
  Study well is not an easy thing. Many students try hard to make their study become good. But sometimes they will use some shortcut to reach their goal. For example, they may recite the answer of some question to cope with the exam, instead of figuring out the knowledge in that question. This is not a good way for study. Only studying down-to-earth is the best. Anyone wants to get a high position in study; he has to learn the knowledge step by step. On in this way to lay a good foundation, students can get to a high level one day.



  Study well is not an easy thing. Many students try hard to make their study become good. But sometimes they will use some shortcut to reach their goal. For example, they may recite the answer of some question to cope with the exam, instead of figuring out the knowledge in that question. This is not a good way for study. Only studying down-to-earth is the best. Anyone wants to get a high position in study; he has to learn the knowledge step by step. On in this way to lay a good foundation, students can get to a high level one day.



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