
(Text 1)

M: Do you think we should paint our bedroom yellow or light blue?

W: How about pink?

(Text 2)

W: Excuse me. Where can I find the nearest bank?

M: There is a bank on Park Street. It’s across from the shopping center. (Text 3)

M: I wonder if you’d be interested in going to the cinema with me tonight. W: Sorry, but I have to practice the piano tonight.

(Text 4)

M: Could you pass me the salt, please?

W: Here you are. So how do you like the food?

M: I love most of the food, but the soup seems to have no salt.

(Text 5)

W: Look—is that Tom over there, the boy reading a book?

M: That can’t be Tom. That must be his brother Jim.

W: Why?

M: Because Tom flew to Beijing just last night. He couldn’t have returned yet. (Text 6)

W: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

M: Oh, yes. I’m looking for a pair of sports shoes in Size 8.

W: Are you looking for a pair for yourself?

M: No. It’s for my 17-year-old son.

W: OK. Follow me, please … What do you think of this pair?

M: They look nice. How much are they?

W: They are 40 dollars, but I can give you a 10 percent discount.

M: Good.

(Text 7)

W: Look at Tina. She looks like she’s on top of the world.

M: Yes. She must have won the English competition.

W: If she has won it, then Mark must really be sad right now. He wanted to win it so much.

M: Yes, I’m afraid Mark couldn’t even go. I met him yesterday. He told me he caught a cold.

W: I’m so sorry to hear that. Poor Mark. By the way, why didn’t you take part in the competition?

M: I had no time. I had to prepare for an important exam. What about you? Why didn’t you take part?

W: I’m just not interested in competitions.

(Text 8)

W: Holiday Travel! What can I do for you?

M: Hello! I’d like to book a flight to Berlin for the 23rd this month.

W: OK. Let me see what’s available. And when will you be returning?

M: Er, well, I’d like to catch a return flight on the 29th. Oh, and I’d like the cheapest seat possible.

W: OK, let me see. Hmm ... the ticket price is much lower if you leave one day earlier.

M: I see. How much is it for one day earlier?

W: It’s only 980 dollars.

M: All right. Then I’ll take that flight.

W: OK. That’s Flight BA7101, from Salt Lake City to New York Kennedy Airport. Then Flight BA2701 from Kennedy Airport to Berlin. The first flight leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 am, and arrives in New York at 4:15 pm. Then the 2nd flight leaves Kennedy Airport at 5:45 pm. You’ll arrive in Berlin at 8:30 am the next day.

M: All right. Thanks.

(Text 9)

W: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey on this high-speed railway station. Would you mind answering some questions?

M: Certainly not. My train was supposed to arrive at 4:00 pm, but it won’t come now until 5:00 pm. So I have one and a half hours to answer your questions! W: Thanks. Could you tell me where you’re going and why you’re going there? For sightseeing or for visiting your family?

M: No. I’m going to Manhattan on business.

W: OK. Can you tell me how often you use the railway station?

M: I use it every Monday.

W: What do you think of the new restaurant?

M: I really have no idea. I haven’t eaten there yet. I usually eat at the restaurant across from the railway station.

W: So how do you usually get to the railway station: by taxi or subway? M: Neither. I drive here and park my car in the railway station parking lot. (Text 10) M

Hello, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself and also share some information about my neighbors. My name is Patrik. I’m from Edinburgh, and I’m a student of law at this famous university. I’m staying with my aunt and uncle. We live in a small apartment building. There are four families in this building.

There’s a family of three living under us, the Crozier family. They’re from Glasgow. Mr. Crozier is a doctor. Marjorie, his wife, is a librarian.

Next door to us is a single lady, Mis s Green. She’s from Liverpool. She’s working as a secretary in a telephone company. She has many friends, and they visit her quite often.

In the fourth apartment, there’s a young couple from China. Mr. Bai is

working hard on his doctor’s degree at Oxford University, and Mrs. Bai is teaching in a primary school.

All the people in my apartment building are very friendly. They are all very good neighbors.

