
专升本英语 串讲班


第一部分 词汇

一 名词与冠词

(一)特指,泛指和类指 泛指单一,每一,任一事物类指







零冠词 泛指人或事物类指


1.According to the report, drivers who use ____mobile phones on ____road are more likely to have accidents. ( D )

A. a; the B. the; / C. / ; / D / ; the

2.Have you heard ____ news? The price of ____petrol is going up again. ( C )

A. the; the B./ ; the C. the; / D. / ; /

3.---What do you see when you think of ____ forest?

----Of course, ____ trees. ( A )

A. a ; / B. the; the C. / ; / D.a; the


a/ an+(或有形容词)+ 专有名词 表示某一位,某一个,某一种。

a/ an+ 抽象名词 表示一个人或一件事


4、----Hello, is that Ms Blackburn, the head teacher speaking?

----I'm sorry. There isn't ____ Ms Blackburn in our school. ( B )

A. the B. a C. one D. /

5、Hawking is ____ success, ____ disabled man though he is. ( A )

A. a ; / B. / ; a C. the; a D. a; the

6、The success of holding the 2008 Olympic Games is ____ great pleasure and encouragement to ____ Chinese people. ( C )

A. the ; the B. a ; a C. a ; the D. / ; a




7、Since graduation from ____ college, he has worked as _____ reporter in a newspaper office.(A)

A. / ; a B. / ; the C. a ; the D. the ; the

8、The taxi driver was put in ____prison because his car had knocked down a child. His wife went to ____ prison to see him twice a week. ( C )

A. / ; / B. the ; the C./ ; the D. the ; /

9、It is reported that a bus went out of ____ control on a high way _____ south of the city last night. ( A )

A. / ; / B. / ; the C. the ; / D. the ; the

二 代词

(一)one ,it , this , that

one 常用来指代泛指的单数可数名词(ones指代泛指的复数可数名词),it常用来指代时间,距离,自然现象,前文所提到的事或前文所提到的同类同物 , this 常用来指代具体某人或某事或下文要提到的事物, that常用来指代上文提到的某人某事或指代同类但不同物的不可数名词。


1、If you want a friend, you'll find ____ in me .

( A )

A. one B. it C. that D. him

2、I want to know _____: Has Mr Jones been here the whole morning? ( D )

A. it B. one C. that D. this

3、Look at the price of that bike ! It is practically the same as _____ of a new motorcycle. ( D )

A. one B. this C. tt D. that

(二)(the) other ,(the) others, both, either, neither, any, all, none

other 其他的 作形容词 后接可数名词复数泛指三者或三者以上的人或物

the other 另一个 特指两者中的另一人或物

others 其他的 作代词 泛指三者或三者以上的人或物

the others 另一些 特指三者或三者以上的人或物

both 两者都 作代词或形容词 当复数看 表肯定

either 两者中任一 作代词, 当单数看 表肯定

neither 两者中任一不 作代词 当单数 表否定

any 任一 作代词或形容词 后可接复数名词或不可数名词 接可数名词指三者或三者以上的人或物

all 全部, 所有 作代词或形容词后可接复数名词或不可数名词 接可数名词指三者或三者以上的人或物

none (其中)没有一个人或物 作代词 后可接of 可指代可数名词或不可数名词 指代可数名词时指三者或三者以上的人或物


4、----Oh no ! This stupid computer has crashed again !

----Well, you can try ____ one , since there are so

many available. ( A )

A. another B. other C. the other D. others

5、----Which of the two ties would you like to take ?

----_____. You know I'm not particular about ties.( D )

A. Any B. Neither C. Both D. Either

6、I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner , but

_____ of them came. ( B )

A. neither B. none C. either D. both

(三) some, any, every, no 与thing, body,one的组合

someone/somebody, anyone/ anybody, everyone/everybody ,no one nobody

something , anything , everything , nothing


7、If you need help for example , money or _____ , let me know , will you ? ( B )

A.something B. anything

C. everything D. Nothing

8、Teenagers are wanted to be careful when making friends online , because when you can't see a person , they could be _____. ( B )

A. everybody B. anybody

C. somebody D. nobody

9、What he said is _____ but practical since _____ depends on

A. nothing ; everything

B. anything ; everything

C. everything ; anything

D. none ; everything

三 形容词和副词


1.---times +as+形容词/副词原级+as---

2. -----times +形容词/副词比较级+ than---

3 ---times +the +性质名词(size/weight)+of


1、----Do you regret _____2000RMB for the trip?

