

If you fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, flirt like first loves, and protect each other like siblings, you're meant to be together.——如果你们像夫妻那样争吵,朋友那样交谈,初恋那样打情骂俏,兄妹那样保护对方,那你们便是命中注定要在一起。

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be le d by your dreams. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember years from now ——推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人

You ’ll never find the right person, if you can ’t let go of the wrong one. 如果你放不下那个错的人,那么你永远也找不到那个对的人。

He lies. She cries. He's not sorry, but he apologizes. She complains, he doesn't change. But yet, she still stays.男人撒谎了,然后女人哭了。他不觉得有错,但他会道歉。她一直抱怨,他从不改变。但是,她还是留在他身边。

Life only comes around once. So do whatever makes you happy and be with whoever makes you smile——生命只有一次,一定要做自己开心的事,要和让自己开心的人在一起。

Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.友谊是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。友谊是两个人即使不联系,感情也还在那里

When the words “I love you ” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms. 第一次听到你对我说”我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

A woman's Loyalty is tested when her man has NOTHING.

A man’s Loyalty is tested when he has EVERYTHING. 当她的男人一无所有,女人的忠诚度就受到考验。当男人拥有了一切,那他的忠诚度就受到了考验。

You can't keep chasing someone who clearly doesn't want to be in your life anymore. Let them go, you'll thank yourself one day. 那些明显不想留在你生命中的人,再怎么追也没用。放手吧,某天你会感激自己这么做了

When you can fly, do not give up flying. When you can dream, do not give up the dream. When you can love, do not give

up on love. 当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。

I enjoy warm in time. I forget blooms in the internal. ——我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开。

"Loved" isn't a word. There is no past tense for the word love. If you love someone, you'll always love them no matter what. “爱过”不是一个词。爱这个词没有过去式。如果你爱某个人,你无论如何都会都会爱他们。

It has not been the time yet to give up as long as you still feel it is not the end.~ 只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。

:Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember years from now.推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人。 As long as you reach the destination on time,there are few people who care whether it was Benz or pusher tractor.只要你按时到达目的地,很少有人在乎你开的是奔驰还是手扶拖拉机

Beauty only captures attention but personality captures the heart.

心。 美貌只能勾住人的眼球,而个性却能勾住人的If a man tells you that he likes you,believe him.If he says he no longer loves you,believe him as well.如果一个男人对你说他喜欢你,相信他。如果他说不再爱你,也相信他。 The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest ——最先道歉的人最勇敢;最先原谅的人最坚强;最先释怀的人最幸福。

I am right there. Affection is right there. Love is right there. Come into my arms and heart Or Let me live into your heart „我就在那里。情就在那里。爱就在那里。来我的怀里或让我住进你的心里。。。晚安~

Life is like freshly fallen snow. Be careful where you walk because every step will show. 人生,就像一场新雪,谨慎的走好每一步,因为每次落脚都会留下痕迹。

Would you remember me tomorrow if I died today? 如果我今天死掉了,明天你还会记得我吗?As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest

appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -John F. Kennedy 当我们表达感谢时,我们必须永远记住最大的感激不是言语能表达的,而是要常怀感恩之心。——肯尼迪 You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think——你比你想象中更勇敢,比你看起来更强大,也比你以为的更聪明。

I act like such a happy person. But deep down, I'm not. 我装作是个快乐的人,但是我内心并不是这样

When you have something you really love but it causes you pain, God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. 当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又常常给你带来伤害的时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持。

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.真正的朋友就是,在你蒙蔽了所有人的时候,还能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。

Fate determines who enters your life; your actions determine who



I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight. 天空没有留下翅膀的痕迹,但我已飞过。——泰戈尔

I only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。——《狮子王》

It is fated that I meet you.It is my choice that we become friends and it is an accident that I love you.遇见你是命运的安排,成为了朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外。

Three regrets in life: unable to choose, unable to

persist in choosing, can't stop choosing.


It's time to start living the life you've imagined.是时候开始过自己想要的生活了! 人生三大遗命运决定了谁会进入你的生活,你的

What is the difference between "like" and "love"? People who like flowers will pick them and flower lovers will water them.“喜欢”和“爱”的区别是什么:喜欢花的人会去采花,爱花的人会去浇水。

It's better we go slowly in the right direction than go speeding off in the wrong direction——与其在错误的道路上一路狂奔,不如朝着正确的方向缓慢前行。

英语围脖:【充满哲理的谚语】1.He is a wise man who speaks little. 聪明不是挂在嘴上。2.He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.背后说好话,才是真朋友。

3.Something is better than nothing. 聊胜于无。4.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获

Tough times are like physical exercise. You may not like it while you are doing it, but tomorrow you will be

stronger because of it. 艰难的日子就像做运动。你也许不喜欢运动的时候,但到了明天你会因为这个变得更强壮。 Everyone would get tired.Nobody can take the sorrow for you.We some time need to grow up by ourselves. 每个人都


Letting go doesn't mean that you're a quitter. It doesn't mean that you lost. It just means that you realize in that moment that's it's time to let go and move on.放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。

Love fight, get treasure, Miss forget, life is actually so simple.喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单。

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.无论你打算做什么,一定要做让自己开心的事。

Why it’s hard to be happy? It’s because we refuse to let go of the things that make us

sad. 为什么快乐很难?因为我们拒绝放过那些令自己不快的事情。

:Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy. 无论你打算做什么,一定要做让自己开心的事。

If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining

stars. 如果你为错过夕阳而哭泣,那恐怕你还会错过漫天星河。晚安~

名人名言】The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。—萧伯纳

:At the curtain call,please give a elegant bow whether there is audience or not.You should thank yourself who just worked hard on the stage. 谢幕时,请优雅的轻轻鞠躬,不管有没有观众,都应该感谢刚才那个十分努力的自己。

Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.幸福不在于你是谁,你拥有什么,而仅仅在于你自己怎么看待。

:Fate determines who enters your life, your actions decide who stays. -----谁走进你的生命,是由命运决定;谁停留在你生命中,却是由你自己决定。

If you want something you've never had,you must do something you've never tried. 如果你想拥有你从未有过的东西,那么你必须去做你从未做过的事情。

@顶尖英文签名:Everyone's got a life that no one else knows about. 每个人都有自己的人生,冷暖自http://t.cn/zOkpWl5 :Have faith in your dreams, and someday your rainbow will come smiling through.(Cinderella )——坚信自己的梦想,终有一天,属于你的彩虹会微笑降临。(

Life may always have regret, but the future is still good 。生活或许总有遗憾,但未来依旧美好。

Being comfortable alone is the prerequisite to a good relationship ——完美的感情,总是需要独立的双方。

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

Never think hard about past. It brings tears„ Don’t think more about future. It brings fears„ Live this moment with a smile. It brings cheers.~~~不要太想念过去,因它会给你带来悲伤;不要太思考未来,因它会带给你恐惧;用微笑活在当下,它会带来喜乐。

If you don’t wanna talk, just let me know. Instead of keeping me here waiting, for a reply that’s never gonna

come. 如果你不想跟我说话,让我知道。不要让我一直等一直等,等着一个永远不会有的答案。

It's kind of wonderful feeling that a stranger he used to be suddenly becomes the whole world of mine.很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生人,突然之间成为了我的整个世界。 It is hard to give reasons for the true love. You only know you want his company anywhere, anytime in any mood.真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的。 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你。:There is only one way to happiness and that is to stop worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.快乐只有一种方法, 那就是不去操心任何自己改变不了的事。

Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward——跌倒了也没关系,毕竟你还在往前走。

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. 不要用收获来判断每一天,而是看你每天播种了多少。No pain No gain!

