
04-09 公司裁员通知

● E-mail 范例1 ●

Dear Ben,

We had been hoping that during this difficult period of reorganization we could keep all of our employees with the company. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

It is with regret, therefore, that we have to inform you that we will be unable to utilize your services anymore. We have been pleased with the qualities you have exhibited during your tenure of employment, and will be sorry to lose you.

We wish you a promising future.

Yours truly,







ABC 公司

● E-mail 范例2 ●

Dear Miss Lynn,

Since our company's business policy and direction have changed a lot this year, I am afraid that your major and working ability do not meet our

requirements any more. Thus, we are sorry to inform you that you have to leave on August 1st 2010.

Thank you very much for your years' endeavor and contribution.

You will get all legal welfare and subsidies in accordance with the Labor Law.

MIYA Company


由于今年本公司的经营方针和业务进行重大的调整和变化,很遗憾地要通知您,您的专业和工作能力均不再符合本公司要求,故请您于 2010 年 8 月 1 日离职。




● 如果这样写也可以! ●

1. 我很遗憾地告诉您,必须终止你的服务。

I regret having to tell you that your service will have to be terminated.

2. 我们很遗憾地通知您,公司将解除对您的雇用。

We regret to inform you that your employment with the firm shall be terminated.

3. 我恐怕要告诉你一个坏消息。

I am afraid that I have to tell you bad news.

4. 事实上我们真的不愿看到你离开。

We are really sorry to see you leave actually.

5. 请安排归还您使用的公司物品。

Please arrange for the return of any company property in your possession.

6. 我们再一次对此表示遗憾。

Again, we regret that this action is necessary.

7. 祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利。

We wish you all the best in your new endeavors.

8. 请接受我们对您未来的最良好的祝福!

Please accept our best wishes for your future!

04-09 公司裁员通知

● E-mail 范例1 ●

Dear Ben,

We had been hoping that during this difficult period of reorganization we could keep all of our employees with the company. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

It is with regret, therefore, that we have to inform you that we will be unable to utilize your services anymore. We have been pleased with the qualities you have exhibited during your tenure of employment, and will be sorry to lose you.

We wish you a promising future.

Yours truly,







ABC 公司

● E-mail 范例2 ●

Dear Miss Lynn,

Since our company's business policy and direction have changed a lot this year, I am afraid that your major and working ability do not meet our

requirements any more. Thus, we are sorry to inform you that you have to leave on August 1st 2010.

Thank you very much for your years' endeavor and contribution.

You will get all legal welfare and subsidies in accordance with the Labor Law.

MIYA Company


由于今年本公司的经营方针和业务进行重大的调整和变化,很遗憾地要通知您,您的专业和工作能力均不再符合本公司要求,故请您于 2010 年 8 月 1 日离职。




● 如果这样写也可以! ●

1. 我很遗憾地告诉您,必须终止你的服务。

I regret having to tell you that your service will have to be terminated.

2. 我们很遗憾地通知您,公司将解除对您的雇用。

We regret to inform you that your employment with the firm shall be terminated.

3. 我恐怕要告诉你一个坏消息。

I am afraid that I have to tell you bad news.

4. 事实上我们真的不愿看到你离开。

We are really sorry to see you leave actually.

5. 请安排归还您使用的公司物品。

Please arrange for the return of any company property in your possession.

6. 我们再一次对此表示遗憾。

Again, we regret that this action is necessary.

7. 祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利。

We wish you all the best in your new endeavors.

8. 请接受我们对您未来的最良好的祝福!

Please accept our best wishes for your future!


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