---- No. I would gladly have paid _____ for it . ( C )

A.to pay ; twice so much

B. to have paid ; as much twice

C. paying ; twice as much

D. having paid ; so much twice

2、Hit by a hammer, my foot became _____ . ( D )

A. 3 times bigger than

B. as big as 3 times

C. the normal size 3 times

D. 3 times the normal size

(二) 多个修饰语排序

限— 数— 性— 大— 形— 老— 颜— 国— 材— 用— 中心名词


3、----How was your holiday in Qingdao ?

----It was great . I visited some friends , and spent the _____days at the seaside. ( C )

A. few last sunny

B. last sunny few

C. last few sunny

D. sunny last few

4、-----Is it Jim who is driving the new car ?

-----Probably. I know he has recently bought a _____ car ( A )

A.shiny black German

B. black shiny German

C. shiny German black

D. black German shiny





5、Of the two lectures , the first was by far ____ one , partly because the person who delivered it had such a pleasant voice . ( B )

A.a better B. the better

C. the best D. the worse

6. Of all the novels , I like this one ____. It's not worth reading at all. ( D )

A.most B. best C. worst D. least

7. It is ____ that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficulty quiting it. ( D )

A. obviously B. apparently C. possibly D. likely

8. Mary can't speak English _____ her friends , but her written work is perfect. ( A )

A.as well as B. as often as

C. so much as D. as good as

9. China is larger than ____ in Africa. ( B )

A.any other country B. any country

C. other country D. the other countries

四 动词


时间 过去—现在---将来---过去将来

状态 一般---进行---完成---完成进行

语态 主动---被动


1. You ____ much more easily in a big company, on condition that you have a good knowledge of computer. ( C )

A. will promote B. promote

C. will get promoted D. are promoted

2、Maybe Jack has forgotten our appointment completely . I ____ him to call me for the past two hours. ( A )

A. have been expecting

B. have expected

C. have been expected

D. expected

3、Our game of tennis ____ . We'd been playing for about half an hour when it started to rain. ( B )

A. has interrupted

B. was interrupted

C. had interrupted

D. had been interrupted

4、----I happened to meet Lily yesterday.

-----Lucky dog! You ____ each other for exactly two years . ( A )

A. hadn't seen

B. haven't seen

C. didn't see

D. don't see

5、----What's that noise?

----- Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _____. ( C )

A. was tested B. will be tested

C. is being tested D. has been tested


give off 放出(液体,气体,气味)give away 捐赠,让掉give in 屈服让步 give out公布,耗尽,用完

Put up with忍受,忍耐 keep up with跟上 come up with提出,想出 go through with(艰难地)完成,履行---(诺言)

Put off推迟,拖延 put aside 存储,备用put out扑灭 put down付定金,写下,镇压


6、He ____ his last chance of winning the election when he said the wrong thing on TV. ( B )

A. gave off B. gave away

C. gave in D. gave out

7、The teacher asked a difficult question, but Ted finally managed to ____ a good answer. ( C )

A. put up with B. keep up with

C. come up with D. go through with

8、We're trying to ____ a few hundred dollars every month toward our vacation. ( B )

A. put off B. put aside

C. put out D. put down




不定式 ---表达将来发生的行为

动名词 ---表达常态的行为



9、____ more profit, the restaurant is making efforts to improve the quality of service . ( D )

A. Getting

B. Got

C. Having got

D. To get

10、There are more than 50 proposals ____ at the conference. ( B )

A. to discuss

B. to be discussed

C. discussing

D. having been discussed

11、A recent survey about

A. showed B. to show

C. showing D. to have shown

12、____ himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence. ( C )

A. Equipped B. Equipping

C. Having equipped D. Being equipped

13、---- ____ this time , my application will get me a job finally.

