

本专业毕业具备精密仪器设计制造以及测量与控制方面的基础知识与应用能力,能在国民经济各部门 从事测量与控制领域内有关技术、仪器与系统的设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理。该专业既可以进入生产工程自动化企业从事自动控制、自动化检测等方 面的工作,也可以在科研单位进行仪器仪表的开发和设计,同时还可以在工程检测领域、计算机应用领域找到适合本专业个人发展的空间






◆ 具有较扎实的自然科学基础,较好的人文、艺术和社会科学基础及正确运用本国语言、文字的表达能力;

◆ 较系统地掌握本专业领域宽广的技术理论基础知识,主要包括机械学、电子学、光学、测量与控制、市场经济及企业管理等基础知识;

◆ 掌握光、机、电、计算机相结合的当代测控技术和实验研究能力,具有本专业测控技术、仪器与系统的设计、开发能力;

◆ 具有较强的外语应用能力;

◆ 具有较强的自学能力、创新意识和较高的综合素质。








7、学位情况 工学学士。




测控技术自古以来就是人类生活和生产的重要组成部分。最初的测控尝试都是来自于生产生活的需要,对时间的测控要求使人类有了日晷这一原始的时钟,对空间 的测控要求使人类有了点线面的认识。现代社会对测控的要求当然不会停留在这些初级阶段,随着科技的发展,测控技术进入了全新的时代。

测控技术与仪器专业是信息科学技术的源头,是光学、精密机械、电子、计算机与信息技术多学科互 相渗透而形成的一门高新技术密集型综合学科。她的专业面广,小到制造车间的检测,大到卫星火箭发射的监控。本专业最令人感兴趣的方向恐怕要数光盘生产了, 很多同学认为这属于制造业,实际上由于对精度的严格要求,使她归于测控技术与仪器专业。

随着科学技术的飞速发展,光机电一体化系统的开发研制与应用越来越受到重视。但是由于传统观念的影响,很多考生对本专业存在一个明显的认识误区,以为测控技术就是用三角板、直尺之类的仪器进行吃力劳苦的测量,其实这只是很浅显的认识,也是很浅薄的错误。我们可以听听清华大学测 控技术与仪器专业一位同学的话,他说:“进入大学以前,我认为我将来的工作就是拿着大三角板,到处量量,呵呵,谁知开始上专业课了,才知道原来我们的专业 是多么尖端,什么激光啦,纳米啊,都是我们测试的手段。现有的电脑硬件和软件,可以让我轻松地模拟实地环境,不仅学起来轻松省事,更提出了各式各样的问 题,可以发挥自己的想像,设计更复杂完备的系统。”可见,一个真正的测控专业学生,需要掌握更多电学方面的知识,他们要掌握基本的电路知识,具有新颖设计 思路,并且能运用多种新技术、手段进行工作。


本专业以光、机、电、计算机一体化为特色,培养具有现代科学创新意识、知识面宽、基础理论扎实、计算机和外语能力强,可从事计算机应用、电子信息、智能仪器、 虚拟仪器、测量与控制等多领域的产品设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、企业管理等多方面的高级工程技术及经营管理人才。同时因为他们专业知识面宽广,具有很 强的适应能力和广泛的发展空间,也可从事计量、测试、控制工程、智能仪器仪表、计算机软件和硬件等高新技术领域的设计、制造、开发和应用等工作,转行比较 容易。



科学史上重大的发现往往是由于新的测量技术的发明而获得。在信息科技时代,测控技术与仪表是实现信息获取、存储、处理的必备工具,也是揭示物质运动的必 备工具。在现代化建设中,由于仪器仪表对生产工艺和产品的质量的具有的监测作用,人们在技术上对它有着更高层次的要求。


测控技术与仪表可以说是一门边缘学科,它和自动控制、工业自动化、仪器仪表以及计算机专业有着 密切的联系。而正是由于测控技术与仪表专业的这种联系,对于该专业的毕业生来说,其就业可以选择的方向十分广泛,既可以进入生产工程自动化企业从事自动控 制、自动化检测等方面的工作,也可以在科研单位进行仪器仪表的开发和设计,同时还可以在工程检测领域、计算机应用领域找到适合本专业个人发展的空间。

我国的测试技术与仪表专业的发展经历了漫长的路程,现在已取得了飞快的发展。国内院校中,现开设测试技术与仪表专业,如清华大学、北京理工大学、天津大学、 哈尔滨工业大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京理工大学等等。其中已有许多院校经国家教委批准设立了测试技术与仪表专业硕士点。目前,每年测试技术与仪表 专业的招生人数大约在3000人左右,毕业生广泛的就职于工业自动化类企业、仪器仪表行业以及各类科研机构从事与本专业有关的工作。


在现代化建设中,人们对仪器仪表所能起到的监控作用,在技术上有着高层次的要求,因而仪器仪表 工业是促进国民经济各部门技术进步,进行技术改造,提高劳动生产率和社会经济效益,开发与节约能源和材料的先导工业。仪器仪表的装备水平在很大程度上反映 出一个国家的生产力的发展和科学技术的现代化水平。






