


*一叫一回肠一断,三春三月忆三巴。(李白) * (天将黑) 式微,



(要不是为了主人的事) 微君之故,



1) 沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。(鲁迅:《纪念刘和珍君》)

(连续反复与间隔反复) 式微, 式微, 胡不归? 微君之躬,(为了主人的身体而干活) 胡为乎泥中? (《诗经·国风》)

Silence,silence!Unless we burst out,we shall perish in this silence!

2) 吃饭防噎,行路防跌。(对偶)

When eating take heed that you do not choke,when walking take heed that you do not fall.

3) 我为人人,人人为我。(回环) One for all and a11 for one.

4) 大处着眼,小处着手。(对照)

Keep the general goal in sight while taking hold of daily tasks.

5) 我们一定要坚持下去,一定要不断地工作,我们也会感动上帝的。这个上帝不是别人,就是全中国的人民大众。全国人民大众一齐起来 和我们一道挖这两座山,有什么挖不平呢?(毛泽东:《愚公移山》) (联珠)

We must persevere and work unceasingly,and we,too,will touch God’s heart.Our God is none other than the masses of the Chinese people.If they stand up and dig together with us,why can’t these two mountains be cleared away?


1) Scrooge went to bed again,and thought and thought and thought it over and over.(Charles Dickens) (连续反复)


2) She stood by the window and looked out sadly at a gray cat walking a1ong a gray fence in a gray backyard.(O. Henry:The Gifts) (间隔反复)


3) A smile would come into Mr Pickwick’s face;the smile extended into a laugh, the laugh into a roar, and the roar became general. (Charles Dickens:Pickwick Paper) (联珠)


4) Crafty men contemn studies;Simple men admire them; and wise men use them. (F.Bacon) (对照)


5)The jail might have been the infirmary,the infirmary might have been the jail. (Charles Dickens) (回环)


6) Men perish,but man shall endure;lives die but the life is not dead.(A. Swinburne:Hymn of Man) (排偶)




1) 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂。

We must not pretend to know when we do not know

2) 我的头发没了,可我还是我呀!My hair is gone,but I’m just the same.

3) 敌是敌,友是友,必须分清敌我的界限。

A friend is a friend,a foe is a foe, one must be clearly distinguished from the other.

4) 有缺点的战士终竟是战士,完美的苍蝇也终竟是苍蝇。(鲁迅:《战士和苍蝇》)

The fighter for a11 his blemishes is a fighter,while the most perfect flies are only flies. 其他例如:“一是一,二是二,不能弄虚作假”,“假的总是假的,谬误终究还是谬误”,“他的是他的,我送的是我送的”等等。英语也有这类重复,但不如汉语常见,如:

1) East is East,and West is West.(R. Kipling)东方是东方,西方是西方。

2) NOW is now,and then was then.


2.主语与宾语重复,即宾语就是主语加“的”字,表示互不相干,类似英语you’re your own part”,如;

1) 他说他的,我干我的。

Let him say what he likes;I'1l just get on with my work.

2) 你们讨论你们的,我不参加了。

You just go on with your discussion. I won’t take part.



1) 火车上看书的看书,聊天的聊天。

On the train some were reading and some chatting.

2) 这几双鞋,大的大,小的小,我都不能穿。

Some of these shoes are too big and others too small. None of them fits me.

3) 我们一些旧衣服和旧家具,当的当了,卖的卖了。(吴敬梓:《儒林外史》)

Our old clothes and few sticks of furniture have been pawned or sold.



1) 穷也有穷的好处。 Poverty has its advantage.

2) 要知道大国有大国的策略,小国也有小国的路线,各取所好而行。

We should know that big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. And each follows the policy to its liking.



a) 含“虽”、“虽然”的意思,重复的谓语之间插入“是”、“却”等字:

1) 去是去,但是得晚一点儿去。 I’m certainly going,but I'1l be a little 1ate.

2) 忙是忙,可大家很愉快。We are busy to be sure,but everyone is very happy.

b) 含“即使”、“甚至”的意思,重复的谓语之间插入“也”、“都”等字:

1) 你是个大人物,平素请也请不到。

You’re a big shot and won’t come at ordinary times even if you’re invited.

