
An Example of Mini-lesson Teaching Plan

Jiang Wenya

Teaching materials:

New Concept English 2, Lesson 44.

Teaching objectives:

1. Practicing students’ concentration on some reading materials.

2. Learning some new words and phrases.

Main Teaching skills to be trained:

1. Organizing skills

2. Ending skill

Teaching aids.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Pre-learning (2’)

1. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn the Lesson 44 Through the

Forest . (Teaching skills: Organizing skills, Beginning the class. )Before we reading the passage, let ’s learn the new words first. Please look at the blackboard, read after me. (Teaching skills: Organizing skills , Prediction : The teacher can repeat some words more times if they are difficult to students.). The students read the words after teacher.

● forest n. 森林 risk n. 危险,冒险

● picnic n. 野餐 possession n. 所有

2. T: Well, here I will give you three minutes to read this passage. Read it carefully and then I

will ask you some questions with your books closed. Now please focus on it.

Step II Questioning and Answering (5’ in reality, now just using directions)

1. T: That ’s an interesting story, isn ’t it? Have you finished it? Ok, here is the first question:

What did the two men do when Mrs. Sterling was having a picnic with her children at the edge of the forest?

2. S1: (Raising up hands and standing) The two men had rushed up to her and tried to steal her


3. T: Very good, sit down please. Now, the second question: What were the two thieves doing

when Mrs. Sterling caught up with them? Ok, you please.

4. S2: They were going through the contents of her bag.

5. T: Good job! Well, who can answer the last question? What did the thieves do when Mrs.

Sterling ran straight at him?

6. S3: They dropped the bag and ran away.

Step III Phrase Learning (5’)

1. T: Everybody seemed to do a good job! Now open the book to lesson 44 and underline the

phrases which you think are important.(Teaching skills: Announcing the teaching plan.)

Then I will explain all of them to you.

2. T: Have you finished? Well, let me see. (The teacher walks around the classroom to see the

students ’ underlined phrases.) Ok, let’s look at the blackboard, here are all the phrases you think is important and difficult to you. All of you should take notes on your textbook. Let’s go through it!

1) rush up to sb. 迎面冲向某人

She rushed up to a man in such a hurry. 2) at the edge of 在……的边上

The park lies at the edge of the town. 3) in one's possession = in the possession of sb. 为某人所拥有……

The house used to be in my possession, but now it is in the possession of an old lady.

3. When explain the phrases, let the students translate the example sentences to make sure that

the students grasp the new phrases well.

Step IV Homework and Project (3’)

1. T: Summing up (Teaching skills: Ending skill): OK, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see that

you performed so well today. All of you were enjoy the passage, weren’t you? After class, you can prepare a short play in group according to this passage. I think it must be a lot of fun to present the act in next class.

2. T: Also all of you should review the new words and phrases. I will give you a dictation next


3. T: Ok, class is over! Goodbye boys and girls, see you next time!

4. Ss: Goodbye, Miss Jiang!

November 1st, 2014

An Example of Mini-lesson Teaching Plan

Jiang Wenya

Teaching materials:

New Concept English 2, Lesson 44.

Teaching objectives:

1. Practicing students’ concentration on some reading materials.

2. Learning some new words and phrases.

Main Teaching skills to be trained:

1. Organizing skills

2. Ending skill

Teaching aids.

Teaching procedures:

Step I Pre-learning (2’)

1. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn the Lesson 44 Through the

Forest . (Teaching skills: Organizing skills, Beginning the class. )Before we reading the passage, let ’s learn the new words first. Please look at the blackboard, read after me. (Teaching skills: Organizing skills , Prediction : The teacher can repeat some words more times if they are difficult to students.). The students read the words after teacher.

● forest n. 森林 risk n. 危险,冒险

● picnic n. 野餐 possession n. 所有

2. T: Well, here I will give you three minutes to read this passage. Read it carefully and then I

will ask you some questions with your books closed. Now please focus on it.

Step II Questioning and Answering (5’ in reality, now just using directions)

1. T: That ’s an interesting story, isn ’t it? Have you finished it? Ok, here is the first question:

What did the two men do when Mrs. Sterling was having a picnic with her children at the edge of the forest?

2. S1: (Raising up hands and standing) The two men had rushed up to her and tried to steal her


3. T: Very good, sit down please. Now, the second question: What were the two thieves doing

when Mrs. Sterling caught up with them? Ok, you please.

4. S2: They were going through the contents of her bag.

5. T: Good job! Well, who can answer the last question? What did the thieves do when Mrs.

Sterling ran straight at him?

6. S3: They dropped the bag and ran away.

Step III Phrase Learning (5’)

1. T: Everybody seemed to do a good job! Now open the book to lesson 44 and underline the

phrases which you think are important.(Teaching skills: Announcing the teaching plan.)

Then I will explain all of them to you.

2. T: Have you finished? Well, let me see. (The teacher walks around the classroom to see the

students ’ underlined phrases.) Ok, let’s look at the blackboard, here are all the phrases you think is important and difficult to you. All of you should take notes on your textbook. Let’s go through it!

1) rush up to sb. 迎面冲向某人

She rushed up to a man in such a hurry. 2) at the edge of 在……的边上

The park lies at the edge of the town. 3) in one's possession = in the possession of sb. 为某人所拥有……

The house used to be in my possession, but now it is in the possession of an old lady.

3. When explain the phrases, let the students translate the example sentences to make sure that

the students grasp the new phrases well.

Step IV Homework and Project (3’)

1. T: Summing up (Teaching skills: Ending skill): OK, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see that

you performed so well today. All of you were enjoy the passage, weren’t you? After class, you can prepare a short play in group according to this passage. I think it must be a lot of fun to present the act in next class.

2. T: Also all of you should review the new words and phrases. I will give you a dictation next


3. T: Ok, class is over! Goodbye boys and girls, see you next time!

4. Ss: Goodbye, Miss Jiang!

November 1st, 2014


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