
The dome of St Paul's cathedral appears every night in the screen background of BBC in London .

For the London landmarks with Big Ben, st Paul's cathedral is the largest and most visible church in London.

St Paul's cathedral is the placewhich tourists must come to, people can be in the air, overlooking the city of London and can also pay their respects to great burial chamber.

It is said that the designer Ryan imaged that this cathedral is an observatory built for 35 years to be a bridge connecting heaven and earth.

Introduction to st Paul's cathedral, lies in the crossing angle between north bank of the river Thames in London new gate street and new Qian Ji street , this is a very important position in London, between the tower of London and Westminster Abbey, is a representative of the baroque architecture, is famous for its spectacular round roof.

St Paul's cathedral is the world famous religious sites, is the world's second big dome church, it imitates the st. Peter of the Roman cathedral, is a representative of the British neo-classicism architecture.

St Paul's cathedral is located in the empty expanse far from Ole Maria resistance city walls

for two kilometers,at first,it was built around a vast field, therefore it was called the city of Sao Paulo.

The fourth century, Constantine built this church in which is said primarily the grave of preachers Sao Paulo ’s martyrdom place.

Near the cemetery wew three mute penance monastery.

When the head fell to the ground after Sao Paulo was decapitated, he were beheaded by pagans rebound jump three times, and three flowing of water poured out of the ground , the monastery is built on the side of the spring.

Spectacular round roof and known for its unique architectural features,in AD 604, the east Saxon king Ethel Herbert built the cathedral on the top of the mountain Lod door, and named after London protector in Sao Paulo.

Since then, there has been a London cathedral’s location.

Going into a church for the broad admiration in the high temple, the choir seats under the dome of is the most gorgeous solemn , exquisite and delicate painting on the ceiling.

If you want to try the magic, you have hundreds of stairs to climb from one side of the church, spoke to the hole of the whispering gallery, magic echo effect is that in any other hole you can hear the echo.

From the whispering gallery you can reach the top of the tower, which is an excellent place to overlooks the city of London.

The church basement has celebrity hero monument.

St Paul's cathedral’s most impressive is Diana and Charles's wedding ceremony in 1981, up to now st Paul's cathedral still not less to attract passengers, because of its overall architecture design elegant, perfect, internal quiet and serene.

In 1981, Charles and Diana's wedding ceremony was held here.

St Paul's cathedral originally established in 604, and in 1666,a fire destoryed a gothic cathedral of the original.

Existing building is bulit by the famous British designers and architects, Sir Ryan .

Engineering started since 1675, was not completed until 1710, spent 750000 pounds.

For the sake of the great architectural art masterpiece, Ryan spent 35 years of painstaking effort.

Plane of the church is composed of precise geometry, layout is symmetrical, the central dome tower, under the two layers of drum retainer.

The wall with double around the pilaster evenly divided, each studio and one of the windows wew processed into the same style, make the building appears complete, rigorous.

But the two sides are still have obvious gothic relic clock tower, as a representative of the British neo-classicism architecture.

Church front upper part of the wall, carved with pictures of Sao Paulo going to Damascus missionary, standing on the top of the wall is Sao Paulo’s stone statues, the whole building is very symmetrical and majestic.

Positive on both ends of the building has a pair of symmetrical clock tower, the bell tower of the northwest for the church bell, at the southwest corner of the tower crane has a 17 tons of large bronze.

Church with square pillars supporting the vaulted hall, everywhere with resplendent and magnificent heavy color painting, the windows embedded with colored glass, 4 walls hung with Jesus, the virgin and the apostles giant murals.

Quire carve carpentry, temple hall and the dean of spiral stairs of blacksmith, all reflect the high level of art and decoration.

Within the church are the Kings, generals, celebrity tombs and monuments, such as two 11th century Saxon king, general Wellington, Ryan architect's grave.

Sunday is st Paul's cathedral worship time, is not open to the public.

But usually also can enter even on Sunday, but need to keep quiet, and don't walk around, but in this way, it is not able to see particularly thin, and certainly not the top and the church art museum exhibition.

But you can also choose to find a place to sit down and join their liturgy, listen to them with the experience of devotional chanting is also very rare.

St Paul's cathedral provides Chinese phonetic explanation, but unlike Westminster, audio Tours to additional purchases.

Adult for 4 pounds, discount (students, the elderly and children aged between 6 and 16 years) 3.5 pounds

The dome of St Paul's cathedral appears every night in the screen background of BBC in London .