2) 这个我连想都没想过。I haven’t even thought of it.

3) 她连吃都不吃了,我还有什么办法?

She even won’t eat anything at all,what can I do for her?

c) 含“容忍”、“无所谓”的意思,重复的谓语之间插入“就”字:

1) 丢了就丢了吧,以后小心点。

If it’s lost, it’s lost. Just be more carefu1 from now on.

2) 想喝就喝,想吃就吃,别客气了。

Drink or eat as you 1ike.P1ease make yourself at home.


1) 他读书读得很多。He has read a lot.

2) 他这场病呀,准是洗冷水澡洗出来的。

His i11ness this time was caused by a cold bath.



1) 写信也好,打电话也好,打电报也好,反正你得通知他。

You must let him know somehow, whether by letter, by telephone or by telegram.

2) 刮风也罢,下雨也罢,他都坚持跑步。

He keeps up running whether it’s windy or rainy.


1) 各吹各的号,各唱各的调。

Each blows his own bugle and signs his own tune. / Each does things in his own way.

2) 他自己打自己。 He beat himself.




Either you or I am to go.


I can’t swim or stake.

3) 什么难学不难学,我保证学会。

No matter how hard it is, I’ll learn how to do it.

4) 人家的果实归人家,咱们无论如何也不能要。

Let others enjoy the fruit of their own labour; anyway we won’t take it from them.

5) 他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,全然不顾什么谨慎不谨慎。

Their language was almost unrestrained by any motive of prudence.

6) 去就去,怕什么?

I’ll go, what do I have to be afraid of?


The well-fed don’t know how the starving suffer.



称心如意satisfactory 发号施令issue orders

惊天动地 earth-shaking 穷凶极恶nefarious

唉声叹气moan and groan 胡言乱语talk nonsense

奇装异服outlandish clothes 南腔北调a mixed accent

日新月异ever changing 粗制滥造crudely made

深仇大恨deep hatred 奇谈怪论strange tale

千方百计by hook or crook 街谈巷论street gossip


1) 单丝不成线,独木不成林。

One strand of silk does not make a thread; one tree does not make a forest.

2) 人以类聚,物以群分。

Birds of a feather flock together. / Like attracts like.


Fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure.

Act according to actual circumstances.



The question is small but typical.

2) 只有依靠群众,才能做好工作,

Only by relying on the masses can you do your work well.

3) 除了水稻以外,我们还种棉花和小麦。

Besides rice,we grow cotton and wheat。

4) 这种态度是非常有害的,特别是对于干部,害处更大。

Such an attitude does a great deal of harm,particularly among the cadres.

英语的“词复”和“意复”现象通常见于一种惯用语,称为“成对词”(words in pairs),H.W.Fowler则把它比作“连体双胎”(Siamese twins)。这种词组用and或or把两个形式相同或意义相同、相近、相关或相反的词连接起来,表示一个完整的概念。如:


on and on连续不断地 by and by不久

out and out彻底的/地 over and over反复地,再三地

again and again再三地,重复地 neck and neck并驾齐驱,不分上下

such and such某某,这样那样的 through and through彻头彻尾地

by little and little逐渐地,一点一点地


each and every每个 aches and pains各种疼痛

toss and turn翻来复去 kith and kin亲戚朋友

lord and master主宰者 rack and ruin毁灭,荒废

pick and choose挑挑捡捡 toil and moil辛辛苦苦地干

puff and blow喘气,气急 chop and change反复无常

fair and square光明正大 rags and tatters衣衫褴褛

此外,英语还有一些词复的格式,如:day after day,arm in arm,face to face,side by side,word for word等。



knife and fork 刀叉 fur and feather 鸟兽

bed and board 膳宿 bow and arrow 弓箭

cut and thrust 扭斗 hum and haw 支吾其辞

null and void 无效 slow and steady 稳扎稳打

wear and tear 磨损 Jack and Jill 少男少女


on and off 断断续续 to and fro 来回、往返

past and present 古今 first and last 始终,总共

far and near 四面八方 Alpha and Omega 全部,始终

sink or swim 不论好歹 rain or shine 无论如何

make or break 成之或毁之 hit or miss 不论成功与否




从小出生was born 他所担任的工作his work

非常酷似be exactly like 另外还有in addition

脑子里想了想think over 用鼻子闻了一下take a smell of

嘴里异口同声地谴责condemn with one voice



万分危急的紧要关头at this moment when everything hung by a thread;at this very critical moment 广泛地普及教育popularize education