Being single means you're strong and patient enough to

wait for someone who deserves your worth!单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够耐心去等待那个值得拥有你的人

Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 爱

You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.You're on your own! 你有大脑可以思考,有脚可以走路,自己的路在于自己选择。

The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. 人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。—— 歌德

As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白,唯一后悔的只是那些自己不曾尝试的事。

The biggest hurt is when you have someone in your heart,

but you can't have them in your arms.

中有个TA, 却无法拥之入怀。

If you begin thinking of me,remember that it was not me who went away but you who sent me away.、如果你开始想念我,记住了,不是我自己要走的,是你自己松手的。 最伤人的是,心

Face the past with the least regrets, face the present with the least waste and face the future with the most dreams. 不后悔过往,不浪费现在,满怀梦想,面对未来。

When I find it, I don't need it. When I need it, I can't find it. 当我找得到它的时候,我不需要它。当我需要它的时候,我就找不到了。

Many years later,I finally forget it.Unintentaionally . 真正的遗忘是多年以后,不小心提及你,仿佛说着别人的故事。@

The most painful thing in life is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too——人生最痛苦的就是,太重视别人了,甚至都忘记了自己也很特别。

What comes easy, won’t always last. And what will last, won’t always come easy.


There are things in the past that we'll never be able to forget, but it shouldn't ruin us from living our lives now ——过往的很多事情,我们都不能忘记,但别让它破坏我们当下的生活。 轻易得到的,不会长久。长长久

It is not cannot love, is only cannot injury.不是爱不起,只是伤不起。

Love is blind because my mom started loving me before even seeing my face. 爱是盲目的,因为尽管还没见着我的脸庞,我的母亲就开始爱我了。

Maybe you are not the best, but I only love you. 也许你不是最好的,但我只爱你!

Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist) 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(

Men, only after they are hurt will they get silent and concentrated. The wound of either the soul or the body is beneficial for the growth.人一定要受过伤才会沉默专注,无论是心灵或肉体上的创伤,对成长都有益处。

What's love? It’s when you find someone who doesn't meet any of your standards yet you say, "I've found the right one" ——爱是什么?爱就是,尽管对方完全达不到你的要求,你却还说自己找到了对的人。

Anyone can make you happy by doing something special but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything. 任何人做了特别的事你都会开心,但只有特别的人什么都不做也能让你开心。

We always have been in practice smiling ,but finally become the people can not cry.我们一直在练习微笑,却终于变成了不敢哭的人。

We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already. 改变世界不需要魔法,只要我们发挥出内在的力量。——J·K·罗琳 Although everyone discards him,I won't,love won't either. 即使所有人都抛弃了他,我也不会抛弃他,爱情也不会。

In life, many things don't go according to plan. If you fall down, get back up. If u stumble, re-gain ur balance, but whatever u do never give up——人生中,很多事不会按计划发展。跌倒了,就重新爬起来;踉跄时,就找回平衡,无论怎样都不放弃。

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do (Walter Bagehot)

说你做不到的事 人生最大的乐趣是做一些人们

If you don't know what you want, you won't know when you've gotten it ——如果你不知道自己想要的是什么,那么当你拥有了也会茫然不知。

The greatest hurt in the world is not the pain in love but the betray you give me when I devote my heart to you.世界上最心痛的感觉,不是失恋,而是我把心给你的时候,你却在欺骗我。

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s

about learning to dance in the rain.

雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。( 生活不是等着暴风Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.年岁有加,并非垂老。理想丢弃,方堕暮年。岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤,热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。——Samuel Ullman

Sometimes there are no explanations and all you have to do is follow your heart and hope you made the right decision. 有的时候,很多事情根本无法解释清楚,你要做的就是跟随你的内心,并祈祷自己做出的选择是正确的。

Falling in love with a town,it is probably because someone you love resides in it. 爱上一座城,大抵是因为,这里住着一个你爱的人。

I miss you, but maybe you don’t have that feeling. 想你,但也许你并没有这种感觉。

:Silence is the best answer for all questions and smiling is the best reaction in all situations——任何问题,沉默是最好的回答;任何情形,微笑是最好的回应。(

No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.


If you don’t wanna talk, just let me know. Instead of keeping me here waiting, for a reply that’s never gonna come. 如果你不想跟我说话,让我知道。不要让我一直等一不管结局是否完美,我的世界不我直等,等着一个永远不会有的答案。

The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you don't understand yourself. 人生最艰难的阶段不再没有人理解你,而是当你自己都无法理解自己的时候。

Being single doesn’t mean no one wants you. It means you’re taking your time deciding about your lif e and who

you want to spend it with.单身族并不是没有人爱, 而是 需要更多的时间去找寻真正能够与我们共度一生的人。

:Fate determines who enters your life, your actions decide who stays. 谁走进你的生命,是由命运决定;谁停留在你生命中,却是由你自己决定。

Life is a journey. Don\'t focus on the destination.But care about the scenes and moods along the way.人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

All I need is someone who loves me for who I am, for the good and bad inside of me——我需要的不过是这么一个人,能爱上原原本本的我,接受我的好与坏

The truth is everyone is going to hurt you. You've just

got to find the ones worth suffering for. 事实上,每个人都会伤害到你。你只是要找个值得你甘心被TA 伤的人。 Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity ——所谓好运,就是机遇砸在准备好了的人身上。

Love is two people together make mean suddenly a not make another is silly . 爱情就是两个人一起犯贱 突然一个不犯了 另一个就傻B 了。

The wounds healed reminds us that things get better.愈合了的伤口,只会提醒我们一切会更好。

I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken.

说。 我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没Good love is to let you see the whole world through someone while bad love is to make you give up the world.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。

Just because I forgive you, doesn't mean I want you back in my life. I'm letting go and moving on to someone better.


The most easily broken thing in the world is the man's wine glass, politician's promise, girls' dream, the virtuousof modern society and the holy heart. —这个世界最易碎的就是男人的酒杯,政客的承诺,少女的梦想,现代社会的善良和高贵的心。

She says she doesn’t care, but her eyes tell a different story. 她说她不介意,但是她眼里却透露出另一个事实。 You can either travel or read,and either your body or soul must be on the way.要么旅行,要么读书,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。

Loving a girl,it's better to keep her and strive for her happiness rather than give her up.爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而不断努力! :I love those random memories that make me smile no

我喜欢matter what is going on in my life right now.