测控技术与仪表可以说是一门边缘学科,它和自动控制、工业自动化、仪器仪表以及计算机专业有着 密切的联系。而正是由于测控技术与仪表专业的这种联系,对于该专业的毕业生来说,其就业可以选择的方向十分广泛,既可以进入生产工程自动化企业从事自动控 制、自动化检测等方面的工作,也可以在科研单位进行仪器仪表的开发和设计,同时还可以在工程检测领域、计算机应用领域找到适合本专业个人发展的空间。

但是对于测控技术与仪表专业的毕业生来说,也必须认识到就业的艰巨性。近几年来,大学的招生数 量逐年增多,相应地该专业的毕业生每年也都呈上升的趋势。但是中国的经济状况使得国内相关行业对毕业生的需求量却始终未呈现出增长势头,尤其是曾经是就业 主体的国营企业。究其原因,一方面是因为国企改革正处于关键时刻,许多大型企业在这个过渡阶段非常慎重地处理企业内部员工的问题;另一方面,国有企业的市 场竞争能力下降,导致其在生产、研究开发方面的能力下降,企业效益滑坡,使其在招收毕业生方面的需求下降。当然了,刚刚毕业的学生在工作经验及社会交往方 面的不足也是企业不愿过多的招收毕业生的一个原因。

虽然测控技术与仪表专业的毕业生将不得不面对这样的事实,但是他们也不必为此而过分担心。在国 企需求下降的时候,却有更多的民营企业为毕业生提供了发展的空间。改革开放的20多年来,民营企业的发展取得了非常大的成绩,涌现了许多像联想集团、 TCL集团等高速成长的民营企业。这些企业的成长主要是建立在高科技知识的基础工业之上的,这使得他们对大学毕业生的需求特别强烈。所以说,只要毕业生们 能够认识到就业的形式,转变传统的就业观念,其未来的道路还是一片光明的。





检测技术是自动化技术的四大支柱之一,从检测的定义可以看出,人类在研究未知世界中是离不开检 测技术的。检测技术不仅为工业自动化提供正确的信息,而且是科学研究中寻找规律的重要手段。现代检测技术的发展将主要表现在传感器水平的提高、检测方法的 推进,比如以计算机为中心的检测系统的发展等方面




测量工程师——从事各种机械的专业检测以及仪器维护工作; 维修工程师——从事各种专业机构的仪器仪表维护和校准工作。

【本文由大学生电脑主页[ dxsdiannao.com ]—“大学生的百事通”收集整理】

Measure and control technology and instrument professional introduction

This specialized graduation design and manufacture as well as with precision instrument measurement and control of basic knowledge and application ability, can in the sectors of the national economy is engaged in the field of measurement and control technology and instrument, and the design of the system manufacturing, science and technology development, application research and operation management. The professional can enter production engineering automation enterprise engaged in automatic control, automatic detection of the party work, also can be in scientific research units for instrumentation development and design, and at the same time in engineering testing field, computer application field for this professional personal development to find the space

Professional basic situation

1, the training goal

This specialized raise has precision instrument design manufacturing and measurement and control basic knowledge and application ability, can in the sectors of the national economy is engaged in the field of measurement and control

technology and instrument, and the design of the system manufacturing, science and technology development, application research and operation management, the advanced engineering and technical personnel. 2, training requirements

Students of this specialty mainly studies the precision instrument optical, mechanical and electronics theory, theory of measurement and control and the design method of measuring and control instruments, measure and control technology and instrument by modern application of training, and of the specialty of measure and control technology and instrument of the application of the system and the design development ability. The graduates should have the following a few knowledge and ability: a has a solid natural science foundation, good humanities, arts, and social sciences foundation and correctly apply their own language, writing ability; A systematically master this professional field broad technology theoretical knowledge, mainly including mechanics, electronics, optical, measurement and control, and market economy and enterprise management basic knowledge; A master light, machine, electricity, computer combination of contemporary measure and control technology and experimental research ability, have the professional measure and control technology and instrument, and the design of the system, the development ability; A strong foreign language application ability; Should have strong ability of self-study, innovation and high comprehensive quality.

3, main subject optical engineering, instrument science and technology.

4, main course precision machinery and equipment design, precision machinery manufacturing engineering, analog electronic technology foundation, digital electronic technology base, microcomputer principle and application, control engineering foundation, signal analysis and processing, the precision measurement and control and system, optical engineering.

5, practice teaching include military training, metal, electrical, electronic practice, practice, and social practice, curriculum design, graduation design.

6, the length of time in 4 years.

& NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; 7, bachelor's degree situation.

& NBSP; & NBSP; 8, former professional name precision instrument, optical technology and the photoelectric instrument, testing technology and instruments, the electronic instrumentation and measurement technology, geometric quantity measurement test, thermal measuring and testing.

