


1. 找出不同类的单词(本小题5分)

( )1. A.throat B.leg C.nose D.sore ( )2. A.sad B.excited C.dance D.bored ( )3. A.watch B.sing C.climb D.present ( )4. A.matter B.longer C.older D.thinner ( )5. A.Violin B.music C.piano D.Erhu

2. 找出划线部分读音与其它三个不一样的单词(本小题5分) ( )1. A. had B. ate C. game D. late ( )2. A. wonderful B. front C. dog D. love ( )3. A. elephant B. spend C. desk D. next ( )4. A. must B. student C. study D. but ( )5. A. watered B. worried C. listened D. helped 一、 选择(共15分)

( )1.What can you do? I can .A.sing B.singing C.sang ( )2.What’s your favourite A. Apples B. Red C. Fall

( A.Twelve B.Four C.Twelfth

( )4.When is Teacher’s Day?It’.

A.August 1st B.March 8th C.September 10th ( ) 5.What’s the date today? It’s .

A.June 29th B.Tuesday C.sunny ( )6.What did your father do last weekrnd?

A.read B.reads C.reading

( bigger than .

A.is /you B.are/yours C.are your ( )8.A:How do you go to school?

B:My home is near the school.So I go to school A.by bus B.by bike C.on foot

( )9.Hello!This is Chen jie speaking. Can I speak to your mom?

A.Hold in B.Hold on C.Hold at

( )10.“左转”means: A.turn right B.Turn left C.go straight ( my parents.

A.and B.by C.with D.to

( you have a good time?Yes,we did.

A.is B.Are C.Did D.Do

( )13.He A.Reads B.Read C.Readed D.reading

( )14.Stay B,in C.to D.on ( ’s wrong?

B:I have a cold.

A. tired B.excited C.happy D.boreddg

二、 依据提示写单词或词组(每空一分共10分)

1.What’s the (怎样)with you? I feel sick.I have a (喉咙疼)and I have a .

2.What did you do yesterday? I (照像了). 3.Amy is 140kg.Tom is 145kg.So Tom is (重的)than Amy. 4.What doe your mother do? She is a (警察).

5.What are you going to do next week? I am going (旅行) .


My busy last weekend. She my grandma on Saturday. They clothes and the bed.Then the park.In the afternoon,she .She was tired,but she was 五、为单词排序,使其成为有意义的句子。(共10分) 1.

trees,the,park,in there,any,are




people,in some,sick,the,feel,winter



5. laughing,are,John’s,they,at goal,funny

6. studied,yesterday,I,with,English,him 7.

sorry,that,I hear,am to


goodbye,it,your,say,to,friends,time,is to





六、 请依据事实回答如下问题(共10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. H七、 句型转换(10分)

1. He went to a park yesterday.(变成一般疑问句) (划线提问)

3.Sue is 150cm.Yang is 156cm.(做出比较) So Sue . 4.Did you play computer games?(否定回答5.She feels tired.(变否定句). 八、 Complete the dialouge(补全对话)(5

A:When do we have a holiday?

B: It’s on the second floor.

A:Why are you studying so hard? A:Whose birthday is on the 21stof June? B: I went to the supermarket


Hello! I’m Amy. I’m from America. Now Christmas Day is coming. I’m going to buy some gifts for my family members. What should I buy ?Let me see. My father is an English teacher. He likes taking a trip. My mother is a singer. She is learning Chinese this year. My brother likes doing sports. He doesn’t like playing chess or listening to music. My little sister likes reading, but she is only five years old. She can’t read words. Can you tell me what gifts I can buy? ( )1.There are 4 people in Amy’s home. ( )2.Amy is going to buy a doll for her father.

( )3.Amy is going to buy a Chinese dictionary for her mother. ( )4.Amy’s little sister likes reading .Amy is going to buy a comic

book for her sister.