----- Of course. It is quite convincing and you're well qualified , too. ( D )

A. Accept B. If accepting

C. To accept D. If accepted

14、A survey ____ last year found 80 % the public in favor of the change. ( C )

A. to be carried out B. being carried out

C. carried out D. to carry out

15、Lydia really regrets ____ out of school. She has really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision. ( C )

A. drop B. to drop

C. dropping D. dropped

16、 ____our hair cut before the Spring Festival is a traditional custom in China. ( C )

A. To have had B. Having had

C. Having D. Have





17. It's strongly recommended that the machines ____ every year. ( D )

A. are checked

B. should check

C. checked

D. be checked

18. _____ you how to do it yesterday, you _____ it now. ( C )

A. Did I tell ; had finished

B. Had I told ; have finished

C. Had I told ; would finish

D. Have I told ; will finish

19、---- I paid him 200yuan for the sneakers.

----- Oh, he charged you too much. You_____them

with half the money. ( A )

A. could have bought

B. needn't have bought

C. must have bought

D. wouldn't have bought

20、-----Is that Mr. Smith over there?

-----No, it _____ be him --- I am sure he is much taller. ( D )

A. must not B. may not

C. won't D. can't

21、----- Are you going to the lecture tomorrow afternoon?

-----I'm not sure now. I ____ go to Prof. Black's class instead. ( A )

A. might B. would

C. should D. must

22、We ____ keep a cool head on over-heating development, for it ____ have negative influence upon national economy. ( D)

A. should ; must B. must ; would

C. might ; could D. must ; may

第二部分 从句

一 名词性从句和形容词性从句



1. Everyone has periods in their lives ____ everything seems very hard. ( B )

A. where B. when C. which D. that

2. He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation ____ he is likely to lose the control over his car. ( B )

A. why B. where C. how D. which

3. ____students should be given more time is suggested by many experts and welcomed by kids in school. ( D )

A. What B. Why C. Whether D. That

4. It was said ____ was all ____ girl had said. ( B )

A. what that ; that what

B. that that ; that that

C. that what ; what what

D. what what ; that that

5. She is the only one of the girls who ____in the company. ( A )

A. is well paid

B. are well paid

C. is paying well

D. are paying well

二 副词性从句



6. ____ she makes an apology to me , I will never forgive her and move out. ( A )

A. Unless B. In case

C. As if D. Now that

7. ----What’s your plan for the coming golden week?

----We’ve decided to have a wonderful holiday, ____. ( A )

A. however much it costs

B. however it costs much

C. no matter how it costs

D. it costs however much

8. They kept trying ____ they knew it was hopeless. ( A )

A. when B. unless

C. as D. till

第三部分 完型填空




The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must _1__ sixty hours of service learning , __2__ they will not receive a certificate. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community. __3__ of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student. __4__ a service experience, students must keep a journal and then write a __5__ about what they have learned

( C ) 1. A. spend B. gain

C. complete D. save

( B ) 2. A. and B. or

C. but D. for

( D ) 3. A. Subjects B. Ideas

C. Procedures D. Examples

( C ) 4. A. With B. Before

C. During D. After

( B ) 5. A. diary B. report

C. note D. notice

第四部分 阅读理解

一 事实细节

A train sped up through the countryside at 60 mph as a “ traveller” relaxes with his newspaper. But this is no businessman taking it easy----the driver of the passenger express(快车)is doing the reading.


Who is the “ traveller” mentioned in the first paragraph? ( A )

A. A train driver B. A businessman

C. A passenger D. A newspaper reader

二 词义猜测

“I’ve learned something in my 62 years,” he said . “ I don’t mind anybody looking down on me , as long as they don’t expect me to be looked up. If someone has got a problem with me , it’s their problem. They say, ‘ You are rather strange. ’ Well, if being strange means you live in a house with an indoor swimming pool and a hot tub on the front, let’s be strange. People may think I am out of the trees, but to believe convention(惯例)is something that prevents answer.”


The phrase “out of the trees” in this passage means ____. ( A )

A. mad B. curious

C. lonely D. enthusiastic

三 主旨大意

You may give a conventional person a problem, they’ll come up with a

conventional answer. Conventional people can’t deal with the the questions of unconvention.


What does the last paragraph mainly tell us? ( C )

A. Trevor Baylis has got some trouble with someone.

B. He found it difficult to persuade others to believe his invention.

C. He believes it is useful to look at problems in an unconventional way.

D. People are always laughing at him.

四 推理判断

Without most people realizing it. There has been a revolution in office work over the last ten years. Before that time, large computers were only used by large, rich companies that could afford the investment. With the advancement of technology, small computers have come into the market, which are capable of doing the work that used to be done by much larger and expensive computers, so now most smaller companies can use them.