Professional comprehensive introduction

Since the ancient times and its technology is human life and an important part of the production. The first measurement and control to try are in the production of life need, to the time of the measurement and control requirements that humans have sundials the original clock, space and control the requirement for a human had a little understanding of the line. Modern society in the requirement of measurement and control of course not stay at the primary stage, with the development of science and technology, and its technology into a new era.

Measure and control technology and instrument information science and technology major was the source of optical, precision machinery, electronics, computer and information technology multidisciplinary mutual infiltration and formed in a high and new technology intensive comprehensive discipline. Her wide range, small to manufacture workshop detection, big to satellite rocket monitoring. This professional the most interesting direction I'm afraid to a few CD production, many students think this belongs to the manufacturing industry, in fact because of the precision of the strict request, made her to measure and control technology and instrument specialty.

Along with the rapid development of science and technology, integrates light system development and application development more and more attention to. But because of the influence of traditional concepts, many candidates this professional exist an obvious misunderstanding of thought and its technology is to use a ruler, set square, the instruments are hard labor measurement, actually it's just very easy understanding, also is very shallow mistakes. We can listen to measure and control technology of tsinghua university instrument professional a classmate of words, he said: \"before college, I think of my future work is with the set square, everywhere measure, ha ha, but on the course, began before we know that our professional is what how tips, laser la, nano ah, is our test means. The existing computer hardware and software, can let I easily simulation field environment, not only learn up more easily save trouble, puts forward all kinds of problem, can play their imagination, the design more complex complete system.\" Visible, a real measurement and control professional students, need to acquire more knowledge of electricity, they want to master the basic knowledge, has a new design idea, and can use many kinds of new technology and method for the job.

China's industrial before long time no position in the international market, an important reason is DaLuHuo too much, poor quality, not high quality products, unable to contend with other industrial power and, thus, in our country and the measurement and control professionals lack of very much. Connecting with the world, Chinese enterprises to improve the international competitiveness, the product quality is the key, therefore, measurement and control specialized talented person becomes more and more important.

This profession with light, machine, electricity, computer integration is characteristic, to develop a modern scientific

innovation consciousness, wide range of knowledge, basic theory of solid, computer and foreign language ability is strong, can be engaged in computer application, electronic information, intelligent instrument, virtual instrument, measurement and control the fields of product design and manufacturing, science and technology development and application research, enterprise management and so on various engineering technology and operation management talent. At the same time as their professional knowledge broad, has the very strong adaptability and wide development space, can also be engaged in measurement, testing, control engineering, intelligent instrument and apparatus, computer software and hardware in the field of high and new technology such as design, manufacture, development and application, turned more easily. Measure and control technology and instrument professional code: 080401. Professional education development

Science major discovery is often the result of measuring technology of new inventions and obtain. In the era of information technology, measure and control technology and instrument is to realize information acquisition, storage, manipulation of necessary tools, but also reveals the material movement will prepare tools. In the modern construction, as instruments of production process and the quality of the products is the monitoring of the role, people in the technology it has a higher level of requirements.

Measure and control technology and instrument is applicable to all kinds of different professional is a very strong discipline, such as industrial automation, the production process automation, detection technology and instruments, the electronic instrumentation and measurement technology, computer process control, and so on. In today's university in science and engineering colleges, almost all have been opened the professional. As the professional established in China by earlier, so is now in mature stage.

Measure and control technology and instrument can say is an edge discipline, it and automatic control, industrial automation, instruments and computer professional has the close relation. And it was the measurement and control technology and instrument professional the link, for the graduates for, its employment can choose the direction is very extensive, can enter production engineering automation enterprise engaged in the automatically controlled system, automatic detection, etc, also can be in scientific research units for instrumentation development and design, and at the same time in engineering testing field, computer application field for this professional personal development to find the space.

Our test technology and the development of instrument professional experienced a long journey, now has made rapid development. Domestic institutions, now open testing technology and professional instrument, such as tsinghua university, Beijing university of technology, tianjin university and Harbin industrial university, Shanghai jiaotong

university, zhejiang university, nanjing university of science and technology, and so on. Those already many colleges approved by the state education commission set up the test technology and instrument professional master's degree programs. At present, the test technology and instruments a year professional recruit students number about 3000 people or so, graduates of the widely worked in industrial automation kind of enterprise, instrument and apparatus, industry and all kinds of scientific research institutions engaged in the professional with the work. From today into the information science and technology times to see, instruments is to realize information acquisition, conversion, storage and reveal an essential tool material movement, is the general called the signs of The Times of information science and technology, the three pillars (information acquisition and processing, information transmission and communication, electronic technology and computer) necessary means to new technology revolution is also one of the important contents of. In modern construction, people on instrumentation can provide the monitoring role, in the technical requirements of a high level, and instrumentation industry sectors of the national economy is to promote technological progress, technical reform and improve labor productivity and social and economic benefits, development and save energy and material of the pilot industry. Instrumentation equipment level in the largely reflects a country's development of productive forces and the modernization level of science and technology. With the development of science and technology, the application of computer technology, testing technology and instrument professional trend to shift more and more intelligent-intelligent instruments. Intelligent instrument appeared showed it strong vitality, has now become instruments of the development of a important direction. This not only in general measuring instrument, and in the analysis instruments, laboratory instruments and biological medicine reflected in the instrument. Instrumentation equipment level in the largely reflects a country's productive forces development level, the current instruments are from automation to intelligent direction, no doubt, to improve the production efficiency, optimize product quality, speed up the modernization construction in our country has an extremely important role. From now on can see, measurement and control technology and instrument professional has very good future. Four, professional obtain employment status and trends

Measure and control technology and instrument is in science and engineering colleges of domestic open a basic professional, the studies involved in industrial automation, production process automation, instruments and meters, automatic detection technology and instruments, automatic display technology and instruments, automatic control, principles of sensor, instrument reliability, computer application, and so on.