要善于把理论与实践很好地结合起来Be good at integrating theory with practice。


一个孤僧独自归, 关门闭户掩柴扉,半夜三更子时分,杜鹃谢豹子规啼。



三、对偶与排比 (Parallelism)



1)墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。(明朝 . 解缙)

The reed growing on the wall — top-heavy, thin-stemmed and shallow of root;

The bamboo shoot in the hills — sharp-tongued, thick-skinned and hollow inside.


Fierce-browed,I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers,

Head-bowed,like a willing ox I serve the youngsters.


In drawing a tiger,you show its skin,but not its bones; while watching a man,you can see his face,but not his inmost feelings. -

4) 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。(《汉乐府民歌·长歌行》)

Laziness in youth spells regret in old age.

5) 下笔千言,离题万里。

A thousand words from the pen in a stream,but ten thousand li away from the theme.

6) 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。

Bitter medicine cures sickness,unpalatable advice benefits conduct.


能工巧匠skillful craftsman/deft hand

天涯海角the remotest corners of the earth

花言巧语fine words/sweet words/blandishments


厚今薄古stress the present,not the past

南辕北辙act in a way that defeats one’s purpose

亲痛仇快sadden one’s own folk and gladden the enemy

求同存异seek common ground while reserving differences


1) 啊,我思念那洞庭湖,我思念那长江,我思念那东海,那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的波澜呀!那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的伟大的力呀! 那是自由,是跳舞,是音乐,是诗。(郭沫若:《屈原》)

Ah,I long for the Dongting Lake,I long for the Yangtze River,I long for the Eastern Sea,that mighty and boundless expanse of waves,that mighty and boundless expanse of strength! That is liberty,dancing,music,poetry!

2) 这里叫洋八股废止,有些同志却还在提倡。这里叫空洞抽象的调头少唱,有些同志却硬要多唱。这里叫教条主义休息,有些同志却叫它起床。(毛泽东:《反对党八股》)

The abolition of foreign stereotype was demanded in that report, yet some comrades are still promoting them. Less sing of empty, abstract tunes was demanded,yet some comrades are obstinately singing more. The demand was made that dogmatism be 1aid to rest, yet some comrades are telling it to get out of bed.

3) 他暗暗地使天地变异,却不敢毁灭这个地球;暗暗地使生物衰亡,却不敢长存一切尸体;暗暗地使人类流血,却不敢使血色永远鲜浓;暗暗地使人类受苦,却不敢叫人类永远记得。(鲁迅:《淡淡的血痕中》)

In secret,he causes heaven and earth to change,but dare not destroy this world.In secret,he causes living creatures to die, but dare not preserve their dead bodies.In secret,he causes mankind to shed blood,but dare not keep the blood stains fresh for ever.In secret,he causes mankind to suffer pain,but dare not let them remember it for ever.


1) Penny wise,pound foolish. 小处精明,大处浪费。小事聪明,大事糊涂

2)Grasp a11,lose a11. 样样都要,样样失掉。/贪多必失。

3)Nothing ventured,nothing gained. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

4) No bees,no honey;no work,no money.


5) Long absent,soon forgotten. 别久情疏。

英语这类平行结构虽类似汉语的对偶,但很难实现象汉语严式对偶那样整齐匀称:严式对偶不但要求字数相等、结构相同,而且要求语音平仄协调、字面对应而不重复。英语的平行结构有时近似汉语的宽式对偶 (即不求平仄协调,允许字面重复),有时相当于汉语的排比如:

1) It was the best of times,it was the worst of times;it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness;it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity;it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness;it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair;we had everything before us,we had nothing before us;we were all going direct to Heaven,we were all going direct the other way. (Charles Dickens:A Tale of Two Cities)



2) This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South.With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautifu1 symphony of brotherhood.With this faith we will be able to work together,to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. (Martin Luther King:I Have a Dream)


3) We find ourselves rich in goods,but ragged in spirit;reaching with magnificent precision for the moon,but falling into raucous discord on earth.

