
  The campus, which is believed to be a place for students to gain knowledge, but as the world gets globalized, many business centers have moved into the campus. Students enjoy the commercial environment, but some people think that the commercial environment will have negative effect to the students. I think the campus should be pure.



  On the one hand, campus is the place for students to learn the knowledge. The school should create the environment which is suitable for the students to study. Such as the school can open the shops to sell the books, or the things which are related to the study.


  On the other hand, the commercial centers will distract students’ attention from their study. The shop, the theater and other shops have built in some campus, it makes the students can’t focus their minds, they just want to finish their class and then go shopping. The original purpose has been forgotten by the students.


  Though the commercialize of campus brings students convenience, it is not suitable to let those shops open, students’ main duty is to study and the commercialize will interfere them.


  The campus, which is believed to be a place for students to gain knowledge, but as the world gets globalized, many business centers have moved into the campus. Students enjoy the commercial environment, but some people think that the commercial environment will have negative effect to the students. I think the campus should be pure.


  On the one hand, campus is the place for students to learn the knowledge. The school should create the environment which is suitable for the students to study. Such as the school can open the shops to sell the books, or the things which are related to the study.


  On the other hand, the commercial centers will distract students’ attention from their study. The shop, the theater and other shops have built in some campus, it makes the students can’t focus their minds, they just want to finish their class and then go shopping. The original purpose has been forgotten by the students.


  Though the commercialize of campus brings students convenience, it is not suitable to let those shops open, students’ main duty is to study and the commercialize will interfere them.



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