(Text 1)

M: Do you think we should paint our bedroom yellow or light blue?

W: How about pink?

(Text 2)

W: Excuse me. Where can I find the nearest bank?

M: There is a bank on Park Street. It’s across from the shopping center. (Text 3)

M: I wonder if you’d be interested in going to the cinema with me tonight. W: Sorry, but I have to practice the piano tonight.

(Text 4)

M: Could you pass me the salt, please?

W: Here you are. So how do you like the food?

M: I love most of the food, but the soup seems to have no salt.

(Text 5)

W: Look—is that Tom over there, the boy reading a book?

M: That can’t be Tom. That must be his brother Jim.

W: Why?

M: Because Tom flew to Beijing just last night. He couldn’t have returned yet. (Text 6)

W: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

M: Oh, yes. I’m looking for a pair of sports shoes in Size 8.

W: Are you looking for a pair for yourself?

M: No. It’s for my 17-year-old son.

W: OK. Follow me, please … What do you think of this pair?

M: They look nice. How much are they?

W: They are 40 dollars, but I can give you a 10 percent discount.

M: Good.

(Text 7)

W: Look at Tina. She looks like she’s on top of the world.

M: Yes. She must have won the English competition.

W: If she has won it, then Mark must really be sad right now. He wanted to win it so much.

M: Yes, I’m afraid Mark couldn’t even go. I met him yesterday. He told me he caught a cold.

W: I’m so sorry to hear that. Poor Mark. By the way, why didn’t you take part in the competition?

M: I had no time. I had to prepare for an important exam. What about you? Why didn’t you take part?

W: I’m just not interested in competitions.

(Text 8)

W: Holiday Travel! What can I do for you?

M: Hello! I’d like to book a flight to Berlin for the 23rd this month.

W: OK. Let me see what’s available. And when will you be returning?

M: Er, well, I’d like to catch a return flight on the 29th. Oh, and I’d like the cheapest seat possible.

W: OK, let me see. Hmm ... the ticket price is much lower if you leave one day earlier.

M: I see. How much is it for one day earlier?

W: It’s only 980 dollars.

M: All right. Then I’ll take that flight.

W: OK. That’s Flight BA7101, from Salt Lake City to New York Kennedy Airport. Then Flight BA2701 from Kennedy Airport to Berlin. The first flight leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 am, and arrives in New York at 4:15 pm. Then the 2nd flight leaves Kennedy Airport at 5:45 pm. You’ll arrive in Berlin at 8:30 am the next day.

M: All right. Thanks.

(Text 9)

W: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey on this high-speed railway station. Would you mind answering some questions?

M: Certainly not. My train was supposed to arrive at 4:00 pm, but it won’t come now until 5:00 pm. So I have one and a half hours to answer your questions! W: Thanks. Could you tell me where you’re going and why you’re going there? For sightseeing or for visiting your family?

M: No. I’m going to Manhattan on business.

W: OK. Can you tell me how often you use the railway station?

M: I use it every Monday.

W: What do you think of the new restaurant?

M: I really have no idea. I haven’t eaten there yet. I usually eat at the restaurant across from the railway station.

W: So how do you usually get to the railway station: by taxi or subway? M: Neither. I drive here and park my car in the railway station parking lot. (Text 10) M

Hello, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself and also share some information about my neighbors. My name is Patrik. I’m from Edinburgh, and I’m a student of law at this famous university. I’m staying with my aunt and uncle. We live in a small apartment building. There are four families in this building.

There’s a family of three living under us, the Crozier family. They’re from Glasgow. Mr. Crozier is a doctor. Marjorie, his wife, is a librarian.

Next door to us is a single lady, Mis s Green. She’s from Liverpool. She’s working as a secretary in a telephone company. She has many friends, and they visit her quite often.

In the fourth apartment, there’s a young couple from China. Mr. Bai is

working hard on his doctor’s degree at Oxford University, and Mrs. Bai is teaching in a primary school.

All the people in my apartment building are very friendly. They are all very good neighbors.


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