( )5.For brother’s gift, Amy is going to buy a basketball as a gift. 十、英语小练笔。(10分)


题目:My Friend

要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,书写清楚规范。 2、体现提示的信息,适当发挥想象,不少于8个完整的句子。 3、尽量用上以下单词:

by bike hobby doesn’t but like



1. 找出不同类的单词(本小题5分)

( )1. A.throat B.leg C.nose D.sore ( )2. A.sad B.excited C.dance D.bored ( )3. A.watch B.sing C.climb D.present ( )4. A.matter B.longer C.older D.thinner ( )5. A.Violin B.music C.piano D.Erhu

2. 找出划线部分读音与其它三个不一样的单词(本小题5分) ( )1. A. had B. ate C. game D. late ( )2. A. wonderful B. front C. dog D. love ( )3. A. elephant B. spend C. desk D. next ( )4. A. must B. student C. study D. but ( )5. A. watered B. worried C. listened D. helped 一、 选择(共15分)

( )1.What can you do? I can .A.sing B.singing C.sang ( )2.What’s your favourite A. Apples B. Red C. Fall

( A.Twelve B.Four C.Twelfth

( )4.When is Teacher’s Day?It’.

A.August 1st B.March 8th C.September 10th ( ) 5.What’s the date today? It’s .

A.June 29th B.Tuesday C.sunny ( )6.What did your father do last weekrnd?

A.read B.reads C.reading

( bigger than .

A.is /you B.are/yours C.are your ( )8.A:How do you go to school?

B:My home is near the school.So I go to school A.by bus B.by bike C.on foot

( )9.Hello!This is Chen jie speaking. Can I speak to your mom?

A.Hold in B.Hold on C.Hold at

( )10.“左转”means: A.turn right B.Turn left C.go straight ( my parents.

A.and B.by C.with D.to

( you have a good time?Yes,we did.

A.is B.Are C.Did D.Do

( )13.He A.Reads B.Read C.Readed D.reading

( )14.Stay B,in C.to D.on ( ’s wrong?

B:I have a cold.

A. tired B.excited C.happy D.boreddg

二、 依据提示写单词或词组(每空一分共10分)

1.What’s the (怎样)with you? I feel sick.I have a (喉咙疼)and I have a .

2.What did you do yesterday? I (照像了). 3.Amy is 140kg.Tom is 145kg.So Tom is (重的)than Amy. 4.What doe your mother do? She is a (警察).

5.What are you going to do next week? I am going (旅行) .


My busy last weekend. She my grandma on Saturday. They clothes and the bed.Then the park.In the afternoon,she .She was tired,but she was 五、为单词排序,使其成为有意义的句子。(共10分) 1.

trees,the,park,in there,any,are




people,in some,sick,the,feel,winter



5. laughing,are,John’s,they,at goal,funny

6. studied,yesterday,I,with,English,him 7.

sorry,that,I hear,am to


goodbye,it,your,say,to,friends,time,is to





六、 请依据事实回答如下问题(共10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. H七、 句型转换(10分)

1. He went to a park yesterday.(变成一般疑问句) (划线提问)

3.Sue is 150cm.Yang is 156cm.(做出比较) So Sue . 4.Did you play computer games?(否定回答5.She feels tired.(变否定句). 八、 Complete the dialouge(补全对话)(5

A:When do we have a holiday?

B: It’s on the second floor.

A:Why are you studying so hard? A:Whose birthday is on the 21stof June? B: I went to the supermarket


Hello! I’m Amy. I’m from America. Now Christmas Day is coming. I’m going to buy some gifts for my family members. What should I buy ?Let me see. My father is an English teacher. He likes taking a trip. My mother is a singer. She is learning Chinese this year. My brother likes doing sports. He doesn’t like playing chess or listening to music. My little sister likes reading, but she is only five years old. She can’t read words. Can you tell me what gifts I can buy? ( )1.There are 4 people in Amy’s home. ( )2.Amy is going to buy a doll for her father.

( )3.Amy is going to buy a Chinese dictionary for her mother. ( )4.Amy’s little sister likes reading .Amy is going to buy a comic

book for her sister.

( )5.For brother’s gift, Amy is going to buy a basketball as a gift. 十、英语小练笔。(10分)


题目:My Friend

要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,书写清楚规范。 2、体现提示的信息,适当发挥想象,不少于8个完整的句子。 3、尽量用上以下单词:

by bike hobby doesn’t but like


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