小作文 澳大利亚学历

The bar chart illustrates various levels of qualifications in Australia and the proportion of different genders who held each of them in 1999.

To start with the females, the skilled vocational diploma was only 10%, which was the smallest proportion among others. While, the undergraduate diploma was 7 times larger than it. The Bachelor ’s degree ranked the second place, with 55%. 30% and 40% of the females possessed the postgraduate diploma and the Master’s degree respectively at that time.

In terms of the males, 90% of them owned the skilled vocational diploma, which consumed the biggest proportion comparing with others. More than 60% of them had the postgraduate or the master ’s degree. Less than 50% of the males gained the bachelor’s degree and the undergraduate diploma.

In sum, the proportion of the males who had the master’s degree, the postgraduate diploma and the skilled vocational diploma surpassed the females greatly. While, the females outnumbered the males a little bit in the rest certifications.

The bar chart illustrates various levels of qualifications in Australia and the proportion of different genders who held each of them in 1999.

To start with the females, the skilled vocational diploma was only 10%, which was the smallest proportion among others. While, the undergraduate diploma was 7 times larger than it. The Bachelor ’s degree ranked the second place, with 55%. 30% and 40% of the females possessed the postgraduate diploma and the Master’s degree respectively at that time.

In terms of the males, 90% of them owned the skilled vocational diploma, which consumed the biggest proportion comparing with others. More than 60% of them had the postgraduate or the master ’s degree. Less than 50% of the males gained the bachelor’s degree and the undergraduate diploma.

In sum, the proportion of the males who had the master’s degree, the postgraduate diploma and the skilled vocational diploma surpassed the females greatly. While, the females outnumbered the males a little bit in the rest certifications.


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