英语手抄报:Summer In Guilin

  I live in the south city, so when the summer comes, the sun is very strong and the air is so stuffy, I feel so uncomfortable. I have a friend from Guilin, she tells me that summer in Guilin is not that hot, the air is cool in the morning. So I decide to spend a month in Guilin. Guilin’s mountain and water are special, the water is clean and the mountain has many shapes. It is really comfortable here, the air is so fresh. The most obvious feature of people here is that their skin is white. Because the summer is short here and the sun is not that strong, so people have a good summer time.

英语手抄报:Summer In Guilin


  I live in the south city, so when the summer comes, the sun is very strong and the air is so stuffy, I feel so uncomfortable. I have a friend from Guilin, she tells me that summer in Guilin is not that hot, the air is cool in the morning. So I decide to spend a month in Guilin. Guilin’s mountain and water are special, the water is clean and the mountain has many shapes. It is really comfortable here, the air is so fresh. The most obvious feature of people here is that their skin is white. Because the summer is short here and the sun is not that strong, so people have a good summer time.



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