Ten years ago, smaller companies did not use large computers because____ ( A )

A. these companies had not enough money to buy such expensive computers.

B. these computers could not do the work that small computers can do today

C. these computers did not come into the market.

D. these companies did not need to use this new technology

第五部分 写作

















交通:飞机或火车,机场有45路公交车,在最后一站下车,如坐火车你将去接站。 活动内容:到附近的岛上玩,游泳,跑步,爬山,吃海鲜。

注意:1 开头和结尾已为你写好。

2 词数应为100左右

Dear Peter,

I’m really excited to know that you’ll come to China for summer holidays. I hope you’ll come to visit my hometown.

Let me know your plan when you have one. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, in my hometown.

Cheers, Li Hua 写作指导:


2、谋篇布局 分两部分,1)指路。2)介绍活动。


1)fly or take a train; the airport; the train station; get off; at the last stop; by train; meet.

2) play; the islands; swim; run; climb the hills; eat seafood.

4、 确定时态和语态 除了你将去接站用将来时态,其余都可用一般现在时。


You can fly or take a train to my hometown.

There is a No. 45 Bus at the airport.

You get off at the last stop.

If you take a train, I will meet you at the train station.

We can play on the islands nearby.

We can swim in the sea.

We can run along the seaside.

We can climb the hills.

We can eat seafood.


You can fly or take a train to my hometown when you are in China. And There is a No. 45 Bus at the airport, you can also take the bus , but please get off at the last stop. If you come by train, I will meet you at the train station,(because the train station is not far from my home).

During your stay, we can play on the islands nearby. (And the water in the sea is very clear and blue, )we can swim in the sea. (The air is quite fresh,) we can run along the seaside. (In summer, the hills on the islands look very beautiful,) we can also climb the hills. (The seafood is fresh and wonderful,) we can eat it. (I’m sure you ‘ll like it)

11 / 11

专升本英语 串讲班


第一部分 词汇

一 名词与冠词

(一)特指,泛指和类指 泛指单一,每一,任一事物类指







零冠词 泛指人或事物类指


1.According to the report, drivers who use ____mobile phones on ____road are more likely to have accidents. ( D )

A. a; the B. the; / C. / ; / D / ; the

2.Have you heard ____ news? The price of ____petrol is going up again. ( C )

A. the; the B./ ; the C. the; / D. / ; /

3.---What do you see when you think of ____ forest?

----Of course, ____ trees. ( A )

A. a ; / B. the; the C. / ; / D.a; the


a/ an+(或有形容词)+ 专有名词 表示某一位,某一个,某一种。

a/ an+ 抽象名词 表示一个人或一件事


4、----Hello, is that Ms Blackburn, the head teacher speaking?

----I'm sorry. There isn't ____ Ms Blackburn in our school. ( B )

A. the B. a C. one D. /

5、Hawking is ____ success, ____ disabled man though he is. ( A )

A. a ; / B. / ; a C. the; a D. a; the

6、The success of holding the 2008 Olympic Games is ____ great pleasure and encouragement to ____ Chinese people. ( C )

A. the ; the B. a ; a C. a ; the D. / ; a




7、Since graduation from ____ college, he has worked as _____ reporter in a newspaper office.(A)

A. / ; a B. / ; the C. a ; the D. the ; the

8、The taxi driver was put in ____prison because his car had knocked down a child. His wife went to ____ prison to see him twice a week. ( C )

A. / ; / B. the ; the C./ ; the D. the ; /

9、It is reported that a bus went out of ____ control on a high way _____ south of the city last night. ( A )

A. / ; / B. / ; the C. the ; / D. the ; the

二 代词

(一)one ,it , this , that

one 常用来指代泛指的单数可数名词(ones指代泛指的复数可数名词),it常用来指代时间,距离,自然现象,前文所提到的事或前文所提到的同类同物 , this 常用来指代具体某人或某事或下文要提到的事物, that常用来指代上文提到的某人某事或指代同类但不同物的不可数名词。


1、If you want a friend, you'll find ____ in me .

