

省长助理、省旅游委主任 陆志远





今天,我们与世界权威的旅游业界组织—WTTC 一起,在此举行海南旅游经济报告书媒体见面会,向国际社会尤其是英国媒体介绍海南旅游发展的最新情况。海南已经做好了充分的准备,英国的朋友们将领略到海南最具特色的热带海滨度假旅游资源、原始森林生态、地热温泉和浓郁的民族风情。


2010年初,我们决定与世界旅游业理事会联合撰写《海南旅游经济报告书》。在过去的两年中,世界旅游理事会做了大量的考察和调研,经过多次修改并完善,最终形成了这一具有前瞻指导意义的成果。世界旅游业理事会与牛津经济研究院共同开展的经济影响研究表明,旅游业对经济增长的贡献在过去几年中大幅提升,预测这一增长势头还会持续。在2011—2021十年间,海南旅游业支持的年均增长率预计将达到12。6%,这一指标将超过世界各国经济体。到2021年,海南的旅游消费将达到1108亿人民币,以未来十年的年均实际增长率来衡量,海南在WTTC 的排名表中名列第一。


Hainan Travel & Tourism Development Potential 2011- 2021

(London )

Assistant to the governor、Director of Provincial Tourism Committee

Lu Zhiyuan

September 17, 2011

Respectful ambassadors, guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning!

It is a great pleasure to meet you here in London, a picturesque metropolitan city, in such a pleasant autumn and at this beautiful moment for Hainan Travel & Tourism Development Potential 2011- 2021. On behalf of Hainan provincial government, its

8.75 million people and the province-wide tourism sector, I would like to extend to you my sincere greetings.

Today, with the presence of WTTC, the authoritative tourism organisation in the world, we are holding Hainan Travel & Tourism Development Potential 2011- 2021, to brief the international community, especially our British friends about the recent achievements we have made in tourism development in Hainan. Hainan is fully geared for you our British friends to taste its tropical beach holiday-making resources, primeval forest, SPA and rich local customs.

In 2011, tourists from Britain reached 8, 359 person-visits, a 30.67% increase over the same period of the year before. This year, however, due to the impact of European debt crisis, the number of tourists from Britain is decreasing slightly. Figures from Hainan Tourism Committee show that from January to July this year, the number of tourists from Britain stands at 3,409 person-visits, a 33.96% decrease compared with that of last year. Nevertheless, input from Britain to Hainan tourism market enjoys a great potential, Hainan cherishes this entry and will take various measures to revive this market.

At the beginning of 2010, we have decided to write Hainan Tourism Economy Report jointly with the World Travel and Tourism Council. In the past two years, the World Travel and Tourism Council has made study tours and done a great deal of researches. After repeated revisions and perfections, we have come up with this forward-looking and directory fruit. Study jointly conducted by the World Travel and Tourism Council and Oxford Economics Research Institute shows that tourism has made great contribution to economic growth in the past few years and it is expected that this momentum will continue. From the decade between 2011 and 2021, tourism consumption in Hainan will reach 110 billion RMB. Based on the annual average growth rate of the coming ten years, Hainan will top the list of WTTC.

Finally, we cordially invite our British friends to visit, holiday, and taste the unique beauty that Hainan is blessed with while holidaying in Hainan. Experience the hospitality that people are rich and profuse in.


省长助理、省旅游委主任 陆志远





今天,我们与世界权威的旅游业界组织—WTTC 一起,在此举行海南旅游经济报告书媒体见面会,向国际社会尤其是英国媒体介绍海南旅游发展的最新情况。海南已经做好了充分的准备,英国的朋友们将领略到海南最具特色的热带海滨度假旅游资源、原始森林生态、地热温泉和浓郁的民族风情。


2010年初,我们决定与世界旅游业理事会联合撰写《海南旅游经济报告书》。在过去的两年中,世界旅游理事会做了大量的考察和调研,经过多次修改并完善,最终形成了这一具有前瞻指导意义的成果。世界旅游业理事会与牛津经济研究院共同开展的经济影响研究表明,旅游业对经济增长的贡献在过去几年中大幅提升,预测这一增长势头还会持续。在2011—2021十年间,海南旅游业支持的年均增长率预计将达到12。6%,这一指标将超过世界各国经济体。到2021年,海南的旅游消费将达到1108亿人民币,以未来十年的年均实际增长率来衡量,海南在WTTC 的排名表中名列第一。


Hainan Travel & Tourism Development Potential 2011- 2021

(London )

Assistant to the governor、Director of Provincial Tourism Committee

Lu Zhiyuan

September 17, 2011

Respectful ambassadors, guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning!

It is a great pleasure to meet you here in London, a picturesque metropolitan city, in such a pleasant autumn and at this beautiful moment for Hainan Travel & Tourism Development Potential 2011- 2021. On behalf of Hainan provincial government, its

8.75 million people and the province-wide tourism sector, I would like to extend to you my sincere greetings.

Today, with the presence of WTTC, the authoritative tourism organisation in the world, we are holding Hainan Travel & Tourism Development Potential 2011- 2021, to brief the international community, especially our British friends about the recent achievements we have made in tourism development in Hainan. Hainan is fully geared for you our British friends to taste its tropical beach holiday-making resources, primeval forest, SPA and rich local customs.

In 2011, tourists from Britain reached 8, 359 person-visits, a 30.67% increase over the same period of the year before. This year, however, due to the impact of European debt crisis, the number of tourists from Britain is decreasing slightly. Figures from Hainan Tourism Committee show that from January to July this year, the number of tourists from Britain stands at 3,409 person-visits, a 33.96% decrease compared with that of last year. Nevertheless, input from Britain to Hainan tourism market enjoys a great potential, Hainan cherishes this entry and will take various measures to revive this market.

At the beginning of 2010, we have decided to write Hainan Tourism Economy Report jointly with the World Travel and Tourism Council. In the past two years, the World Travel and Tourism Council has made study tours and done a great deal of researches. After repeated revisions and perfections, we have come up with this forward-looking and directory fruit. Study jointly conducted by the World Travel and Tourism Council and Oxford Economics Research Institute shows that tourism has made great contribution to economic growth in the past few years and it is expected that this momentum will continue. From the decade between 2011 and 2021, tourism consumption in Hainan will reach 110 billion RMB. Based on the annual average growth rate of the coming ten years, Hainan will top the list of WTTC.

Finally, we cordially invite our British friends to visit, holiday, and taste the unique beauty that Hainan is blessed with while holidaying in Hainan. Experience the hospitality that people are rich and profuse in.


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