
  People always attach the importance to the promise, they hate people who break their promise. I remember once a time, my friend asked me to go to see the movie with her, I said yes without hesitation. But on that day, I forgot about the date, I just woke up late and then played computer games in my bedroom. My friends called me, she asked why did I disappear, I said I was sleeping at home, she became very angry, until then did I think about our date. I felt so sorry, I break my promise for the first time, I realize I did the very bad thing. Even though I apologized for many times, my friend was still angry with me. I learn the lesson, promise is very important, we must keep it, other people will see through our personality to decide what kind of person we are.



  People always attach the importance to the promise, they hate people who break their promise. I remember once a time, my friend asked me to go to see the movie with her, I said yes without hesitation. But on that day, I forgot about the date, I just woke up late and then played computer games in my bedroom. My friends called me, she asked why did I disappear, I said I was sleeping at home, she became very angry, until then did I think about our date. I felt so sorry, I break my promise for the first time, I realize I did the very bad thing. Even though I apologized for many times, my friend was still angry with me. I learn the lesson, promise is very important, we must keep it, other people will see through our personality to decide what kind of person we are.



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  • 思想道德建设案例
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