

1.你校英语俱乐部开展“Problem Solver”的活动,就解决学习生活中一些问题交流自己的体验和感想。你们这次交流的话题是“How to live with pressure”。请根据此话题写一篇英语短文,介绍你在学习上遇到压力时过去与现在的做法以及你的感想





How to Live with pressure

I used to feel pressured to do well in exams.I was so afraid of falling behind that I kept thinking about studying every minute of the day.The pressure made me out of breath.To my disappointment,the more worriede I was about my studies,the less efficient I became.

Now,I realize I just take pressure too seriously.So I try taking things easy by taking part in various activities out of class,enjoying music,chatting with my friends,and even daydreaming about fun things.To my delight,this works!I become less anxious about exams and begin to take pleasure in my studies.

Pressure cannot be avoided.What counts is how to deal with it properly,and above all,how to turn it into pleasure or challenge.

2.Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

Write ONE WORD for each answer.

A technical secondary school in Nanjing, east China’s Jiangsu province, planned to order Korean-style school uniforms for students, but parents opposed the move, believing that the new uniforms looz.x.x.kctions given below in Chinese. 写作要求 ( 文章不少于120个字。)



Hardworade the writers to learn and practice the se our country is growing richer and richer, more and more families own cars. Owning a car definitely makes it easier to enjoy life.

Having a car can have many good effects on our lives. It can help us to save time, it makes travel more convenient, and it gives us more independence. It is definitely convenient to own a car. Car manufacturing also helps promote economic development.It creates many jobs, which helps people to earn a living.

Unfortunately, cars also have some bad effects. More cars mean more crowded streets and more traffic. More cars also create more air pollution. Cars are also one reason why more people are overweight. Instead of walking or riding a bike people are driving cars and getting less exercise.

Cars are definitely becoming a bigger part of our lives than ever before. I hope that we can use cars wisely and develop cars that cause less pollution. I also hope that people will think about the good and bad effects of cars before they decide

to buy one.

3.目前,越来越多的家长花巨资送孩子出国学习,且出国深造的孩子呈低龄化趋势。请通过这一现象用英语写一篇短文, 来说明家长们此举的利弊, 并表明自己的看法。

注意: 1. 要求结构完整,语意连贯,观点正确。

2. 词数不少于120字。


Now with people’s living standard rising sharply, more and more parents are sending their young children overseas for further study, even when their children are still very young. The advantages can be concluded as follows. To begin with, their children can receive a better education and develop a high level of competence in language learning skills. In addition, they can also seek more career opportunities and make more money in the future.

But many people, especially some educationalists and parents, are not in favor of this, because they think studying abroad costs over ten times as much money as studying in China. Besides, children are too young to take care of themselves. What’s more, they might form bad habits.

In my opinion, when the children are old enough and have the ability to live on their own, they can go abroad for further study, otherwise, they’d better study in our own country.

4. 假如你叫李华,是新高三学生,最近你收到来自美国的笔友Peter的来信,询问你新学期的打算,请你根据以下提示写一封短信给他。






Dear Peter,

Thank you for the last letter.In the letter you asked me how I plan for the new term.„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„

Yours truly,

Li Hua


Dear Peter,

Thank you for the last letter.In the letter you asked me how I plan for the new term.Now I’d like to tell you something about it.As a new Senior 3 student, first I feel excited because now I have come to another new and challenging studying level and after a year I’ll accept the real “examination”.Maybe I’ll have access to my dream college.Meanwhile I’m a little nervous because becoming a Senior 3 student means I’m much closer to the college entrance.The examination is too important for every Chinese student.Worse still, I’m not very good at English.I fear I might fail the examination if I can’t improve it in the last year.So I’m determined to try harder at it.I hope I can get more help from the teacher as well as you.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

5. 假设你在某本杂志中“我爱读书”系列漫画里看到了下面这幅漫画。请在日记中描述这幅漫画,并谈谈你所受到的启迪。

注意:1. 字数要求:不少于120字。

2. 文中除了粽子可用汉语拼音外,其余词必须用英语描述。

3. 参考词汇:解开(包装纸等)



Sunny Thursday October 15, 2009 This morning when I read a magazine, I was deeply impressed by a series of cartoons with the theme of ‘I love reading’. Among them, the following is the most attractive to me.

In the cartoon, a man is sitting at a table on which there is a plate full of Zongzi, a kind of Chinese traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, and a cup. Somehow it seems that he is at a loss to eat them. Believe it or not, he just finds a book on How to unwrap Zongzi and carefully reads it instead of trying himself.

As students, we are learning by reading almost every day. It is true that books can tell us a lot and teach us how to deal with some problems. However, there are also some other ways of gaining knowledge, including the way of learning by doing. Isn’t it better to try unwrapping these Zongzi than to read a book telling you how to do it? As the saying goes, ‘Theory comes from practice’.