Measure and control technology and instrument can say is an edge discipline, it and automatic control, industrial automation, instruments and computer professional has the close relation. And it was the measurement and control

technology and instrument professional the link, for the graduates for, its employment can choose the direction is very extensive, can enter production engineering automation enterprise engaged in the automatically controlled system, automatic detection, etc, also can be in scientific research units for instrumentation development and design, and at the same time in engineering testing field, computer application field for this professional personal development to find the space.

But to measure and control technology and instrument professional graduates for, also must realize the difficulty of employment. In recent years, the university of include increase annually, accordingly the graduates each year is on the rise. But China's economic conditions make relevant domestic industries to demand for graduates still hasn't been present a growth momentum, especially once of the main body of the state-owned enterprise is employment. Investigate its reason, on the one hand, because state-owned enterprises reform is in a critical moment, many large enterprise in this transitional stage is very careful to deal with the problem of enterprise internal employees; On the other hand, the state-owned enterprise, competition ability to drop, lead to the production, research development in terms of ability to drop, the enterprise benefit of the landslide, recruit graduates in the demand that the decline. Of course, just graduated students in the work experience and social communication of the party is to insufficient enterprise too much of a reason recruit graduates.

Although measure and control technology and instrument professional graduates will have to face up to the fact that, but they also don't have to worry too much about. High demand in the kingdom of the decline of the time, but there was more to private enterprise to provide the development space of graduates. The reform and open policy the more than 20 years, the development of the private sector has made great achievements, appeared many like lenovo group, TCL group, and other high-speed growth of private enterprises. The enterprise growth mainly is built on the foundation of knowledge on high-tech industry, which makes them the demand for undergraduates particularly strong. So, as long as the graduates to recognize the form of employment, to change the traditional concept of employment, the future road or a slice of bright.

Many of the excellent enterprise abroad to China investment and construction, business, of which there are many enterprise to produce measure and control technology and instrument professional talented person's demand. At the appointed time, Chinese students will have more chances in the foreign enterprises shows the wisdom of the Chinese people and talents.

From a professional point of view to measure and control technology and instrument professional graduates for, the most promising future employment direction focused on intelligent instruments and testing technology development

大学生电脑主页 —— dxsdiannao.com —— 大学生的百事通 and application field.

In recent years, computer technology and microelectronics devices in the application of engineering technology is more and more extensive, in this developed on the basis of intelligent instruments both in the accuracy of the measurement, sensitivity, reliability, automation degree, use function, or to solve in the measurement technology and the control technology problem depth and the breadth aspect had the very big development, with a new look unfold before people.

Large scale integrated circuit and the rapid development of computer technology, as well as in artificial intelligence to the transplantation of measure and control technology and application of process, intelligent instrument will have a bigger development. Measuring instrument with intelligent as the guide, drive the instrument of intelligence, is this modern instruments technology development trend. Therefore, in this talent demand will present continuously rising. Testing technique is automation technology of the four pillars of detection can be seen from the definition, in the study of human unknown world is cannot leave inspection measurement techniques. Detection technology not only for industrial automation provide accurate information, and scientific research of law is looking for the important means. The development of the modern testing technology mainly in the sensor will raise the level of test methods, forward, such as computer as the center of the detection system development

To sum up, for learning and ready to learn of measure and control technology and instrument of students, must fully understand to the professional development trends and personal work direction, based in reality, a look to the future, study hard, can in the new century the fierce competition and to realize my ideal.

The industry is to measure is a lot of, can go to the state organs, institute (have), design institute, education systems and all kinds of large and medium-sized enterprise work.

Engaged in the research and development engineer-new instruments of research and development work; Measurement and engaged in all kinds of mechanical engineer-professional testing and the instrument maintenance work; Maintenance engineers engaged in all kinds of professional institutions-instrument maintenance and calibration work.