( A )

A. one B. it C. that D. him

2、I want to know _____: Has Mr Jones been here the whole morning? ( D )

A. it B. one C. that D. this

3、Look at the price of that bike ! It is practically the same as _____ of a new motorcycle. ( D )

A. one B. this C. tt D. that

(二)(the) other ,(the) others, both, either, neither, any, all, none

other 其他的 作形容词 后接可数名词复数泛指三者或三者以上的人或物

the other 另一个 特指两者中的另一人或物

others 其他的 作代词 泛指三者或三者以上的人或物

the others 另一些 特指三者或三者以上的人或物

both 两者都 作代词或形容词 当复数看 表肯定

either 两者中任一 作代词, 当单数看 表肯定

neither 两者中任一不 作代词 当单数 表否定

any 任一 作代词或形容词 后可接复数名词或不可数名词 接可数名词指三者或三者以上的人或物

all 全部, 所有 作代词或形容词后可接复数名词或不可数名词 接可数名词指三者或三者以上的人或物

none (其中)没有一个人或物 作代词 后可接of 可指代可数名词或不可数名词 指代可数名词时指三者或三者以上的人或物


4、----Oh no ! This stupid computer has crashed again !

----Well, you can try ____ one , since there are so

many available. ( A )

A. another B. other C. the other D. others

5、----Which of the two ties would you like to take ?

----_____. You know I'm not particular about ties.( D )

A. Any B. Neither C. Both D. Either

6、I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner , but

_____ of them came. ( B )

A. neither B. none C. either D. both

(三) some, any, every, no 与thing, body,one的组合

someone/somebody, anyone/ anybody, everyone/everybody ,no one nobody

something , anything , everything , nothing


7、If you need help for example , money or _____ , let me know , will you ? ( B )

A.something B. anything

C. everything D. Nothing

8、Teenagers are wanted to be careful when making friends online , because when you can't see a person , they could be _____. ( B )

A. everybody B. anybody

C. somebody D. nobody

9、What he said is _____ but practical since _____ depends on

A. nothing ; everything

B. anything ; everything

C. everything ; anything

D. none ; everything

三 形容词和副词


1.---times +as+形容词/副词原级+as---

2. -----times +形容词/副词比较级+ than---

3 ---times +the +性质名词(size/weight)+of


1、----Do you regret _____2000RMB for the trip?

---- No. I would gladly have paid _____ for it . ( C )

A.to pay ; twice so much

B. to have paid ; as much twice

C. paying ; twice as much

D. having paid ; so much twice

2、Hit by a hammer, my foot became _____ . ( D )

A. 3 times bigger than

B. as big as 3 times

C. the normal size 3 times

D. 3 times the normal size

(二) 多个修饰语排序

限— 数— 性— 大— 形— 老— 颜— 国— 材— 用— 中心名词


3、----How was your holiday in Qingdao ?

----It was great . I visited some friends , and spent the _____days at the seaside. ( C )

A. few last sunny

B. last sunny few

C. last few sunny

D. sunny last few

4、-----Is it Jim who is driving the new car ?

-----Probably. I know he has recently bought a _____ car ( A )

A.shiny black German

B. black shiny German

C. shiny German black

D. black German shiny





5、Of the two lectures , the first was by far ____ one , partly because the person who delivered it had such a pleasant voice . ( B )

A.a better B. the better

C. the best D. the worse

6. Of all the novels , I like this one ____. It's not worth reading at all. ( D )

A.most B. best C. worst D. least

7. It is ____ that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficulty quiting it. ( D )

A. obviously B. apparently C. possibly D. likely

8. Mary can't speak English _____ her friends , but her written work is perfect. ( A )

A.as well as B. as often as

C. so much as D. as good as

9. China is larger than ____ in Africa. ( B )

A.any other country B. any country

C. other country D. the other countries

四 动词


时间 过去—现在---将来---过去将来

状态 一般---进行---完成---完成进行

语态 主动---被动


1. You ____ much more easily in a big company, on condition that you have a good knowledge of computer. ( C )

A. will promote B. promote

C. will get promoted D. are promoted

2、Maybe Jack has forgotten our appointment completely . I ____ him to call me for the past two hours. ( A )

A. have been expecting

B. have expected

C. have been expected

D. expected

3、Our game of tennis ____ . We'd been playing for about half an hour when it started to rain. ( B )

A. has interrupted

B. was interrupted

C. had interrupted

D. had been interrupted

4、----I happened to meet Lily yesterday.

