. a little B. a little of C. a lot of D. a little bit

Unit7 What does he look like? 对“外表”提问

1. –他看起来长得怎么样?

(有look ,用


--他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。① 同义句:

(只有like ,用is) (用is

,like 翻译问“像”)

区别: 他喜欢什么?(用does ,

like 翻译为“喜欢”)

② 区别比较:(1) /身材:是

of, 前用



(2) /身材:medium height/build.(是a, 前用


描述人物基本外貌特征:Hair , curly, straight, tall, medium, height , thin , heavy, build,like

2. (heavy是形容词,前用be 动词)

①一点点+形容词:a little bit+

形容词 = a little+形容词 = a bit+形容词;


a little+名词



(句中已经有了动词talking about


②比较: (无They are talking about, 表达“有着”用动


练:(1) Jim lives in a small house _________ (有着) an interesting garden.

(2) Do you remember John, a pop singer __________ (戴着) funny glasses?

(3) Do you know the tall man _________ (有着) a big nose?

4. ① ② 练:(1) Class is over. Let’s stop ___________ (have) a rest.

(2) The teacher is coming. Let’s stop __________ (talk).

(3) – I feel tired and sleepy. – Why not stop __________ (relax)?

(4) If you’re tired, you can stop _________ (work).

(5) Stop _________ (talk). Listen to me, please.

(2) Do you think everyone __________ (enjoy) their weekends?

(3) Everyone in our class _______ the weekend.

A. enjoys B. enjoy C. enjoyed D. enjoying

8. 篮球队的队长:

(有of ,需要倒翻


①有“生命”的东西,表示“的 如:②无“生命”的东西,表示“的 如:.


13. 去买东西:go shopping

在购物商场购物:14. (1) look v. 看起来; (2) look prep. 外表; 如:15. (1) like v. 喜欢; 如:(2) like prep. 像; 如:

Unit 7 What does he look like?


1. hair un. 头发,(动物的)毛发


Who is the girl with long black hair?=Who is the girl wearing long black hair?

2)她喜欢留卷发吗?Does she like to wear curly hair?

cn. (一根)头发

4)那位老人有几根白发。 The old man has a few grey hairs.

2. 描述 (衣服) 尺寸的词有:

small 小码 = S码 medium 中码 = M码 large 大码 = L码

extra large 加长/大码 = XL码 extra extra large = XXL码

他的爸爸五十多岁中等个。 His father is of medium height in his fifties.

3. 形容词—名词

high —height 高/ 高度

1)我的妈妈中等高度。 My mother is of medium height.

long —length 长/长度 strong —strength 强壮/力气

4. thin adj 薄的;瘦的

1)这本字典比那一本薄。 This dictionary is thinner than that one.

2)我的堂兄又高又瘦。 My cousin is tall and thin. (液体、毛发或植物、空气)稀的 3)这碗粥太稀了。 This bowl of porridge is too thin. 4)那位老人的胡子很稀疏。 The old man has a thin moustache.

5)山顶上的空气稀薄。 The air is thin at the top of the mountain.

thick adj. 厚的;茂密的;稠的;充满…的

6)外面很冷,你最好穿上厚衣服。 It’s cold outside. You’d better put on thick clothes.

8)汤应该浓稠美味。 The soup should be thick and delicious.

9)天空覆盖着浓浓的烟雾。 The sky is covered with thick smog.

5. 描述某人胖的词有:

fat “脂肪堆积的”(这个词不礼貌)。 1)我变得越来越胖了。 I'm getting really fat. overweight 超重 (这个词稍微礼貌些) 2)他有点胖 。 He's a little overweight.

big, heavy, large (礼貌方式)

3)我觉得你的妈妈有点胖。 I think your mother is kind of heavy.

4)Mike 是个相当壮的年轻人。 Mike is a pretty big guy.

6. build n. (用单数)体型,体格

1)她中等体型,身高和我差不多。 She is of medium build and about my height.

vt. 建筑,建造,建设---built ---built

2)他们没有足够的钱建一座桥。 Th ey don’t have enough money to build a bridge.

7. like n. 诸如此类,等等

某人的好恶 one’s likes and dislikes

2)你能告诉我你的好恶是什么吗? Can you tell me what your likes and dislikes are?

vt. (表示心理活动的词)没有进行时。

like sth. / like sb.

like 介词, “像”

7)天竺鼠是一种像老鼠一样的小动物。 A guinea pig is a small animal like a mouse.