We are caught in war,wanting peace.We’re torn by division,wanting unity. We see around us empty lives,wanting fulfillment.We see tasks that need doing, wanting for hands to do them. (R.Nixon:Inaugural Address)

我们物质丰富,但精神贫乏;我们以超卓的准确程度登上了月球,但却陷入了地球上的一片混乱。 我们卷入了战争,没有和平。我们四分五裂,没有团结。我们看到周围的人生活空虚,没有充实的内容。我们看到许多工作需要完成,但却没有人手去做。


1) 人急造反,狗急跳墙。

Desperation drives men to rebel and a dog to jump over a wall.

2) 人有失误,马有失蹄。 It is a good horse that never stumbles.


There is strength in numbers: more logs make a bigger fire.

4)壶小易热,量小易怒。 A little pot is soon hot.

5)取之不尽,用之不竭。 Exhaustible


be lovely enough to outshine the moon and put the flowers to shame/ the beauty would put the flowers to shame


Like father, like son. / Like begets like.


With points you can make a line; with lines, planes; with planes, solids.

9)一个地方有一个地方的全局,一个国家有一个国家的全局,一个地球有一个地球的全局。 A locality has its own over-all interest, a nation has another and the earth yet another.


1) 他嘴里一时甜言蜜语,一时有天没日,疯疯傻傻。(曹雪芹:《红楼梦》)

He can be all sweet words one minute and ranting and raving the next.

2) 下面看的人提心吊胆,心惊肉跳。

The people watching below are tense and trembling with their hearts in their mouths. 汉语中的回环/回文可以算作一种特殊的重复结构:


2) 诗中有画,画中有诗。



*一叫一回肠一断,三春三月忆三巴。(李白) * (天将黑) 式微,



(要不是为了主人的事) 微君之故,



1) 沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。(鲁迅:《纪念刘和珍君》)

(连续反复与间隔反复) 式微, 式微, 胡不归? 微君之躬,(为了主人的身体而干活) 胡为乎泥中? (《诗经·国风》)

Silence,silence!Unless we burst out,we shall perish in this silence!

2) 吃饭防噎,行路防跌。(对偶)

When eating take heed that you do not choke,when walking take heed that you do not fall.

3) 我为人人,人人为我。(回环) One for all and a11 for one.

4) 大处着眼,小处着手。(对照)

Keep the general goal in sight while taking hold of daily tasks.

5) 我们一定要坚持下去,一定要不断地工作,我们也会感动上帝的。这个上帝不是别人,就是全中国的人民大众。全国人民大众一齐起来 和我们一道挖这两座山,有什么挖不平呢?(毛泽东:《愚公移山》) (联珠)

We must persevere and work unceasingly,and we,too,will touch God’s heart.Our God is none other than the masses of the Chinese people.If they stand up and dig together with us,why can’t these two mountains be cleared away?


1) Scrooge went to bed again,and thought and thought and thought it over and over.(Charles Dickens) (连续反复)


2) She stood by the window and looked out sadly at a gray cat walking a1ong a gray fence in a gray backyard.(O. Henry:The Gifts) (间隔反复)


3) A smile would come into Mr Pickwick’s face;the smile extended into a laugh, the laugh into a roar, and the roar became general. (Charles Dickens:Pickwick Paper) (联珠)


4) Crafty men contemn studies;Simple men admire them; and wise men use them. (F.Bacon) (对照)


5)The jail might have been the infirmary,the infirmary might have been the jail. (Charles Dickens) (回环)


6) Men perish,but man shall endure;lives die but the life is not dead.(A. Swinburne:Hymn of Man) (排偶)




1) 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂。

We must not pretend to know when we do not know

2) 我的头发没了,可我还是我呀!My hair is gone,but I’m just the same.