Man has to be crazy for once, whether it is for a person,a love story, a journey or a dream. 人的一生要疯狂一次,无论是为一个人,一段情,一段旅途,或一个梦想。

You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kveth for it if it doesn't appear in your life.———命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。 The best way to stand out is to stop trying to fit in. 要想出类拔萃,最好的方式就是拒绝变得庸俗。

Think too much will only destroy yourself. Let you in a perturbed, actually this is not so bad, worse.想得太多只会毁了你自己。让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。

The action of proving you are smarter than others proves you are more foolish. 想证明自己比别人聪明的举动,就已经承认自己比别人笨What we love to do we find time to do. ——我们喜欢做的事,就总能找到时间去做。


What is in front of the strong are all roads,while there are all mountains in front of the weak.强者面前都是路,弱者面前全是山

Even if I fail to live up to today, I will still hope for tomorrow. 就算今天辜负了我,我也依然会对明天抱有希望。 Time would heal almost all wounds.If your wounds have not been healed up,please wait for a short while. 时间几乎会愈合所有伤扣,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间!

Sometimes you fall in love with someone who just wasn't ready to be in



The past is never where you think you left it.


Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 人生来就不是为了被打败的。人能够被毁灭,但是不能够被打败。 —— Hemingway《老人与海》

Be so happy that when others look at you they become happy too.——做个开心的人,开心到别人看到你也会变得开心 你有时候,你爱上的这个人却还没有

Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain. 所有人都想得到幸福,不愿承担痛苦,但是不下点小雨,哪来的彩虹。

We feel unhappy because "happiness" is not what we pursuit,but "more happier than others"instead. 我们觉得不快乐,是因为我们追求的不是“幸福”,而是“比别人幸福”。

Your prince will come one day. He may not ride a white horse or live in a big castle but he will love you and only you. ——总有一天,你的王子会到来,没有白马,没有城堡,却有一颗全心全意爱你的心。

There's nothing in your hand when you clench it.You will have everything after loosing it.把手握紧,里面什么也没有;把手放开,你得到的是一切。

Let go of anyone and anything that doesn’t support your happiness. 对那些不能给你带来幸福的人或事,放手罢。若你也无法为TA 带去幸福,放手也是成全

In the end, you'll realize that everything you worry is just a waste of time and energy ——到最后你会发现,所有担心的事情根本就是浪费时间


Simplicity is the ultimate sophisticThe happiest people are not those who own all the best things, but the ones who can really appreciate the beauty of life.最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是因为他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。 ation 至繁归于至简。

When a girl is quiet and doesn’t say a word, that’s when she needs you the most. 当姑娘沉默下来,一言不发,那就是她最需要你的时候。 :I can stand your selfishness,tolerate your personality. But I'm not mature enough to forgive your betrayal.我可以忍受你的自私,包容你的个性,但我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。

If you want something you ’ve never had, then you ’ve got to do something you’ve never done.如果你想要你从未拥有过的东西,那么你必须去做你从未做过的事。

This time last year, everything was so different. 去年,此时,一切都如此不同。

Let go of the past and the past will let go of you.——你若放手过去,过去也会放开你的。

You did a terrible thing. It doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person. 你曾经做过一件可恶的事,不代表你就是个恶人。

Once those who love laughing cry,it can be more grieving than anyone

else. 爱笑的人一旦哭起来,比任何人都撕心裂肺!

You ’ll never find the right person, if you can’t let go of the wrong one. 紧抓着错误的人放不了手,又怎么可能找到对的那个人呢?

And once you lose yourself, you have two choices; find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely. 一旦你迷失了自己,你有两个选择:要么找回以前的自己,要么完全丢弃。

No one can go with you for a lifetime, so you have to adjust yourself to be alone; no one will help you again and again, so you have to fight all the time. 没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独;没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要一直奋斗。

You never know what you can do till you try. 除非你亲自尝试一下,否则你永远不知道自己能做什么。

Don't realize too much which will let you down.


: 不要Some people are drunk but mentally sober; while some people are

有的人醉了,可他们其实醒着;有的人醒sober yet mentally drunk.


Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually.

会。 一切都会好起来的,也许不是今天,但最终都

In trouble, the stronger the woman is, the more

respectable she is. 遇到困难,越坚强的女人越有一股让人尊敬的魅力。

For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice. -John Burroughs——任何值得拥有的东西都是需要付出代价的,那就是努力、耐心、爱心以及自我牺牲。

If you need to cry, cry. But when you’re done, promise yourself to never cry over the same reason ever again. 如果你需要哭,就哭吧。但当你哭完了,答应自己绝不再为同一个理由哭泣。

I think we like to complicate things when it is really quite simple. 我觉得大家都喜欢把本身相当简单的事情复杂化。

Sometimes, people cry not because they're weak. It's because they have been strong for too long.有的时候,人们之所以哭泣并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强了太久。

No matter what terrible things happen to you today,you should'nt feel sorrowful .It is because that today is the youngest you'll ever be for the rest of your life.无论今天发生多么糟糕的事,都不应该感到悲伤。因为今天是你往后日子里最年轻的一天了。

:Smile everyday from today. Nothing really matters except to live or die.从今天开始,每天微笑吧,世上除了生死,都是小事。

Don't believe someone must give you happiness. It is the most reliable to control it in your hand.不要相信哪个人一定会给你幸福,幸福掌握在自己手中才最牢靠。

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of



Sometimes, the same thing, we can go to the comfort of others, but to convince yourself 有时候,同样的一件事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己

One's level of consciousness is equal to the degree he is hurt. 一个人彻悟的程度,恰等于他所受痛苦的深度。

:I ’ll never mind the past from now on, no matter how sorrowful or wonderful it was. Life comes and goes with nothing. 从此再不提起过去,痛苦或幸福,生不带来,死不带去。

When someone abandons you, it is him that gets loss because he lost someone who truly loves him but you just lost one who doesn't love you. 当你认为被抛弃的时候,受损失的对自己承诺:我要强大到任何事情都无法破坏我内心的平其实是对方:因为他失去了一个真正喜欢他的人,而你只不过少了一个不喜欢你的人罢了。

You’re scared to tell people how much it hurts, so you

keep it all to yourself. 你不敢告诉别人这有多么心痛,所以你把它掩藏在你心里。晚安~

Sometimes, find themselves grown up overnight, but can not see their future looks like, confused at a loss.有时候,发现自己一夜之间长大了,却看不到自己未来的样子,迷茫的不知所措。

I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. 你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。 ----《当哈利遇到莎丽》

I will forget you one day.Neither do I expect,nor am I getting down.I just know the day will come有一天,我会忘记你。我没有很期待,也没有觉的失落。我只是知道,有那么一天。

Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer——所谓的幸运就是,机会叩响了你的门,你也给它开了门。 And she’ll continue to smile no matter how hurt she is. 她会继续微笑,不管有多伤。

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars——只有夜色足够黑的时候,才能看得见星星满天!

