
  As manipulation of the policy of Family Plan in the 1980s, today, there are so many children are the families’ only child, they are being the emperor and the princess. Because the family spoils them so much, they can get what they want, parents do everything for them, so the children become dependent. There is a big problem in the education from parents, they should not spoil their children, let them to be independent. First, parents should not do all the things, they should ask the kids to finish on their own, parents can lead the kids to finish. Second, parents try to create some chances to exercise the kid. They can ask the kids to clean the house, parents can give small money.



  As manipulation of the policy of Family Plan in the 1980s, today, there are so many children are the families’ only child, they are being the emperor and the princess. Because the family spoils them so much, they can get what they want, parents do everything for them, so the children become dependent. There is a big problem in the education from parents, they should not spoil their children, let them to be independent. First, parents should not do all the things, they should ask the kids to finish on their own, parents can lead the kids to finish. Second, parents try to create some chances to exercise the kid. They can ask the kids to clean the house, parents can give small money.



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