8. 频度副词:

always 总是

1)她总是乐于助人。 She is always ready to help others.

2)他上课总是说话。(表示讨厌) He is always talking in class.

3)你在考试中总是做得很好。(表示欣赏) Y ou are always doing well in exams.

usually 通常

4)你通常几点起床? What time do you usually get up?

often 经常 5)他爸爸经常坐公交车上班。 His father often goes to work by bus. sometimes 有时候 6)你有时候上学会迟到吗?

Are you sometimes late for school? =Do you sometimes go / come to school late?

seldom 很少,不常

7)我奶奶很少在6点起床。 My grandmother seldom gets up at 6.

hardly (ever ) 几乎不

8)我们几乎没有做什么有趣的事情。 We hardly ever did anything interesting. never 从不 never ever 绝不,永不

10)我永远也不会抽烟。 I will never ever smoke.

9. team , group , family , class



1)我们的球队赢了/ 是最好的。 Our team has won. / is the best one.

2)比赛后我们的队员正在休息。 Our team are now having a rest after the match.

3)那一家已经搬到上海去了。 The family has moved to Shanghai.

4)现在6点。这家人正在吃饭。 It’s 6 o’clock now. The family are having dinner.

5)我们班在一层。 Our class is on the first floor.

6)我们班同学都去,我为什么不去呢? My class are all going. Why can’t I?

10. glass un. 玻璃

1)小心不要打碎玻璃。 Be careful not to break the glass.

cn. 玻璃杯子 a glass of… 一杯…

2)请把酒杯放在桌子上。 Put the wine glasses on the table, please.

3)我每天早晨喝一杯牛奶。 I drink a glass of milk every morning.

glasses [复数] 眼镜

4)为了看清楚,我需要一副眼镜。 In order to see clearly, I need a pair of glasses.

11. look n. 看;

1)让我看一下那顶新帽子。 Let me take/have a look at that cap.

n. 外貌 2)我的朋友Paul 有一个新面貌。 My friend Paul has a new look. 3)不要总是以貌取人。 Don’t judge a person always by his looks. (感官)系动词

4)你穿上这件新裙子很漂亮。 Y ou look beautiful in this new dress.

vi. 不及物动词


The boy looked sad and he looked sadly at his mother.

12. remember sb. to sb. 代…向…问好/候


Remember me to your family. =Please give my best wishes / regards to your family. remember to do sth. 记住要去做某事

2)回家时记住把教室的灯关上。 Remember to turn off the lights when you go home. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事

3)我记得以前在那里见过他。I remember seeing him somewhere before.

13. no more +cn. / un. = not…any more



I want no more eggs. = I want eggs no more.= I don’t want eggs any more. no longer = not…any longer



It’s too late. I will wait no longer. = It’s too late..I won’t wait any longer.


1. 1)---What does he look like?

他长得什么样? (询问外貌) ---He is tall and thin with short hair.

2)---What is he like?

他这个人怎么样? (询问性格、品质) ---He is kind and friendly. / He is shy.

3)---What does he like?

他喜欢/爱好什么? (询问爱好) ---He likes sports.

2. She is of medium build. 她中等身材(不胖不瘦)。

be of medium build / height 中等身材 / 个头

1)我们的数学老师中等身材。 Our math teacher is of medium build.

tall 与 high 的用法:

high 和 tall 都有“高”的意思。

A: tall 指身材的高度,一般用于人和动物,它的反义词是short 。

1)Mike 比Scott 个子高。 Mike is taller than Scott.

B: high 一般表示物体的高度,它的反义词是low 。

2)你能看见远处的那座高山吗? Can you see the high mountain in the distance? C: tall与high 都可用来指tree,

building ,tower (塔)等的高度,但指mountain 时,只能用high.

3. He is tall and he is of medium build. He has curly hair.



His grandfather is in hospital. (介词短语)

5)他的爸爸是一名医生。 His father is a doctor. (名词)

4. She always wears a red dress.

A: wear是“穿着”,“戴着”的意思,强调状态。常用一般时表示经常的状态,用进行时表示现在的状态。wear 还可用来表示佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花儿的“佩”或“带”以及留头发、胡须的“留”,面带微笑等。

1)Lucy 总是穿着白色的鞋子。 Lucy always wears white shoes.