6.学校网站开办“环境与生活”英语论坛。请你根据下面表格所提供的内容,以“Environmentally Friendly Renewable Energy” 为题,进行陈述并谈谈你的看法,参加学校网站英语论坛的讨论

注意:1. 不要逐条翻译, 可适当发挥。

2. 词数:150左右。文章的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。

3. 参考词汇: 取之不竭 inexhaustible。

Environmentally Friendly Renewable Energy

In our country, the traditional energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas are still widely used, making up over eighty percent of the total energy consumption. However, ____________


One possible version:

In our country, the traditional energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas are still widely used, making up over eighty percent of the total energy consumption. However, as a worldwide shortage of such energy is seemingly growing more serious, renewable energy sources, such as, solar energy, wind energy and hydropower, are being developed and made good use of at an increasingly fast rate.

As we all know, our dependence on coal and oil for energy supply has caused severe environmental problems. It has brought about heavy air pollution. There are frequent acid rains and smog in some areas. It has also contributed to the global warming and other problems. Moreover, such energy sources will be exhausted in less than a hundred years if exploited at the present rate. Renewable energy, on the other hand, has great advantages. It is obviously inexhaustible. And above all, it is clean and causes little or no pollution to the environment.

We are glad that our government encourages the development of renewable energy. With more and more renewable energy, we will live in an increasingly beautiful and harmonious environment.

7. 某中学生英文报举办故事大赛,请根据下列五幅图画提供的信息,以Zhang Ping’s choice 为题,写一篇故事,讲述张平的经历。






Zhang Ping’s Choice

My neighbor, named Zhang Ping is upset these days, because he hasn’t found a

job yet since he guduated from school. While in school, he was advised to learn computer , but he was unwilling to learn it, saying it is difficult. He always slept in English classes as he thought it hard to remember English words. Also, he refused to study science and technology, because he considered it was too difficult to understand. He only enjoyed watching TV, playing cards, smoking and so on, which he found interesting an easy. He happily spent a lot time in doing these. However, when he is seeking a position on the job market, he finds that only people with a good knowledge of computer, English and science technology are needed. He regrets the time he wasted.








Dear friends,


Dear friends,

Today we are having a party in honor of our close friend , Tom, who is returning to his own country with his parents. How time flies! It has been one years since he came to our school. During this period, we have helped each other, thus having become good friends. What's more, due to his help and encouragement, many of us have become more interested in English and have made great progress in it.

We all hope that when he returns to his homeland, he will get in touch with us as often as possible. We also hope that he will come to China again some day. Good luck, Tom. And good luck to your family. May you have a pleasant trip home! Thank you. (125 words)


1.你校英语俱乐部开展“Problem Solver”的活动,就解决学习生活中一些问题交流自己的体验和感想。你们这次交流的话题是“How to live with pressure”。请根据此话题写一篇英语短文,介绍你在学习上遇到压力时过去与现在的做法以及你的感想





How to Live with pressure

I used to feel pressured to do well in exams.I was so afraid of falling behind that I kept thinking about studying every minute of the day.The pressure made me out of breath.To my disappointment,the more worriede I was about my studies,the less efficient I became.

Now,I realize I just take pressure too seriously.So I try taking things easy by taking part in various activities out of class,enjoying music,chatting with my friends,and even daydreaming about fun things.To my delight,this works!I become less anxious about exams and begin to take pleasure in my studies.

Pressure cannot be avoided.What counts is how to deal with it properly,and above all,how to turn it into pleasure or challenge.

2.Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

Write ONE WORD for each answer.

A technical secondary school in Nanjing, east China’s Jiangsu province, planned to order Korean-style school uniforms for students, but parents opposed the move, believing that the new uniforms looz.x.x.kctions given below in Chinese. 写作要求 ( 文章不少于120个字。)



Hardworade the writers to learn and practice the se our country is growing richer and richer, more and more families own cars. Owning a car definitely makes it easier to enjoy life.

Having a car can have many good effects on our lives. It can help us to save time, it makes travel more convenient, and it gives us more independence. It is definitely convenient to own a car. Car manufacturing also helps promote economic development.It creates many jobs, which helps people to earn a living.

Unfortunately, cars also have some bad effects. More cars mean more crowded streets and more traffic. More cars also create more air pollution. Cars are also one reason why more people are overweight. Instead of walking or riding a bike people are driving cars and getting less exercise.

Cars are definitely becoming a bigger part of our lives than ever before. I hope that we can use cars wisely and develop cars that cause less pollution. I also hope that people will think about the good and bad effects of cars before they decide

to buy one.

3.目前,越来越多的家长花巨资送孩子出国学习,且出国深造的孩子呈低龄化趋势。请通过这一现象用英语写一篇短文, 来说明家长们此举的利弊, 并表明自己的看法。

注意: 1. 要求结构完整,语意连贯,观点正确。

2. 词数不少于120字。


Now with people’s living standard rising sharply, more and more parents are sending their young children overseas for further study, even when their children are still very young. The advantages can be concluded as follows. To begin with, their children can receive a better education and develop a high level of competence in language learning skills. In addition, they can also seek more career opportunities and make more money in the future.