3) 敌是敌,友是友,必须分清敌我的界限。

A friend is a friend,a foe is a foe, one must be clearly distinguished from the other.

4) 有缺点的战士终竟是战士,完美的苍蝇也终竟是苍蝇。(鲁迅:《战士和苍蝇》)

The fighter for a11 his blemishes is a fighter,while the most perfect flies are only flies. 其他例如:“一是一,二是二,不能弄虚作假”,“假的总是假的,谬误终究还是谬误”,“他的是他的,我送的是我送的”等等。英语也有这类重复,但不如汉语常见,如:

1) East is East,and West is West.(R. Kipling)东方是东方,西方是西方。

2) NOW is now,and then was then.


2.主语与宾语重复,即宾语就是主语加“的”字,表示互不相干,类似英语you’re your own part”,如;

1) 他说他的,我干我的。

Let him say what he likes;I'1l just get on with my work.

2) 你们讨论你们的,我不参加了。

You just go on with your discussion. I won’t take part.



1) 火车上看书的看书,聊天的聊天。

On the train some were reading and some chatting.

2) 这几双鞋,大的大,小的小,我都不能穿。

Some of these shoes are too big and others too small. None of them fits me.

3) 我们一些旧衣服和旧家具,当的当了,卖的卖了。(吴敬梓:《儒林外史》)

Our old clothes and few sticks of furniture have been pawned or sold.



1) 穷也有穷的好处。 Poverty has its advantage.

2) 要知道大国有大国的策略,小国也有小国的路线,各取所好而行。

We should know that big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. And each follows the policy to its liking.



a) 含“虽”、“虽然”的意思,重复的谓语之间插入“是”、“却”等字:

1) 去是去,但是得晚一点儿去。 I’m certainly going,but I'1l be a little 1ate.

2) 忙是忙,可大家很愉快。We are busy to be sure,but everyone is very happy.

b) 含“即使”、“甚至”的意思,重复的谓语之间插入“也”、“都”等字:

1) 你是个大人物,平素请也请不到。

You’re a big shot and won’t come at ordinary times even if you’re invited.

2) 这个我连想都没想过。I haven’t even thought of it.

3) 她连吃都不吃了,我还有什么办法?

She even won’t eat anything at all,what can I do for her?

c) 含“容忍”、“无所谓”的意思,重复的谓语之间插入“就”字:

1) 丢了就丢了吧,以后小心点。

If it’s lost, it’s lost. Just be more carefu1 from now on.

2) 想喝就喝,想吃就吃,别客气了。

Drink or eat as you 1ike.P1ease make yourself at home.


1) 他读书读得很多。He has read a lot.

2) 他这场病呀,准是洗冷水澡洗出来的。

His i11ness this time was caused by a cold bath.



1) 写信也好,打电话也好,打电报也好,反正你得通知他。

You must let him know somehow, whether by letter, by telephone or by telegram.

2) 刮风也罢,下雨也罢,他都坚持跑步。

He keeps up running whether it’s windy or rainy.


1) 各吹各的号,各唱各的调。

Each blows his own bugle and signs his own tune. / Each does things in his own way.

2) 他自己打自己。 He beat himself.




Either you or I am to go.


I can’t swim or stake.

3) 什么难学不难学,我保证学会。

No matter how hard it is, I’ll learn how to do it.

4) 人家的果实归人家,咱们无论如何也不能要。

Let others enjoy the fruit of their own labour; anyway we won’t take it from them.

5) 他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,全然不顾什么谨慎不谨慎。

Their language was almost unrestrained by any motive of prudence.

6) 去就去,怕什么?

I’ll go, what do I have to be afraid of?


The well-fed don’t know how the starving suffer.



称心如意satisfactory 发号施令issue orders

惊天动地 earth-shaking 穷凶极恶nefarious

唉声叹气moan and groan 胡言乱语talk nonsense

奇装异服outlandish clothes 南腔北调a mixed accent

日新月异ever changing 粗制滥造crudely made

深仇大恨deep hatred 奇谈怪论strange tale

千方百计by hook or crook 街谈巷论street gossip


1) 单丝不成线,独木不成林。

One strand of silk does not make a thread; one tree does not make a forest.

