
Title 【同年龄段的人对婚姻基础问题的看法】


What do you think about marriage? People of different ages will have different views and requirements on basic problems in the marriage? For deeper investigation and understanding of these problems, we designed this questionnaire. This questionnaire is just for research, we will strictly confidential for your information.


1. How old are you?


2. How long do you think is suitable for marriage after falling in love?

A. within one year B. 1~3 years

C. 3~5 years D. more than 5 years

3. Do you think what age is suitable for marriage?

A . 40

4. Do you think what is the most important quality for your lifelong companion?

A. responsibility B. tolerance and understanding

C. good appearance D. Good family conditions

E. The degree of knowledge of his or her parents

F. else _________________-

5. How important do you think for marriage partners share a common interest?

A. 100% B. 80% C. 50% D. 20%

6. What do you think of marriage agreement ?

A. against B. support C. It doesn't matter

7. What do you think of premarital check-up ?

A. against B. support C. It doesn't matter

9. Do you think having children is a must thing to do? Why?


8. If your love have sex with another one , will you forgive?

A. Yes B. No



10. Do you mind living with parents after marriage ?

A. Yes B. No

What do you think of it?


Thank you!

Title 【同年龄段的人对婚姻基础问题的看法】


What do you think about marriage? People of different ages will have different views and requirements on basic problems in the marriage? For deeper investigation and understanding of these problems, we designed this questionnaire. This questionnaire is just for research, we will strictly confidential for your information.


1. How old are you?


2. How long do you think is suitable for marriage after falling in love?

A. within one year B. 1~3 years

C. 3~5 years D. more than 5 years

3. Do you think what age is suitable for marriage?

A . 40

4. Do you think what is the most important quality for your lifelong companion?

A. responsibility B. tolerance and understanding

C. good appearance D. Good family conditions

E. The degree of knowledge of his or her parents

F. else _________________-

5. How important do you think for marriage partners share a common interest?

A. 100% B. 80% C. 50% D. 20%

6. What do you think of marriage agreement ?

A. against B. support C. It doesn't matter

7. What do you think of premarital check-up ?

A. against B. support C. It doesn't matter

9. Do you think having children is a must thing to do? Why?


8. If your love have sex with another one , will you forgive?

A. Yes B. No



10. Do you mind living with parents after marriage ?

A. Yes B. No

What do you think of it?


Thank you!


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