【 by college students this computer home page [dxsdiannao. Com]-\" college students' answers \"collect 】

大学生电脑主页 - dxsdiannao.com – 大学生喜欢的都在这里


本专业毕业具备精密仪器设计制造以及测量与控制方面的基础知识与应用能力,能在国民经济各部门 从事测量与控制领域内有关技术、仪器与系统的设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理。该专业既可以进入生产工程自动化企业从事自动控制、自动化检测等方 面的工作,也可以在科研单位进行仪器仪表的开发和设计,同时还可以在工程检测领域、计算机应用领域找到适合本专业个人发展的空间






◆ 具有较扎实的自然科学基础,较好的人文、艺术和社会科学基础及正确运用本国语言、文字的表达能力;

◆ 较系统地掌握本专业领域宽广的技术理论基础知识,主要包括机械学、电子学、光学、测量与控制、市场经济及企业管理等基础知识;

◆ 掌握光、机、电、计算机相结合的当代测控技术和实验研究能力,具有本专业测控技术、仪器与系统的设计、开发能力;

◆ 具有较强的外语应用能力;

◆ 具有较强的自学能力、创新意识和较高的综合素质。








7、学位情况 工学学士。




测控技术自古以来就是人类生活和生产的重要组成部分。最初的测控尝试都是来自于生产生活的需要,对时间的测控要求使人类有了日晷这一原始的时钟,对空间 的测控要求使人类有了点线面的认识。现代社会对测控的要求当然不会停留在这些初级阶段,随着科技的发展,测控技术进入了全新的时代。

测控技术与仪器专业是信息科学技术的源头,是光学、精密机械、电子、计算机与信息技术多学科互 相渗透而形成的一门高新技术密集型综合学科。她的专业面广,小到制造车间的检测,大到卫星火箭发射的监控。本专业最令人感兴趣的方向恐怕要数光盘生产了, 很多同学认为这属于制造业,实际上由于对精度的严格要求,使她归于测控技术与仪器专业。

随着科学技术的飞速发展,光机电一体化系统的开发研制与应用越来越受到重视。但是由于传统观念的影响,很多考生对本专业存在一个明显的认识误区,以为测控技术就是用三角板、直尺之类的仪器进行吃力劳苦的测量,其实这只是很浅显的认识,也是很浅薄的错误。我们可以听听清华大学测 控技术与仪器专业一位同学的话,他说:“进入大学以前,我认为我将来的工作就是拿着大三角板,到处量量,呵呵,谁知开始上专业课了,才知道原来我们的专业 是多么尖端,什么激光啦,纳米啊,都是我们测试的手段。现有的电脑硬件和软件,可以让我轻松地模拟实地环境,不仅学起来轻松省事,更提出了各式各样的问 题,可以发挥自己的想像,设计更复杂完备的系统。”可见,一个真正的测控专业学生,需要掌握更多电学方面的知识,他们要掌握基本的电路知识,具有新颖设计 思路,并且能运用多种新技术、手段进行工作。


本专业以光、机、电、计算机一体化为特色,培养具有现代科学创新意识、知识面宽、基础理论扎实、计算机和外语能力强,可从事计算机应用、电子信息、智能仪器、 虚拟仪器、测量与控制等多领域的产品设计制造、科技开发、应用研究、企业管理等多方面的高级工程技术及经营管理人才。同时因为他们专业知识面宽广,具有很 强的适应能力和广泛的发展空间,也可从事计量、测试、控制工程、智能仪器仪表、计算机软件和硬件等高新技术领域的设计、制造、开发和应用等工作,转行比较 容易。



科学史上重大的发现往往是由于新的测量技术的发明而获得。在信息科技时代,测控技术与仪表是实现信息获取、存储、处理的必备工具,也是揭示物质运动的必 备工具。在现代化建设中,由于仪器仪表对生产工艺和产品的质量的具有的监测作用,人们在技术上对它有着更高层次的要求。


测控技术与仪表可以说是一门边缘学科,它和自动控制、工业自动化、仪器仪表以及计算机专业有着 密切的联系。而正是由于测控技术与仪表专业的这种联系,对于该专业的毕业生来说,其就业可以选择的方向十分广泛,既可以进入生产工程自动化企业从事自动控 制、自动化检测等方面的工作,也可以在科研单位进行仪器仪表的开发和设计,同时还可以在工程检测领域、计算机应用领域找到适合本专业个人发展的空间。

我国的测试技术与仪表专业的发展经历了漫长的路程,现在已取得了飞快的发展。国内院校中,现开设测试技术与仪表专业,如清华大学、北京理工大学、天津大学、 哈尔滨工业大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京理工大学等等。其中已有许多院校经国家教委批准设立了测试技术与仪表专业硕士点。目前,每年测试技术与仪表 专业的招生人数大约在3000人左右,毕业生广泛的就职于工业自动化类企业、仪器仪表行业以及各类科研机构从事与本专业有关的工作。


在现代化建设中,人们对仪器仪表所能起到的监控作用,在技术上有着高层次的要求,因而仪器仪表 工业是促进国民经济各部门技术进步,进行技术改造,提高劳动生产率和社会经济效益,开发与节约能源和材料的先导工业。仪器仪表的装备水平在很大程度上反映 出一个国家的生产力的发展和科学技术的现代化水平。






