


一、 自我介绍(10分)


A 档:语音、语调标准流畅,语言表达清楚流利,台风形象稳重大方得体,肢体语言表达到位7-10分;

B 档:语音、语调标准,英语表达相对良好,表达自然,出现较少失误4-6分;

C 档:语音、语调一般,英语表达不够自然流畅,不够稳重大方,出现较多失误1-3分。

二、 看图说话(10分)


A 档:表达内容与图片相符,内容生动充实,语言准确,语言流利7-10分;

B 档:表达内容与图片相符,内容清楚,语音、语调基本准确4-6分; C 档:表达内容与图片不符,表达不清晰,语言运用较差1-3分。

三、 才艺展示(10分)

选手现场展示自己的一项才艺,才艺展示需要有英语语言元素,如英文歌曲、歌谣、英语诗歌朗诵、英语绕口令、英语笑话、英语表演剧等。 A 档:语音、语调准确,表达清楚流利,表演形象充满自信,感情充沛,富有表现力7-10分;

B 档:语音、语调基本准确,表达良好,表演形象基本得当 4-6分; C 档:语音、语调一般,展示不够自然流畅,不具有表现力1-3分。

The 1st Dahua cup English Talent


Standard for evaluation

The competition divided into THREE section, each section 10 points. ⅠSelf-introduction(Out of 10).

Examine the contestant’s self -presentation , language organization and expression.

A level: standard pronunciation, smooth expression, natural and impressive expression, appropriate speed(7-10points);

B level: good pronunciation, average expression, normal diction without grammatical mistake(4-6points);

C level: satisfactory pronunciation, poor expression, barely adequate contents(1-3points).

ⅡPicture talk(out of 10).

Examine the contestant’s self -presentation , language organization and expression.

A level: a corresponding expression to the picture, interesting and informative contents, smooth expression(7-10points);

B level: a corresponding expression to the picture, clear and fluent expression, good pronunciation(4-6points);

C level: contents do not accord with the picture, poor expression, barely using language(1-3points).

Ⅲ Talent show(put of 10).

The contestant will be show a particular talent with English elements, for example, English songs, chants, English poems, tongue twister, joke, drama.

A level: standard pronunciation, smooth expression, natural and impressive expression, self-confidence, emotional expression(7-10points);

B level: average expression, normal diction, good image(4-6points);

C level: satisfactory pronunciation, poor expression, nervous(1-3points).



一、 自我介绍(10分)


A 档:语音、语调标准流畅,语言表达清楚流利,台风形象稳重大方得体,肢体语言表达到位7-10分;

B 档:语音、语调标准,英语表达相对良好,表达自然,出现较少失误4-6分;

C 档:语音、语调一般,英语表达不够自然流畅,不够稳重大方,出现较多失误1-3分。

二、 看图说话(10分)


A 档:表达内容与图片相符,内容生动充实,语言准确,语言流利7-10分;

B 档:表达内容与图片相符,内容清楚,语音、语调基本准确4-6分; C 档:表达内容与图片不符,表达不清晰,语言运用较差1-3分。

三、 才艺展示(10分)

选手现场展示自己的一项才艺,才艺展示需要有英语语言元素,如英文歌曲、歌谣、英语诗歌朗诵、英语绕口令、英语笑话、英语表演剧等。 A 档:语音、语调准确,表达清楚流利,表演形象充满自信,感情充沛,富有表现力7-10分;

B 档:语音、语调基本准确,表达良好,表演形象基本得当 4-6分; C 档:语音、语调一般,展示不够自然流畅,不具有表现力1-3分。

The 1st Dahua cup English Talent


Standard for evaluation

The competition divided into THREE section, each section 10 points. ⅠSelf-introduction(Out of 10).

Examine the contestant’s self -presentation , language organization and expression.

A level: standard pronunciation, smooth expression, natural and impressive expression, appropriate speed(7-10points);

B level: good pronunciation, average expression, normal diction without grammatical mistake(4-6points);

C level: satisfactory pronunciation, poor expression, barely adequate contents(1-3points).

ⅡPicture talk(out of 10).

Examine the contestant’s self -presentation , language organization and expression.

A level: a corresponding expression to the picture, interesting and informative contents, smooth expression(7-10points);

B level: a corresponding expression to the picture, clear and fluent expression, good pronunciation(4-6points);

C level: contents do not accord with the picture, poor expression, barely using language(1-3points).

Ⅲ Talent show(put of 10).

The contestant will be show a particular talent with English elements, for example, English songs, chants, English poems, tongue twister, joke, drama.

A level: standard pronunciation, smooth expression, natural and impressive expression, self-confidence, emotional expression(7-10points);

B level: average expression, normal diction, good image(4-6points);

C level: satisfactory pronunciation, poor expression, nervous(1-3points).


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