I accept myself, I love myself, and I'm proud of myself.我接受自己,我爱自己,我为自己感到骄傲!

Did you actually think you mattered to him? Silly girl. 你真的觉得自己对他很重要?傻姑娘。

:Friendship is like a tree. It is not measured on how tall it could be, but on how deep the roots have grown. 友谊就像是树。不在乎能长得多高,而在乎它的根有多深。——Varun Nayak

Here I am. This is me. And I am stronger than you ever thought I’d be. 我在这儿。这就是我。我比你想象的更坚强

Some people are like dark clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day. 有些人就像乌云,离开了天空会更明亮。 Over-thinking ruins you. It makes you worry and just gets everything much worst than it actually is. ——想得太多只会毁了你。让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。

You don’t give up on the people you love. 你不会对你爱的人感到绝望。

Smiling doesn't mean that you are happy, sometimes it means that you are strong enough. 微笑并不总是说明你是快乐的,有的时候,它只说明你是很坚强

A smart girl knows how to love. A smarter one knows who to love——聪明女孩懂得怎样爱,智慧女孩懂得选择爱。

【感悟人生】Don ’t be afraid of change, you may lose out on something good, but you might gain something even better! 不要害怕改变,尽管你可能会因此失去一些好的东西,但你也可能会得到一些更好的东西。 In trouble, the stronger the woman is, the more respectable she is.遇到困难,越坚强的女人越有一股让人尊敬的魅力。

Sometimes the hardest things in life are what make you the strongest. 有时候,人生中最艰难的事, 锻造了最坚强的你。

Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.不管过


You just have to be happy. If you are, everything else will fall into place. 你只须快乐点,若快乐,其他一切都会回到正轨上去。

Whether happiness or sorrow in life would finally become memories. Why not face them with smile.一生中无论快乐与悲伤,到最后都将成为回忆,不妨学着一笑置之的胸怀。

Love all , trust a few, do wrong to none. 爱所有人,相信一部分人,不对不起任何人 。——莎士比亚

It has not been the time yet to give up as long as you still feel it is not the end.~~~只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。

What a man shows off is what he lacks in his heart.一個人炫耀什么,说明內心缺少什么。

To succeed, we must first believe that we can.——要想成功,首先得相信自己能成功。

There is beauty in everything, just not everybody sees it. 万事万物都存在着美,只是不是每个人都看得见。

The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 世界不会在意你的自尊,人们看的只是你的成就。在你没有成就以前,切勿过


If two past lovers can remain friends, it's either they were never in love or they still are. 如果分手的恋人还能做朋友,要不从没爱过,要不就还在爱着。

So near yet so far, we can be beside each other yet our hearts apart.——这么近又那么远,我们身虽触手可及,心却天各一方。

The past can't be rewritten, but it can make me stronger. I'll be thankful for every change, every heart break and every scar. 过去无法重写,但它却让我更加坚强。我要感谢每一次改变,每一次心碎,每一块伤疤。

:I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.——你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours; if it doesn't, it never was. 如果你爱一样东西,应该放手予之自由。如果它回到你身边,它就是你的,如果没有回来,则永远不属于你 。

We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past——后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

I need people in my life that will make me feel loved, not used. 在我的生命中,我需要的是有人让我觉得被爱着,而不是被利用了。

Everyone's got a life that no one else knows about.每个人都有自己的人生,冷暖自知。

Be thankful for those important people in your life who are always there for you through the thick and thin——感谢生命中那些从头至尾都在守候着你的人吧。

Living here day by day...you think it's the center of the world. Then you’ve got to leave...a year, two years to see the outside world.每天呆在这里,会把这里当成是全世界。你得离开一阵子,去看看外面的世界。

I’m not upset that you lied to me; I’m upset that from

now on... I can’t believe you. 我不是为你对我撒谎而难过;我难过的是从现在开始。。。我无法再相信你了。 The world is 3 days: as for yesterday, it has vanished along with all that was in it; as for tomorrow, you may never see it; as for today, it is yours, so work on it ——人间只有三天:昨天已灰飞烟灭;明天仍遥不可知;今天才是属于你的,所以为今天努力吧。

A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be grateful for good ones. 一个女人得爱上一两个坏男人,她才会对好男人心怀感激。

My attitudes depend on the way you treat me. 我什么态度,这取决于你怎么对我。

Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, and accept it. 有的人以为选择坚强就永远感受不到伤痛。事实上,最坚强的人是感受到,理解到,最后接受这些伤痛的人。坚强的人们,加油!

Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I don’t love you. 只是因为我很忙,并不是我不爱你了。(

If you would think of me somehow in the future,please don't forget I once loved you so much.如果以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。

sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head, and remind yourself of who you are and where you wanna be.——有时候你需要退开一点,清醒一下,然后提醒自己,我是谁,要去哪里。

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. 关系就像玻璃,有时候,与其痛苦的去复合,不如就让它碎裂。

Anyone can make you happy by doing something special. But only someone special can make you happy without doing

anything. 谁都可以做点特别的事儿博你一时高兴。但特别的人啥都不做就能让你心情愉悦。

One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.有一天,那个人走进了你的生命,你就会 明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

If you ask for God to help you, it means you trust His ability. If He doesn't help you yet, it means He trusts yours. 如果你向上天寻求帮助,说明你相信老天的能力。而如果上天不帮你,则意味着他也相信你的能力。

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control. 遇@顶尖英文签见你是命运的安排,成为朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外。

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in a relationship and find out you still care for that person ——爱是当你抽离了感情、激情和浪漫后,却发觉你依然关心着的那个人。

Don't love the one who is beautiful, but love the one who can make your life beautiful——不要爱上一个漂亮的人,而要爱上一个使你的生活变漂亮的人。

People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you. 别人会讨厌你,责骂你,动摇你,摧毁你。但你能成就一个怎样的自己,取决于你站得有多坚实。

It is not I don't wanna talk.But many things are safer to left untold.不是不想说话,而是有很多话讲不出来,放在心里会安全点

Make peace with your past, so it doesn't spoil your present ——与过去平和相处,才不会毁掉你的现在。

When you can't remember why you're hurt, that's when you're healed.


