英语中表示时间的短语 1

英语中表示时间的词语主要分为以下几类:时间点、时间段、动作发生的频度、动作或事件发生的先后。 一般可用单个副词来表示, 也可以用带有介词in、 at、on和for的短语来表示。 此外,一些不带介词的短语也可以用来表示动作(事件)发生(状态持续)的时间。一、单个副词表示时间1. 表示动作(事件)发生的时间这类副词常见的有:ago, before, lately, later (on), now, recently, then, today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday等。1) It’s beginning to rain now! (时间点) 现在开始下雨了!2) I haven’t seen her recently. (时间段) 最近我没见到她。3) Will you be free tonight? (时间段) 你今晚有空吗?4) See you later. (时间点) 回头见。2. 表示频度这类副词常见的有:always, constantly, continuously, continually, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, much, never, normally, occasionally(偶尔), often, periodically(定期地,偶尔), rarely, regularly, repeatedly, seldom(很少), sometimes, usually, now and then(偶尔,有时)等。   1) Tom is constantly changing her mind. (频度副词constantly)       2) They do meet now and then, but not regularly. (频度副词regularly)      3) Mary rarely left her room. (频度副词rarely)   3. 其他一些表示时间的副词主要有:already, early, finally, first, immediately, just, late, long, presently, shortly, since, soon, yet等。1) I’ll be back presently(shortly). 2) What decision did you finally arrive at? 3) Nancy was up early. 4) He has just had an operation. 二、前面带有介词in, at, on和for表示时间的短语1.泛指morning, in the past,in this period, in those days,in time等。 2. 带有介词on的时间短语(1).表示表示时间的名词短语”表示动作持续或状态存在的时间段:for ten seconds, for five minutes, for an hour, for two days,for six months, for a year,for a decade, for a whole century,for a long time, for a short while   1) On hearing the news, Helen stood there for ten seconds without saying a word.      2) I feel as if I had left school for a whole century.   三、不带介词的表示时间的短语just now, so far, last night, right away, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday,five days ago, five days before,this week, next week,a week ago, a week before, last month, next month,this year, next year, three months ago, this century,last century   1)The old couple haven’t heard from their son so far.       2) Susan will take the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow.     3) He said his father had died three years before. 句1)中的so far(到目前为止)是副词短语,表示到现在为止的时间段; 句2)中的the day after tomorrow(后天)表示事件将要发生的时间; 句3)中的three years before(三年前)表示过去某件事发生的时间,用于间接引语中。用来表示时间的短语:right now 现在,马上;   soon 很快,一会儿;   in a minute 立即,马上;   at the moment 此刻;   sooner or later 迟早;   shortly 不久,马上;   in the future 将来;   in a few days 过几天,几天之后;   the other day 不久前的某天,几天以前;   in the past 过去;   a long time ago很久以前   

英语中表示时间的词语主要分为以下几类:时间点、时间段、动作发生的频度、动作或事件发生的先后。 一般可用单个副词来表示, 也可以用带有介词in、 at、on和for的短语来表示。 此外,一些不带介词的短语也可以用来表示动作(事件)发生(状态持续)的时间。一、单个副词表示时间1. 表示动作(事件)发生的时间这类副词常见的有:ago, before, lately, later (on), now, recently, then, today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday等。1) It’s beginning to rain now! (时间点) 现在开始下雨了!2) I haven’t seen her recently. (时间段) 最近我没见到她。3) Will you be free tonight? (时间段) 你今晚有空吗?4) See you later. (时间点) 回头见。2. 表示频度这类副词常见的有:always, constantly, continuously, continually, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, much, never, normally, occasionally(偶尔), often, periodically(定期地,偶尔), rarely, regularly, repeatedly, seldom(很少), sometimes, usually, now and then(偶尔,有时)等。   1) Tom is constantly changing her mind. (频度副词constantly)       2) They do meet now and then, but not regularly. (频度副词regularly)      3) Mary rarely left her room. (频度副词rarely)   3. 其他一些表示时间的副词主要有:already, early, finally, first, immediately, just, late, long, presently, shortly, since, soon, yet等。1) I’ll be back presently(shortly). 2) What decision did you finally arrive at? 3) Nancy was up early. 4) He has just had an operation. 二、前面带有介词in, at, on和for表示时间的短语1.泛指morning, in the past,in this period, in those days,in time等。 2. 带有介词on的时间短语(1).表示表示时间的名词短语”表示动作持续或状态存在的时间段:for ten seconds, for five minutes, for an hour, for two days,for six months, for a year,for a decade, for a whole century,for a long time, for a short while   1) On hearing the news, Helen stood there for ten seconds without saying a word.      2) I feel as if I had left school for a whole century.   三、不带介词的表示时间的短语just now, so far, last night, right away, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday,five days ago, five days before,this week, next week,a week ago, a week before, last month, next month,this year, next year, three months ago, this century,last century   1)The old couple haven’t heard from their son so far.       2) Susan will take the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow.     3) He said his father had died three years before. 句1)中的so far(到目前为止)是副词短语,表示到现在为止的时间段; 句2)中的the day after tomorrow(后天)表示事件将要发生的时间; 句3)中的three years before(三年前)表示过去某件事发生的时间,用于间接引语中。用来表示时间的短语:right now 现在,马上;   soon 很快,一会儿;   in a minute 立即,马上;   at the moment 此刻;   sooner or later 迟早;   shortly 不久,马上;   in the future 将来;   in a few days 过几天,几天之后;   the other day 不久前的某天,几天以前;   in the past 过去;   a long time ago很久以前   


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