快乐王子读后感 1

The Feeling after Reading The Happy Prince

Reading is helpful for your learning, and improve your English skills. I read an English story called The Happy Prince during the summer holiday and it gave me some inspiration.

Long long ago, there was a very beautiful statue of the

Happy Prince stood in a city square. When he was alive, he lived a very happy life in a wonderful palace. He was very happy, so he thought that everyone was happy. But now he could see people suffer, and he begged a little swallow to take the jewellery on his body to the poor people. Finally, the statue of the Happy Prince became very awful, and the little swallow was dead because of the cold, but they got real happy. After reading this story, I think the Happy Prince and the little

swallow are great, because they helped other people, and they got the real happy. Children in the story said:” He looks like an angel.” I think that he isn't the real angel, but he is as kind as an angel.

What's the real happy? It isn't the expensive jewellery, beautiful dress or too much money, I think when you help other people, and you could feel happy.

What can I do for other people? I will try to help other people in my life.

The Feeling after Reading The Happy Prince

Reading is helpful for your learning, and improve your English skills. I read an English story called The Happy Prince during the summer holiday and it gave me some inspiration.

Long long ago, there was a very beautiful statue of the

Happy Prince stood in a city square. When he was alive, he lived a very happy life in a wonderful palace. He was very happy, so he thought that everyone was happy. But now he could see people suffer, and he begged a little swallow to take the jewellery on his body to the poor people. Finally, the statue of the Happy Prince became very awful, and the little swallow was dead because of the cold, but they got real happy. After reading this story, I think the Happy Prince and the little

swallow are great, because they helped other people, and they got the real happy. Children in the story said:” He looks like an angel.” I think that he isn't the real angel, but he is as kind as an angel.

What's the real happy? It isn't the expensive jewellery, beautiful dress or too much money, I think when you help other people, and you could feel happy.

What can I do for other people? I will try to help other people in my life.


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