
科学测试涵盖了生物、化学、物理以及地球科学或者空间科学(比如,地质学、天文学以及气象学) 这几个科目。虽然考试对这些科目的高阶知识不作要求,但是对其背景知识还是作要求的,所以为了能回答出考试中的一些问题,基础科学课还是有必要上的。ACT 科学类测试主要考察的是学生在科学知识,数学技能,以及阅读能力的基础上的科学推理能力。


数据表示(30-40%;三篇文章) :这些文章会有类似于科学刊物或者文章上的图表形式的呈现。这部分考题考察的是学生对这类形式的解读能力,比如对曲线图、散布图以及表格信息数据的解读诠释能力。 研究总结(45-55%; 三篇文章) :文章是一个或多个相关实验的描述。考题着重于考察的是学生对实验的设计能力以及对实验结果的诠释能力。

矛盾观点(15-20%; 一篇文章) :文章中会出现一些基于不同前提或者不完全数据的若干假设或者观点,这些假设和观点都意见相左。考题着重于考察学生对不同观点和假设的理解、分析以及比较能力。 Test Fact: ACT Science Passage Types

The content of the Science Test includes biology, chemistry, physics, and the Earth/space sciences (for example, geology, astronomy, and meteorology). Advanced knowledge in these subjects is not required, but background knowledge acquired in general, introductory science courses is needed to answer some of the

questions. The test emphasizes scientific reasoning skills over recall of scientific content, skill in mathematics, or reading ability.

The scientific information is conveyed in one of three different formats:

Data Representation (30-40%; three passages). This format presents graphic and tabular material similar to that found in science journals and texts. The questions associated with this format measure skills such as graph reading, interpretation of scatterplots, and interpretation of information presented in tables.

Research Summaries (45-55%; three passages). This format provides descriptions of one or more related experiments. The questions focus upon the design of experiments and the interpretation of experimental results. Conflicting Viewpoints (15-20%; one passage). This format presents expressions of several hypotheses or views that, being based on differing premises or on incomplete data, are inconsistent with one another. The questions focus on the understanding, analysis, and comparison of alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.

科学测试涵盖了生物、化学、物理以及地球科学或者空间科学(比如,地质学、天文学以及气象学) 这几个科目。虽然考试对这些科目的高阶知识不作要求,但是对其背景知识还是作要求的,所以为了能回答出考试中的一些问题,基础科学课还是有必要上的。ACT 科学类测试主要考察的是学生在科学知识,数学技能,以及阅读能力的基础上的科学推理能力。


数据表示(30-40%;三篇文章) :这些文章会有类似于科学刊物或者文章上的图表形式的呈现。这部分考题考察的是学生对这类形式的解读能力,比如对曲线图、散布图以及表格信息数据的解读诠释能力。 研究总结(45-55%; 三篇文章) :文章是一个或多个相关实验的描述。考题着重于考察的是学生对实验的设计能力以及对实验结果的诠释能力。

矛盾观点(15-20%; 一篇文章) :文章中会出现一些基于不同前提或者不完全数据的若干假设或者观点,这些假设和观点都意见相左。考题着重于考察学生对不同观点和假设的理解、分析以及比较能力。 Test Fact: ACT Science Passage Types

The content of the Science Test includes biology, chemistry, physics, and the Earth/space sciences (for example, geology, astronomy, and meteorology). Advanced knowledge in these subjects is not required, but background knowledge acquired in general, introductory science courses is needed to answer some of the

questions. The test emphasizes scientific reasoning skills over recall of scientific content, skill in mathematics, or reading ability.

The scientific information is conveyed in one of three different formats:

Data Representation (30-40%; three passages). This format presents graphic and tabular material similar to that found in science journals and texts. The questions associated with this format measure skills such as graph reading, interpretation of scatterplots, and interpretation of information presented in tables.

Research Summaries (45-55%; three passages). This format provides descriptions of one or more related experiments. The questions focus upon the design of experiments and the interpretation of experimental results. Conflicting Viewpoints (15-20%; one passage). This format presents expressions of several hypotheses or views that, being based on differing premises or on incomplete data, are inconsistent with one another. The questions focus on the understanding, analysis, and comparison of alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.


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