测控技术与仪表可以说是一门边缘学科,它和自动控制、工业自动化、仪器仪表以及计算机专业有着 密切的联系。而正是由于测控技术与仪表专业的这种联系,对于该专业的毕业生来说,其就业可以选择的方向十分广泛,既可以进入生产工程自动化企业从事自动控 制、自动化检测等方面的工作,也可以在科研单位进行仪器仪表的开发和设计,同时还可以在工程检测领域、计算机应用领域找到适合本专业个人发展的空间。

但是对于测控技术与仪表专业的毕业生来说,也必须认识到就业的艰巨性。近几年来,大学的招生数 量逐年增多,相应地该专业的毕业生每年也都呈上升的趋势。但是中国的经济状况使得国内相关行业对毕业生的需求量却始终未呈现出增长势头,尤其是曾经是就业 主体的国营企业。究其原因,一方面是因为国企改革正处于关键时刻,许多大型企业在这个过渡阶段非常慎重地处理企业内部员工的问题;另一方面,国有企业的市 场竞争能力下降,导致其在生产、研究开发方面的能力下降,企业效益滑坡,使其在招收毕业生方面的需求下降。当然了,刚刚毕业的学生在工作经验及社会交往方 面的不足也是企业不愿过多的招收毕业生的一个原因。

虽然测控技术与仪表专业的毕业生将不得不面对这样的事实,但是他们也不必为此而过分担心。在国 企需求下降的时候,却有更多的民营企业为毕业生提供了发展的空间。改革开放的20多年来,民营企业的发展取得了非常大的成绩,涌现了许多像联想集团、 TCL集团等高速成长的民营企业。这些企业的成长主要是建立在高科技知识的基础工业之上的,这使得他们对大学毕业生的需求特别强烈。所以说,只要毕业生们 能够认识到就业的形式,转变传统的就业观念,其未来的道路还是一片光明的。





检测技术是自动化技术的四大支柱之一,从检测的定义可以看出,人类在研究未知世界中是离不开检 测技术的。检测技术不仅为工业自动化提供正确的信息,而且是科学研究中寻找规律的重要手段。现代检测技术的发展将主要表现在传感器水平的提高、检测方法的 推进,比如以计算机为中心的检测系统的发展等方面




测量工程师——从事各种机械的专业检测以及仪器维护工作; 维修工程师——从事各种专业机构的仪器仪表维护和校准工作。

【本文由大学生电脑主页[ dxsdiannao.com ]—“大学生的百事通”收集整理】

Measure and control technology and instrument professional introduction

This specialized graduation design and manufacture as well as with precision instrument measurement and control of basic knowledge and application ability, can in the sectors of the national economy is engaged in the field of measurement and control technology and instrument, and the design of the system manufacturing, science and technology development, application research and operation management. The professional can enter production engineering automation enterprise engaged in automatic control, automatic detection of the party work, also can be in scientific research units for instrumentation development and design, and at the same time in engineering testing field, computer application field for this professional personal development to find the space

Professional basic situation

1, the training goal

This specialized raise has precision instrument design manufacturing and measurement and control basic knowledge and application ability, can in the sectors of the national economy is engaged in the field of measurement and control

technology and instrument, and the design of the system manufacturing, science and technology development, application research and operation management, the advanced engineering and technical personnel. 2, training requirements

Students of this specialty mainly studies the precision instrument optical, mechanical and electronics theory, theory of measurement and control and the design method of measuring and control instruments, measure and control technology and instrument by modern application of training, and of the specialty of measure and control technology and instrument of the application of the system and the design development ability. The graduates should have the following a few knowledge and ability: a has a solid natural science foundation, good humanities, arts, and social sciences foundation and correctly apply their own language, writing ability; A systematically master this professional field broad technology theoretical knowledge, mainly including mechanics, electronics, optical, measurement and control, and market economy and enterprise management basic knowledge; A master light, machine, electricity, computer combination of contemporary measure and control technology and experimental research ability, have the professional measure and control technology and instrument, and the design of the system, the development ability; A strong foreign language application ability; Should have strong ability of self-study, innovation and high comprehensive quality.

3, main subject optical engineering, instrument science and technology.

4, main course precision machinery and equipment design, precision machinery manufacturing engineering, analog electronic technology foundation, digital electronic technology base, microcomputer principle and application, control engineering foundation, signal analysis and processing, the precision measurement and control and system, optical engineering.

5, practice teaching include military training, metal, electrical, electronic practice, practice, and social practice, curriculum design, graduation design.

6, the length of time in 4 years.

& NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; 7, bachelor's degree situation.

& NBSP; & NBSP; 8, former professional name precision instrument, optical technology and the photoelectric instrument, testing technology and instruments, the electronic instrumentation and measurement technology, geometric quantity measurement test, thermal measuring and testing.

Professional comprehensive introduction

Since the ancient times and its technology is human life and an important part of the production. The first measurement and control to try are in the production of life need, to the time of the measurement and control requirements that humans have sundials the original clock, space and control the requirement for a human had a little understanding of the line. Modern society in the requirement of measurement and control of course not stay at the primary stage, with the development of science and technology, and its technology into a new era.