-----Lucky dog! You ____ each other for exactly two years . ( A )

A. hadn't seen

B. haven't seen

C. didn't see

D. don't see

5、----What's that noise?

----- Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _____. ( C )

A. was tested B. will be tested

C. is being tested D. has been tested


give off 放出(液体,气体,气味)give away 捐赠,让掉give in 屈服让步 give out公布,耗尽,用完

Put up with忍受,忍耐 keep up with跟上 come up with提出,想出 go through with(艰难地)完成,履行---(诺言)

Put off推迟,拖延 put aside 存储,备用put out扑灭 put down付定金,写下,镇压


6、He ____ his last chance of winning the election when he said the wrong thing on TV. ( B )

A. gave off B. gave away

C. gave in D. gave out

7、The teacher asked a difficult question, but Ted finally managed to ____ a good answer. ( C )

A. put up with B. keep up with

C. come up with D. go through with

8、We're trying to ____ a few hundred dollars every month toward our vacation. ( B )

A. put off B. put aside

C. put out D. put down




不定式 ---表达将来发生的行为

动名词 ---表达常态的行为



9、____ more profit, the restaurant is making efforts to improve the quality of service . ( D )

A. Getting

B. Got

C. Having got

D. To get

10、There are more than 50 proposals ____ at the conference. ( B )

A. to discuss

B. to be discussed

C. discussing

D. having been discussed

11、A recent survey about

A. showed B. to show

C. showing D. to have shown

12、____ himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence. ( C )

A. Equipped B. Equipping

C. Having equipped D. Being equipped

13、---- ____ this time , my application will get me a job finally.

----- Of course. It is quite convincing and you're well qualified , too. ( D )

A. Accept B. If accepting

C. To accept D. If accepted

14、A survey ____ last year found 80 % the public in favor of the change. ( C )

A. to be carried out B. being carried out

C. carried out D. to carry out

15、Lydia really regrets ____ out of school. She has really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision. ( C )

A. drop B. to drop

C. dropping D. dropped

16、 ____our hair cut before the Spring Festival is a traditional custom in China. ( C )

A. To have had B. Having had

C. Having D. Have





17. It's strongly recommended that the machines ____ every year. ( D )

A. are checked

B. should check

C. checked

D. be checked

18. _____ you how to do it yesterday, you _____ it now. ( C )

A. Did I tell ; had finished

B. Had I told ; have finished

C. Had I told ; would finish

D. Have I told ; will finish

19、---- I paid him 200yuan for the sneakers.

----- Oh, he charged you too much. You_____them

with half the money. ( A )

A. could have bought

B. needn't have bought

C. must have bought

D. wouldn't have bought

20、-----Is that Mr. Smith over there?

-----No, it _____ be him --- I am sure he is much taller. ( D )

A. must not B. may not

C. won't D. can't

21、----- Are you going to the lecture tomorrow afternoon?

-----I'm not sure now. I ____ go to Prof. Black's class instead. ( A )

A. might B. would

C. should D. must

22、We ____ keep a cool head on over-heating development, for it ____ have negative influence upon national economy. ( D)

A. should ; must B. must ; would

C. might ; could D. must ; may

第二部分 从句

一 名词性从句和形容词性从句



1. Everyone has periods in their lives ____ everything seems very hard. ( B )

A. where B. when C. which D. that

2. He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation ____ he is likely to lose the control over his car. ( B )

A. why B. where C. how D. which

3. ____students should be given more time is suggested by many experts and welcomed by kids in school. ( D )

A. What B. Why C. Whether D. That

4. It was said ____ was all ____ girl had said. ( B )

A. what that ; that what

B. that that ; that that

C. that what ; what what

D. what what ; that that

5. She is the only one of the girls who ____in the company. ( A )

A. is well paid

B. are well paid

C. is paying well

D. are paying well

二 副词性从句



6. ____ she makes an apology to me , I will never forgive her and move out. ( A )

A. Unless B. In case

C. As if D. Now that

7. ----What’s your plan for the coming golden week?