You don\'t bother to care for who I am now.Please bare in mind that you can\'t tie me up in the future.现在的我你爱理不理。记住未来的我,你高攀不起

It's kind of wonderful feeling that a stranger he used to be suddenly becomes the whole world of mine. 很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生当你发现再也记不起为了什么而受伤,那就


When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine, that is the future I desire. 每天早上睁开眼睛,看到你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。


If you fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, flirt like first loves, and protect each other like siblings, you're meant to be together.——如果你们像夫妻那样争吵,朋友那样交谈,初恋那样打情骂俏,兄妹那样保护对方,那你们便是命中注定要在一起。

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be le d by your dreams. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember years from now ——推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人

You ’ll never find the right person, if you can ’t let go of the wrong one. 如果你放不下那个错的人,那么你永远也找不到那个对的人。

He lies. She cries. He's not sorry, but he apologizes. She complains, he doesn't change. But yet, she still stays.男人撒谎了,然后女人哭了。他不觉得有错,但他会道歉。她一直抱怨,他从不改变。但是,她还是留在他身边。

Life only comes around once. So do whatever makes you happy and be with whoever makes you smile——生命只有一次,一定要做自己开心的事,要和让自己开心的人在一起。

Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.友谊是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。友谊是两个人即使不联系,感情也还在那里

When the words “I love you ” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms. 第一次听到你对我说”我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

A woman's Loyalty is tested when her man has NOTHING.

A man’s Loyalty is tested when he has EVERYTHING. 当她的男人一无所有,女人的忠诚度就受到考验。当男人拥有了一切,那他的忠诚度就受到了考验。

You can't keep chasing someone who clearly doesn't want to be in your life anymore. Let them go, you'll thank yourself one day. 那些明显不想留在你生命中的人,再怎么追也没用。放手吧,某天你会感激自己这么做了

When you can fly, do not give up flying. When you can dream, do not give up the dream. When you can love, do not give

up on love. 当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。

I enjoy warm in time. I forget blooms in the internal. ——我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开。

"Loved" isn't a word. There is no past tense for the word love. If you love someone, you'll always love them no matter what. “爱过”不是一个词。爱这个词没有过去式。如果你爱某个人,你无论如何都会都会爱他们。

It has not been the time yet to give up as long as you still feel it is not the end.~ 只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。

:Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember years from now.推动你向前的,不是困难,而是梦想。过一种你想要的生活,做一个许多年后值得回忆的人。 As long as you reach the destination on time,there are few people who care whether it was Benz or pusher tractor.只要你按时到达目的地,很少有人在乎你开的是奔驰还是手扶拖拉机

Beauty only captures attention but personality captures the heart.

心。 美貌只能勾住人的眼球,而个性却能勾住人的If a man tells you that he likes you,believe him.If he says he no longer loves you,believe him as well.如果一个男人对你说他喜欢你,相信他。如果他说不再爱你,也相信他。 The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest ——最先道歉的人最勇敢;最先原谅的人最坚强;最先释怀的人最幸福。

I am right there. Affection is right there. Love is right there. Come into my arms and heart Or Let me live into your heart „我就在那里。情就在那里。爱就在那里。来我的怀里或让我住进你的心里。。。晚安~

Life is like freshly fallen snow. Be careful where you walk because every step will show. 人生,就像一场新雪,谨慎的走好每一步,因为每次落脚都会留下痕迹。

Would you remember me tomorrow if I died today? 如果我今天死掉了,明天你还会记得我吗?As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest

appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -John F. Kennedy 当我们表达感谢时,我们必须永远记住最大的感激不是言语能表达的,而是要常怀感恩之心。——肯尼迪 You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think——你比你想象中更勇敢,比你看起来更强大,也比你以为的更聪明。

I act like such a happy person. But deep down, I'm not. 我装作是个快乐的人,但是我内心并不是这样

When you have something you really love but it causes you pain, God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. 当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又常常给你带来伤害的时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持。

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.真正的朋友就是,在你蒙蔽了所有人的时候,还能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。

Fate determines who enters your life; your actions determine who



I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight. 天空没有留下翅膀的痕迹,但我已飞过。——泰戈尔

I only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。——《狮子王》

It is fated that I meet you.It is my choice that we become friends and it is an accident that I love you.遇见你是命运的安排,成为了朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外。

Three regrets in life: unable to choose, unable to

persist in choosing, can't stop choosing.


It's time to start living the life you've imagined.是时候开始过自己想要的生活了! 人生三大遗命运决定了谁会进入你的生活,你的

What is the difference between "like" and "love"? People who like flowers will pick them and flower lovers will water them.“喜欢”和“爱”的区别是什么:喜欢花的人会去采花,爱花的人会去浇水。

It's better we go slowly in the right direction than go speeding off in the wrong direction——与其在错误的道路上一路狂奔,不如朝着正确的方向缓慢前行。

英语围脖:【充满哲理的谚语】1.He is a wise man who speaks little. 聪明不是挂在嘴上。2.He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.背后说好话,才是真朋友。

3.Something is better than nothing. 聊胜于无。4.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获

Tough times are like physical exercise. You may not like it while you are doing it, but tomorrow you will be

stronger because of it. 艰难的日子就像做运动。你也许不喜欢运动的时候,但到了明天你会因为这个变得更强壮。 Everyone would get tired.Nobody can take the sorrow for you.We some time need to grow up by ourselves. 每个人都


Letting go doesn't mean that you're a quitter. It doesn't mean that you lost. It just means that you realize in that moment that's it's time to let go and move on.放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。

Love fight, get treasure, Miss forget, life is actually so simple.喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单。

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.无论你打算做什么,一定要做让自己开心的事。

Why it’s hard to be happy? It’s because we refuse to let go of the things that make us

sad. 为什么快乐很难?因为我们拒绝放过那些令自己不快的事情。

:Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy. 无论你打算做什么,一定要做让自己开心的事。

If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining

stars. 如果你为错过夕阳而哭泣,那恐怕你还会错过漫天星河。晚安~

名人名言】The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。—萧伯纳

:At the curtain call,please give a elegant bow whether there is audience or not.You should thank yourself who just worked hard on the stage. 谢幕时,请优雅的轻轻鞠躬,不管有没有观众,都应该感谢刚才那个十分努力的自己。

Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.幸福不在于你是谁,你拥有什么,而仅仅在于你自己怎么看待。

:Fate determines who enters your life, your actions decide who stays. -----谁走进你的生命,是由命运决定;谁停留在你生命中,却是由你自己决定。

If you want something you've never had,you must do something you've never tried. 如果你想拥有你从未有过的东西,那么你必须去做你从未做过的事情。

@顶尖英文签名:Everyone's got a life that no one else knows about. 每个人都有自己的人生,冷暖自http://t.cn/zOkpWl5 :Have faith in your dreams, and someday your rainbow will come smiling through.(Cinderella )——坚信自己的梦想,终有一天,属于你的彩虹会微笑降临。(

Life may always have regret, but the future is still good 。生活或许总有遗憾,但未来依旧美好。

Being comfortable alone is the prerequisite to a good relationship ——完美的感情,总是需要独立的双方。

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

Never think hard about past. It brings tears„ Don’t think more about future. It brings fears„ Live this moment with a smile. It brings cheers.~~~不要太想念过去,因它会给你带来悲伤;不要太思考未来,因它会带给你恐惧;用微笑活在当下,它会带来喜乐。

If you don’t wanna talk, just let me know. Instead of keeping me here waiting, for a reply that’s never gonna

come. 如果你不想跟我说话,让我知道。不要让我一直等一直等,等着一个永远不会有的答案。

It's kind of wonderful feeling that a stranger he used to be suddenly becomes the whole world of mine.很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生人,突然之间成为了我的整个世界。 It is hard to give reasons for the true love. You only know you want his company anywhere, anytime in any mood.真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的。 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你。:There is only one way to happiness and that is to stop worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.快乐只有一种方法, 那就是不去操心任何自己改变不了的事。

Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward——跌倒了也没关系,毕竟你还在往前走。

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. 不要用收获来判断每一天,而是看你每天播种了多少。No pain No gain!