Measure and control technology and instrument information science and technology major was the source of optical, precision machinery, electronics, computer and information technology multidisciplinary mutual infiltration and formed in a high and new technology intensive comprehensive discipline. Her wide range, small to manufacture workshop detection, big to satellite rocket monitoring. This professional the most interesting direction I'm afraid to a few CD production, many students think this belongs to the manufacturing industry, in fact because of the precision of the strict request, made her to measure and control technology and instrument specialty.

Along with the rapid development of science and technology, integrates light system development and application development more and more attention to. But because of the influence of traditional concepts, many candidates this professional exist an obvious misunderstanding of thought and its technology is to use a ruler, set square, the instruments are hard labor measurement, actually it's just very easy understanding, also is very shallow mistakes. We can listen to measure and control technology of tsinghua university instrument professional a classmate of words, he said: \"before college, I think of my future work is with the set square, everywhere measure, ha ha, but on the course, began before we know that our professional is what how tips, laser la, nano ah, is our test means. The existing computer hardware and software, can let I easily simulation field environment, not only learn up more easily save trouble, puts forward all kinds of problem, can play their imagination, the design more complex complete system.\" Visible, a real measurement and control professional students, need to acquire more knowledge of electricity, they want to master the basic knowledge, has a new design idea, and can use many kinds of new technology and method for the job.

China's industrial before long time no position in the international market, an important reason is DaLuHuo too much, poor quality, not high quality products, unable to contend with other industrial power and, thus, in our country and the measurement and control professionals lack of very much. Connecting with the world, Chinese enterprises to improve the international competitiveness, the product quality is the key, therefore, measurement and control specialized talented person becomes more and more important.

This profession with light, machine, electricity, computer integration is characteristic, to develop a modern scientific

innovation consciousness, wide range of knowledge, basic theory of solid, computer and foreign language ability is strong, can be engaged in computer application, electronic information, intelligent instrument, virtual instrument, measurement and control the fields of product design and manufacturing, science and technology development and application research, enterprise management and so on various engineering technology and operation management talent. At the same time as their professional knowledge broad, has the very strong adaptability and wide development space, can also be engaged in measurement, testing, control engineering, intelligent instrument and apparatus, computer software and hardware in the field of high and new technology such as design, manufacture, development and application, turned more easily. Measure and control technology and instrument professional code: 080401. Professional education development

Science major discovery is often the result of measuring technology of new inventions and obtain. In the era of information technology, measure and control technology and instrument is to realize information acquisition, storage, manipulation of necessary tools, but also reveals the material movement will prepare tools. In the modern construction, as instruments of production process and the quality of the products is the monitoring of the role, people in the technology it has a higher level of requirements.

Measure and control technology and instrument is applicable to all kinds of different professional is a very strong discipline, such as industrial automation, the production process automation, detection technology and instruments, the electronic instrumentation and measurement technology, computer process control, and so on. In today's university in science and engineering colleges, almost all have been opened the professional. As the professional established in China by earlier, so is now in mature stage.

Measure and control technology and instrument can say is an edge discipline, it and automatic control, industrial automation, instruments and computer professional has the close relation. And it was the measurement and control technology and instrument professional the link, for the graduates for, its employment can choose the direction is very extensive, can enter production engineering automation enterprise engaged in the automatically controlled system, automatic detection, etc, also can be in scientific research units for instrumentation development and design, and at the same time in engineering testing field, computer application field for this professional personal development to find the space.

Our test technology and the development of instrument professional experienced a long journey, now has made rapid development. Domestic institutions, now open testing technology and professional instrument, such as tsinghua university, Beijing university of technology, tianjin university and Harbin industrial university, Shanghai jiaotong

university, zhejiang university, nanjing university of science and technology, and so on. Those already many colleges approved by the state education commission set up the test technology and instrument professional master's degree programs. At present, the test technology and instruments a year professional recruit students number about 3000 people or so, graduates of the widely worked in industrial automation kind of enterprise, instrument and apparatus, industry and all kinds of scientific research institutions engaged in the professional with the work. From today into the information science and technology times to see, instruments is to realize information acquisition, conversion, storage and reveal an essential tool material movement, is the general called the signs of The Times of information science and technology, the three pillars (information acquisition and processing, information transmission and communication, electronic technology and computer) necessary means to new technology revolution is also one of the important contents of. In modern construction, people on instrumentation can provide the monitoring role, in the technical requirements of a high level, and instrumentation industry sectors of the national economy is to promote technological progress, technical reform and improve labor productivity and social and economic benefits, development and save energy and material of the pilot industry. Instrumentation equipment level in the largely reflects a country's development of productive forces and the modernization level of science and technology. With the development of science and technology, the application of computer technology, testing technology and instrument professional trend to shift more and more intelligent-intelligent instruments. Intelligent instrument appeared showed it strong vitality, has now become instruments of the development of a important direction. This not only in general measuring instrument, and in the analysis instruments, laboratory instruments and biological medicine reflected in the instrument. Instrumentation equipment level in the largely reflects a country's productive forces development level, the current instruments are from automation to intelligent direction, no doubt, to improve the production efficiency, optimize product quality, speed up the modernization construction in our country has an extremely important role. From now on can see, measurement and control technology and instrument professional has very good future. Four, professional obtain employment status and trends

Measure and control technology and instrument is in science and engineering colleges of domestic open a basic professional, the studies involved in industrial automation, production process automation, instruments and meters, automatic detection technology and instruments, automatic display technology and instruments, automatic control, principles of sensor, instrument reliability, computer application, and so on.

