


Ⅰ. Responses(句子应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)


Ⅱ. Dialogues(对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

A)6—10 BCADC B)11—15 BBDCB

Ⅲ. Passages(短文理解)(共10小题;16—20题每小题1分,21—25小题每小题2分,计15分)

A)16—20 BCDAC

B)21. neighbor(u)r 22. morning 23. bath 24. Turn on 25. stand 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)

Ⅰ. Multiple—choice(选择填空)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

26—30 BBCCA 31—35 CCBAA 36—40 DABDD

Ⅱ. Cloze(完形填空)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

A)41. expanding 42. predicts 43. done 44. third 45. newspapers

B) 46. watched 47. out / on 48. who 49. turned 50. between 51. However

52. separate 53. Another 54. time 55. when

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解(共)20小题;56—60小题每小题1分,61—75小题每小题2分,计35分)

A)56—58 ADB 59—60 FT

B) 61—65 FEABG

C) 66. US$ 200,000

67. For four to five /4—5 minutes.

68. Sir Richard Branson and members of his family.

69. The Mojave Desert (near Los Angeles).

70. www. virgingalactic.com.

D) 71. twenty-first / 21st 72. South Africa 73. communicating /contacting / connecting 74. compared to 75. (phone) calls

Ⅳ. Translation (翻译)(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

76. 钢罐很流行,因为它们(用起来)方便,易存储,不可打碎。

77. 这就是说,美国人非常喜欢他们的宠物,他们给宠物提供家、食物、锻炼及医疗护理。

78. I really don’t want to buy that car because I can’t afford it.

79. I regret not keeping in touch with my relatives and old friends.

80. It is suggested that the novel (should) be read at least three times.

Ⅴ. Error Correction (短文改错)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

Before you decide to keep a dog, you should learn you can

about them first. You could perhaps ask a friendowns one, or else 81.who/that

go to your local library, which probably books about dog care. 82. has If you get a dog, it’s unfair to leave it at home its own all day as they 83. on get in the same way that people do. Try to make sure that somebody84. lonely least some of time. All dogs need exercise, 85.去掉the as if you aren’t lucky enough to have a garden, (加词)it’s better live 86. so/but near a park or some other type of open spare where your dog can run 87.无错 around freely. Keep it on a lead at other though, especially in areas 88. times with plenty of traffic or on farmland. At home you should teach your dog 89.how you want it to behave,. If you find this difficult, take it to a center, 90. training where it will also learn to behave like other dogs.

81. who / that 82. has 83. on 84. lonely 85. the 86. so / but

87. √ 88. times 89. how 90. training

Ⅵ. IQ Test(智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

91. 5.[(6+8)÷2=7; (9+3)÷4=3; (3+7)÷5=2; (7+8)÷3=51]


93. W. [Spring in the circle. Autumn in the square, summer in the triangle (三角形),

winter in the trapezoid (梯形)]

94. 2, 4, 8,16,32 and 64. [Say, the age of the youngest is X, then we can get


95. Wednesday. [The day before Tuesday is Monday; three days after the day (Monday) is Thursday; the day after the day (Thursday) is Friday; two days before the day (Friday)is Wednesday.]

Ⅶ. Writing (写作)(共2题;A)题满分10分,B)题目满分20分,计30分

A)One possible version:

Health is very important for everyone. If you don’t have good health you cannot work well. So it is necessary for us to keep healthy.

Keeping fit helps us to live a healthy life; you can work out your stress while taking

exercise. It is known that exercise can make you energetic and happy. Personally, I really feel good after some exercise.

If I were a member of the Youth Club I would spend an hour a day taking part in the weight training because this is an effective way of keeping fit. I would also have a chance to make new friends, and this would give me a new outlook on life.

B) One possible version:

Nowadays, some people prefer going to the cinema, while others prefer reading the same story in a book. Both forms have their advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, books help develop your imagination. You can decide what the characters and places in the book look like, whereas the film gives you only one interpretation, which may not be the best. Furthermore, you can read the book whenever and wherever you want. Also, some interesting parts of the book are sometimes cut in a film or changed completely.

On the other hand, films are visual, which makes the story more memorable. Moreover, films can improve a story and make it more interesting. Besides, seeing a film takes less effort than reading.

On balance, I think it is better to read the story first and then see the film version.