Being single means you're strong and patient enough to

wait for someone who deserves your worth!单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够耐心去等待那个值得拥有你的人

Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 爱

You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.You're on your own! 你有大脑可以思考,有脚可以走路,自己的路在于自己选择。

The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. 人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。—— 歌德

As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白,唯一后悔的只是那些自己不曾尝试的事。

The biggest hurt is when you have someone in your heart,

but you can't have them in your arms.

中有个TA, 却无法拥之入怀。

If you begin thinking of me,remember that it was not me who went away but you who sent me away.、如果你开始想念我,记住了,不是我自己要走的,是你自己松手的。 最伤人的是,心

Face the past with the least regrets, face the present with the least waste and face the future with the most dreams. 不后悔过往,不浪费现在,满怀梦想,面对未来。

When I find it, I don't need it. When I need it, I can't find it. 当我找得到它的时候,我不需要它。当我需要它的时候,我就找不到了。

Many years later,I finally forget it.Unintentaionally . 真正的遗忘是多年以后,不小心提及你,仿佛说着别人的故事。@

The most painful thing in life is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too——人生最痛苦的就是,太重视别人了,甚至都忘记了自己也很特别。

What comes easy, won’t always last. And what will last, won’t always come easy.


There are things in the past that we'll never be able to forget, but it shouldn't ruin us from living our lives now ——过往的很多事情,我们都不能忘记,但别让它破坏我们当下的生活。 轻易得到的,不会长久。长长久

It is not cannot love, is only cannot injury.不是爱不起,只是伤不起。

Love is blind because my mom started loving me before even seeing my face. 爱是盲目的,因为尽管还没见着我的脸庞,我的母亲就开始爱我了。

Maybe you are not the best, but I only love you. 也许你不是最好的,但我只爱你!

Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist) 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(

Men, only after they are hurt will they get silent and concentrated. The wound of either the soul or the body is beneficial for the growth.人一定要受过伤才会沉默专注,无论是心灵或肉体上的创伤,对成长都有益处。

What's love? It’s when you find someone who doesn't meet any of your standards yet you say, "I've found the right one" ——爱是什么?爱就是,尽管对方完全达不到你的要求,你却还说自己找到了对的人。

Anyone can make you happy by doing something special but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything. 任何人做了特别的事你都会开心,但只有特别的人什么都不做也能让你开心。

We always have been in practice smiling ,but finally become the people can not cry.我们一直在练习微笑,却终于变成了不敢哭的人。

We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already. 改变世界不需要魔法,只要我们发挥出内在的力量。——J·K·罗琳 Although everyone discards him,I won't,love won't either. 即使所有人都抛弃了他,我也不会抛弃他,爱情也不会。

In life, many things don't go according to plan. If you fall down, get back up. If u stumble, re-gain ur balance, but whatever u do never give up——人生中,很多事不会按计划发展。跌倒了,就重新爬起来;踉跄时,就找回平衡,无论怎样都不放弃。

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do (Walter Bagehot)

说你做不到的事 人生最大的乐趣是做一些人们

If you don't know what you want, you won't know when you've gotten it ——如果你不知道自己想要的是什么,那么当你拥有了也会茫然不知。

The greatest hurt in the world is not the pain in love but the betray you give me when I devote my heart to you.世界上最心痛的感觉,不是失恋,而是我把心给你的时候,你却在欺骗我。

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s

about learning to dance in the rain.

雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。( 生活不是等着暴风Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.年岁有加,并非垂老。理想丢弃,方堕暮年。岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤,热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。——Samuel Ullman

Sometimes there are no explanations and all you have to do is follow your heart and hope you made the right decision. 有的时候,很多事情根本无法解释清楚,你要做的就是跟随你的内心,并祈祷自己做出的选择是正确的。

Falling in love with a town,it is probably because someone you love resides in it. 爱上一座城,大抵是因为,这里住着一个你爱的人。

I miss you, but maybe you don’t have that feeling. 想你,但也许你并没有这种感觉。

:Silence is the best answer for all questions and smiling is the best reaction in all situations——任何问题,沉默是最好的回答;任何情形,微笑是最好的回应。(

No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.


If you don’t wanna talk, just let me know. Instead of keeping me here waiting, for a reply that’s never gonna come. 如果你不想跟我说话,让我知道。不要让我一直等一不管结局是否完美,我的世界不我直等,等着一个永远不会有的答案。

The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you don't understand yourself. 人生最艰难的阶段不再没有人理解你,而是当你自己都无法理解自己的时候。

Being single doesn’t mean no one wants you. It means you’re taking your time deciding about your lif e and who

you want to spend it with.单身族并不是没有人爱, 而是 需要更多的时间去找寻真正能够与我们共度一生的人。

:Fate determines who enters your life, your actions decide who stays. 谁走进你的生命,是由命运决定;谁停留在你生命中,却是由你自己决定。

Life is a journey. Don\'t focus on the destination.But care about the scenes and moods along the way.人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。

All I need is someone who loves me for who I am, for the good and bad inside of me——我需要的不过是这么一个人,能爱上原原本本的我,接受我的好与坏

The truth is everyone is going to hurt you. You've just

got to find the ones worth suffering for. 事实上,每个人都会伤害到你。你只是要找个值得你甘心被TA 伤的人。 Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity ——所谓好运,就是机遇砸在准备好了的人身上。

Love is two people together make mean suddenly a not make another is silly . 爱情就是两个人一起犯贱 突然一个不犯了 另一个就傻B 了。

The wounds healed reminds us that things get better.愈合了的伤口,只会提醒我们一切会更好。

I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken.

说。 我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没Good love is to let you see the whole world through someone while bad love is to make you give up the world.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。

Just because I forgive you, doesn't mean I want you back in my life. I'm letting go and moving on to someone better.


The most easily broken thing in the world is the man's wine glass, politician's promise, girls' dream, the virtuousof modern society and the holy heart. —这个世界最易碎的就是男人的酒杯,政客的承诺,少女的梦想,现代社会的善良和高贵的心。

She says she doesn’t care, but her eyes tell a different story. 她说她不介意,但是她眼里却透露出另一个事实。 You can either travel or read,and either your body or soul must be on the way.要么旅行,要么读书,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。

Loving a girl,it's better to keep her and strive for her happiness rather than give her up.爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而不断努力! :I love those random memories that make me smile no

我喜欢matter what is going on in my life right now.