Measure and control technology and instrument can say is an edge discipline, it and automatic control, industrial automation, instruments and computer professional has the close relation. And it was the measurement and control

technology and instrument professional the link, for the graduates for, its employment can choose the direction is very extensive, can enter production engineering automation enterprise engaged in the automatically controlled system, automatic detection, etc, also can be in scientific research units for instrumentation development and design, and at the same time in engineering testing field, computer application field for this professional personal development to find the space.

But to measure and control technology and instrument professional graduates for, also must realize the difficulty of employment. In recent years, the university of include increase annually, accordingly the graduates each year is on the rise. But China's economic conditions make relevant domestic industries to demand for graduates still hasn't been present a growth momentum, especially once of the main body of the state-owned enterprise is employment. Investigate its reason, on the one hand, because state-owned enterprises reform is in a critical moment, many large enterprise in this transitional stage is very careful to deal with the problem of enterprise internal employees; On the other hand, the state-owned enterprise, competition ability to drop, lead to the production, research development in terms of ability to drop, the enterprise benefit of the landslide, recruit graduates in the demand that the decline. Of course, just graduated students in the work experience and social communication of the party is to insufficient enterprise too much of a reason recruit graduates.

Although measure and control technology and instrument professional graduates will have to face up to the fact that, but they also don't have to worry too much about. High demand in the kingdom of the decline of the time, but there was more to private enterprise to provide the development space of graduates. The reform and open policy the more than 20 years, the development of the private sector has made great achievements, appeared many like lenovo group, TCL group, and other high-speed growth of private enterprises. The enterprise growth mainly is built on the foundation of knowledge on high-tech industry, which makes them the demand for undergraduates particularly strong. So, as long as the graduates to recognize the form of employment, to change the traditional concept of employment, the future road or a slice of bright.

Many of the excellent enterprise abroad to China investment and construction, business, of which there are many enterprise to produce measure and control technology and instrument professional talented person's demand. At the appointed time, Chinese students will have more chances in the foreign enterprises shows the wisdom of the Chinese people and talents.

From a professional point of view to measure and control technology and instrument professional graduates for, the most promising future employment direction focused on intelligent instruments and testing technology development

大学生电脑主页 —— dxsdiannao.com —— 大学生的百事通 and application field.

In recent years, computer technology and microelectronics devices in the application of engineering technology is more and more extensive, in this developed on the basis of intelligent instruments both in the accuracy of the measurement, sensitivity, reliability, automation degree, use function, or to solve in the measurement technology and the control technology problem depth and the breadth aspect had the very big development, with a new look unfold before people.

Large scale integrated circuit and the rapid development of computer technology, as well as in artificial intelligence to the transplantation of measure and control technology and application of process, intelligent instrument will have a bigger development. Measuring instrument with intelligent as the guide, drive the instrument of intelligence, is this modern instruments technology development trend. Therefore, in this talent demand will present continuously rising. Testing technique is automation technology of the four pillars of detection can be seen from the definition, in the study of human unknown world is cannot leave inspection measurement techniques. Detection technology not only for industrial automation provide accurate information, and scientific research of law is looking for the important means. The development of the modern testing technology mainly in the sensor will raise the level of test methods, forward, such as computer as the center of the detection system development

To sum up, for learning and ready to learn of measure and control technology and instrument of students, must fully understand to the professional development trends and personal work direction, based in reality, a look to the future, study hard, can in the new century the fierce competition and to realize my ideal.

The industry is to measure is a lot of, can go to the state organs, institute (have), design institute, education systems and all kinds of large and medium-sized enterprise work.

Engaged in the research and development engineer-new instruments of research and development work; Measurement and engaged in all kinds of mechanical engineer-professional testing and the instrument maintenance work; Maintenance engineers engaged in all kinds of professional institutions-instrument maintenance and calibration work.

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  • 摘 要:测控技术与仪器专业,始终致力于培养高精尖的自动化测控技术人才.伴随着工业科技化的崛起,利用精密智能仪器进行自动化系统的测试与控制,已经成为现代工业发展的利器.因此,测控技术与仪器专业在深厚的专业历史积淀的基础上,迎来了大踏步式发展的 ...查看

  • 实习总结:车间测控技术大学生实习总结
  • 7月1日,这是我们实习的第一天,我们来到了申菱,这是一家生产中央空调的厂家.来到该厂,该厂负责人首先介绍了一下申菱的一些生产情况. 了解到,广东申菱空调设备有限公司于1992年正式建成投产,是集科研.生产.检测.销售.工程服务于一体的现代化 ...查看
