英语口语对话 1



A: today,more and more people make a lot of money,so, we can do many things with the money. B: yes,you are right,with the money we can go ttravel,eat good food, or do all sorts of interesting things.that is, when we use the money to do these things, we will fell very happy.

A: In fact, when people have a lot of money, they also have more ideas, aspirations and concerns,money can’t really bring people greater happiness.

B:Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A: Now medicine is more and more developed, but there are a few people can not be cured ,so became a vegetable.

B: yes, For these people, we should be in our best efforts to give them the best treatment,and preserving at any cost the life of a patient who has turned into a vegetable.

A: No, in my opinion, For these patients, we should not waste our resources, we can use these resources to help others patients.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A:today, there are many schools around us, Therefore, children can receive better education in these schools.

B: No, I do not think so. Education in schools will limit the children's ideas, I would prefer to educate my child at home not at school. Educated at home I’ll be at ease.

A: But if to educate children at home, they can not enjoy the happy of the peers, Similarly, the learning will have no organization and planning.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A: Now, more and more people like chatting online, I think this is a waste of time.

B: No, I think, for our college students, chatting online can broaden our views, also can know a lot of new friends, do like this have a lot of benefits.

A: But, in fact, a lot of people chatting online just say something that is not useful, we can use the time saved to do more meaningful things.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A: Now, the family of the elderly are more and more, how to take care of these elderly become our problem.

B: I think we shuold sending aged parents to nursing homes,in there, aged parents not only can get better care, but also can stay with other elderly.

A: However, the fact that many elderly people in nursing homes are not happy, they want our children to accompany them.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


My favorite book is Jane Eyre, from this book, I learned a lot, inthisthe heroine of Jane Eyre is a tutor to a little girl makeup, she met Rochester, the hero.She asked the Rochester respect her and not feel inferior because of their career.Firm left to know that Rochester has a wife, but also come back to take care of him after the death of his wife, does not hold anything against Rochester was blind, I like Jane Eyre, he deserves all of us learning




A: today,more and more people make a lot of money,so, we can do many things with the money. B: yes,you are right,with the money we can go ttravel,eat good food, or do all sorts of interesting things.that is, when we use the money to do these things, we will fell very happy.

A: In fact, when people have a lot of money, they also have more ideas, aspirations and concerns,money can’t really bring people greater happiness.

B:Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A: Now medicine is more and more developed, but there are a few people can not be cured ,so became a vegetable.

B: yes, For these people, we should be in our best efforts to give them the best treatment,and preserving at any cost the life of a patient who has turned into a vegetable.

A: No, in my opinion, For these patients, we should not waste our resources, we can use these resources to help others patients.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A:today, there are many schools around us, Therefore, children can receive better education in these schools.

B: No, I do not think so. Education in schools will limit the children's ideas, I would prefer to educate my child at home not at school. Educated at home I’ll be at ease.

A: But if to educate children at home, they can not enjoy the happy of the peers, Similarly, the learning will have no organization and planning.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A: Now, more and more people like chatting online, I think this is a waste of time.

B: No, I think, for our college students, chatting online can broaden our views, also can know a lot of new friends, do like this have a lot of benefits.

A: But, in fact, a lot of people chatting online just say something that is not useful, we can use the time saved to do more meaningful things.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


A: Now, the family of the elderly are more and more, how to take care of these elderly become our problem.

B: I think we shuold sending aged parents to nursing homes,in there, aged parents not only can get better care, but also can stay with other elderly.

A: However, the fact that many elderly people in nursing homes are not happy, they want our children to accompany them.

B: Like a coin has two sides, maybe we are all right.


My favorite book is Jane Eyre, from this book, I learned a lot, inthisthe heroine of Jane Eyre is a tutor to a little girl makeup, she met Rochester, the hero.She asked the Rochester respect her and not feel inferior because of their career.Firm left to know that Rochester has a wife, but also come back to take care of him after the death of his wife, does not hold anything against Rochester was blind, I like Jane Eyre, he deserves all of us learning



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