
The old man and the sea: prove of self-worth

This book is the famous American writer Hemingway's masterpiece. This book tells the story of a fisherman. In Cuba, an old man called Santiago for eighty-four days did not catch fish, at last he caught a big marlin, but this fish is too big, his boat dragged on for three days exhausted in the sea, was killed by him tied to the side of the boat. On the way home, he was attacked by a shark, and finally returned to harbor only with the fish tail and a spine. During the days that the old Santiago put out to sea, his great friends waiting faithfully by the sea, with full confidence to meet his return.

In the middle of the book, the author used a lot of space to describe the fish and the old man's feelings about the fish and the ocean, all reflect the old man's pursuit and love of a better life. The fishing process was so difficult, so it took courage and indomitable spirit, when he was exhausted, he would have to face a new struggle, and the struggle came to the old man one after another, finally the old man used wisdom and courage to repel each other. Life should always be full of hope and courage, seriously treat each encounter, and finally reap a reward of our own life.

Behind Hemingway's profound and subtle description, we often can feel a sense of emptiness, loneliness, longing for identity and self fulfillment. Behind Hemingway's real and profound description and ingenious story and fate, always reflect a truth: a life of loneliness and any kind of self realization of escape behavior, ultimately in vain. Don't let it happen before you regret it. We are the bearers of our hearts and the keepers of our energy. Without love, any kind of self will lead to tragedy. In this seemingly ordinary life, everything seemed to be not worth mentioning, our problem is not how to seek solace in solitude, but how to face our own truth, understand our true existence, it will not be lost. In all behind, hid mystery and endless beauty, this is the most simple and rich life.

But overall, the topic of this book is a "tough guy" spirit, he does not succumb to fate, no matter how extremely hard and bitter environment, he oppose life with his own

courage, perseverance and wisdom. Such an image of Santiago is a perfect expression of what the author said: “Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. ”

The old man and the sea: prove of self-worth

This book is the famous American writer Hemingway's masterpiece. This book tells the story of a fisherman. In Cuba, an old man called Santiago for eighty-four days did not catch fish, at last he caught a big marlin, but this fish is too big, his boat dragged on for three days exhausted in the sea, was killed by him tied to the side of the boat. On the way home, he was attacked by a shark, and finally returned to harbor only with the fish tail and a spine. During the days that the old Santiago put out to sea, his great friends waiting faithfully by the sea, with full confidence to meet his return.

In the middle of the book, the author used a lot of space to describe the fish and the old man's feelings about the fish and the ocean, all reflect the old man's pursuit and love of a better life. The fishing process was so difficult, so it took courage and indomitable spirit, when he was exhausted, he would have to face a new struggle, and the struggle came to the old man one after another, finally the old man used wisdom and courage to repel each other. Life should always be full of hope and courage, seriously treat each encounter, and finally reap a reward of our own life.

Behind Hemingway's profound and subtle description, we often can feel a sense of emptiness, loneliness, longing for identity and self fulfillment. Behind Hemingway's real and profound description and ingenious story and fate, always reflect a truth: a life of loneliness and any kind of self realization of escape behavior, ultimately in vain. Don't let it happen before you regret it. We are the bearers of our hearts and the keepers of our energy. Without love, any kind of self will lead to tragedy. In this seemingly ordinary life, everything seemed to be not worth mentioning, our problem is not how to seek solace in solitude, but how to face our own truth, understand our true existence, it will not be lost. In all behind, hid mystery and endless beauty, this is the most simple and rich life.

But overall, the topic of this book is a "tough guy" spirit, he does not succumb to fate, no matter how extremely hard and bitter environment, he oppose life with his own

courage, perseverance and wisdom. Such an image of Santiago is a perfect expression of what the author said: “Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. ”


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