Ⅰ. Responses(句子应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)


Ⅱ. Dialogues(对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

A)6—10 BCADC B)11—15 BBDCB

Ⅲ. Passages(短文理解)(共10小题;16—20题每小题1分,21—25小题每小题2分,计15分)

A)16—20 BCDAC

B)21. neighbor(u)r 22. morning 23. bath 24. Turn on 25. stand 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)

Ⅰ. Multiple—choice(选择填空)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

26—30 BBCCA 31—35 CCBAA 36—40 DABDD

Ⅱ. Cloze(完形填空)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

A)41. expanding 42. predicts 43. done 44. third 45. newspapers

B) 46. watched 47. out / on 48. who 49. turned 50. between 51. However

52. separate 53. Another 54. time 55. when

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解(共)20小题;56—60小题每小题1分,61—75小题每小题2分,计35分)

A)56—58 ADB 59—60 FT

B) 61—65 FEABG

C) 66. US$ 200,000

67. For four to five /4—5 minutes.

68. Sir Richard Branson and members of his family.

69. The Mojave Desert (near Los Angeles).

70. www. virgingalactic.com.

D) 71. twenty-first / 21st 72. South Africa 73. communicating /contacting / connecting 74. compared to 75. (phone) calls

Ⅳ. Translation (翻译)(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

76. 钢罐很流行,因为它们(用起来)方便,易存储,不可打碎。

77. 这就是说,美国人非常喜欢他们的宠物,他们给宠物提供家、食物、锻炼及医疗护理。

78. I really don’t want to buy that car because I can’t afford it.

79. I regret not keeping in touch with my relatives and old friends.

80. It is suggested that the novel (should) be read at least three times.

Ⅴ. Error Correction (短文改错)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

Before you decide to keep a dog, you should learn you can

about them first. You could perhaps ask a friendowns one, or else 81.who/that

go to your local library, which probably books about dog care. 82. has If you get a dog, it’s unfair to leave it at home its own all day as they 83. on get in the same way that people do. Try to make sure that somebody84. lonely least some of time. All dogs need exercise, 85.去掉the as if you aren’t lucky enough to have a garden, (加词)it’s better live 86. so/but near a park or some other type of open spare where your dog can run 87.无错 around freely. Keep it on a lead at other though, especially in areas 88. times with plenty of traffic or on farmland. At home you should teach your dog 89.how you want it to behave,. If you find this difficult, take it to a center, 90. training where it will also learn to behave like other dogs.

81. who / that 82. has 83. on 84. lonely 85. the 86. so / but

87. √ 88. times 89. how 90. training

Ⅵ. IQ Test(智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

91. 5.[(6+8)÷2=7; (9+3)÷4=3; (3+7)÷5=2; (7+8)÷3=51]


93. W. [Spring in the circle. Autumn in the square, summer in the triangle (三角形),

winter in the trapezoid (梯形)]

94. 2, 4, 8,16,32 and 64. [Say, the age of the youngest is X, then we can get


95. Wednesday. [The day before Tuesday is Monday; three days after the day (Monday) is Thursday; the day after the day (Thursday) is Friday; two days before the day (Friday)is Wednesday.]

Ⅶ. Writing (写作)(共2题;A)题满分10分,B)题目满分20分,计30分

A)One possible version:

Health is very important for everyone. If you don’t have good health you cannot work well. So it is necessary for us to keep healthy.

Keeping fit helps us to live a healthy life; you can work out your stress while taking

exercise. It is known that exercise can make you energetic and happy. Personally, I really feel good after some exercise.

If I were a member of the Youth Club I would spend an hour a day taking part in the weight training because this is an effective way of keeping fit. I would also have a chance to make new friends, and this would give me a new outlook on life.

B) One possible version:

Nowadays, some people prefer going to the cinema, while others prefer reading the same story in a book. Both forms have their advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, books help develop your imagination. You can decide what the characters and places in the book look like, whereas the film gives you only one interpretation, which may not be the best. Furthermore, you can read the book whenever and wherever you want. Also, some interesting parts of the book are sometimes cut in a film or changed completely.

On the other hand, films are visual, which makes the story more memorable. Moreover, films can improve a story and make it more interesting. Besides, seeing a film takes less effort than reading.

On balance, I think it is better to read the story first and then see the film version.


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