But many people, especially some educationalists and parents, are not in favor of this, because they think studying abroad costs over ten times as much money as studying in China. Besides, children are too young to take care of themselves. What’s more, they might form bad habits.

In my opinion, when the children are old enough and have the ability to live on their own, they can go abroad for further study, otherwise, they’d better study in our own country.

4. 假如你叫李华,是新高三学生,最近你收到来自美国的笔友Peter的来信,询问你新学期的打算,请你根据以下提示写一封短信给他。






Dear Peter,

Thank you for the last letter.In the letter you asked me how I plan for the new term.„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„

Yours truly,

Li Hua


Dear Peter,

Thank you for the last letter.In the letter you asked me how I plan for the new term.Now I’d like to tell you something about it.As a new Senior 3 student, first I feel excited because now I have come to another new and challenging studying level and after a year I’ll accept the real “examination”.Maybe I’ll have access to my dream college.Meanwhile I’m a little nervous because becoming a Senior 3 student means I’m much closer to the college entrance.The examination is too important for every Chinese student.Worse still, I’m not very good at English.I fear I might fail the examination if I can’t improve it in the last year.So I’m determined to try harder at it.I hope I can get more help from the teacher as well as you.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

5. 假设你在某本杂志中“我爱读书”系列漫画里看到了下面这幅漫画。请在日记中描述这幅漫画,并谈谈你所受到的启迪。

注意:1. 字数要求:不少于120字。

2. 文中除了粽子可用汉语拼音外,其余词必须用英语描述。

3. 参考词汇:解开(包装纸等)



Sunny Thursday October 15, 2009 This morning when I read a magazine, I was deeply impressed by a series of cartoons with the theme of ‘I love reading’. Among them, the following is the most attractive to me.

In the cartoon, a man is sitting at a table on which there is a plate full of Zongzi, a kind of Chinese traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, and a cup. Somehow it seems that he is at a loss to eat them. Believe it or not, he just finds a book on How to unwrap Zongzi and carefully reads it instead of trying himself.

As students, we are learning by reading almost every day. It is true that books can tell us a lot and teach us how to deal with some problems. However, there are also some other ways of gaining knowledge, including the way of learning by doing. Isn’t it better to try unwrapping these Zongzi than to read a book telling you how to do it? As the saying goes, ‘Theory comes from practice’.

6.学校网站开办“环境与生活”英语论坛。请你根据下面表格所提供的内容,以“Environmentally Friendly Renewable Energy” 为题,进行陈述并谈谈你的看法,参加学校网站英语论坛的讨论

注意:1. 不要逐条翻译, 可适当发挥。

2. 词数:150左右。文章的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。

3. 参考词汇: 取之不竭 inexhaustible。

Environmentally Friendly Renewable Energy

In our country, the traditional energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas are still widely used, making up over eighty percent of the total energy consumption. However, ____________


One possible version:

In our country, the traditional energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas are still widely used, making up over eighty percent of the total energy consumption. However, as a worldwide shortage of such energy is seemingly growing more serious, renewable energy sources, such as, solar energy, wind energy and hydropower, are being developed and made good use of at an increasingly fast rate.

As we all know, our dependence on coal and oil for energy supply has caused severe environmental problems. It has brought about heavy air pollution. There are frequent acid rains and smog in some areas. It has also contributed to the global warming and other problems. Moreover, such energy sources will be exhausted in less than a hundred years if exploited at the present rate. Renewable energy, on the other hand, has great advantages. It is obviously inexhaustible. And above all, it is clean and causes little or no pollution to the environment.

We are glad that our government encourages the development of renewable energy. With more and more renewable energy, we will live in an increasingly beautiful and harmonious environment.

7. 某中学生英文报举办故事大赛,请根据下列五幅图画提供的信息,以Zhang Ping’s choice 为题,写一篇故事,讲述张平的经历。






Zhang Ping’s Choice

My neighbor, named Zhang Ping is upset these days, because he hasn’t found a

job yet since he guduated from school. While in school, he was advised to learn computer , but he was unwilling to learn it, saying it is difficult. He always slept in English classes as he thought it hard to remember English words. Also, he refused to study science and technology, because he considered it was too difficult to understand. He only enjoyed watching TV, playing cards, smoking and so on, which he found interesting an easy. He happily spent a lot time in doing these. However, when he is seeking a position on the job market, he finds that only people with a good knowledge of computer, English and science technology are needed. He regrets the time he wasted.








Dear friends,


Dear friends,

Today we are having a party in honor of our close friend , Tom, who is returning to his own country with his parents. How time flies! It has been one years since he came to our school. During this period, we have helped each other, thus having become good friends. What's more, due to his help and encouragement, many of us have become more interested in English and have made great progress in it.

We all hope that when he returns to his homeland, he will get in touch with us as often as possible. We also hope that he will come to China again some day. Good luck, Tom. And good luck to your family. May you have a pleasant trip home! Thank you. (125 words)


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