
Basic English Sentence Structures


1. 主+谓(不及物动词)

Man can think .The fire is burning.

不可忽视: 常用不及物动词有break, breathe, burn, smoke, swim, skate, appear, disappear, work, think, etc.

2. 主+谓+表语(系动词)

He became a scientist.

She is getting more and more beautiful.

不可忽视: 常用系动词:be, get, turn, feel, seem, appear, look, taste, sound, smell, become, go, prove, etc.

3. 主+谓+宾(及物动词)

We love peace.

They will paint the door.

常用动词有:see, watch, need, love, like, study, answer, carry, etc.

4. 主+谓+宾+宾补

We elected him president.

They painted the door white.

I advised the students to recite the texts.

王牌重点: 常用作宾补的形式:(请将每个例句大声朗读一遍)

(1) 名词:

The couple named their baby Johnson.

(2) 形容词:

I keep the door open.

(3) 副词:

The naughty boy knocked the bottle over.

(4) 不定式:

He ordered his men to fire.

(5) 分词:

He heard me singing.

I saw the vase broken.

(6) 介词短语:

They look on him as a teacher.

(7) 名词性从句:

I asked him what he was doing.


(1) 主+谓+间接宾语+直接宾语

My friend bought me a gift.

I passed him the book.

(2) 主+谓+直宾+介词+间宾

My friend bough a gift for me.

I passed the book to him.


buy, make, do, get, play, call, choose, cook, fetch, find, keep, order, save, etc.


bring, give, grant, hand, pass, lend, offer, pay, promise, sell, send, show, teach, tell, throw, write, etc.




Basic English Sentence Structures


1. 主+谓(不及物动词)

Man can think .The fire is burning.

不可忽视: 常用不及物动词有break, breathe, burn, smoke, swim, skate, appear, disappear, work, think, etc.

2. 主+谓+表语(系动词)

He became a scientist.

She is getting more and more beautiful.

不可忽视: 常用系动词:be, get, turn, feel, seem, appear, look, taste, sound, smell, become, go, prove, etc.

3. 主+谓+宾(及物动词)

We love peace.

They will paint the door.

常用动词有:see, watch, need, love, like, study, answer, carry, etc.

4. 主+谓+宾+宾补

We elected him president.

They painted the door white.

I advised the students to recite the texts.

王牌重点: 常用作宾补的形式:(请将每个例句大声朗读一遍)

(1) 名词:

The couple named their baby Johnson.

(2) 形容词:

I keep the door open.

(3) 副词:

The naughty boy knocked the bottle over.

(4) 不定式:

He ordered his men to fire.

(5) 分词:

He heard me singing.

I saw the vase broken.

(6) 介词短语:

They look on him as a teacher.

(7) 名词性从句:

I asked him what he was doing.


(1) 主+谓+间接宾语+直接宾语

My friend bought me a gift.

I passed him the book.

(2) 主+谓+直宾+介词+间宾

My friend bough a gift for me.

I passed the book to him.


buy, make, do, get, play, call, choose, cook, fetch, find, keep, order, save, etc.


bring, give, grant, hand, pass, lend, offer, pay, promise, sell, send, show, teach, tell, throw, write, etc.





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