
As times change, social and economic development, scientific and

technological progress, organizational forms updates and people changes,human resource management in management theory, management practices and management methods are constantly changing.The change in trend of economic globalization, the management of all areas of philosophy and management practices, which bear the brunt of human resource management.Human resource management practices must conform and adapt to the new trend of modern management theory, the traditional human resource management be challenged.

Future trends in human resource development

1. Strategic Human Resource Management. Human resource management sector to become able to create value and maintain core competitiveness of strategic sectors.Human resources management changes to match each other in other areas of business,in order to ensure that enterprises in the new business environment to maintain a competitive advantage.

2. The management of knowledge workers.Knowledge economy and knowledge management era of the enterprise human resources management major change,knowledge workers have become the corporate human resource management is an important component. Effective management of knowledge workers mainly in:reasonable, attractive salary and benefits, open and effective communication, fair and equitable recruitment policy, cross-cultural training and management, Open knowledge sharing and democratic decision-making, sustainable and effective system motivation mode.

3. Organizational learning and learning organization.Organizational learning is the development of enterprises to adapt to the needs of the knowledge economy era.Organizational learning is to continuously improve and continue to maintain the ability to adapt an important tool, but learning organization is through sustained and effective organizational learning and development opportunities to survive the organizational forms, is also the 21st century's most competitive and most adaptable organizational forms. Human Resource Management must learn effective

organizational system, establish and improve the learning organization as important areas.

4. Networked organization. With the development of the network, economy What are the HR trends in the future?

into a network system, and the rate of change and learning rate. Organizations increasingly become flat, open, the level of the organization in gradually reduce, the full authorization, democratic management, self management, and other network characteristics has emerged, based on the team organization and management mode is formed.

5. Cultural training and cross-cultural management.Economic globalization brought about by the management of cultural differences and cultural management problem,has become an important issue in the field of human resource

management.Current and future human resource management a duty is to overcome cultural differences within the organization caused by the cultural conflict, the effective way is to implement cross-cultural management and cross-cultural

training.Cross-cultural training has become the focus of human resource management is to achieve a powerful tool for cultural integration.

6. Human resource management outsourcing.Outsourcing human resource management functions primarily designed to reduce costs and focus on core competencies. Human resource management outsourcing work includes: staffing, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance evaluation, corporate structure and job settings.

In summary, the future trend of the overall development of human resource management has the following characteristics: 1) human resources management will be more flexible and adaptable. 2) limit the organization will become less and less, recruitment source of competitive advantage of an organization. 3) In the economic globalization, the organization has a competitive advantage is knowledge and knowledge will.

As times change, social and economic development, scientific and

technological progress, organizational forms updates and people changes,human resource management in management theory, management practices and management methods are constantly changing.The change in trend of economic globalization, the management of all areas of philosophy and management practices, which bear the brunt of human resource management.Human resource management practices must conform and adapt to the new trend of modern management theory, the traditional human resource management be challenged.

Future trends in human resource development

1. Strategic Human Resource Management. Human resource management sector to become able to create value and maintain core competitiveness of strategic sectors.Human resources management changes to match each other in other areas of business,in order to ensure that enterprises in the new business environment to maintain a competitive advantage.

2. The management of knowledge workers.Knowledge economy and knowledge management era of the enterprise human resources management major change,knowledge workers have become the corporate human resource management is an important component. Effective management of knowledge workers mainly in:reasonable, attractive salary and benefits, open and effective communication, fair and equitable recruitment policy, cross-cultural training and management, Open knowledge sharing and democratic decision-making, sustainable and effective system motivation mode.

3. Organizational learning and learning organization.Organizational learning is the development of enterprises to adapt to the needs of the knowledge economy era.Organizational learning is to continuously improve and continue to maintain the ability to adapt an important tool, but learning organization is through sustained and effective organizational learning and development opportunities to survive the organizational forms, is also the 21st century's most competitive and most adaptable organizational forms. Human Resource Management must learn effective

organizational system, establish and improve the learning organization as important areas.

4. Networked organization. With the development of the network, economy What are the HR trends in the future?

into a network system, and the rate of change and learning rate. Organizations increasingly become flat, open, the level of the organization in gradually reduce, the full authorization, democratic management, self management, and other network characteristics has emerged, based on the team organization and management mode is formed.

5. Cultural training and cross-cultural management.Economic globalization brought about by the management of cultural differences and cultural management problem,has become an important issue in the field of human resource

management.Current and future human resource management a duty is to overcome cultural differences within the organization caused by the cultural conflict, the effective way is to implement cross-cultural management and cross-cultural

training.Cross-cultural training has become the focus of human resource management is to achieve a powerful tool for cultural integration.

6. Human resource management outsourcing.Outsourcing human resource management functions primarily designed to reduce costs and focus on core competencies. Human resource management outsourcing work includes: staffing, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance evaluation, corporate structure and job settings.

In summary, the future trend of the overall development of human resource management has the following characteristics: 1) human resources management will be more flexible and adaptable. 2) limit the organization will become less and less, recruitment source of competitive advantage of an organization. 3) In the economic globalization, the organization has a competitive advantage is knowledge and knowledge will.


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