2)Gina 今天穿着一件红裙子。 Gina is wearing a red skirt today.

B: put on, wear与have on:

put on 是“穿上”,“戴上”,强调动作,是终止性短语动词,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。

7)他穿上外衣, 戴上帽子, 去上班了。 He put on his coat and hat and went to work.


My grandfather put on his glasses to read the newspaper.

have on “穿着”,表示状态,没有进行时。


She has a white dress on today.= She has on a white dress today.= She is wearing a white dress today.= She is dressed in a white dress today.=

She is in red today.

5. She has short curly blonde hair.



He lives in a small white wooden house.

6. She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet.


good-looking (漂亮的,指男女均可),hard-working (努力的)复合形容词,它们在句子中既可以作定语,又可以作表语。

1)我的堂兄是个相貌好看的年轻人。 My cousin is a good-looking young man.(定语) a little / a bit / kind of / a little bit +adj.或 adv. 有些 / 有几分+形容词或副词。

4)今天有些热。 It’s a little / a bit / a little bit / kind of hot today.


a few +可数名词“有几个”

a little +不可数名词“有一些”

a bit of +不可数名词


few+可数名词“几乎没有几个” little+不可数名词“几乎没有” 6)房间里只有几个人。 There are only a few people in the room. 8)她几乎没有朋友,所以她经常感到寂寞。 She has few friends so she often feels lonely.

7. He likes reading and playing chess.


like doing A and doing B 也可以说:

l ike to do A and do B。


I like playing basketball and watching TV in my spare time.=I like to play basketball and watch TV in my spare time.

8. 他留着胡须。 He has a beard / a mustache. (通常要加不定冠词 a ) beard 下巴上的胡须; mustache = moustache 上嘴唇上的胡须 2)他现在有一个新形象。 He has a new look now. 9. Here 和 There 开头的句子用倒装。 1)给你。 Here it is. = Here you are. 2)他在那边。 There he is. 3)看!车来了。 Look! Here comes the bus. 4)演员们过来了。Here come the actors.

5)铃响了。 There goes the bell.

如果副词Here 和There 开头的句子里,主语是名词时,句子用全倒装;主要是代词时,句子用半倒装。

5. 受欢迎的“popular”

Popular adj. 意为“受欢迎的、得人心的”

后可接介词with 或among 意为“受…(某人) 的欢迎、喜欢。

例: 1. Yao Ming is very popular.

2. Chinese food is becoming popular among Americans.

附: popular 还可表示“流行的、通俗的”

a popular song 流行歌曲 popular music 通俗音乐

1. She wears glasses= She is with glasses

4. 某人的身高是… his height is +数字= He is +

5. Middle直线; 时间,in the middle/ 在中间– at the middle of在…的中间Center 平面 Medium 程度

6. A look like B, so they are alike

I .用画线单词的反义词填空:

1)Ma Yan isn’t fat . She’s _______

2)My hair isn’t long . It’s ________

3)This is my old friend and that is my ________ friend.

4)She is not tall .She’s ______.

5)Peter doesn’t have straight hair . He has ________ hair.


1) My teacher is of m______height.

2) She has long s______ hair.

3) The man is not thin. He is h______.

4) The girl has short c______ hair.

5) He is of medium b______.


1. Is that your uncle?(做否定回答)

______,______ ______.

2. Her brother is thin.(对画线部分提问)

______ ______ her brother______ _____?

3.My sister has long black hair.(改为否定句)

My sister _____ _____ long black hair.

4.Mary looks like her father.(改为一般疑问句)

______ Mary _____ ______her father ?

5. His hair is short.(改为同义句)

He _____ ______ hair.

1.He wears funny sunglasses.(改为否定句)

He_______ _______ funny sunglasses.

2.I think I can play the piano. (改为否定句)

I ______ think I ______ play the piano.

3. Paul is tall with brown hair.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ Paul ______ ______?

4.My brother is that boy. He is wearing glasses(合并为一句,句意不变)

My brother is the boy ______ ________. 5.She wears a blue uniform. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ she ________ ? 三.单选

( )1. Mrs Green has ______ hair.

A.black long beautiful B. beautiful black longC.beautiful long black D. black beautiful long

( )2. He is short, but he looks _______thin, A. a little B. a little of C. a lot of D. a little bit


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