Man has to be crazy for once, whether it is for a person,a love story, a journey or a dream. 人的一生要疯狂一次,无论是为一个人,一段情,一段旅途,或一个梦想。

You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kveth for it if it doesn't appear in your life.———命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。 The best way to stand out is to stop trying to fit in. 要想出类拔萃,最好的方式就是拒绝变得庸俗。

Think too much will only destroy yourself. Let you in a perturbed, actually this is not so bad, worse.想得太多只会毁了你自己。让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。

The action of proving you are smarter than others proves you are more foolish. 想证明自己比别人聪明的举动,就已经承认自己比别人笨What we love to do we find time to do. ——我们喜欢做的事,就总能找到时间去做。


What is in front of the strong are all roads,while there are all mountains in front of the weak.强者面前都是路,弱者面前全是山

Even if I fail to live up to today, I will still hope for tomorrow. 就算今天辜负了我,我也依然会对明天抱有希望。 Time would heal almost all wounds.If your wounds have not been healed up,please wait for a short while. 时间几乎会愈合所有伤扣,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间!

Sometimes you fall in love with someone who just wasn't ready to be in



The past is never where you think you left it.


Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 人生来就不是为了被打败的。人能够被毁灭,但是不能够被打败。 —— Hemingway《老人与海》

Be so happy that when others look at you they become happy too.——做个开心的人,开心到别人看到你也会变得开心 你有时候,你爱上的这个人却还没有

Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain. 所有人都想得到幸福,不愿承担痛苦,但是不下点小雨,哪来的彩虹。

We feel unhappy because "happiness" is not what we pursuit,but "more happier than others"instead. 我们觉得不快乐,是因为我们追求的不是“幸福”,而是“比别人幸福”。

Your prince will come one day. He may not ride a white horse or live in a big castle but he will love you and only you. ——总有一天,你的王子会到来,没有白马,没有城堡,却有一颗全心全意爱你的心。

There's nothing in your hand when you clench it.You will have everything after loosing it.把手握紧,里面什么也没有;把手放开,你得到的是一切。

Let go of anyone and anything that doesn’t support your happiness. 对那些不能给你带来幸福的人或事,放手罢。若你也无法为TA 带去幸福,放手也是成全

In the end, you'll realize that everything you worry is just a waste of time and energy ——到最后你会发现,所有担心的事情根本就是浪费时间


Simplicity is the ultimate sophisticThe happiest people are not those who own all the best things, but the ones who can really appreciate the beauty of life.最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是因为他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。 ation 至繁归于至简。

When a girl is quiet and doesn’t say a word, that’s when she needs you the most. 当姑娘沉默下来,一言不发,那就是她最需要你的时候。 :I can stand your selfishness,tolerate your personality. But I'm not mature enough to forgive your betrayal.我可以忍受你的自私,包容你的个性,但我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。

If you want something you ’ve never had, then you ’ve got to do something you’ve never done.如果你想要你从未拥有过的东西,那么你必须去做你从未做过的事。

This time last year, everything was so different. 去年,此时,一切都如此不同。

Let go of the past and the past will let go of you.——你若放手过去,过去也会放开你的。

You did a terrible thing. It doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person. 你曾经做过一件可恶的事,不代表你就是个恶人。

Once those who love laughing cry,it can be more grieving than anyone

else. 爱笑的人一旦哭起来,比任何人都撕心裂肺!

You ’ll never find the right person, if you can’t let go of the wrong one. 紧抓着错误的人放不了手,又怎么可能找到对的那个人呢?

And once you lose yourself, you have two choices; find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely. 一旦你迷失了自己,你有两个选择:要么找回以前的自己,要么完全丢弃。

No one can go with you for a lifetime, so you have to adjust yourself to be alone; no one will help you again and again, so you have to fight all the time. 没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独;没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要一直奋斗。

You never know what you can do till you try. 除非你亲自尝试一下,否则你永远不知道自己能做什么。

Don't realize too much which will let you down.


: 不要Some people are drunk but mentally sober; while some people are

有的人醉了,可他们其实醒着;有的人醒sober yet mentally drunk.


Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually.

会。 一切都会好起来的,也许不是今天,但最终都

In trouble, the stronger the woman is, the more

respectable she is. 遇到困难,越坚强的女人越有一股让人尊敬的魅力。

For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice. -John Burroughs——任何值得拥有的东西都是需要付出代价的,那就是努力、耐心、爱心以及自我牺牲。

If you need to cry, cry. But when you’re done, promise yourself to never cry over the same reason ever again. 如果你需要哭,就哭吧。但当你哭完了,答应自己绝不再为同一个理由哭泣。

I think we like to complicate things when it is really quite simple. 我觉得大家都喜欢把本身相当简单的事情复杂化。

Sometimes, people cry not because they're weak. It's because they have been strong for too long.有的时候,人们之所以哭泣并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强了太久。

No matter what terrible things happen to you today,you should'nt feel sorrowful .It is because that today is the youngest you'll ever be for the rest of your life.无论今天发生多么糟糕的事,都不应该感到悲伤。因为今天是你往后日子里最年轻的一天了。

:Smile everyday from today. Nothing really matters except to live or die.从今天开始,每天微笑吧,世上除了生死,都是小事。

Don't believe someone must give you happiness. It is the most reliable to control it in your hand.不要相信哪个人一定会给你幸福,幸福掌握在自己手中才最牢靠。

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of



Sometimes, the same thing, we can go to the comfort of others, but to convince yourself 有时候,同样的一件事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己

One's level of consciousness is equal to the degree he is hurt. 一个人彻悟的程度,恰等于他所受痛苦的深度。

:I ’ll never mind the past from now on, no matter how sorrowful or wonderful it was. Life comes and goes with nothing. 从此再不提起过去,痛苦或幸福,生不带来,死不带去。

When someone abandons you, it is him that gets loss because he lost someone who truly loves him but you just lost one who doesn't love you. 当你认为被抛弃的时候,受损失的对自己承诺:我要强大到任何事情都无法破坏我内心的平其实是对方:因为他失去了一个真正喜欢他的人,而你只不过少了一个不喜欢你的人罢了。

You’re scared to tell people how much it hurts, so you

keep it all to yourself. 你不敢告诉别人这有多么心痛,所以你把它掩藏在你心里。晚安~

Sometimes, find themselves grown up overnight, but can not see their future looks like, confused at a loss.有时候,发现自己一夜之间长大了,却看不到自己未来的样子,迷茫的不知所措。

I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. 你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。 ----《当哈利遇到莎丽》

I will forget you one day.Neither do I expect,nor am I getting down.I just know the day will come有一天,我会忘记你。我没有很期待,也没有觉的失落。我只是知道,有那么一天。

Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer——所谓的幸运就是,机会叩响了你的门,你也给它开了门。 And she’ll continue to smile no matter how hurt she is. 她会继续微笑,不管有多伤。

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars——只有夜色足够黑的时候,才能看得见星星满天!

