

No matter how much, sincere is good; Be happy and be happy. There is only a lot of happiness, and all is well. Wishing you all the best in the Spring Festival.
On this joyous day, after a long parting, may the bells of New Year give you peace and joy, and New Year's blessing.
I hope that my blessing like a leaf of light boat, brings you a new spring atmosphere, thanks for your support and help for a year, here and you say: happy New Year!
May the time be a witness to your success and cherish every inch of it and win it!
This moment has my deepest thoughts. Let the cloud send a full blessing, embellishment your sweet dream. May you have a happy New Year!
Many stars, the quiet of the night, on your way home to send my most sincere blessing, dao a friend, wish you a pleasant journey, happy New Year.
The one with whom I have laughed, I may have forgotten him; I will never forget the one who cried with me. Happy New Year, my friend in need.
If I miss, I can't say. Caring heart, never change; Sincere friendship, never forget, may my blessing surround you.
The blessing is a true heart, do not speak thousands of words, do not speak ten thousand words, silently sing a heart song, may your year of peace and good luck!
A green leaf, full of its affection for roots; A word of congratulations has condensed my wishes to you. Another nice start.
There are always some things that can't be forgotten, there are always some people around, the work is important, the mood also need to adjust, send a text message, the right to be happy harassment. Happy New Year!
In this message, I wish you a happy New Year!
At this time of year, the blessing will be like the ocean to you, hope my blessing like a leaf of light boat, take you to the breeze, to the success of the other shore! Happy New Year!
Spring is good, all good things come! Friends smile, happy to surround you around! The festival is filled with happiness and happiness! Happy!!! Happy!!! Peace and prosperity in your life!
Thank you for your concern, for your help, for all that you have done for me.
I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.
Wish you a happy New Year and a wonderful New Year. I wish you a happy New Year. I wish you a happy New Year and a beautiful gift.
Blessing is a true heart, not a thousand words. A heart song, may you have peace and all the best!
In the face of the Spring Festival, faced with the passing of people, I think of you, in the heart of a kind of move: love, is this kind of unspeakable edge. Wish you a happy New Year!
Acquaintance is tied to the edge, knowing the sincerity, a true friend regardless of where, always pay close and love, peace and happiness of good friends.
Worry flies like a cloud, sorrow like a dinosaur, happiness like honey.
In the New Year, may my friend: money is often better than money. Old people are less healthy; He who is rich and rich is good; All that is troubled and understood; A person's peace of life is good!
The bell of the New Year rang softly, sending my blessing, lingering around you.
Lost, very missed. In this warm day, often recalled coexistence years. Happy New Year!
No matter how the world changes, let the truth often; Keep in touch, no matter how busy you work. Whether the world or the earth, let the blessing be always! Happy New Year!


No matter how much, sincere is good; Be happy and be happy. There is only a lot of happiness, and all is well. Wishing you all the best in the Spring Festival.
On this joyous day, after a long parting, may the bells of New Year give you peace and joy, and New Year's blessing.
I hope that my blessing like a leaf of light boat, brings you a new spring atmosphere, thanks for your support and help for a year, here and you say: happy New Year!
May the time be a witness to your success and cherish every inch of it and win it!
This moment has my deepest thoughts. Let the cloud send a full blessing, embellishment your sweet dream. May you have a happy New Year!
Many stars, the quiet of the night, on your way home to send my most sincere blessing, dao a friend, wish you a pleasant journey, happy New Year.
The one with whom I have laughed, I may have forgotten him; I will never forget the one who cried with me. Happy New Year, my friend in need.
If I miss, I can't say. Caring heart, never change; Sincere friendship, never forget, may my blessing surround you.
The blessing is a true heart, do not speak thousands of words, do not speak ten thousand words, silently sing a heart song, may your year of peace and good luck!
A green leaf, full of its affection for roots; A word of congratulations has condensed my wishes to you. Another nice start.
There are always some things that can't be forgotten, there are always some people around, the work is important, the mood also need to adjust, send a text message, the right to be happy harassment. Happy New Year!
In this message, I wish you a happy New Year!
At this time of year, the blessing will be like the ocean to you, hope my blessing like a leaf of light boat, take you to the breeze, to the success of the other shore! Happy New Year!
Spring is good, all good things come! Friends smile, happy to surround you around! The festival is filled with happiness and happiness! Happy!!! Happy!!! Peace and prosperity in your life!
Thank you for your concern, for your help, for all that you have done for me.
I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.
Wish you a happy New Year and a wonderful New Year. I wish you a happy New Year. I wish you a happy New Year and a beautiful gift.
Blessing is a true heart, not a thousand words. A heart song, may you have peace and all the best!
In the face of the Spring Festival, faced with the passing of people, I think of you, in the heart of a kind of move: love, is this kind of unspeakable edge. Wish you a happy New Year!
Acquaintance is tied to the edge, knowing the sincerity, a true friend regardless of where, always pay close and love, peace and happiness of good friends.
Worry flies like a cloud, sorrow like a dinosaur, happiness like honey.
In the New Year, may my friend: money is often better than money. Old people are less healthy; He who is rich and rich is good; All that is troubled and understood; A person's peace of life is good!
The bell of the New Year rang softly, sending my blessing, lingering around you.
Lost, very missed. In this warm day, often recalled coexistence years. Happy New Year!
No matter how the world changes, let the truth often; Keep in touch, no matter how busy you work. Whether the world or the earth, let the blessing be always! Happy New Year!


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