



( )1、A、My name is Qiqi. B、He is Qiqi. ( )2、A、Yes, I do. B、Yes, he does. ( )3、A、Yes, it is. B、It’s a mouse. ( )4、A、It’s six. B、It’s red. ( )5、A、Fine, thank you. B、How are you?


( )1、A、Does he have a bag? B、Does he have a pen? ( )2、A、 I have a mew friend. B、He is my mew friend. ( )3、A、Nice to meet you. B、Glad to meet you. ( )4、A、How are you? B、How old are you? ( )5、A、Do you have a ruler. B、Do you have a bike?



1、看起来像 2、一个新朋友 3、每天 4、写信 5、play with the computer 6、here it is 7、a clever girl

8、sing and dance




1、I a good friend. His name is Bingbing.

2、Li Ming a toy bike, but Wei Gang a toy dog. 3、——have.

3、Does Lulu a new pen? 4、They many apples.

5、We a colour TV in our home. 6、He a little brother.

7、She an English book in her hand.

8、 two hands. One is long. The other(另一个) is short.

9、Tom a toy bike.

10、Eve a new kite.

六、用do 、does 、don’t 、doesn’t填空

1、——she have a computer? ——No, she .

2、————Yes, it .

4、—— you have a beautiful dress? ——Yes, I .

5、——My mother doesn’t have shorts. I have them, either.


I have a new friend. Her name is Lulu. She is twelve years old.

We always talk on the computer. She is tall. She has to big eyes.

She likes drawing pictures. She is good at English. I like her very



( )1、Lulu is twelve years old. ( )2、Lulu has two small eyes. ( )3、Lulu is tall.

( )4、Lulu is good at Chinese. ( )5、We always talk on the telephone.




( )1、A、My name is Qiqi. B、He is Qiqi. ( )2、A、Yes, I do. B、Yes, he does. ( )3、A、Yes, it is. B、It’s a mouse. ( )4、A、It’s six. B、It’s red. ( )5、A、Fine, thank you. B、How are you?


( )1、A、Does he have a bag? B、Does he have a pen? ( )2、A、 I have a mew friend. B、He is my mew friend. ( )3、A、Nice to meet you. B、Glad to meet you. ( )4、A、How are you? B、How old are you? ( )5、A、Do you have a ruler. B、Do you have a bike?



1、看起来像 2、一个新朋友 3、每天 4、写信 5、play with the computer 6、here it is 7、a clever girl

8、sing and dance




1、I a good friend. His name is Bingbing.

2、Li Ming a toy bike, but Wei Gang a toy dog. 3、——have.

3、Does Lulu a new pen? 4、They many apples.

5、We a colour TV in our home. 6、He a little brother.

7、She an English book in her hand.

8、 two hands. One is long. The other(另一个) is short.

9、Tom a toy bike.

10、Eve a new kite.

六、用do 、does 、don’t 、doesn’t填空

1、——she have a computer? ——No, she .

2、————Yes, it .

4、—— you have a beautiful dress? ——Yes, I .

5、——My mother doesn’t have shorts. I have them, either.


I have a new friend. Her name is Lulu. She is twelve years old.

We always talk on the computer. She is tall. She has to big eyes.

She likes drawing pictures. She is good at English. I like her very



( )1、Lulu is twelve years old. ( )2、Lulu has two small eyes. ( )3、Lulu is tall.

( )4、Lulu is good at Chinese. ( )5、We always talk on the telephone.


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