that welded joints’ impact toughness and dynamicfracture toughness are affected by welded matching, zoneand loading rate. It is not safe that designing weldedjoins with impact loading under traditional intensitytheory. One should pay more attention to welded joints’impact toughness and dynamic fracture toughness.Key words: welded joints; impact loading; fracturetoughness
Study And Application On Driving Torque Of InternalCombustion Engine
Abstract: Fluctuation of phase of single harmonic drivingtorque is studied, and the relationship between phase ofsingle crankshaft harmonic torsion vibration and that ofcorresponding harmonic driving torque is described.When torsion vibration is calculating, the phase ofdriving torque must be taken into account. The approachusing phase of crankshall harmonic torsion vibration todiagnose the individual cylinder fault is developedfurther.
Key words: phase; torsion vibration; fault diagnosisStudy On The Dynamic Performance Test System OfAutomotive Suspension
Abstract: This paper focuses on the function augment ofthe mechanism suspension performance test rig systemby using computer to control transducer atomatically,The expanded system can meet the requirements ofautomotive suspension’s dynamic performance test. Andthe system identification theory is applied into thesuspension’s modeling in order to simulate the suspension in random stimulus and in various inputs, sothe suspension’s dynamic performance can be estimatedsystematically. It proves to be a more perfect dynamicperformance test system of suspension.
Key words: suspension; transducer; system identifitalion; dynamic performance; test rig
Machine Tool Dynamics
Analysis Of Dynamic Characteristics For High-speed Spindle Double-rotors System On Nc LatheAbstract: The natural frequency characteristicsof the high-speed system on NC lathe wereanalyzed by the whole transfer matrix method
for the first time. According to the results, the spindlesystem can work safely and stably because its highestrotating speed is far below the first natural frequency ofthe system. At same time, the coupling stiffness of doublerotors were figured out by the FEM, which provides avalid method for the similar problems.
Key words: whole transfer matrix method; couplingmatrix; supporting stiffness; natural frequency; mainmode; FEM
Research On Kinematics Simulation Of High SpeedAnd Precision Numerical Control Lathe
Abstract: Based on the principle of virtual prototyping,the kinematics simulation of the lathe has ben realizedand the scientific basis for designing and optimizingquickly lathe has been provided. And the designer couldnot only observe the three-dimension dynamic displayand movement course of the whole lathe in the virtualcircumstance but also forecast accurately and improveproblems which appear possibly during design beforeprototype will be manufactured, assure the feasibility ofdesign scheme, shorten period of product design andreduce product cost.
Key w ords: mutil-body kinematics; virtual prototyping;numerical control lathe; kinematics simulationMechanical Structural Staticl/Dynastic OptimizationDesign Based On Finite Element Analysis
Abstract: Structural static/dynastic property ofmechanical product is related to its capability and quality.Variational design method and its application onstructural static/dynastic design is discussed. What areusing quasi-static variational design processes to increasestiffness and intension of mechanical structure; improvesdynastic property of complete structure system bydividing it into element-structures and optimizing them;obtains combine-surface-parameter for finite elementmodeling of complete machine.
Key words: finite elements; variational design;mechanical structure; static/dynastic; optimization designOptimized Design Of The Industrial CrystallierPropeller ’s Structure Base On CFD
Abstract: The structure of industrial crystallier propellerhas been analyzed. The influence rule of structuralparameters on the flow field is searched to determine
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that welded joints’ impact toughness and dynamicfracture toughness are affected by welded matching, zoneand loading rate. It is not safe that designing weldedjoins with impact loading under traditional intensitytheory. One should pay more attention to welded joints’impact toughness and dynamic fracture toughness.Key words: welded joints; impact loading; fracturetoughness
Study And Application On Driving Torque Of InternalCombustion Engine
Abstract: Fluctuation of phase of single harmonic drivingtorque is studied, and the relationship between phase ofsingle crankshaft harmonic torsion vibration and that ofcorresponding harmonic driving torque is described.When torsion vibration is calculating, the phase ofdriving torque must be taken into account. The approachusing phase of crankshall harmonic torsion vibration todiagnose the individual cylinder fault is developedfurther.
Key words: phase; torsion vibration; fault diagnosisStudy On The Dynamic Performance Test System OfAutomotive Suspension
Abstract: This paper focuses on the function augment ofthe mechanism suspension performance test rig systemby using computer to control transducer atomatically,The expanded system can meet the requirements ofautomotive suspension’s dynamic performance test. Andthe system identification theory is applied into thesuspension’s modeling in order to simulate the suspension in random stimulus and in various inputs, sothe suspension’s dynamic performance can be estimatedsystematically. It proves to be a more perfect dynamicperformance test system of suspension.
Key words: suspension; transducer; system identifitalion; dynamic performance; test rig
Machine Tool Dynamics
Analysis Of Dynamic Characteristics For High-speed Spindle Double-rotors System On Nc LatheAbstract: The natural frequency characteristicsof the high-speed system on NC lathe wereanalyzed by the whole transfer matrix method
for the first time. According to the results, the spindlesystem can work safely and stably because its highestrotating speed is far below the first natural frequency ofthe system. At same time, the coupling stiffness of doublerotors were figured out by the FEM, which provides avalid method for the similar problems.
Key words: whole transfer matrix method; couplingmatrix; supporting stiffness; natural frequency; mainmode; FEM
Research On Kinematics Simulation Of High SpeedAnd Precision Numerical Control Lathe
Abstract: Based on the principle of virtual prototyping,the kinematics simulation of the lathe has ben realizedand the scientific basis for designing and optimizingquickly lathe has been provided. And the designer couldnot only observe the three-dimension dynamic displayand movement course of the whole lathe in the virtualcircumstance but also forecast accurately and improveproblems which appear possibly during design beforeprototype will be manufactured, assure the feasibility ofdesign scheme, shorten period of product design andreduce product cost.
Key w ords: mutil-body kinematics; virtual prototyping;numerical control lathe; kinematics simulationMechanical Structural Staticl/Dynastic OptimizationDesign Based On Finite Element Analysis
Abstract: Structural static/dynastic property ofmechanical product is related to its capability and quality.Variational design method and its application onstructural static/dynastic design is discussed. What areusing quasi-static variational design processes to increasestiffness and intension of mechanical structure; improvesdynastic property of complete structure system bydividing it into element-structures and optimizing them;obtains combine-surface-parameter for finite elementmodeling of complete machine.
Key words: finite elements; variational design;mechanical structure; static/dynastic; optimization designOptimized Design Of The Industrial CrystallierPropeller ’s Structure Base On CFD
Abstract: The structure of industrial crystallier propellerhas been analyzed. The influence rule of structuralparameters on the flow field is searched to determine
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