I accept myself, I love myself, and I'm proud of myself.我接受自己,我爱自己,我为自己感到骄傲!

Did you actually think you mattered to him? Silly girl. 你真的觉得自己对他很重要?傻姑娘。

:Friendship is like a tree. It is not measured on how tall it could be, but on how deep the roots have grown. 友谊就像是树。不在乎能长得多高,而在乎它的根有多深。——Varun Nayak

Here I am. This is me. And I am stronger than you ever thought I’d be. 我在这儿。这就是我。我比你想象的更坚强

Some people are like dark clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day. 有些人就像乌云,离开了天空会更明亮。 Over-thinking ruins you. It makes you worry and just gets everything much worst than it actually is. ——想得太多只会毁了你。让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。

You don’t give up on the people you love. 你不会对你爱的人感到绝望。

Smiling doesn't mean that you are happy, sometimes it means that you are strong enough. 微笑并不总是说明你是快乐的,有的时候,它只说明你是很坚强

A smart girl knows how to love. A smarter one knows who to love——聪明女孩懂得怎样爱,智慧女孩懂得选择爱。

【感悟人生】Don ’t be afraid of change, you may lose out on something good, but you might gain something even better! 不要害怕改变,尽管你可能会因此失去一些好的东西,但你也可能会得到一些更好的东西。 In trouble, the stronger the woman is, the more respectable she is.遇到困难,越坚强的女人越有一股让人尊敬的魅力。

Sometimes the hardest things in life are what make you the strongest. 有时候,人生中最艰难的事, 锻造了最坚强的你。

Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.不管过


You just have to be happy. If you are, everything else will fall into place. 你只须快乐点,若快乐,其他一切都会回到正轨上去。

Whether happiness or sorrow in life would finally become memories. Why not face them with smile.一生中无论快乐与悲伤,到最后都将成为回忆,不妨学着一笑置之的胸怀。

Love all , trust a few, do wrong to none. 爱所有人,相信一部分人,不对不起任何人 。——莎士比亚

It has not been the time yet to give up as long as you still feel it is not the end.~~~只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。

What a man shows off is what he lacks in his heart.一個人炫耀什么,说明內心缺少什么。

To succeed, we must first believe that we can.——要想成功,首先得相信自己能成功。

There is beauty in everything, just not everybody sees it. 万事万物都存在着美,只是不是每个人都看得见。

The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 世界不会在意你的自尊,人们看的只是你的成就。在你没有成就以前,切勿过


If two past lovers can remain friends, it's either they were never in love or they still are. 如果分手的恋人还能做朋友,要不从没爱过,要不就还在爱着。

So near yet so far, we can be beside each other yet our hearts apart.——这么近又那么远,我们身虽触手可及,心却天各一方。

The past can't be rewritten, but it can make me stronger. I'll be thankful for every change, every heart break and every scar. 过去无法重写,但它却让我更加坚强。我要感谢每一次改变,每一次心碎,每一块伤疤。

:I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.——你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉。

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours; if it doesn't, it never was. 如果你爱一样东西,应该放手予之自由。如果它回到你身边,它就是你的,如果没有回来,则永远不属于你 。

We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past——后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

I need people in my life that will make me feel loved, not used. 在我的生命中,我需要的是有人让我觉得被爱着,而不是被利用了。

Everyone's got a life that no one else knows about.每个人都有自己的人生,冷暖自知。

Be thankful for those important people in your life who are always there for you through the thick and thin——感谢生命中那些从头至尾都在守候着你的人吧。

Living here day by day...you think it's the center of the world. Then you’ve got to leave...a year, two years to see the outside world.每天呆在这里,会把这里当成是全世界。你得离开一阵子,去看看外面的世界。

I’m not upset that you lied to me; I’m upset that from

now on... I can’t believe you. 我不是为你对我撒谎而难过;我难过的是从现在开始。。。我无法再相信你了。 The world is 3 days: as for yesterday, it has vanished along with all that was in it; as for tomorrow, you may never see it; as for today, it is yours, so work on it ——人间只有三天:昨天已灰飞烟灭;明天仍遥不可知;今天才是属于你的,所以为今天努力吧。

A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be grateful for good ones. 一个女人得爱上一两个坏男人,她才会对好男人心怀感激。

My attitudes depend on the way you treat me. 我什么态度,这取决于你怎么对我。

Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, and accept it. 有的人以为选择坚强就永远感受不到伤痛。事实上,最坚强的人是感受到,理解到,最后接受这些伤痛的人。坚强的人们,加油!

Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I don’t love you. 只是因为我很忙,并不是我不爱你了。(

If you would think of me somehow in the future,please don't forget I once loved you so much.如果以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。

sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head, and remind yourself of who you are and where you wanna be.——有时候你需要退开一点,清醒一下,然后提醒自己,我是谁,要去哪里。

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. 关系就像玻璃,有时候,与其痛苦的去复合,不如就让它碎裂。

Anyone can make you happy by doing something special. But only someone special can make you happy without doing

anything. 谁都可以做点特别的事儿博你一时高兴。但特别的人啥都不做就能让你心情愉悦。

One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.有一天,那个人走进了你的生命,你就会 明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

If you ask for God to help you, it means you trust His ability. If He doesn't help you yet, it means He trusts yours. 如果你向上天寻求帮助,说明你相信老天的能力。而如果上天不帮你,则意味着他也相信你的能力。

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control. 遇@顶尖英文签见你是命运的安排,成为朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外。

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in a relationship and find out you still care for that person ——爱是当你抽离了感情、激情和浪漫后,却发觉你依然关心着的那个人。

Don't love the one who is beautiful, but love the one who can make your life beautiful——不要爱上一个漂亮的人,而要爱上一个使你的生活变漂亮的人。

People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you. 别人会讨厌你,责骂你,动摇你,摧毁你。但你能成就一个怎样的自己,取决于你站得有多坚实。

It is not I don't wanna talk.But many things are safer to left untold.不是不想说话,而是有很多话讲不出来,放在心里会安全点

Make peace with your past, so it doesn't spoil your present ——与过去平和相处,才不会毁掉你的现在。

When you can't remember why you're hurt, that's when you're healed.


You don\'t bother to care for who I am now.Please bare in mind that you can\'t tie me up in the future.现在的我你爱理不理。记住未来的我,你高攀不起

It's kind of wonderful feeling that a stranger he used to be suddenly becomes the whole world of mine. 很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生当你发现再也记不起为了什么而受伤,那就


When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine, that is the future I desire. 每天早上睁开眼睛,看到你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。


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