生活大爆炸 第一季第一集语言点
1. Agreed. What’s your point? 同意!你想说什么?
2. There is no point. 没什么!
3. Excuse me--- Hang on!(稍等)
4. I do yearn for faster downloads. 我渴望更快的下载速度。
5. Pin her hopes on something. 把希望寄托在……
6. I don’t care. 我不在乎。
7. Trip. 绊倒
8. Boarding school. 寄宿学校
9. Evidently. 很明显
10. Widen our circle 扩大交友圈
11. That’s the beauty of something. 某事物的美妙之处
12. To what end? 之后干什么?最后什么结果呢?
13. In response. 作为回答
14. I know that moving can be stressful, and I find that when I’m undergoing stress, that good
food and company can have a comforting effect.
15. What do you guys do for fun around? 你们平时都干些什么有趣的事情?
16. Make yourself at home. 就当是自己的家一样
17. Holy smokes. 上帝啊
18. I think I have made my point. 我想我已经说清楚了!
19. Can’t process corn. 吃玉米不消化
20. Do you have some sort of job? 你做什么工作?
21. That’s about it.就这些了
22. You will only make it worse. 你只会帮倒忙。
23. On top of everything, I’m all gross from….最糟糕的是,我对……厌恶透了
24. You guys are really sweet. 你们太好了(常用于女生对男生)
25. How so? 怎么?
26. Point taken. 明白了
27. However briefly. 大概是这样
28. This isn’t a good time.现在不是时间
29. I think we should examine the chain of causality. 我想我们该好好想这里面的因果性了。
30. He is kind of a nerd. 他是个怪才(讽刺)
31. I’ll do the talking. 我来说话。
32. Get lost. 滚吧
33. My apologies. 对不起
34. It’s a great privilege to do something. 去做某件事很荣幸
35. Good thinking. I’ll just be the muscle. 想法不错。我来当打手
36. Drag somebody. 拖累某人
37. Anyway, I have learned my lesson. 好了,我反正得到教训了
38. Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请
39. Not to mention imaginary. 想象力不言而喻
40. What’s the difference? 有什么区别吗?
生活大爆炸 第一季第一集语言点
1. Agreed. What’s your point? 同意!你想说什么?
2. There is no point. 没什么!
3. Excuse me--- Hang on!(稍等)
4. I do yearn for faster downloads. 我渴望更快的下载速度。
5. Pin her hopes on something. 把希望寄托在……
6. I don’t care. 我不在乎。
7. Trip. 绊倒
8. Boarding school. 寄宿学校
9. Evidently. 很明显
10. Widen our circle 扩大交友圈
11. That’s the beauty of something. 某事物的美妙之处
12. To what end? 之后干什么?最后什么结果呢?
13. In response. 作为回答
14. I know that moving can be stressful, and I find that when I’m undergoing stress, that good
food and company can have a comforting effect.
15. What do you guys do for fun around? 你们平时都干些什么有趣的事情?
16. Make yourself at home. 就当是自己的家一样
17. Holy smokes. 上帝啊
18. I think I have made my point. 我想我已经说清楚了!
19. Can’t process corn. 吃玉米不消化
20. Do you have some sort of job? 你做什么工作?
21. That’s about it.就这些了
22. You will only make it worse. 你只会帮倒忙。
23. On top of everything, I’m all gross from….最糟糕的是,我对……厌恶透了
24. You guys are really sweet. 你们太好了(常用于女生对男生)
25. How so? 怎么?
26. Point taken. 明白了
27. However briefly. 大概是这样
28. This isn’t a good time.现在不是时间
29. I think we should examine the chain of causality. 我想我们该好好想这里面的因果性了。
30. He is kind of a nerd. 他是个怪才(讽刺)
31. I’ll do the talking. 我来说话。
32. Get lost. 滚吧
33. My apologies. 对不起
34. It’s a great privilege to do something. 去做某件事很荣幸
35. Good thinking. I’ll just be the muscle. 想法不错。我来当打手
36. Drag somebody. 拖累某人
37. Anyway, I have learned my lesson. 好了,我反正得到教训了
38. Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请
39. Not to mention imaginary. 想象力不言而喻
40. What’s the difference? 有什么区别吗?