----We’ve decided to have a wonderful holiday, ____. ( A )

A. however much it costs

B. however it costs much

C. no matter how it costs

D. it costs however much

8. They kept trying ____ they knew it was hopeless. ( A )

A. when B. unless

C. as D. till

第三部分 完型填空




The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must _1__ sixty hours of service learning , __2__ they will not receive a certificate. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community. __3__ of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student. __4__ a service experience, students must keep a journal and then write a __5__ about what they have learned

( C ) 1. A. spend B. gain

C. complete D. save

( B ) 2. A. and B. or

C. but D. for

( D ) 3. A. Subjects B. Ideas

C. Procedures D. Examples

( C ) 4. A. With B. Before

C. During D. After

( B ) 5. A. diary B. report

C. note D. notice

第四部分 阅读理解

一 事实细节

A train sped up through the countryside at 60 mph as a “ traveller” relaxes with his newspaper. But this is no businessman taking it easy----the driver of the passenger express(快车)is doing the reading.


Who is the “ traveller” mentioned in the first paragraph? ( A )

A. A train driver B. A businessman

C. A passenger D. A newspaper reader

二 词义猜测

“I’ve learned something in my 62 years,” he said . “ I don’t mind anybody looking down on me , as long as they don’t expect me to be looked up. If someone has got a problem with me , it’s their problem. They say, ‘ You are rather strange. ’ Well, if being strange means you live in a house with an indoor swimming pool and a hot tub on the front, let’s be strange. People may think I am out of the trees, but to believe convention(惯例)is something that prevents answer.”


The phrase “out of the trees” in this passage means ____. ( A )

A. mad B. curious

C. lonely D. enthusiastic

三 主旨大意

You may give a conventional person a problem, they’ll come up with a

conventional answer. Conventional people can’t deal with the the questions of unconvention.


What does the last paragraph mainly tell us? ( C )

A. Trevor Baylis has got some trouble with someone.

B. He found it difficult to persuade others to believe his invention.

C. He believes it is useful to look at problems in an unconventional way.

D. People are always laughing at him.

四 推理判断

Without most people realizing it. There has been a revolution in office work over the last ten years. Before that time, large computers were only used by large, rich companies that could afford the investment. With the advancement of technology, small computers have come into the market, which are capable of doing the work that used to be done by much larger and expensive computers, so now most smaller companies can use them.


Ten years ago, smaller companies did not use large computers because____ ( A )

A. these companies had not enough money to buy such expensive computers.

B. these computers could not do the work that small computers can do today

C. these computers did not come into the market.

D. these companies did not need to use this new technology

第五部分 写作

















交通:飞机或火车,机场有45路公交车,在最后一站下车,如坐火车你将去接站。 活动内容:到附近的岛上玩,游泳,跑步,爬山,吃海鲜。

注意:1 开头和结尾已为你写好。

2 词数应为100左右

Dear Peter,

I’m really excited to know that you’ll come to China for summer holidays. I hope you’ll come to visit my hometown.

Let me know your plan when you have one. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, in my hometown.

Cheers, Li Hua 写作指导:


2、谋篇布局 分两部分,1)指路。2)介绍活动。


1)fly or take a train; the airport; the train station; get off; at the last stop; by train; meet.

2) play; the islands; swim; run; climb the hills; eat seafood.

4、 确定时态和语态 除了你将去接站用将来时态,其余都可用一般现在时。


You can fly or take a train to my hometown.

There is a No. 45 Bus at the airport.

You get off at the last stop.

If you take a train, I will meet you at the train station.

We can play on the islands nearby.

We can swim in the sea.

We can run along the seaside.

We can climb the hills.

We can eat seafood.


You can fly or take a train to my hometown when you are in China. And There is a No. 45 Bus at the airport, you can also take the bus , but please get off at the last stop. If you come by train, I will meet you at the train station,(because the train station is not far from my home).

During your stay, we can play on the islands nearby. (And the water in the sea is very clear and blue, )we can swim in the sea. (The air is quite fresh,) we can run along the seaside. (In summer, the hills on the islands look very beautiful,) we can also climb the hills. (The seafood is fresh and wonderful,) we can eat it. (I’m sure you ‘ll like it)

11 / 11


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