
  During the 7-day golden week holiday, traveling has already become an indispensable part of people's relaxation activities. The lengthy holidays have caused unexpected great travel craze and brisk economic activities. holiday spending, however, adds fuel to the Chinese economy, which in turn leads to the creation of a new term “holiday economy” and it sparks a hot debate about it. Some economists are in favor of the golden week economy.


  They believe it has many advantages. first, tourism_based holiday economy will raise consumption, up spending and, therefore, help to spur the domestic demand.

  In addition, it benefits tourism, transportation, catering, hotels and service industries and enables them to thrive during holidays, which in turn adds fuel to the overall economic growth.

  However, others overstate its disadvantages and hold that it brings undeniable problems. First, the travel craze puts a heavy burden on the traffic system, causing serious traffic jams. Besides, thousands and thousands of tourists flood scenic spots, jamming railway stations and airports, causing some over crowdedness and safety problems. Therefore, we shouldn't neglect the new problems. I believe its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. After all, it greatly benefits our overall economy. Finally, I suggest the government take effective measures to solve the aforementioned problems. Only in this way can we let the golden week economy develop in a sound way.

  During the 7-day golden week holiday, traveling has already become an indispensable part of people's relaxation activities. The lengthy holidays have caused unexpected great travel craze and brisk economic activities. holiday spending, however, adds fuel to the Chinese economy, which in turn leads to the creation of a new term “holiday economy” and it sparks a hot debate about it. Some economists are in favor of the golden week economy.

  They believe it has many advantages. first, tourism_based holiday economy will raise consumption, up spending and, therefore, help to spur the domestic demand.

  In addition, it benefits tourism, transportation, catering, hotels and service industries and enables them to thrive during holidays, which in turn adds fuel to the overall economic growth.

  However, others overstate its disadvantages and hold that it brings undeniable problems. First, the travel craze puts a heavy burden on the traffic system, causing serious traffic jams. Besides, thousands and thousands of tourists flood scenic spots, jamming railway stations and airports, causing some over crowdedness and safety problems. Therefore, we shouldn't neglect the new problems. I believe its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. After all, it greatly benefits our overall economy. Finally, I suggest the government take effective measures to solve the aforementioned problems. Only in this way can we let the golden week economy develop in a sound way.


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