2) 人以类聚,物以群分。

Birds of a feather flock together. / Like attracts like.


Fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure.

Act according to actual circumstances.



The question is small but typical.

2) 只有依靠群众,才能做好工作,

Only by relying on the masses can you do your work well.

3) 除了水稻以外,我们还种棉花和小麦。

Besides rice,we grow cotton and wheat。

4) 这种态度是非常有害的,特别是对于干部,害处更大。

Such an attitude does a great deal of harm,particularly among the cadres.

英语的“词复”和“意复”现象通常见于一种惯用语,称为“成对词”(words in pairs),H.W.Fowler则把它比作“连体双胎”(Siamese twins)。这种词组用and或or把两个形式相同或意义相同、相近、相关或相反的词连接起来,表示一个完整的概念。如:


on and on连续不断地 by and by不久

out and out彻底的/地 over and over反复地,再三地

again and again再三地,重复地 neck and neck并驾齐驱,不分上下

such and such某某,这样那样的 through and through彻头彻尾地

by little and little逐渐地,一点一点地


each and every每个 aches and pains各种疼痛

toss and turn翻来复去 kith and kin亲戚朋友

lord and master主宰者 rack and ruin毁灭,荒废

pick and choose挑挑捡捡 toil and moil辛辛苦苦地干

puff and blow喘气,气急 chop and change反复无常

fair and square光明正大 rags and tatters衣衫褴褛

此外,英语还有一些词复的格式,如:day after day,arm in arm,face to face,side by side,word for word等。



knife and fork 刀叉 fur and feather 鸟兽

bed and board 膳宿 bow and arrow 弓箭

cut and thrust 扭斗 hum and haw 支吾其辞

null and void 无效 slow and steady 稳扎稳打

wear and tear 磨损 Jack and Jill 少男少女


on and off 断断续续 to and fro 来回、往返

past and present 古今 first and last 始终,总共

far and near 四面八方 Alpha and Omega 全部,始终

sink or swim 不论好歹 rain or shine 无论如何

make or break 成之或毁之 hit or miss 不论成功与否




从小出生was born 他所担任的工作his work

非常酷似be exactly like 另外还有in addition

脑子里想了想think over 用鼻子闻了一下take a smell of

嘴里异口同声地谴责condemn with one voice



万分危急的紧要关头at this moment when everything hung by a thread;at this very critical moment 广泛地普及教育popularize education

要善于把理论与实践很好地结合起来Be good at integrating theory with practice。


一个孤僧独自归, 关门闭户掩柴扉,半夜三更子时分,杜鹃谢豹子规啼。



三、对偶与排比 (Parallelism)



1)墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。(明朝 . 解缙)

The reed growing on the wall — top-heavy, thin-stemmed and shallow of root;

The bamboo shoot in the hills — sharp-tongued, thick-skinned and hollow inside.


Fierce-browed,I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers,

Head-bowed,like a willing ox I serve the youngsters.


In drawing a tiger,you show its skin,but not its bones; while watching a man,you can see his face,but not his inmost feelings. -

4) 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。(《汉乐府民歌·长歌行》)

Laziness in youth spells regret in old age.

5) 下笔千言,离题万里。

A thousand words from the pen in a stream,but ten thousand li away from the theme.

6) 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。

Bitter medicine cures sickness,unpalatable advice benefits conduct.


能工巧匠skillful craftsman/deft hand

天涯海角the remotest corners of the earth

花言巧语fine words/sweet words/blandishments


厚今薄古stress the present,not the past

南辕北辙act in a way that defeats one’s purpose

亲痛仇快sadden one’s own folk and gladden the enemy

求同存异seek common ground while reserving differences


1) 啊,我思念那洞庭湖,我思念那长江,我思念那东海,那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的波澜呀!那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的伟大的力呀! 那是自由,是跳舞,是音乐,是诗。(郭沫若:《屈原》)

Ah,I long for the Dongting Lake,I long for the Yangtze River,I long for the Eastern Sea,that mighty and boundless expanse of waves,that mighty and boundless expanse of strength! That is liberty,dancing,music,poetry!