For the London landmarks with Big Ben, st Paul's cathedral is the largest and most visible church in London.

St Paul's cathedral is the placewhich tourists must come to, people can be in the air, overlooking the city of London and can also pay their respects to great burial chamber.

It is said that the designer Ryan imaged that this cathedral is an observatory built for 35 years to be a bridge connecting heaven and earth.

Introduction to st Paul's cathedral, lies in the crossing angle between north bank of the river Thames in London new gate street and new Qian Ji street , this is a very important position in London, between the tower of London and Westminster Abbey, is a representative of the baroque architecture, is famous for its spectacular round roof.

St Paul's cathedral is the world famous religious sites, is the world's second big dome church, it imitates the st. Peter of the Roman cathedral, is a representative of the British neo-classicism architecture.

St Paul's cathedral is located in the empty expanse far from Ole Maria resistance city walls

for two kilometers,at first,it was built around a vast field, therefore it was called the city of Sao Paulo.

The fourth century, Constantine built this church in which is said primarily the grave of preachers Sao Paulo ’s martyrdom place.

Near the cemetery wew three mute penance monastery.

When the head fell to the ground after Sao Paulo was decapitated, he were beheaded by pagans rebound jump three times, and three flowing of water poured out of the ground , the monastery is built on the side of the spring.

Spectacular round roof and known for its unique architectural features,in AD 604, the east Saxon king Ethel Herbert built the cathedral on the top of the mountain Lod door, and named after London protector in Sao Paulo.

Since then, there has been a London cathedral’s location.

Going into a church for the broad admiration in the high temple, the choir seats under the dome of is the most gorgeous solemn , exquisite and delicate painting on the ceiling.

If you want to try the magic, you have hundreds of stairs to climb from one side of the church, spoke to the hole of the whispering gallery, magic echo effect is that in any other hole you can hear the echo.

From the whispering gallery you can reach the top of the tower, which is an excellent place to overlooks the city of London.

The church basement has celebrity hero monument.

St Paul's cathedral’s most impressive is Diana and Charles's wedding ceremony in 1981, up to now st Paul's cathedral still not less to attract passengers, because of its overall architecture design elegant, perfect, internal quiet and serene.

In 1981, Charles and Diana's wedding ceremony was held here.

St Paul's cathedral originally established in 604, and in 1666,a fire destoryed a gothic cathedral of the original.

Existing building is bulit by the famous British designers and architects, Sir Ryan .

Engineering started since 1675, was not completed until 1710, spent 750000 pounds.

For the sake of the great architectural art masterpiece, Ryan spent 35 years of painstaking effort.

Plane of the church is composed of precise geometry, layout is symmetrical, the central dome tower, under the two layers of drum retainer.

The wall with double around the pilaster evenly divided, each studio and one of the windows wew processed into the same style, make the building appears complete, rigorous.

But the two sides are still have obvious gothic relic clock tower, as a representative of the British neo-classicism architecture.

Church front upper part of the wall, carved with pictures of Sao Paulo going to Damascus missionary, standing on the top of the wall is Sao Paulo’s stone statues, the whole building is very symmetrical and majestic.

Positive on both ends of the building has a pair of symmetrical clock tower, the bell tower of the northwest for the church bell, at the southwest corner of the tower crane has a 17 tons of large bronze.

Church with square pillars supporting the vaulted hall, everywhere with resplendent and magnificent heavy color painting, the windows embedded with colored glass, 4 walls hung with Jesus, the virgin and the apostles giant murals.

Quire carve carpentry, temple hall and the dean of spiral stairs of blacksmith, all reflect the high level of art and decoration.

Within the church are the Kings, generals, celebrity tombs and monuments, such as two 11th century Saxon king, general Wellington, Ryan architect's grave.

Sunday is st Paul's cathedral worship time, is not open to the public.

But usually also can enter even on Sunday, but need to keep quiet, and don't walk around, but in this way, it is not able to see particularly thin, and certainly not the top and the church art museum exhibition.

But you can also choose to find a place to sit down and join their liturgy, listen to them with the experience of devotional chanting is also very rare.

St Paul's cathedral provides Chinese phonetic explanation, but unlike Westminster, audio Tours to additional purchases.

Adult for 4 pounds, discount (students, the elderly and children aged between 6 and 16 years) 3.5 pounds


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