


1. 越来越多的中学开始允许学生自由选择部分课程的任课教师。

2. 分析该做法受欢迎的原因。

3. 你对此做法的观点。

走班制: non-graded classrooms

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 范文

Nowadays it's not surprising to see that a growing number of schools allow students to choose their own teachers for certain courses based on their interests and abilities.

There are many reasons for its popularity. First of all, being exposed to different teachers and diverse teaching styles, students will learn better with their favourite teachers. Thus, the schools can meet the demands of students of different levels perfectly. What's more, many teachers feel that the reform can help improve students' confidence and individual talents.

In my opinion, it goes without saying that it really arouses students' interest in study, so I am in favor of this reform. But just as a coin has two sides, it also has some problems, for example, the management of classes may not be easy.



1. 越来越多的中学开始允许学生自由选择部分课程的任课教师。

2. 分析该做法受欢迎的原因。

3. 你对此做法的观点。

走班制: non-graded classrooms

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 范文

Nowadays it's not surprising to see that a growing number of schools allow students to choose their own teachers for certain courses based on their interests and abilities.

There are many reasons for its popularity. First of all, being exposed to different teachers and diverse teaching styles, students will learn better with their favourite teachers. Thus, the schools can meet the demands of students of different levels perfectly. What's more, many teachers feel that the reform can help improve students' confidence and individual talents.

In my opinion, it goes without saying that it really arouses students' interest in study, so I am in favor of this reform. But just as a coin has two sides, it also has some problems, for example, the management of classes may not be easy.


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