



1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:"or ; either …or;nor; neither…or;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also" ; 等。e.g.

①What he does or what he says does not concern me . 他的行为或言谈都与我无关。

②Neither you nor I am wrong . 你和我都没错。

③Not you but your father is to blame . 不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。 ④Not only you hut(also) he is wrong .不仅你错了,他也错了。

2. 在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。e.g.

①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people . 在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。

②There is (are) a pen and some books on the desk .桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。

II. 非正式文体中:


Neither she nor I were there (意义一致) 我和他当时都不在那儿。(非正式)

Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式) 但是,如果依“就近一致原则”而与其他两项原则相矛盾时,则常常认为是不太合符规范的。e.g.

No one except his own supporters agree with him .仅他自己的支持者同意他的意见。(依“就近”和“意义”一致的原则;但语法上,“No one ”才是主语,谓语要改成“agrees”。“写作中”一般要依“语法一致”原则。


A or B +动词

Either A or B +动词

Neither A nor B +动词

Not only A but also B +动词

其中,动词的单复数要看B这个名词的单复数。如: He or I am in the wrong, 他或是我错了。

Neither you nor he is tired. 你和他都没累。

Not you but I am to blame. 不该怪你而该怪我。

Either my father or my brothers are coming. 不是我父亲就是我兄弟要来。

Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。


Neither Ted nor Mark are wrong. 特德和马克都没有错。

If either David or Janet come, they will want a drink. 大卫或珍妮特来了的话,是会要喝酒的。



A with/ besides / but +B + 动词

A together with +B + 动词

A as well as + B +动词

A no less than +B +动词


Everybody except you is down on me. 除了你,大家都看不起我。

A woman with two children has come. 一位妇女带着两个孩子已经来了。

John, rather than his roommates, is to blame. 约翰,而不是他的室友,应该受到责备。

Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film. 吉姆和他的同学都看过这部电影。

My father, no less than I, is a base-ball fan. 我的父亲不亚于我也是个棒球迷。

The son, as well as his parents, wants to go there. 不但儿子想去那儿,而且他的父母也想去。

The teacher, as well as the students, is interested in the activity. 老师也和同学们一样对这项活动有兴趣。


1. 就近原则: there/here+be/系动词,either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but(also)...,not...but...,分数/百分数修饰名词(population类外),表许多的名词(除了quantity)

2. 就远原则:as well as, (together/along) with, rather than, except/besides/but/including, in addition to,apart from

如: Not only you but also I am right.

2/3 of the earth is covered by water.

Many a student in our school has never been abroad.

He rather than I is right.

Nobody but two students is in the classroom.

就前原则 主语后面跟有 as well as,along with,with,together with,except,besides,including,followed by 等引导的词组时,谓语动词的单、复数根据主语的单、复数而定。

The girl as well as boys has learned to use computers


出现几个主语时,谓语动词的人称单复数须最近的主语保持一致。There be,Here be句型中动词的单复数必须与后置的第一个主语保持一致。当be后面的主语有两个或两个以上的并列成分时,be动词往往与最邻近的一个一致。


There is an orange,two apples and many bananas on the table.

There are two books and a dictionary on the desk.

两个做主语的名词或代词由either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also...等连接时,谓语动词用靠近原则。 例如:Neither you norI am right.

Not only the students but also the teacher is going to attend meeting.

但如果用with,together with,like,except,but,no less than,as well as连接两个主语用靠前原则。

例如:Mary as well as you is my friend.

The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.




1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:"or ; either …or;nor; neither…or;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also" ; 等。e.g.

①What he does or what he says does not concern me . 他的行为或言谈都与我无关。

②Neither you nor I am wrong . 你和我都没错。

③Not you but your father is to blame . 不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。 ④Not only you hut(also) he is wrong .不仅你错了,他也错了。

2. 在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。e.g.

①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people . 在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。

②There is (are) a pen and some books on the desk .桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。

II. 非正式文体中:


Neither she nor I were there (意义一致) 我和他当时都不在那儿。(非正式)

Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式) 但是,如果依“就近一致原则”而与其他两项原则相矛盾时,则常常认为是不太合符规范的。e.g.

No one except his own supporters agree with him .仅他自己的支持者同意他的意见。(依“就近”和“意义”一致的原则;但语法上,“No one ”才是主语,谓语要改成“agrees”。“写作中”一般要依“语法一致”原则。


A or B +动词

Either A or B +动词

Neither A nor B +动词

Not only A but also B +动词

其中,动词的单复数要看B这个名词的单复数。如: He or I am in the wrong, 他或是我错了。

Neither you nor he is tired. 你和他都没累。

Not you but I am to blame. 不该怪你而该怪我。

Either my father or my brothers are coming. 不是我父亲就是我兄弟要来。

Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。


Neither Ted nor Mark are wrong. 特德和马克都没有错。

If either David or Janet come, they will want a drink. 大卫或珍妮特来了的话,是会要喝酒的。



A with/ besides / but +B + 动词

A together with +B + 动词

A as well as + B +动词

A no less than +B +动词


Everybody except you is down on me. 除了你,大家都看不起我。

A woman with two children has come. 一位妇女带着两个孩子已经来了。

John, rather than his roommates, is to blame. 约翰,而不是他的室友,应该受到责备。

Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film. 吉姆和他的同学都看过这部电影。

My father, no less than I, is a base-ball fan. 我的父亲不亚于我也是个棒球迷。

The son, as well as his parents, wants to go there. 不但儿子想去那儿,而且他的父母也想去。

The teacher, as well as the students, is interested in the activity. 老师也和同学们一样对这项活动有兴趣。


1. 就近原则: there/here+be/系动词,either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but(also)...,not...but...,分数/百分数修饰名词(population类外),表许多的名词(除了quantity)

2. 就远原则:as well as, (together/along) with, rather than, except/besides/but/including, in addition to,apart from

如: Not only you but also I am right.

2/3 of the earth is covered by water.

Many a student in our school has never been abroad.

He rather than I is right.

Nobody but two students is in the classroom.

就前原则 主语后面跟有 as well as,along with,with,together with,except,besides,including,followed by 等引导的词组时,谓语动词的单、复数根据主语的单、复数而定。

The girl as well as boys has learned to use computers


出现几个主语时,谓语动词的人称单复数须最近的主语保持一致。There be,Here be句型中动词的单复数必须与后置的第一个主语保持一致。当be后面的主语有两个或两个以上的并列成分时,be动词往往与最邻近的一个一致。


There is an orange,two apples and many bananas on the table.

There are two books and a dictionary on the desk.

两个做主语的名词或代词由either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also...等连接时,谓语动词用靠近原则。 例如:Neither you norI am right.

Not only the students but also the teacher is going to attend meeting.

但如果用with,together with,like,except,but,no less than,as well as连接两个主语用靠前原则。

例如:Mary as well as you is my friend.

The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.


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