

"Well, used to stay in the city, good thought to experience rural life yo!" I muttered.

In the city, while living in high-rise buildings where, despite all the much more convenient than in rural areas, but there are many shortcomings.

Oh, well outside the noisy city! Particularly when engaging in promotional activities, all day holding the microphone promote their products; good to think of rural Oh! Where there is no noise, just silence.

City of Dust is pretty strong! Car over, the scatter on the ground of dust, dust will be those who danced in the air, waiting for our call into the body; good to think of rural Oh! Where extremely fresh air, very few cars, there are many trees release oxygen.

Men of the town a good few hobbies Oh! You see children in rural areas, and some swimming in that stream fishing in troubled waters, and I feel extremely excited; some on horseback or cattle back, pick a few leaves on the lips, blowing birds singing, listening to the voice moving to detect and really not any different bird. Some people in the ground do not know the game in town. The entertainment city people, nobody will.

Rural nice ah ......


"Well, used to stay in the city, good thought to experience rural life yo!" I muttered.

In the city, while living in high-rise buildings where, despite all the much more convenient than in rural areas, but there are many shortcomings.

Oh, well outside the noisy city! Particularly when engaging in promotional activities, all day holding the microphone promote their products; good to think of rural Oh! Where there is no noise, just silence.

City of Dust is pretty strong! Car over, the scatter on the ground of dust, dust will be those who danced in the air, waiting for our call into the body; good to think of rural Oh! Where extremely fresh air, very few cars, there are many trees release oxygen.

Men of the town a good few hobbies Oh! You see children in rural areas, and some swimming in that stream fishing in troubled waters, and I feel extremely excited; some on horseback or cattle back, pick a few leaves on the lips, blowing birds singing, listening to the voice moving to detect and really not any different bird. Some people in the ground do not know the game in town. The entertainment city people, nobody will.

Rural nice ah ......


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