2) 这里叫洋八股废止,有些同志却还在提倡。这里叫空洞抽象的调头少唱,有些同志却硬要多唱。这里叫教条主义休息,有些同志却叫它起床。(毛泽东:《反对党八股》)

The abolition of foreign stereotype was demanded in that report, yet some comrades are still promoting them. Less sing of empty, abstract tunes was demanded,yet some comrades are obstinately singing more. The demand was made that dogmatism be 1aid to rest, yet some comrades are telling it to get out of bed.

3) 他暗暗地使天地变异,却不敢毁灭这个地球;暗暗地使生物衰亡,却不敢长存一切尸体;暗暗地使人类流血,却不敢使血色永远鲜浓;暗暗地使人类受苦,却不敢叫人类永远记得。(鲁迅:《淡淡的血痕中》)

In secret,he causes heaven and earth to change,but dare not destroy this world.In secret,he causes living creatures to die, but dare not preserve their dead bodies.In secret,he causes mankind to shed blood,but dare not keep the blood stains fresh for ever.In secret,he causes mankind to suffer pain,but dare not let them remember it for ever.


1) Penny wise,pound foolish. 小处精明,大处浪费。小事聪明,大事糊涂

2)Grasp a11,lose a11. 样样都要,样样失掉。/贪多必失。

3)Nothing ventured,nothing gained. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

4) No bees,no honey;no work,no money.


5) Long absent,soon forgotten. 别久情疏。

英语这类平行结构虽类似汉语的对偶,但很难实现象汉语严式对偶那样整齐匀称:严式对偶不但要求字数相等、结构相同,而且要求语音平仄协调、字面对应而不重复。英语的平行结构有时近似汉语的宽式对偶 (即不求平仄协调,允许字面重复),有时相当于汉语的排比如:

1) It was the best of times,it was the worst of times;it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness;it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity;it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness;it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair;we had everything before us,we had nothing before us;we were all going direct to Heaven,we were all going direct the other way. (Charles Dickens:A Tale of Two Cities)



2) This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South.With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautifu1 symphony of brotherhood.With this faith we will be able to work together,to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. (Martin Luther King:I Have a Dream)


3) We find ourselves rich in goods,but ragged in spirit;reaching with magnificent precision for the moon,but falling into raucous discord on earth.

We are caught in war,wanting peace.We’re torn by division,wanting unity. We see around us empty lives,wanting fulfillment.We see tasks that need doing, wanting for hands to do them. (R.Nixon:Inaugural Address)

我们物质丰富,但精神贫乏;我们以超卓的准确程度登上了月球,但却陷入了地球上的一片混乱。 我们卷入了战争,没有和平。我们四分五裂,没有团结。我们看到周围的人生活空虚,没有充实的内容。我们看到许多工作需要完成,但却没有人手去做。


1) 人急造反,狗急跳墙。

Desperation drives men to rebel and a dog to jump over a wall.

2) 人有失误,马有失蹄。 It is a good horse that never stumbles.


There is strength in numbers: more logs make a bigger fire.

4)壶小易热,量小易怒。 A little pot is soon hot.

5)取之不尽,用之不竭。 Exhaustible


be lovely enough to outshine the moon and put the flowers to shame/ the beauty would put the flowers to shame


Like father, like son. / Like begets like.


With points you can make a line; with lines, planes; with planes, solids.

9)一个地方有一个地方的全局,一个国家有一个国家的全局,一个地球有一个地球的全局。 A locality has its own over-all interest, a nation has another and the earth yet another.


1) 他嘴里一时甜言蜜语,一时有天没日,疯疯傻傻。(曹雪芹:《红楼梦》)

He can be all sweet words one minute and ranting and raving the next.

2) 下面看的人提心吊胆,心惊肉跳。

The people watching below are tense and trembling with their hearts in their mouths. 汉语中的回环/回文可以算作一种特殊的重复结构:


2) 诗中有画,画中有诗。


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